I would be so in to that.
Funny, if my gran hadn't been very ill when my parents got married, I would have been a Canadian girl. So it would even have been possible.
But, yes. Would love it. There's the comfort of not having to explain part of the struggle. There's the relief of someone getting it. And someone happy to take over for a while.
And like Phoenix, I'd love to take care of the cub so that you would have some time to recuperate without having to be on alert for the wee one.
I know I crave those moments. They've been way to rare here. Things are not going well. But even just two hours alone in a month makes a massive difference.
No matter what I do with that time, take a nap, blast my music, rummage through stuff to find something, whatever. The comfort of the certainty of no appeal to me and no need to hold back on sound or movement for a few hours in my own space is very wholesome.
Those few hours make me enjoy the great things of parenting after it more too.