Or better still don't buy any herbs and roots for a month and entertain a lady who has sex for money.
I thought that you did not approve of the exchange of sex for money, Sir Les.
That is OK I don't approve of Randy either, but....."necessary evil"?
If anyone needs to it is him.
People often say that about virgin guys, but I wonder if they would decide that they like sex so much that they spend all their money on prostitutes.
No it is not so much that. Randy spends half his allowance on all this ginseng and ginger (which seems to do nothing but play a part in feeding his wanking obsession). The other things of importance in his flat are dirty mags, a cat , some lube and a sex toy. (If I went my whole life without knowing that I would be so much better for the ignorance).
So between the two alternatives.....