Start here => Free For ALL => Topic started by: midlifeaspie on October 05, 2011, 11:06:11 AM

Title: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: midlifeaspie on October 05, 2011, 11:06:11 AM
A sphinctersayswhat?


Well, you'd know all about that, seeing as you're full of shit.

Consider yourself ignored.

Consider yourself ignored, dickhead.

As you have nothing useful to say, saves my time reading your pathetic drivel.

MLA: I no longer am interested in reading your bullshit.

Consider yourself ignored.

If people like MLA, Scrap and Butterflies want to tell people how to post, and what to post, they can get their own fucking forum. They neither own the  site or the community, so they have no authority to tell me or anyone else what to do. Therefore, until they form their own forum, they will be ignored and I won't have to read any of the mindless bullshit they post.

There are at least four of us in the club now.  Let's all talk about him here where he won't ever see what we are saying as we are "ignored"  :autism:

Then let's take bets on how long before he responds despite the fact that he can't see our posts.  ;)
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: midlifeaspie on October 05, 2011, 11:13:30 AM
Let's start by compiling some of the really dumb shit he says.  This one is classic as it combines a feigned knowledge of something legal with his obsession with Alex.  It's a twofer:

Alex and his lawyer dad better bbe prepared for heaps of suits, as banning members for holding accounts at other fora would go against America's 1st amendment right to free speech and freedom of expression. Surely he knows this.

 :LMAO: :rofl:

Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: midlifeaspie on October 05, 2011, 11:17:06 AM
Jimmy Hopkins   11:14:08 AM   Viewing the topic  Post here if TCO is ignoring you.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'Butterflies' on October 05, 2011, 11:22:51 AM
4 of us?
I thought it was me you and Scrappy. This is like Richards ignoring spree where he ended up ignoring himself and then blaming Callaway.

I just think he's a retarded coward.

I was trying to find the quote where he said that he would beat up a male WP mod, but I cant find it. It made me laugh because we all know Steve wouldn't say boo to a man unless he was in a wheelchaair or over 90 years old.

Now, if it had been a female mod, I might have believed his threat.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'Butterflies' on October 05, 2011, 11:34:13 AM
This is a good example of his fucktardedness. All of his posts in that thread are.

Well, better than being a stoned fucking idiot who can't remember which shoe to put on after a couple of joints.

Fuck, the more these cunts kill themselves with this shit, the funnier it gets.

Imagine being a morgue attendant: Another drug death. Just throw it over in the corner. We're doing mass burials for these 'tards now. Can't cremate them, cos we can't stand the risk of the rest of the country getting stoned.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 05, 2011, 11:55:50 AM
Looking through his old posts, it seems TCO has a history of threatening women with violence  :zombiefuck:

Got into a similar situation back in 2000 with some booris who had pinched some of my fiance's daughter's gear. They came round to have a go, and we told them to get fucked. The boori woman got in and I went toe to toe and threatened to throw her down the stairs. She went, and the cops got them later on. Never got the stuff back. Found out later on her cousin killed himself in the lockup at Wolgert in NSW.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'Butterflies' on October 05, 2011, 12:05:07 PM
Looking through his old posts, it seems TCO has a history of threatening women with violence  :zombiefuck:

Got into a similar situation back in 2000 with some booris who had pinched some of my fiance's daughter's gear. They came round to have a go, and we told them to get fucked. The boori woman got in and I went toe to toe and threatened to throw her down the stairs. She went, and the cops got them later on. Never got the stuff back. Found out later on her cousin killed himself in the lockup at Wolgert in NSW.

Thats actually quite disturbing. He doesn't even seem to be in meltdown mode when he wrote that.

He has some pretty upsetting views about violence towards women and children.

I remember his argument about smacking children. There isn't one rational person who could possibly believe that someone like Steve should ever be allowed to exercise corporal punishment against a child. He simply lacks the judgement, and if his behaviour here is anything to go by, he also lacks restraint.

I'm not saying this because I dislike him. I genuinely think he is a serious danger to women, children, and anyone he believes he could beat up.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 05, 2011, 12:12:19 PM
Another interesting post:

Personally, I think what the Nazis did was obscene BUT the fucking thing was an exaggeration. The 6 million figure only works if you include the gypsies and well as all the Russian Jews and the other non-persons sent to the death camps. There is no fucking way there could have been that many Jews alone killed off when you consider the population of Australia in WWII was around 7.5 million. It's all propaganda put forward by that Wiesenthal idiot, who had probably only heard about the death camps through the newspapers anyway. Who gives a shit now, anyway, It's 2008, move on.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: midlifeaspie on October 05, 2011, 12:23:43 PM
Another interesting post:

Personally, I think what the Nazis did was obscene BUT the fucking thing was an exaggeration. The 6 million figure only works if you include the gypsies and well as all the Russian Jews and the other non-persons sent to the death camps. There is no fucking way there could have been that many Jews alone killed off when you consider the population of Australia in WWII was around 7.5 million. It's all propaganda put forward by that Wiesenthal idiot, who had probably only heard about the death camps through the newspapers anyway. Who gives a shit now, anyway, It's 2008, move on.

Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 05, 2011, 12:41:47 PM
Bit of background reading:,9787.0.html (,9787.0.html)
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: midlifeaspie on October 05, 2011, 12:49:59 PM
A)  I'm surprised that he actually responded to a callout and...
B)  I see his MO hasn't changed even a little in 4 years.

Off to read the whole thing
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 05, 2011, 01:00:03 PM
Okay. This whole stupid saga with Kosmo started because he took karma points off me for the most stupid and pissweak reasons. If somebody wants to take karma off me I expect to see proper reasons - not mindless drivel. I had good karma just a few days ago - now I have next to nothing and it sucks hippo poop big time!!! :headbang2:

Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: midlifeaspie on October 05, 2011, 01:01:40 PM
4 of us?
I thought it was me you and Scrappy.

Kosmo: ignore mod, mate, so tell it to the mountain.

Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 05, 2011, 01:03:56 PM
B)  I see his MO hasn't changed even a little in 4 years.

Nope, not at all:

Dirtdawg, you are a liar and a cunt. He said if I wanted to upset him I should mention his dead daughter, So I did. He hasn't got one, shit for brains. Get your facts right, you nasty cumbucket.

Alex, you weasel; you stick up for this unintelligent gimp who just enjoys getting a rise out of others and who hasn't got the balls to say what his REAL problem is. Go fuck yourself as well, cuntrag.

Callaway, I respected you, but if you fall for their shit and side with this tosser, then more fucking fool you. And that goes for the rest of you.

Ozy: I posted stuff about them COS i WAS FUCKING BANNED AND i HATE THE FUCKING PLACE! Are you aspies so fucking dense? I wouldn't go back if a herd of wild horses dragged me. They are whiny losers, and can all fuck themselves

Sir Les - at least you could have backed me up. Talk to you later if you want.

Really, this site is a poxy interpretation of a forum, and is just a pissweak representation of a group of dickheads scoring points. I want nothing to do with a bunch of losers who just whine and moan, so you can fuck off.

I still remember the first "argument" I had with him, a couple years ago.  I'll see if I can dig it up.  It was quite hilarious.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: midlifeaspie on October 05, 2011, 01:08:11 PM
Banned from WP for 4 years and still obsessing about it and Alex on a daily basis.   :hahaha:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Scrapheap on October 05, 2011, 01:10:33 PM
4 of us?
I thought it was me you and Scrappy.

Kosmo: ignore mod, mate, so tell it to the mountain.


Kosmonaut hasn't posted here in ages.

Did he get banned or something? or am I thinking of someone else??
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'Butterflies' on October 05, 2011, 01:11:20 PM
Another interesting post:

Personally, I think what the Nazis did was obscene BUT the fucking thing was an exaggeration. The 6 million figure only works if you include the gypsies and well as all the Russian Jews and the other non-persons sent to the death camps. There is no fucking way there could have been that many Jews alone killed off when you consider the population of Australia in WWII was around 7.5 million. It's all propaganda put forward by that Wiesenthal idiot, who had probably only heard about the death camps through the newspapers anyway. Who gives a shit now, anyway, It's 2008, move on.

