yesterday night, i dipped into nightmare realm
where i was trying to sleep - in the dream - and got filled with rythmic waves of "some evil presence" accompanied by a strong, deep noise, and a sensation of "windy hands" moving downwards, pulsating, under my blanket, and a smooth, sexy female voice telling me not to worry(oh, i worried)
i woke up exhaling forcefully through my tightened lips "fuuuu! fuuuuu!"
tonight i dreamt i was in a militia, and we were engaging enemies (other norwegians) in the forest. one of our own decided to shoot at toddlers, so we beat him up, then took him home to a friend of mine, where i grew up (my dreams often take me back to that neighborhood), and we kept beating on him, discussing how to proceed further. we mostly aggreed to lock him in the basement, and starve him to death :I