Finish schooling and become a fully licensed psychologist, then work as a therapist, not sure what area yet. Get a job as a therapist, and continue going to school to also get a job working part time at teaching(college level i'd wager). Also I will begin learning several languages at this time. And then later, if i have the time and money, just get education on my various interests, to further my hobbies. When I get licensed as a psychologist and have certifications to teach, I will start seriously looking for a mate. I figure that pretty much anywhere in the world, I can get a job as a therapist or a teacher, and with the languages I learn I will be able to go anywhere(or at least many more places) if necessary to find my mate.
I'd like children, but with all of mine and my mates pursuits, we probably won't have time for it, if we do, i'd like to have them, if we don't, i'll let my students and my books be my children.
If it gets to the point where I am actually unbusy enough to retire I will, but I'd like to think I will be able to teach and learn for the rest of my life. Then i'll die.
I'd prefer to at least be with my mate for 30 years or so before I die, but i'm flexible.
My kitty is doing spifftacular. He's all like, "I'm a kitty, and I shall steal the heat from your body under the pretense of affection! Ha ha ha!" He's so cuuuuute!