Sounds a bit like a holocaust denier to me. Maybe he's using the same maths to work out how many Jews died, as he used to decide fossil fuels are a renewable energy source :facepalm2:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: midlifeaspie on October 05, 2011, 01:13:19 PM
4 of us?
I thought it was me you and Scrappy.

Kosmo: ignore mod, mate, so tell it to the mountain.


Kosmonaut hasn't posted here in ages.

Did he get banned or something? or am I thinking of someone else??

I dunno.  Never knew him.  Just came across that post and I am sure there are several others he is "ignoring".
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Scrapheap on October 05, 2011, 01:15:36 PM
B)  I see his MO hasn't changed even a little in 4 years.

That is why I dub TCO the Sisyphus of morons.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 05, 2011, 01:35:25 PM,9928.0.html (,9928.0.html)

TCO vs. everyone.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: midlifeaspie on October 05, 2011, 01:43:22 PM
Given you have shit on the face, and sleep with it, that makes us even. Does she squeal when you fuck her from behind? Or does she just grunt like every other hog.

Have you seen the little piggies rolling in the dirt
all for dunc's feral kiddies life is getting worse
a bushpig for a wife to smack their arses......

Attacking people's kids

Have you seen your psychiatrist yet? You need to take your meds and calm down. You are making an even bigger moron out of yourself than you look. Teach you to marry a bushpig with no charm, I guess.

And after the make up sex I'd need a dose pf penicillint to get rid of the syphs you'd have given me, you diseased fuck.

More chicken and whine, dunc style.

Attacking someone's wife.

Poor little Kosmo. Pass him some hankies, he's gonna cry. Or a gun, so he can finish the fucking thing properly. Hey cunt, do a youtube of your suicide. Could be the best one yet.

Telling people to commit suicide x at least 6 so far.

Absolutely the fucking same.  This could have been last week.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: midlifeaspie on October 05, 2011, 01:46:03 PM
Binty, do you remember the fight that led to his quitting the time before the time before last?  (The time before I joined)

I remember reading it and thinking it was hilarious, but can't remember the topic.  Something where he came down on the wrong side of science and fact and refused to admit he was wrong and blah, blah, blah.......
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 05, 2011, 01:50:12 PM
Perrsonally the whole I2 spirit is fucked anyway. Shorter paragraphs eh? Can't you fucktards read anything longer than two sentences? I've heard Aspies had shit attention spans; obviously that proves it. I write what i fucking feel like, and if you can't take it, go form a line behind the nearest wall and bash your fucking heads against it, you fucking sooks. Superior minds, bullshit. Superior nothing. I piss on all this crap about how you arseholes are so much better than everyone else. Society already thinks you are a bunch of losers and dorks, try proving them wrong by NOT setting yourselves above them. Given that so called intellect, I'm sure that you could have worked it out. Obviously by the state of this forum, you've all proved what nonces you really are. You cunts really do belong on WrongPlanet, because Earth and society in general are never going to be your speed.

^This was another thing he used to do if he felt he was being "ganged up on".

Binty, do you remember the fight that led to his quitting the time before the time before last?  (The time before I joined)

I remember reading it and thinking it was hilarious, but can't remember the topic.  Something where he came down on the wrong side of science and fact and refused to admit he was wrong and blah, blah, blah.......

I can't remember; not sure if I was around regularly then.  I'll probably find it though.  Still looking for the argument I had with him way back in 2009.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: midlifeaspie on October 05, 2011, 01:57:09 PM
I almost forgot about when he called out Jack.,18038.msg791466.html#msg791466 (,18038.msg791466.html#msg791466)

Completely off the mark there.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: midlifeaspie on October 05, 2011, 02:03:22 PM
If nothing is done about these arseholes that are consistently getting at me, I will leave and not come back. Scrapheap, Shleed, Vodz and some other bastards think it's funny playing games. Fucking childish OCD and manic fucking retardedness is their only excuse.

One of these arseholes has made up a sockpuppet using my profile, and I'm not standing for it. I want whoever is responsible sinbinned, baned or whatever.

If nothing is done, I will leave permanently and you'll have lost a member who thought he had good standing around here. Someone who actually gave a damn.

Fuck these imbeciles.

Have any of these people been banned?  No?

Is TCO still here?  Yes.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: midlifeaspie on October 05, 2011, 02:06:13 PM
I'll make sure odeon sinbins your fucking arse.

 :runaway: :spitscreen:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: midlifeaspie on October 05, 2011, 02:08:16 PM,15237.msg662696.html#msg662696 (,15237.msg662696.html#msg662696)

Very adult.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: midlifeaspie on October 05, 2011, 02:11:12 PM
OK. This might seem like a whine, but it isn't. I'm just woolgathering here.

Just wanting some feedback on whether I've been going over the top to try to fit in here. I don't want people to say 'yeah, you have and it's bullshit so cut it out'. See, I feel that the only way to 'fit in' somewhere is to try to get noticed, and maybe I fucked up with the approach. Basically, what I want to know is how do I stop being a try-hard?

Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 05, 2011, 02:11:35 PM
Right, you fucking imbecile. Do your job properly or fuck off then. I'm sick of being taken to the fucking cleaners just because you want to protect this fucking retard. Why are you giving him special fucking treatment then going by your fucked up logic. You pretend to be an admin, burt whne someone asks for help against a malicious attack in the way Kosmo is using, you do everything to sick up for him and tell ME to take it. Well you can shove it up your arse, then you fucking arsehole, cos I'm sick of weedy little arseholes like you playing fucked up games and pandering to drugged out psychos like him because you have A fetish for him. Fucking Calandale was right, you are a twat.

And as I said before, you dense fucking idiot, a limited share site like Soph's one does NOT mean he can raid it when he ISN'T A FUCKING MEMBER.


No, I'm saying that you should take some responsibility for publishing your picture on the Internet in the first place. You're extremely naive if you think that "a limited share site" means people can't access and use the picture.

You should also know that calling me names won't help your cause.

And you're a bit naive if you think that concerns me at the moment. I ask for help, and what do I get? Fuck all. Someone like him goes and parades around like a twat and what does he get? A fucking pat on the back. Fucking mothers' club knitting circle. I, like others had the right to post on that site what we pleased. Kosmo could only have found out about it had he either logged into zOMG (which he has been banned), or found out via someone else. He did it without my permission, so that still makes him a thief. What part of the words NOT A MEMBER don't you understand. Now if you aren't happy with what I've said, then do something for fuck's sake. But don't sit there and tell me what to do when you can't keep your own fucking house in order. And don't fucking lecture me about what I can and can't post; a private site is not for arseholes like him to grab what they please. If he wants to get stuff, tell him to use fucking Shareaza.

Fuck the rules, fuck the lot of you. None of you care a shit about anything. You let a mindless cunt like Kosmo do whatever the fuck he likes, and then laugh at any attempt by anyone to complain about it. Your all nothing but a bunch of fucked up retarded shitheads, and this whole place stinks like shit. Calandale was right about you bastards, and I hope the whole fucking lot of your perish like the fucking vermin you are.

You can stick your site up your jacksie, and all go and fuck yourselfs, you retarded cunts.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 05, 2011, 02:13:44 PM
Oh and:

Expect a summons, asshole. Violation of licensed material, as the photo was named and dated on the site. Proof enough that it did not belong to you, and proof that you are a fucking thief. It may have been placed on a public forum, but was njot yours to do with what you liked. Civil proceeding will sort it out, and your computer will be taken by the authorities and examined. The authorities will get you for distribution of kiddie porn, as it is an offence under British law to disseminate that material. Obscene publications Act 1964 as amended. And your internet privileges will be fucked when they arrest you finally, you bastard.

