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Games / Re: How well did you sleep last night?
« Last post by Genesis on Today at 07:54:07 AM »
I slept okay... just wished I didn't feel so weird
Games / Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Last post by Genesis on Today at 07:53:04 AM »
Woke up from a dream that had Captain Pike being afraid of a guy named Bateman... only I don't know if it's the Bateman from American Psycho or someone who I completely made up.
What's your crime? Basic Discussion / Re: Doing me a contemplate
« Last post by renaeden on Yesterday at 09:26:39 PM »
That's got me stumped. I don't know if they'll accept owl gloves you didn't buy with the fox gloves. Maybe they will if the other owl gloves you're returning are in pristine condition (not worn and still in packaging).

They're quite a find. :)
Games / Re: What is the Weather like where You Live?
« Last post by renaeden on Yesterday at 09:20:09 PM »
17.5°C and partly cloudy at 11:20am. We had a fairy big storm last night with 30mm of rain.
Games / Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Last post by renaeden on Yesterday at 09:14:56 PM »
I had two eggs on buttered bread this morning, prepared by Kayleigh.

Two of my uncles have been in the air force. And my pop who has passed away, fought in WW2. He had significant PTSD.

And now my nephew is in the Infantry Corps in the Australian Army. I hope he will be ok.
Games / Re: What are you gonna do tomorrow
« Last post by renaeden on Yesterday at 09:06:03 PM »
It's a long weekend here.

I'm meant to go walking with an old friend but the weather might decide otherwise.
Our walk is put ahead by a day. Hopefully we won't get rained on.
Games / Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Last post by Genesis on Yesterday at 08:34:38 PM »
*yawn* I'm annoyed with people (stupid people that is)
Games / Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Last post by DirtDawg on Yesterday at 07:17:44 PM »
I brought home ...

... a lot more cool stuff.

It wasn't all vets, but the conversation was begun a few times.
One neighbor, after over hearing our tiny intro to each other, asked when she lost her cousin and that she had lost an uncle.
The meaning of the Day, right in front of me.

That's the only one Memorial moment I can witness, but it felt good.

I bought a few chisels from her. She didn't know what they were.

Bunch more old man stuff.  Getting heavy.
I'll post more than you want me to, soon.

Games / Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Last post by DirtDawg on Yesterday at 06:56:04 PM »
I did my Saturday housework and vacuumed the cars. :hadron:

I should be so strong!
House and yard work, with full staff, even management help, was accomplished.

It's that car thing that I forgot.
Believe me, a quick blast from my compressor hose would have worked miracles.
Just as I got it almost drug out to the car, rain. Then more rain.

My "Lucille, Too" could have used a little more love.

Games / Re: Last person to post wins!
« Last post by Gopher Gary on Yesterday at 06:45:16 PM »
Tell me you weren't  ::) at John Petrucci.

Do it now!


He posted a video, and then you posted an eye rolling smiley, so he asked if the eye rolling smiley was directed toward the guy in his video.  :orly:
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