I personally think that the Holocaust cannot be rationally denied. However, I would read those who call it a myth if I had a reason to research the matter. In my time I have read a lot of material I do not agree with.
Watch either video that I posted. It takes just a small amount of your time and gives you many reasons why the "6 million murdered Jews" story is a myth. I personally like the first video because it is made by a Jew and it asks questions rather than pushing a conclusion onto you, although it leaves only one possible conclusion....
I do not wish to trawl around finding where you have posted things before. I'm quite new to the forum. However, could you concisely state the thing that most struck you to make you consider it a myth rather than real?
There was just too much that didn't make any sense. Was the mass murder of the Jews something everyone knew about or something only a handful of people were aware of? Was it a plan that was graduately set in motion ever since 1933, was it decided at the Wannsee Conference or did it just take place spontaneously without any plan at all? Do thousands of documents prove the genocidal plan or is there no evidence left because the "nazis" burned all the evidence? Different historians contradict one another on all of these aspects. Also, why did the Germans destroy every evidence of gassing victims but did they leave piles of bodies of typhus and starvation victims just waiting to be found by the allies at Dachau and Bergen-Belsen (confirmed as typhus and starvation victims by autopsies)? etc. etc.
So I did my research and came to the shocking conclusion that lost of what I had learnt about the so-called "Holocaust" was a fabrication.
I hope I am not asking you to repeat yourself
Obviously, I've discussed this topic myriads of times before