And yes, Adam What's'isname is more fucking stupid than he looks.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 05, 2011, 02:18:37 PM
Fuck you, fuck the whole autistic community. If that's the way you carry on in a forum then god fucking help you in real life. No wonder normal people think you are all dickheads and tossers. There are maybe 10 people on this forum with any brains, much of the rest don't contribute, and those others are just full of shit. As I said, if that's an indication of the amount of respect you show people that are on your forums and shit, then no wonder people don't care about you.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: midlifeaspie on October 05, 2011, 02:22:48 PM
Hey, fucktards, just ban me then. Obvious you can't, because that makes you like Wankplanet. Free speech? Bullshit more like it. Unless you are in with 'the crowd', you are fucked. I'll do what I want, thankyou, so if you don't like it, you can alway fuck dunc and the other retards. I'm not here to be nice to anyone, so if you don't like it, get some Demerol and get some help.

It's fucking obvious a certain amount of fuckwits around here don't want me here, and they know that the only way to get rid of me is to hound me from here. You arsefucks brought it on yourselves, and have made this site into one of the biggest laughing stocks on the net. No normal person would come within cooee of here, and it's only cos your all Aspies that anyone is bothering to post at all. I came here to see what was up, and cos there were one or two people I knew from other places. Pity they are the only ones worth talking to. Since I've been here, I've copped nothing but bullshit from those intent on pushing me out, so as far as I'm concerned, they can all go fuck themselves with a sharp stick. As I said in another post, no more Mr Nice Guy, and if you don't like how I play the game, get yourselves a life.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: midlifeaspie on October 05, 2011, 02:26:40 PM
All fact, dipshit.

And besides, I don't talk in paragraphs, or is that another fucked up aspie trait amongst you 'tards?
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Squidusa on October 05, 2011, 02:35:51 PM
Are you lot having fun?  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 05, 2011, 02:51:55 PM
Are you lot having fun?  :zoinks:

'Course  :zoinks:

Seems like it.

BTW, how many actually DO read the fucking TOS's of ANY site they log into? Same as when you download and install a program you just hit the 'I agree' button. If anyone actually says yes, then I'd be fucking surprised.....

Oh, and eclair, go fuck yourself with something hard and sandpapery. If you wan't stuff that won't shock and offend on a fucking ADULT forum,  :gotowp:

What you say is beside the point. Try to grow a brain.

Get fucked, cunt. Yer on ignore.

The one where TCO seems to think posting child porn is the same as posting regular porn...
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 05, 2011, 03:02:31 PM
Get over yourself, you ignorant imbecile. I've had you by the balls ever since I got on here defending buttcoffee, and the tighter I squeeze, the more you howl.

You are nothing but an insecure waste of cum on a dirty sheet somewhere in Bumblefuck downtown USA.

You know, the place that's 99% redneck and 1% braindead.

You talk about pwning or whatever the fuck that means. We people in the real world, and I don't mean this shithole of a site on a poxy fucking thing called an 'internet', call it 'kicking your fucking arse', which is what I've been doing all along.

I laugh at your empty bullshit threats, you wannabe tough guy. I bet you even self diagnosed your autism, which makes you an bigger dichead than you look 'cos only a true fucktard would say they are autistic without actually getting a diagnosis.

Hell, the fucking joke's really on you, asshole. I don't even have autism. I'm just a regular guy poking shit at you cos you are a fucked-up twat on a forum trying to play tough. Shit, talk about a laff riot.

And what's even funnier is that you and those other vegetables sticking up for you on this bullshit arena for the retarded are actually serious when it comes to believing all the shit you write. Fuck, George Carlin couldn't have scripted it better.

Now go take your pissy little challenge, and shove it up yer arse with the rest of the bullshit.

At least I won't die wondering who the real fucktards are around here.

Get over yourself, you ignorant imbecile. I've had you by the balls ever since I got on here defending buttcoffee, and the tighter I squeeze, the more you howl.

More blabber and bullshit.

You know, the place that's 99% redneck and 1% braindead.

I can't argue with that. It is.

You talk about pwning or whatever the fuck that means. We people in the real world, and I don't mean this shithole of a site on a poxy fucking thing called an 'internet', call it 'kicking your fucking arse', which is what I've been doing all along.

Blabber and bullshit.

call it 'kicking your fucking arse', which is what I've been doing all along.

Blabber and bullshit.

I laugh at your empty bullshit threats, you wannabe tough guy. I bet you even self diagnosed your autism, which makes you an bigger dichead than you look 'cos only a true fucktard would say they are autistic without actually getting a diagnosis.

More shit.

Hell, the fucking joke's really on you, asshole. I don't even have autism. I'm just a regular guy poking shit at you cos you are a fucked-up twat on a forum trying to play tough. Shit, talk about a laff riot.

Still more shit.

And what's even funnier is that you and those other vegetables sticking up for you on this bullshit arena for the retarded are actually serious when it comes to believing all the shit you write. Fuck, George Carlin couldn't have scripted it better.

Now go take your pissy little challenge, and shove it up yer arse with the rest of the bullshit.

Childish rant or some shit.
Namecalling, other nonesense.

Weak reply.


BTW, here's something I posted on another thread, just for you:

No, you cunts are the ones who can't see it. The whole fucking lovefest. The schoolyard clique. I back up my attempts at pointing out how fucked this site is and what do i get? A mouthful of fucking abuse.

You bastards obviously have your heads so far up yer arses that you are oblivious to anything that is happening outside of your own little world. Shit, if all fucking autists are like this, then no wonder you are all fucked. And in a big way.

Typical mentality of a group of bullies and thugs is to go after the one differing opinion, then hound them until they fuck off or until you break them in some other way. I thought people with autism were meant to be intelligent and intellectual. Above all that schoolyard bullshit. Obviously you aren't. None of you on this fucked up site is worth a pinch of shit outside of the saftey of this bullshit forum, and the funny thing is you are all too fucking stupid to realise it. Yeah, have a go at me, you arseholes, call me names and tell me to fuck off. Proves my point.

I'm the only one here who has the balls to stand up for myself, and it seems like all I get from retarded vegetables like you is insult after insult.

Calandale was right, the only ones who had any sense here have gone. All that's left are the dregs at the bottom of the barrel. Each and every last one of you.

And the biggest prick on here is that cunt odeon. Here we have someone who plays at being the fucking Messiah, and lauds his power over people by banning them just because they don't suck his dick in the way he likes. Well odeon, why don't you show some balls and actually back up your bullshit with some real facts instead of some half-assed threat to ban someone if they break an arbitrary bullshit thing like the TOS? Or are you just gonna sit back and piss and moan like the rest of the dickheads here. Hey, I even heard you were going to try to hack zOMG, even though you don't have an account there, and said you wouldn't waste your time there. Why? Cos we are laughing at you there? Tough. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the fucking kitchen. You think I'm joking, eh? The only joke around here is this site.

Hell, since you arseholes decided to put shit on me for sticking up for someone, and having my say, well I've decided to fuck around with you.

If you want me gone, then have the balls to confront me and kick me off. If not, then shove it up your arse, you weak bunch of wankers.

I'm through taking shit from a bunch of nobodies who should be old enough to know better.

Now if you have a problem with, or don't like anything I've got to say, tough. Tell it to someone who cares, like your fuckbuddies on this weak as piss site.


And predictably...

Fuck this place, I'm outta here. I've never been made to feel welcome here because of a certain fucked up bully-boy mentality that has pervaded this place since day 1. I thought, 'wow, a site where I could have fun, and a few laughs.' Bullshit. open my mouth to say something, and some arsehole has to shove his jackboots down it. None of you seem to get the idea that this is just a fucking forum, the world DOES NOT revolve around you.
It seems everyone is supposed to be entitled to their opinion. Again, bullshit. It's 'we play as a team, and we do things my way' and if you don't fit the mould, then fuck off. Arseholes like RageBeoulve, odeon, Hadron, Kosmo, Phlexor and all the rest of the lovefest prove this. Fuck, the only decent one I got on with for awhile was Sir Les, and I bet you told him to take a flying fuck as well. What right have you to make yourselves out to be all holier than thou and think you are untouchable? You throw shit around at people and laugh till they either fuck off or you kick them off, and then laugh about it and gladhand until the cows come home. Sure, I might post some stuff that might get up people's noses, but ffs, it's my opinion. I defended someone who I thought was getting a raw deal over a post he'd mad and BAM, a mouthful of abuse from the peanut gallery.

