Come up with something new, will ya.
Sure. Just stop being such a FUCKING BABY
(notice - everything involving you devolves into this kind of conversation. Not everything
involving me, Scrap, Al, any other admin here ever....
That should be a clue as to where the problem is - assuming you've been too fucking
dense, wrapped up in your own warm diapers, to notice)
Straw man after straw man after straw man. Change the fucking record already.
No straw man. Just observations.
Ones anyone can see.
A lie isn't any less of a lie if you repeat it.
Nor does something become one, if the FUCKING BABY pretends it is.
Do you REALLY believe that changing people's words, obfuscating what they say, and relegating
their speech to specific, out of the way corners of the site, based upon your personal opinion alone,
when they are raising issues about how you've administrated the site is NOT an abuse of power?
Because, you haven't ever stated that, AFAIK.
There are other examples, but I'd be right curious about the mind that can do such things.