I do tend to be pro control and will readily agree that Michael Moore did more to convince me than did Charlton Heston,
Did Michael Moore also influence your opinion on 9/11??
chogh, cough... the guy is a hack and a liar.
9/11 itself or George W? He did little to change my views re the former and merely confirmed what I already thought of the latter. It was a good film but didn't have the power of Bowling for Columbine.
Had power in the same sense that Triumph of the Will had power??
and yes, the comparison is fair, they're both propoganda films.
Not saying it isn't. It does make a compelling case, though. And yes, that is indeed what I mean. It's a very good film. It's well made, it's well written and it has a very clear message.
Moore's 9/11 film was not bad but it lacked the drive that Columbine had.
Want to share with the class what you think he lied about and where?
I see controversy. I see accusations and Moore's replies. I can understand that his opinions are controversial and not everyone will agree, but if you are to call him a liar, I do think you need more than a Wikipedia overview.
Although my guess is that if you provide a Hitchens quote and I counter with a Moore reply, none of us will be the wiser.
Heston's feelings were hurt by the ending and Locheed tried to downplay what they do? Free rifle for a new bank account sequence was compressed? Yes it was, but that's not the point. It never was. You have to do better.
The film is, as you say, a propaganda film, and a wildly successful one at that. It is very well made and it convinces. That's the whole point. It may not be to your liking but it's a bit simplistic to dismiss Moore as a hack and a liar. He is neither.
It's been years since I've seen Bowling for Columbine and after that steaming pile of shit I couldn't be arsed into watching anything he directed. I'd have to endure the torture of watching it again to pick it apart, point by point.
If you were able to pick it apart, point by point, others would have, too, and it would all be out there. There is a controversy and there always was, but it's not as easy as that. You may not like it but it is not fiction.