Well, fuck this shit. I know where I'm not wanted.  I'm sick of being the whipping boy for some childish game, so you can have your site.

Goodbye. I'd like to say it's been fun, but it hasn't.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 05, 2011, 03:07:43 PM
TCO why are you on so many AS sites if you don't have AS?

I'm just asking out of interest btw

Because I actually have some FRiENDS on these sites who I can talk to without being singled out. zOMG and chaos for 2. But here, the dominant theme is to put down anyone who is an easy target, and the opinion of a lot of Aspies is that they are sooo much better than everyone else - especially NTs. Wankplanet was full of it, and you guys obviously learned well from them. And simply, the reason I am treating this forum as a cess-pool is because every other bugger howls down  my opinion and they all think they are the only ones that matter. ffs, everybody is meant to be the same, so cut the snobbish bullshit out.

This site was meant to be a laugh, but because of the persistent name calling and bullying that most of YOU have been practicing, it's become just another kindergarten full of misbehaved children. I give back what I get, and I've copped a LOT of fucking nastiness from several of you people, and none of it good humoured. Had it been so, then there wouldn't be a problem; I can laugh along with the best joke. But if you give me shit and gang up, then expect me to be fucking pissed.

Actually you seem to be the only one we have any real problems with, mostly because you are doing everything in your power to cause problems. Thats pretty much inexcusable, especially since you have no particular diagnosis on the spectrum and your sole purpose for coming here seems to be to give us a hard time.  ;)

Big fucking deal


So what? You don't want me here, that's your bad fucking luck. You keep replying to my posts, so obviously I AM getting to you. And in case you can't read, or can't understand English, I psoted my reason for coming on to these sites. You lot started this way back last year when you let that dipshit Kosmo start in. I didn't like it then and I sure as fuck don't like it now. That first bit of fuckery was because I did what all you happy assholes were doing - bitched about Wnakplanet or some shit. My entitlement. But, you all sided with Kosmo, just as you are doing with cookie boy here to make it uncomfortable for me. I thought I'd give here a second chance when someone told me that Kosmo had gone, and things had calmed down. What happened? I got a mouthful of fucking abuse.

Stick up for someone here, even if they are a prat, and you are targetted by the lovefest. Yeah, put down zOMG, but at least Soph doesn't allow this shit to go on over there, because people there don't take themselves so seriously. Nor does chaos have the same problems; Calandale obviously knows what he's doing if members don't get pissed off like they do here.

And for your fucking information, I have not had a go at 'everyone' here. As I have not encountered 'everyone', I have targetted the ones who have pissed me off. In other words, the lovefest. As I said, treat me like shit, and you cop it back.

Hey, I don't expect you all to agree with anything I've said, and you won't, but what I do expect is the same respect that any other bugger would get. Not bullshit nastiness and the threat of being chased off.

And if you still want to fuck me atound, then at least have the decency to ban me, so we can end this charade.

Well he's just painted a big red X on himself now. Any other place is gonna not trust you now for the simple fact that a) you are insane. b) your arguments make no sense. and c) you will chuck a hissy fit and try and get places shut down if they dont play nice with you.

Good luck with that.

As if I give a shit, moron. I mean, no cunt trusts me now anyway, so what fucking difference does it make?

A bunch of fucktards on a childish site. Hi-fucking-larious.

The fact remains that you are an nt who is trying to bully autistic people. What are you doing here anyway?

There goes the snob again, using his so-called superiority argument. Typical.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 05, 2011, 03:11:15 PM
The one where I get involved :P,11278.0.html (,11278.0.html)
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Psychophant on October 05, 2011, 03:12:13 PM
B)  I see his MO hasn't changed even a little in 4 years.

Nope, not at all:

Dirtdawg, you are a liar and a cunt. He said if I wanted to upset him I should mention his dead daughter, So I did. He hasn't got one, shit for brains. Get your facts right, you nasty cumbucket.

Alex, you weasel; you stick up for this unintelligent gimp who just enjoys getting a rise out of others and who hasn't got the balls to say what his REAL problem is. Go fuck yourself as well, cuntrag.

Callaway, I respected you, but if you fall for their shit and side with this tosser, then more fucking fool you. And that goes for the rest of you.

Ozy: I posted stuff about them COS i WAS FUCKING BANNED AND i HATE THE FUCKING PLACE! Are you aspies so fucking dense? I wouldn't go back if a herd of wild horses dragged me. They are whiny losers, and can all fuck themselves

Sir Les - at least you could have backed me up. Talk to you later if you want.

Really, this site is a poxy interpretation of a forum, and is just a pissweak representation of a group of dickheads scoring points. I want nothing to do with a bunch of losers who just whine and moan, so you can fuck off.

I still remember the first "argument" I had with him, a couple years ago.  I'll see if I can dig it up.  It was quite hilarious.

I heard about Dirt Dawg and I know the others, who's this "ozy" person?  I read that he posted something on wp recently.  Is he/she a former member here?? 
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: odeon on October 05, 2011, 03:16:12 PM
Ozy is a he and used to be a member here. I think he still posts at Dunc's Drivel.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Squidusa on October 05, 2011, 03:17:47 PM
D'aaw Binty and Rage were so cute together.  :green:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 05, 2011, 03:18:08 PM
The one where TCO loses his shit completely:,11369.0.html (,11369.0.html)
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Squidusa on October 05, 2011, 03:20:58 PM
Something I read in a thread Binty posted made me just lose any respect I had for him.

That's because you fuckwits are such easy targets.  :hahaha:

Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 05, 2011, 03:25:31 PM
D'aaw Binty and Rage were so cute together.  :green:

More like nauseatingly embarrassing :laugh:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'Butterflies' on October 05, 2011, 03:39:14 PM
He really seems to hate aspies. I wonder why he spends so much time on an aspie site.

It amazes me that he is completely oblivious to the fact that he is the biggest spazz on the site my a mile.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 05, 2011, 03:41:28 PM
The second time I get involved  :zoinks:,11543.msg501429.html#msg501429 (,11543.msg501429.html#msg501429)
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: eris on October 05, 2011, 03:41:50 PM
This thread gives me a boner.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 05, 2011, 03:43:18 PM
Have suspected for a while, steve has me on ignore; though can't tell with the new software and haven't really been notified of such.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Psychophant on October 05, 2011, 03:45:06 PM
I hate to say this, but, I used to like Jimmy, but, he really is an asshole.   He keeps the flaming alive by not walking away from things or not manning up and admitting he went nutso.  I've dug thru a few past threads just to understand what the fuck is going on.  Sorry Jimmy, but the time has come for me to say,  :STFU:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Psychophant on October 05, 2011, 03:45:44 PM
This thread gives me a boner.

 :eyebrows: :lol:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: eris on October 05, 2011, 03:47:36 PM
Yep, and if they don't like what I say, then they can always play with their Barbies

I played with barbies and ken as an adult. Before my house burned down I had a huge box with maybe 30 - 40 barbies. I would buy clothes for them, but alter them to make it really slutty. And I painted nipples on them and made tiny strap-ons for them, etc. I would play with them several times a week. I was in my mid 20s when I did this. It was purely sexual. I would do it now, but never bothered to buy more barbies :-/
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Psychophant on October 05, 2011, 03:47:57 PM
Ozy is a he and used to be a member here. I think he still posts at Dunc's Drivel.

