For those of you who didn't already know, the Old Testament (Tanach or whatever) is a pagerism of the Ugartic Texts.
Yeah, the Jews are so fucking cheap they can't even make up their own gods.
But then... Christianity stole from them, and it goes on, even to this day with all these cults.
But it would be interesting to map out all religious references to find a common origin. According to certain mythological archetypes that exist in religions all over the world; it provides some evidence that all religions could have emerged from one source. Now that would be an interesting revelation, to find the first religious text/cave painting ever written/drawn and it contains all the archetypes in it.
Before Christainity here, the Indigenous folk believed in the rainbow serpent, and there is one fellow I know whose name translates as this:
"And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up" John 3:14
The fella is a Torres Strait Islander who is not Christian, and claims Paganism. As his people were here before the Christians, their beliefs go back to around 40,000 years, back to the Dreamtime.