Genesis, how did you break your leg? How is your leg now? Sorry if you have already explained this.
2013 I was on my way to meet up with my mother at Church. I slipped on the sidewalk near an AA place, and a Barber shop near my house. I heard a pop in my ankle, and I didn't know what to do. It was winter at the time, and I couldn't stand up after I fell. I slipped on Ice, and when I got to the ER, they said I had a spiral fracture within my tibia.
They placed a plate and 8 screws in the leg holding it together, yet while I was recuperating, I kept getting swollen in the ankle of the leg I broke.
They were against the idea of removing the plate, and screws... saying I would be worse without them. I'm only slightly better, yet I still have irrational fears of slipping on Ice, with my leg reacting to the cold chills of the Chicago weather. (Old man Arthur probably came to me too early than expected)