My mom caused most of it, her and that god damn bipolar disorder. She has a type of depression where she does bad things to herself to distract herself from her depression, and it happens on a subconscienous level. Marrying unstable people which was the start of everything. I did not talk much in school because of the trauma I experience during my mom's relationships. I herd abuse, (my mom got fucked with a cracked pelvis by her husband) witnessed verbal abuse (mom seriously abusing unstable husband), and saw my step dad beat my brother and sister when they were bad. This guy scared me because I could sense is unstability, and I was a good kid and never got beating. He purposed grueling punishments, like holding buckets of water out infront of you until he said put them down. I remember my sister getting excessive groundings from that bastard, and she physically fought with the bastard one time. That was only the step dad, and my biological dad is alot more mellowed out. He did however point a shotgun at my mom's head, and as kids we worked hard to hold him back. There is debate as to if the shotgun had bullets in it, but knowing how I act I doubt it did. I like to scare and not do anything at all. I bet my mom drove him nuts to. Unlike him, I know what I am doing. I have been to therapist who taught me about how to not get into arguements and stuff, and I use this on my girlfriend who thinks its wonderful. We don't get into heated fights or arguements because I know how to use my mouth. I know a little more about that kind of thing than the average person now. I think I would make a good peacemaker, and so a helping career is appropiate. Having being dxed with cancer was traumatizing, and then being told you had only so long to live. Getting made fun of in school over and over again was also traumatizing, and I would get physical things done to me to. My bike has been trashed, notebooks taken when I left the room, alligator clips on my ear ( That was in technology class), physical fights, and things like that in general.