Two grams of ching, a synthetic 'research chemical' DARI. 500mg of the thienyl anaog of n-methylamphetamine, where the thienyl ring replaces Ph in the structure. I think I prefer the ethylphenidate is superior to the meth analog.
As its Xmas, figured I had to have everything just go well, and fall into place as rapidly and wholly as possible. Just postwhoring a little, checking the email, reading on the cland. chem. and bio-punk fora, whilst I drink a few cold bottles of Beck's lager, and fly along with the ethyl-ritalin and oxy speedball
MMmmmmmm fuck that was good. Loaded up an oxy 80, and a couple hundred mg of the ethylphenidate, and just to top it off, a small but functional bump of methiopropamine, the meth analog on top, like a cherry on a cake
What a rush....surprised me, when I got a real, full blown bell ringer (A bellringer is the effect that is almost exclusive to cocaine use, intravenously is the only really highly prone to doing it. A feeling of stillness, almost like the ambience in the room paused for a moment, to directly stare at the using person getting the bellringer.
As though a tubular area surrounding the user, still, silent even when there is loud metal music being played at the time, one can hear, but its like the things heard are a few seconds out of phase with the rest of meatworld, which produces some odd auditory and proprioceptive effects.
Along with, the entire reason for the term 'bell ringer', that is a medium,to very slighty high pitch, ringing in the ears. A bellringer on coke or other DARIs that sometimes do it means you know you just had a good big fat fuck of a shot, that it 'hit the spot', so you can just sit down or lie down and relax, music blasting, cold beer in hand, going downstairs for a rollup in the kitchen, after I've first got off my ass and packed a bong rapid times.
Also bought: 3g each of two smoking blends, one based on a mixture of AKB-48 and 5-fluoropentyl-AKB-48 and the other based upon some adamantanoyl-substituted derivatives of APINACA, 1x350mg dose of n-ethyl-5-APB, some liquorice gums, bonbons and other candy.
Xmas dinner is ready now
Looking forward to the stilton cheese in particular, I LOVE stilton.