Whats that?
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 05, 2011, 03:50:26 PM
Yep, and if they don't like what I say, then they can always play with their Barbies

I played with barbies and ken as an adult. Before my house burned down I had a huge box with maybe 30 - 40 barbies. I would buy clothes for them, but alter them to make it really slutty. And I painted nipples on them and made tiny strap-ons for them, etc. I would play with them several times a week. I was in my mid 20s when I did this. It was purely sexual. I would do it now, but never bothered to buy more barbies :-/
That reminds me of a link someone here once posted. Some artist doing something similar with barbies.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: eris on October 05, 2011, 03:52:42 PM
I frequent a few doll fetish websites. I'm not the only one that does that :X
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 05, 2011, 03:53:20 PM
My thread which pissed TCO off a great deal  :lol:,11699.0.html (,11699.0.html)
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: eris on October 05, 2011, 04:06:37 PM

Fuck, even the tantrums were a scream. They were MEANT to look like I was having a breakdown, assholes, and all the time I was pissing myself laughing at your reactions.  :hahaha:

What a bunch of fucking retards. And the really funny thing is, you only gaveme a TEMPORARY ban even though you got a rabbit up your arse about me trying to 'take you down'. Fucking hysterical.  :hahaha:

Oh my. So he threatened the site and was banned temporarily because if it ?
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Scrapheap on October 05, 2011, 04:11:50 PM
Here's a smoking gun of there ever was one. This whole thing is just one big fucking game to him.

Fuck, even the tantrums were a scream. They were MEANT to look like I was having a breakdown, assholes, and all the time I was pissing myself laughing at your reactions.  :hahaha:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: midlifeaspie on October 05, 2011, 04:26:15 PM
Have suspected for a while, steve has me on ignore; though can't tell with the new software and haven't really been notified of such.

That's 5 :)
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'Butterflies' on October 05, 2011, 04:28:31 PM
Poor you. Still feeling bullied?

Not in the slightest, moron. See? You just don't get it, I'm killing myself laughing everytime I read some of this shit. Fuck, you assholes should publish it - it's fucking pricelsess.  :hahaha:

It's a pity you haven't got the foggiest idea of when you've been taken for a ride, but then again, all the power you seem to have must have seriously fucked your comprehensive ability. 'Oh look, he's back again for more. Now we have him'. What a laugh. You have NOTHING, dipshit. Nothing but a bunch of sheep bowing to your every move. Odeunt says jump, and they all say 'how high?' Fucking priceless, and I'm loving every minute of it.  :hahaha:

I've talked to mates of mine about this group of fucktards on a forum, fucktards who think they are big and tough playing e-wars. They said,'you're fucking kidding me. Are they that fucking much off their trees?' I said yeah. They said, 'shit, we'd feel sorry for them, but then again they are fucktards on a forum....'  :hahaha:

I think I'll just keep taking the piss, because there is no way known this shit can be taken seriously. :hahaha:

So. Steve isn't really having meltdowns, and when he appears to start crying and beg for his mates to jump in, it's really just an act and the joke is really on us. ???

The more of his posts I read, the more I realise what a thick, retarded, cowardly manchild he really is.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: midlifeaspie on October 05, 2011, 04:29:01 PM
All you own odeunt, is a poxy forum full of retarded dipshits and delusions of superiority. There's no superiority here, though. It's just another playground for the sick and brainless.  :hahaha:

And yet he just won't go away
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: midlifeaspie on October 05, 2011, 04:29:37 PM
Poor you. Still feeling bullied?

Not in the slightest, moron. See? You just don't get it, I'm killing myself laughing everytime I read some of this shit. Fuck, you assholes should publish it - it's fucking pricelsess.  :hahaha:

It's a pity you haven't got the foggiest idea of when you've been taken for a ride, but then again, all the power you seem to have must have seriously fucked your comprehensive ability. 'Oh look, he's back again for more. Now we have him'. What a laugh. You have NOTHING, dipshit. Nothing but a bunch of sheep bowing to your every move. Odeunt says jump, and they all say 'how high?' Fucking priceless, and I'm loving every minute of it.  :hahaha:

I've talked to mates of mine about this group of fucktards on a forum, fucktards who think they are big and tough playing e-wars. They said,'you're fucking kidding me. Are they that fucking much off their trees?' I said yeah. They said, 'shit, we'd feel sorry for them, but then again they are fucktards on a forum....'  :hahaha:

I think I'll just keep taking the piss, because there is no way known this shit can be taken seriously. :hahaha:

So. Steve isn't really having meltdowns, and when he appears to start crying and beg for his mates to jump in, it's really just an act and the joke is really on us. ???

The more of his posts I read, the more I realise what a thick, retarded, cowardly manchild he really is.

And the purpose of this thread becomes clear :)
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Psychophant on October 05, 2011, 04:33:42 PM
All you own odeunt, is a poxy forum full of retarded dipshits and delusions of superiority. There's no superiority here, though. It's just another playground for the sick and brainless.  :hahaha:

And yet he just won't go away

Now that pisses me off.  I may be weird, but, I am NOT brainless. 
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: midlifeaspie on October 05, 2011, 04:43:57 PM
Copied from elsewhere as it is relevant and on topic  :zoinks:

Because you've gone from being entertaining to quite sad to watch and I have too much empathy for my own good  ;)

Isn't there anything else you could be doing with your day rather than trolling an autistic forum whilst presumably drunk?

Hey dickwad, I'm perfectly sober, and as acute as ever. :hahaha:

The point is, that this site is nothing more than a spamfest, and between you there hasn't been one constructive thing worth reading. Hence all the spamming. I've been taking the piss out of you the whole time, and you are too stupid to realise it. You reckon I'm sad, throwing tantrums, whatever. It's you lot who are the sad bunch, throwing jibes and shit at each other to score points. And I'm pissing myself laughing over the whole thing, because I can't think of a more pathetic situation than a group of tossers on a forum playing e-wars with each other because their lives are so fucked up and they are of no value to society.

Ah, yes, that's why you ran to Hostgator, crying.  :hahaha:

So did TCO threaten the site and get away with it??  :orly:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: bodie on October 05, 2011, 04:44:17 PM

I can't believe what i am reading!

I am in shock! ???
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: midlifeaspie on October 05, 2011, 04:45:40 PM

I can't believe what i am reading!

I am in shock! ???

You thought the people who didn't like him were unreasonable, didn't you?  :P
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: bodie on October 05, 2011, 04:55:30 PM

I can't believe what i am reading!

I am in shock! ???

You thought the people who didn't like him were unreasonable, didn't you?  :P
  I possibly thought he was undeserving of some of the stuff up until
he said about thumping butterflies.  Don't like men threatening women.   :thumbdn:
I am a bit 'old school'  in that respect.   Despite that i have been quite nice to him upon his return -  letting bygones be bygones and all that!  But the bit about the nazi's and gypsies being 'non-persons' has made me feel a bit sick, actually.  That is so fucking twisted.  What a hateful thing to say?  I don't know how he has the
audacity to keep coming here!
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 05, 2011, 05:09:56 PM
TCO is currently viewing this thread  :orly:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: midlifeaspie on October 05, 2011, 05:11:06 PM
TCO is currently viewing this thread  :orly:

Damn, and I have to go home and watch the kid.  I'll be back in a few hours to read the herp derp.  Oh, wait, we are all ignored so he won't see it  ;)
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: The_Chosen_One on October 05, 2011, 05:14:42 PM
I always thought Bint was a manipulative piece of shit.

Get fucked you sick twunt.

Hey, I'll ignore the fucking lot of you if that's your game.

And you cunts aren't "ganging up"?

As I said, get fucked.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 05, 2011, 05:15:06 PM
TCO is currently viewing this thread  :orly:

Damn, and I have to go home and watch the kid.  I'll be back in a few hours to read the herp derp.  Oh, wait, we are all ignored so he won't see it  ;)

He can't ignore though as I don't think this new version of the forum has the ignore bot.  At least I haven't seen it yet.  So all he's been doing is typing out "You're ignored" to people instead of actually ignoring them  :lol:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 05, 2011, 05:17:46 PM
I always thought Bint was a manipulative piece of shit.

Get fucked you sick twunt.

Hey, I'll ignore the fucking lot of you if that's your game.

And you cunts aren't "ganging up"?

As I said, get fucked.

No, just showing the rest of the place what a lovely person you are.

