For me, creativity is stimulated through just about anything so there isn't usually a void, unless I'm so tired or sick or stressed that I'm unable to do anything. Most of the time it's the other way around, I have too much creative energy and not enough time to do something with it.
BUT when I want to focus my creativity for a certain purpose - such as designing a costume or developing a character for a story, I submerg myself in my inspiration, gathering as much resource material as I can stand and soak it all in - then I let it simmer and I rest. At some point I feel wrestless and do some brain storming or sketching - playing around with ideas that are forming to see if they'll work... this is usually where I get warmed up and stretched - then as the ideas are coming out of me, the sparks start to fly and I produce something.
I definately work best as a sprinter when it comes to creativity... I do a lot in a little bit of time, usually forgetting to eat and being bothered to do anything else, then I collapse.
I imagine the second question refers to how I got to I2, rather than this planet?
Peter invited me...