What do you know of the mystical properties of urine?
Own feelings only, not canned stuff I can pull off wiki.
Uroccultism is not exactly my area of curiousity. I am more studied in its chemistry and benefits to plant life all of which can be found on wiki. I really can't help, but you have rung a bell or two in my mind. I can remember meeting a village of Yacquis who would not fish waters until a certain elder woman waded in to pee first. The fishing was always good after she "went" but patchy if she was not available.
You have me wondering, though. If I practiced Uralchemy, would I be looking to turn some into gold? Shouldn't be too difficult, since it's already kind of yellow.
Or should I try Urology? Hmmm... don't think a career of tasting unknown urine suits me. I would rather choose the source. Uromancy? I think that's more African, than American Indian, really. Urizardry? That one should be included in a best selling book, with Hoary Pooter as the main character, don't you think? Urovoyance? Knowing when those around you are about to pee? Could be useful, I suppose. Paraurysticism? A modern perversion of an ancient study of the Urodynamics of the Uriniverse, maybe?
Would a Urexorcism include drawing forth unwelcome urine, without its abiding?
You got me on this one, pal.
Maybe you should consult the Uracle, before you open Urandora's box.