You are and have always been a bully and that's something I can't stand at all. 
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 05, 2011, 05:19:38 PM
TCO is currently viewing this thread  :orly:

Damn, and I have to go home and watch the kid.  I'll be back in a few hours to read the herp derp.  Oh, wait, we are all ignored so he won't see it  ;)

He can't ignore though as I don't think this new version of the forum has the ignore bot.  At least I haven't seen it yet.  So all he's been doing is typing out "You're ignored" to people instead of actually ignoring them  :lol:
The ignore button is gone but the function is still there in profile settings; there's a buddies/ignore list and the names have to be keyed.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 05, 2011, 05:21:28 PM
Have suspected for a while, steve has me on ignore; though can't tell with the new software and haven't really been notified of such.

That's 5 :)
No, just a hunch. it would require confirmation.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 05, 2011, 05:22:50 PM
TCO is currently viewing this thread  :orly:

Damn, and I have to go home and watch the kid.  I'll be back in a few hours to read the herp derp.  Oh, wait, we are all ignored so he won't see it  ;)

He can't ignore though as I don't think this new version of the forum has the ignore bot.  At least I haven't seen it yet.  So all he's been doing is typing out "You're ignored" to people instead of actually ignoring them  :lol:
The ignore button is gone but the function is still there in profile settings; there's a buddies/ignore list and the names have to be keyed.

Oh I see it now.  You can no longer see who has you on ignore :P
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 05, 2011, 05:24:38 PM
Yes. It stinks. Asked odeon about fixing that once so it could be seen again. Seems we're stuck with it.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 05, 2011, 05:27:58 PM
Yes. It stinks. Asked odeon about fixing that once so it could be seen again. Seems we're stuck with it.

I don't really mind too much.  That way it stays more true to its function really, as opposed to being a passive-aggressive way of saying fuck you to someone :laugh:

I think I've only used it once or twice when I was purposely being obnoxious.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 05, 2011, 05:29:37 PM
I'm guessing that he's busy putting half of I2 on ignore :toporly:

Jimmy Hopkins   05:23:40 PM   Unknown Action
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 05, 2011, 05:29:55 PM
Yes. It stinks. Asked odeon about fixing that once so it could be seen again. Seems we're stuck with it.

I don't really mind too much.  That way it stays more true to its function really, as opposed to being a passive-aggressive way of saying fuck you to someone :laugh:

I think I've only used it once or twice when I was purposely being obnoxious.
That's a good point.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 05, 2011, 05:30:32 PM
I'm guessing that he's busy putting half of I2 on ignore :toporly:

Jimmy Hopkins   05:23:40 PM   Unknown Action
Semicolon once figured out the unknown action by members logged in is viewing the karma stats.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Psychophant on October 05, 2011, 05:32:17 PM
I always thought Bint was a manipulative piece of shit.

Get fucked you sick twunt.

Hey, I'll ignore the fucking lot of you if that's your game.

And you cunts aren't "ganging up"?

As I said, get fucked.

By responding, you just proved MLA's point!   :facepalm2:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'Butterflies' on October 05, 2011, 05:36:32 PM

I can't believe what i am reading!

I am in shock! ???

You thought the people who didn't like him were unreasonable, didn't you?  :P
  I possibly thought he was undeserving of some of the stuff up until
he said about thumping butterflies.  Don't like men threatening women.   :thumbdn:
I am a bit 'old school'  in that respect.   Despite that i have been quite nice to him upon his return -  letting bygones be bygones and all that!  But the bit about the nazi's and gypsies being 'non-persons' has made me feel a bit sick, actually.  That is so fucking twisted.  What a hateful thing to say?  I don't know how he has the
audacity to keep coming here!

I know where you're coming from.

The first time I saw him meltdown was with Scrappy. I liked him at the time and believed him when he was accusing Scrappy of bullying him, although I kept out of it.

Now that I've had issues myself with him, I realize that he is an expert at stirriing up shit , while presenting himself as the victim.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: "couldbecousin" on October 05, 2011, 06:02:49 PM

I can't believe what i am reading!

I am in shock! ???

You thought the people who didn't like him were unreasonable, didn't you?  :P
  I possibly thought he was undeserving of some of the stuff up until
he said about thumping butterflies.  Don't like men threatening women.   :thumbdn:
I am a bit 'old school'  in that respect.   Despite that i have been quite nice to him upon his return -  letting bygones be bygones and all that!  But the bit about the nazi's and gypsies being 'non-persons' has made me feel a bit sick, actually.  That is so fucking twisted.  What a hateful thing to say?  I don't know how he has the
audacity to keep coming here!

 FWIW I suspect the "non-persons" bit may be what the Nazis called the people they killed, TCO might just be quoting them on that.   :chin:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Calavera on October 05, 2011, 06:07:19 PM
All I have to say is Holocaust denialism is selfish and inconsiderate. There's a reason it's considered a crime in some countries.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'Butterflies' on October 05, 2011, 06:24:53 PM
All I have to say is Holocaust denialism is selfish and inconsiderate. There's a reason it's considered a crime in some countries.

As an Aussie, what is a Boori? I guessed it was a term for Aborigine, but couldn't find any reference to it on google. Is it seen as an offensive term?
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: bodie on October 05, 2011, 06:40:34 PM
Another interesting post:

Personally, I think what the Nazis did was obscene BUT the fucking thing was an exaggeration. The 6 million figure only works if you include the gypsies and well as all the Russian Jews and the other non-persons sent to the death camps. There is no fucking way there could have been that many Jews alone killed off when you consider the population of Australia in WWII was around 7.5 million. It's all propaganda put forward by that Wiesenthal idiot, who had probably only heard about the death camps through the newspapers anyway. Who gives a shit now, anyway, It's 2008, move on.


Just reading it again.  Cbc may have a point.  How does everyone else read it?
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Calavera on October 05, 2011, 06:45:42 PM
All I have to say is Holocaust denialism is selfish and inconsiderate. There's a reason it's considered a crime in some countries.

As an Aussie, what is a Boori? I guessed it was a term for Aborigine, but couldn't find any reference to it on google. Is it seen as an offensive term?

Actually, I wouldn't know. I have a very hard time understanding some of the Aussie slangs here.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'Butterflies' on October 05, 2011, 06:49:27 PM
Another interesting post:

Personally, I think what the Nazis did was obscene BUT the fucking thing was an exaggeration. The 6 million figure only works if you include the gypsies and well as all the Russian Jews and the other non-persons sent to the death camps. There is no fucking way there could have been that many Jews alone killed off when you consider the population of Australia in WWII was around 7.5 million. It's all propaganda put forward by that Wiesenthal idiot, who had probably only heard about the death camps through the newspapers anyway. Who gives a shit now, anyway, It's 2008, move on.


Just reading it again.  Cbc may have a point.  How does everyone else read it?

I think what CBC said is right about the "non-persons" bit.

However, his post reeks of holocaust denial, and to say that "Who gives a shit now, anyway, It's 2008, move on" is sick and disgusting.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Scrapheap on October 06, 2011, 12:24:47 AM
All I have to say is Holocaust denialism is selfish and inconsiderate. There's a reason it's considered a crime in some countries.

I wouldn't use those words. It is simply a paranoid and delusional belief.

It should never be a crime to deny the holocaust though.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'andersom' on October 06, 2011, 01:01:52 AM

I can't believe what i am reading!

I am in shock! ???

You thought the people who didn't like him were unreasonable, didn't you?  :P
  I possibly thought he was undeserving of some of the stuff up until
he said about thumping butterflies.  Don't like men threatening women.   :thumbdn:
I am a bit 'old school'  in that respect.   Despite that i have been quite nice to him upon his return -  letting bygones be bygones and all that!  But the bit about the nazi's and gypsies being 'non-persons' has made me feel a bit sick, actually.  That is so fucking twisted.  What a hateful thing to say?  I don't know how he has the
audacity to keep coming here!

 FWIW I suspect the "non-persons" bit may be what the Nazis called the people they killed, TCO might just be quoting them on that.   :chin:
Nonperson (

I read the post of TCO and thought: "Is the holocaust any less bad if the six million is the total of destructed people and not "jews only"?" Makes no sense. Every destructed person is one too much. And, it was a well-oiled destruction machine back then.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Al Swearegen on October 06, 2011, 05:14:14 AM
All I have to say is Holocaust denialism is selfish and inconsiderate. There's a reason it's considered a crime in some countries.

