Sensitivity issues make me always hang socks by the top, not by the toes.
Hanging trousers from the waistband makes that often ironing is not necessary. Hanging them from the pipes does make ironing a must.
Lines cleaning, yes, that cloth used for that would get really dirty. Clothes pegs had to go inside, because on the line, in the weather, they'd become mouldy, and dark with fungus.
Not hanging a shirt by the shoulders is an ironing wisdom. It's a bugger to get the shoulders right, when they have been hanged wrong.
I'm on the spectrum. I need to hang my washing sorted. Or my head will spin. That that makes me appear old-fashioned, so be it. It just has to look good.
Sheets on the outside, I still do that most of the times. They dry the fastest that way. And I love my sheets back on the bed in the evening.
I do wash every day of the week I want though. Not doing the white washing first on Monday, and then the dark washing after that, in the same water, but, cooled down, as it used to be, way, way back.
Unmentionables, about 60 years back, consisted of cloth sanitary towels too. Nosy neighbours could find out by watching the washing line whether someone was overdue with her period. Washing lines were priceless to get gossip going.
I do feel really old now though, reading the post above, because,.....
I remember the clothesline of my Grandmother, she did have the line where you didn't use clothes pegs. You had to hang the washing by twisting open a rope, and then let the twist get back into the rope, with a tip of the washing squeezed in between.