You have curious sense of "us and them" Benji
Has anyone uttered a word why Muslims might be 'prejudiced' against non-Muslims? Does anyone actually think they hate us 'becozzz werrr freeee'? We've been destroying the Middle East for decades, blocking democracy and supporting brutal regimes as well as stealing their resources and blowing them up. But when we do it, we don't call it terrorism. Does anyone actually believe the narrative that we went into Afghanistan to 'liberate women', to find Bin Laden and knock out Al Qaeda and the Taliban? When the US supported Jihadists in the 80's that threw acid into women's faces, they never charged Bin Laden with 9/11 and the US supports Al Qaeda. Or went into Iraq because Saddam had connections with Al Qaeda, and because he was a horrible person and because we love democracy so much? When this was all a lie spewed out from Israeli intelligence, and we supported Saddam through his worst crimes.
Did anyone think it would be a good idea to flood the West with people from the Middle East while we destroyed the Middle East?
I added the bold, to show how you clearly identify yourself as one of the people who did these things.
But then you say
The establishment have done this intentionally, they're not that stupid. They want people to support their wars against the Muslim world and support Israel.
And now suddenly you are dissociating yourself from the people who did these things. It wasn't you, it was "the establishment",
I'm not really specifically picking on you here, Benji. The way yopu're talking is utterly typical of the way we English people tallk about things like this. We don't feel we ever got a say regarding Britain's role in the Middle East, There have been no refererundums, Protersts have simply been ignored. Amnd , given a choice between one rifght -wing party and another, a lot of British people don;t even feel they get a vote worth squat. And you can add to that the growing feeling that politicians are relatively powerless any way: policies are tailored to suit the interests of Big industry and the super Rich.
So, on the one hand , we quite naturally share in the burden of guilt for out Government's actions, whilst , on the other hand feling that it really has nothing to do with us; we're just another bunch pawns in whatever kind of power-game is going on.
I don't claim to know exactly who the powers-that-be really are, nor exactly what their agenda really is, besides making the entirely logical assumption that wealth is a very strong factor in defining both . We all know that "wealth is power" don't we? And for myself, i think we're dangerously close to a situation where wealth is only power left in the world.
Any rehetoric that basically serves to blames the poor and pwerless is at best a red herring, and at worst an attempt to dehumanise some population groups, and thus justify the next batch of atrocities .
So, I think that insofar as we identify we with the poor and powerless of the world, we need to adopt a mindset and rhetoric that reflects that; a quite different concept of "us and them" than the usual bollocks. Such a concept would put the average poor white Brit in the same group as the average poor Muslim. Just that initself, might ease some of the prejudice and mutual antagonism, of course. But the main point of it would be to clarify our thinking, and sharpen our analysis.
As the SJWs never tire of pointing out, our habits of language can actually have a profound affect upon our thinking . Let's not let our loathing for the SJws blind us to the truths they sometimnes get hold of. We ned to think about how the language we use, and the language that the press and politicians use m encapsulates and deepens our prejudices...and sometimes our guilt and self-loathing too. Not with an agenda of blaming ourselves, but rather of mentally liberating ourselves., because it's pointless and silly, and often destructive, joining in the blame game.
Personally I think the assumption that the vast majority of people are innocent is both more accurate and more powerful. We need to start using language in a way that reflects that.
Also, I really I do believe there's a problem with Islam. The rhetoric of Islam is being used to desttructive purposes. But every time I (or anybody else ) says something like that , we;re jumped on , and( metaphorically) beaten up, bound and gagged by a bunch of howling SJWs , all repeating the mantra that "You casn't blame Muslim peope for Muslim atrocities". Not that I ever, actually have actually blamed the Muslim people. iIve blamed "Islam" (hypothetically) at most. But that response seems to have become an universally accepted straw man. One that people actually believe in.
Clearly , i also believe that our more familiar Western rhetoric is being used to destructive purposes. It's relatively OK to voice that idea, (cos you're supposedly blaming the "white man" now. Valid target) until you actually challenge the more destructive and divisive aspects , eg as above.
I don't believe we can usefully seperate out the Islam problem from these other issues.
And I do believe it's silly (and again destructive) to attack other people on the grounds that they're "prejudiced" . All humabn beings are prejudiced, in obe way or another. if you make "prejudice " itself into sin, then you only discourage the kind of self-reflection that enables people to identify, and escape their prejudices . There's a very real prejudice against poor whites , these dauys , that's every bit as destructive, potentially, asd all the usual prejudices that the SJWs bang on about. Actually, it's all the more dangeropus at present for rarely being identified as "prejudice" but rather largely accepted as fact.
I said on one thread that "disabled people are the new Jews" in Britain and that was instantly disnmissed as nonsense. I could have gone on to present some really convincing and really shocking evidence to the effect that disabled people are the victims of a systematic prop[aganda campaig n on the part of the British Giovernmeb=nt and Britaish Media to dehumanise benefits claimants , followed by a series of human rights abuses that has actually led to multiple deaths ...but my usual problems with being a disabled spazz intervened there so I never followed up (maybe somebody else here will collate and present that evidence? cos I don't trust myself to ever get around to it at that rate)
Still, that
was a bit of hyperbole. We;re clearly not the
only jews, not by a long chalk, and they haven't built the death camps yet (probably no ned, we concveniently suicide, usually) but it's really not hard to justify to justify that that statement,to peoplwe who are willing to entertain that notion (which is not that many, as yet, admittedly). The main problem is that most disabled people in Britain are white native Brits , of course , which means of course we're not the victims of prejudie, we're the evil disseminators of prejudice instead. No, no, no, no that idea makes us
doubly the victims of prejudice in reality. Heck, it really is time to change the record, change the dialogue
*gets down off soapbox*