As an Aussie, what is a Boori? I guessed it was a term for Aborigine, but couldn't find any reference to it on google. Is it seen as an offensive term?

Aboriginals are not one collective whole. There are various tribes around Australia. The Booris would be the Queensland Aboriginals and in say WA where I grew up that are the Noongar tribe.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: P7PSP on October 06, 2011, 05:45:54 AM
All I have to say is Holocaust denialism is selfish and inconsiderate. There's a reason it's considered a crime in some countries.

As an Aussie, what is a Boori? I guessed it was a term for Aborigine, but couldn't find any reference to it on google. Is it seen as an offensive term?

Aboriginals are not one collective whole. There are various tribes around Australia. The Booris would be the Queensland Aboriginals and in say WA where I grew up that are the Noongar tribe.
That makes sense given the size of Australia and the likely hood of multiple migrations, but I never thought about it before.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Al Swearegen on October 06, 2011, 05:52:37 AM
Yeah i think that the Kooris are the Aboriginals in and around Sydney.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'Butterflies' on October 06, 2011, 06:09:11 AM
All I have to say is Holocaust denialism is selfish and inconsiderate. There's a reason it's considered a crime in some countries.

As an Aussie, what is a Boori? I guessed it was a term for Aborigine, but couldn't find any reference to it on google. Is it seen as an offensive term?


Aboriginals are not one collective whole. There are various tribes around Australia. The Booris would be the Queensland Aboriginals and in say WA where I grew up that are the Noongar tribe.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Al Swearegen on October 06, 2011, 06:22:02 AM
Its Ok
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: odeon on October 06, 2011, 08:10:02 AM
Ozy is a he and used to be a member here. I think he still posts at Dunc's Drivel.

Whats that? (
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: odeon on October 06, 2011, 08:12:43 AM
Yes. It stinks. Asked odeon about fixing that once so it could be seen again. Seems we're stuck with it.

Sorry, but the ignore mod doesn't work with SMF 2.x. The ignore/buddy list is a different function and included in SMF 2.x.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: P7PSP on October 06, 2011, 08:25:42 AM
Ozy is a he and used to be a member here. I think he still posts at Dunc's Drivel.

Whats that? (
I just registered there.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: midlifeaspie on October 06, 2011, 08:26:51 AM
Ozy is a he and used to be a member here. I think he still posts at Dunc's Drivel.

Whats that? (
I just registered there.

Me too
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Squidusa on October 06, 2011, 08:31:55 AM
I may be  :viking: and decide to register over there at a later date.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 06, 2011, 08:35:32 AM
Dunc wouldn't let me register there  :lol:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Squidusa on October 06, 2011, 08:36:18 AM

You naughty girl.  :P
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on October 06, 2011, 10:28:16 AM
lol, it says I'm banned, even though I've never registered or posted there. :laugh:

Like it matters, a VPN/proxy chain and a fake e-mail and I can easily evade such things. :eyelash:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'andersom' on October 06, 2011, 10:57:27 AM
lol, it says I'm banned, even though I've never registered or posted there. :laugh:

Like it matters, a VPN/proxy chain and a fake e-mail and I can easily evade such things. :eyelash:


Somehow I think that that won't make a difference.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on October 06, 2011, 11:02:38 AM
lol, it says I'm banned, even though I've never registered or posted there. :laugh:

Like it matters, a VPN/proxy chain and a fake e-mail and I can easily evade such things. :eyelash:


Somehow I think that that won't make a difference.

I have no interest to register there though. I'm aware that Dunc screens all registration attempts too. Just funny that it said I was banned. But then I remembered that when I changed my ISP plan a while ago, my IP address got changed slightly, that would most likely explain it.

Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Charlotte Quin on October 07, 2011, 01:22:19 AM
lol, it says I'm banned, even though I've never registered or posted there. :laugh:

Like it matters, a VPN/proxy chain and a fake e-mail and I can easily evade such things. :eyelash:

I get the same banned message :orly:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Calavera on October 07, 2011, 01:27:37 AM
He must not like us Aussies much.

And, by the way, I didn't know about the Booris until now. :-[
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Al Swearegen on October 07, 2011, 02:38:04 AM
lol, it says I'm banned, even though I've never registered or posted there. :laugh:

Like it matters, a VPN/proxy chain and a fake e-mail and I can easily evade such things. :eyelash:

I get the same banned message :orly:

No I was banned when i changed my IP. It is the usual spammers IP's being abnned in a range of IP's. You are in that range and you are banned too. it is not a personal slight
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 07, 2011, 08:29:31 PM
Is there a lot of hidden stuff there, or is it as dead as it looks?
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: odeon on October 08, 2011, 02:29:03 AM
AFAIK it's not very active. There are hidden fora, though, and I haven't logged in in ages.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Squidusa on October 08, 2011, 02:42:36 PM
Look at Steve-O's sig.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 08, 2011, 02:47:41 PM
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: eris on October 08, 2011, 02:50:01 PM
Look at Steve-O's sig.  :zoinks:

Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 08, 2011, 02:58:02 PM
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'Butterflies' on October 08, 2011, 04:28:30 PM
Look at Steve-O's sig.  :zoinks:

The biggest coward on the site is claiming to have courage :facepalm2:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Squidusa on October 08, 2011, 04:45:02 PM
Look at Steve-O's sig.  :zoinks:

The biggest coward on the site is claiming to have courage :facepalm2:


And now I've messed up his chance of going :razz: at everyone.  :P

Oh and quote me for the code to the new smiley BIG FUCKING PETERS
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'Butterflies' on October 08, 2011, 04:53:04 PM
Look at Steve-O's sig.  :zoinks:

The biggest coward on the site is claiming to have courage :facepalm2:


And now I've messed up his chance of going :razz: at everyone.  :P

Oh and quote me for the code to the new smiley BIG FUCKING PETERS


The BIG_FUCKING_PETER smiley is a tiny penis :LOL:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: "couldbecousin" on October 08, 2011, 04:57:33 PM
Look at Steve-O's sig.  :zoinks:

The biggest coward on the site is claiming to have courage :facepalm2:


And now I've messed up his chance of going :razz: at everyone.  :P

Oh and quote me for the code to the new smiley BIG FUCKING PETERS


The BIG_FUCKING_PETER smiley is a tiny penis :LOL:

 It looked to me like a dancing yam.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'andersom' on October 08, 2011, 05:09:21 PM
Look at Steve-O's sig.  :zoinks:

The biggest coward on the site is claiming to have courage :facepalm2:


And now I've messed up his chance of going :razz: at everyone.  :P

Oh and quote me for the code to the new smiley BIG FUCKING PETERS


The BIG_FUCKING_PETER smiley is a tiny penis :LOL:

 It looked to me like a dancing yam.  :laugh:

Never tried those.  :angel:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 08, 2011, 05:36:59 PM
He just logged in and changed it in response to this; might as well just post if going to log in every day to leave messages in a signature.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: odeon on October 08, 2011, 05:39:20 PM
Maybe it's time to move on anyway.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 08, 2011, 05:41:01 PM
Maybe it's time to move on anyway.
Thought everyone had until this one thing today.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: odeon on October 08, 2011, 05:43:16 PM
Did he change his sig more than once?
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'Butterflies' on October 08, 2011, 05:45:08 PM
He just logged in and changed it in response to this; might as well just post if going to log in every day to leave messages in a signature.

It does seem pretty weird to bother changing his sig if he isn't going to make any posts. The only way to get his sig noticed, is to make posts.

This way he's just turning himself into a sideshow. If he's going to leave, he should do so with whatever tiny shred of dignity he has left.

Did he change his sig more than once?

At least twice since his latest departure.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 08, 2011, 05:46:42 PM
Did he change his sig more than once?
Not sure when the first change was; squid noticed it today. Saw him logged in a couple minutes ago when he changed it again to the current one, so yes, more than once but not sure if both from today.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'Butterflies' on October 08, 2011, 05:47:48 PM
Did he change his sig more than once?
Not sure when the first change was; squid noticed it today. Saw him logged in a couple minutes ago when he changed it again to the current one, so yes, more than once but not sure if both from today.

