That's a very private question, Lit, so I don't really want to answer it here. However, if you have followed I2 for a while, you should know a bit about (some of) my particular difficulties.
But remember what they say? If you've met one aspie, you've met just that, one aspie.
Only one, in fact.
I don't blame you for not answering fully. What a presumptuous question, indeed.
I have mentioned a few of the big things (and some culminations of smaller things), but I will not talk about the things that are almost too small to find, which have played "make or break" on me every single day I have lived. Those are mine.
Still, as for me, a lot of it is there if people want to know what kind of problems I have. Not that I'll ever understand why they would want to know...
It's almost funny, you know. I would much rather have done without most of the stuff my dx brought. It's bizarre that some would question what I am solely based on what I avoid retelling here.
I have mostly given up finding peer.
That is a large part of the reason I came here. Yeah, I was bored, but hoping that something would "click" in some way with others.
Fucking romantic, still, I am.