I think the one about having courage was yesterday.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: odeon on October 08, 2011, 05:48:39 PM
I don't get it. If I wanted to leave I'd just leave, without a fuss.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 08, 2011, 05:51:24 PM
Maybe he doesn't want to leave.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'Butterflies' on October 08, 2011, 05:52:53 PM
I don't get it. If I wanted to leave I'd just leave, without a fuss.

He obviously doesn't really want to leave.

Also, unlike Steve, you aren't a brain damaged fucktard who lacks any shred of self-awareness.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Callaway on October 08, 2011, 05:53:27 PM
Did he change his sig more than once?

He must have changed it at least twice so far since people were talking about the word courage in it.  I know that it had "BIG FUCKING PETERS" in it before Squiddy made that into a smiley.

I noticed that in the first signature after he changed it, it said,   

"It's easy to stand with a crowd, it takes COURAGE to stand alone."

"If the cap fits, let them wear it" - Bob Marley

[Big font]MANIPULATED? Shit, if someone as cowardly and weak as me could manipulate you guys, what doe it make you look like?[/Big font]

Canis Canem Edit
Floreat Pica[/b

Now the "doe" has been corrected to "does" and next I would assume that he would add the "]" to the "[b."
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: odeon on October 08, 2011, 05:54:54 PM
The worst part is that all this is just a message board. It's not that important. Or at least it shouldn't be.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'andersom' on October 08, 2011, 05:55:59 PM
Is there a lot of hidden stuff there, or is it as dead as it looks?

It never is as busy as it is here. And, that has it's charm too.

Activity there comes and goes. At the moment, it is rather quiet.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 08, 2011, 05:57:36 PM
Thanks, Hyke. Your karma is almost all ones.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'andersom' on October 08, 2011, 06:02:57 PM
Thanks, Hyke. Your karma is almost all ones.

It now is. And it looks beautiful.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'andersom' on October 08, 2011, 06:08:22 PM
Thanks, Hyke. Your karma is almost all ones.

Is your avatar pink for a special occasion? Or was it time for a change?
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 08, 2011, 06:10:40 PM
Thanks, Hyke. Your karma is almost all ones.

Is your avatar pink for a special occasion? Or was it time for a change?
It's my halloween costume, inspired by cousin.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: "couldbecousin" on October 08, 2011, 06:14:00 PM
Thanks, Hyke. Your karma is almost all ones.

Is your avatar pink for a special occasion? Or was it time for a change?
It's my halloween costume, inspired by cousin.

 It looks awesome against the Black Rain background!  8)
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'andersom' on October 08, 2011, 06:31:44 PM
Thanks, Hyke. Your karma is almost all ones.

Is your avatar pink for a special occasion? Or was it time for a change?
It's my halloween costume, inspired by cousin.

 It looks awesome against the Black Rain background!  8)

It's catching. Now I am inspired too. And we don't even do Halloween here.  :hyke:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 08, 2011, 06:33:07 PM
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: "couldbecousin" on October 08, 2011, 06:34:19 PM
Thanks, Hyke. Your karma is almost all ones.

Is your avatar pink for a special occasion? Or was it time for a change?
It's my halloween costume, inspired by cousin.

 It looks awesome against the Black Rain background!  8)

It's catching. Now I am inspired too. And we don't even do Halloween here.  :hyke:

 Quite terrifying, nobody will try to   :redneck:   you while you look like that!
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'andersom' on October 08, 2011, 06:35:34 PM
Thanks, Hyke. Your karma is almost all ones.

Is your avatar pink for a special occasion? Or was it time for a change?
It's my halloween costume, inspired by cousin.

 It looks awesome against the Black Rain background!  8)

It's catching. Now I am inspired too. And we don't even do Halloween here.  :hyke:

 Quite terrifying, nobody will try to   :redneck:   you while you look like that!

Maybe it is a good thing for Sir-Les that he doesn't have an internet connection at the moment.  :M
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: "couldbecousin" on October 08, 2011, 06:40:23 PM
Thanks, Hyke. Your karma is almost all ones.

Is your avatar pink for a special occasion? Or was it time for a change?
It's my halloween costume, inspired by cousin.

 It looks awesome against the Black Rain background!  8)

It's catching. Now I am inspired too. And we don't even do Halloween here.  :hyke:

 Quite terrifying, nobody will try to   :redneck:   you while you look like that!

Maybe it is a good thing for Sir-Les that he doesn't have an internet connection at the moment.  :M

 He should have one next week, I wonder what he'll say!  :laugh:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Squidusa on October 08, 2011, 06:42:19 PM
You 3 inspired me to make a change myself.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'andersom' on October 08, 2011, 06:43:12 PM
Thanks, Hyke. Your karma is almost all ones.

Is your avatar pink for a special occasion? Or was it time for a change?
It's my halloween costume, inspired by cousin.

 It looks awesome against the Black Rain background!  8)

It's catching. Now I am inspired too. And we don't even do Halloween here.  :hyke:

 Quite terrifying, nobody will try to   :redneck:   you while you look like that!

Maybe it is a good thing for Sir-Les that he doesn't have an internet connection at the moment.  :M

 He should have one next week, I wonder what he'll say!  :laugh:
We'll finally be able to find out if he is the sensitive type or not.  :orly:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'andersom' on October 08, 2011, 06:43:39 PM
You 3 inspired me to make a change myself.  :zoinks:

Ooooh, very slick.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: "couldbecousin" on October 08, 2011, 06:45:01 PM
You 3 inspired me to make a change myself.  :zoinks:

Ooooh, very slick.

 Terror has an elegant new face.   :toporly:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Squidusa on October 08, 2011, 06:46:18 PM
You 3 inspired me to make a change myself.  :zoinks:

Ooooh, very slick.

Thanks , I love the avatar you have has lovely colours  :laugh:

Oh and my name is actually a play on words , there is an actual type of squid called "The Vampire Squid From Hell"  :lol:

You 3 inspired me to make a change myself.  :zoinks:

Ooooh, very slick.

 Terror has an elegant new face.   :toporly:

Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: P7PSP on October 08, 2011, 06:46:56 PM
My avatar is different for Halloween too. The P7PSP has been put away for the P2000SK.  :viking:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: "couldbecousin" on October 08, 2011, 06:48:58 PM
My avatar is different for Halloween too. The P7PSP has been put away for the P2000SK.  :viking:

 It looks great, very much ready for action!    :litigious:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'andersom' on October 08, 2011, 06:49:48 PM
@ PPK  :thumbup:

It does look slightly more fierce indeed.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: P7PSP on October 08, 2011, 06:51:27 PM
The 40 S&W cartridge has more hitting power than the 9mm Parabellum.  :indeed:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 08, 2011, 06:52:15 PM
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: P7PSP on October 08, 2011, 06:53:50 PM
BTW all you ladies Halloween avies look smashing.  :thumbup:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'andersom' on October 08, 2011, 06:55:07 PM
Thank you, you are being very kind.   8)
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: "couldbecousin" on October 08, 2011, 06:57:03 PM
BTW all you ladies Halloween avies look smashing.  :thumbup:

 Thank you, sir, we are having fun!    :cheer:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 08, 2011, 06:59:20 PM
My av is Halloween themed already  8)

L'Inconnue de la Seine (French for "the unknown woman of the Seine") was an unidentified young woman whose death mask became a popular fixture on the walls of artists' homes after 1900. Her visage was the inspiration for numerous literary works.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'andersom' on October 08, 2011, 07:05:21 PM
My av is Halloween themed already  8)

L'Inconnue de la Seine (French for "the unknown woman of the Seine") was an unidentified young woman whose death mask became a popular fixture on the walls of artists' homes after 1900. Her visage was the inspiration for numerous literary works.

Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 08, 2011, 07:06:12 PM
She looks like she's smiling; didn't know she's dead.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'andersom' on October 08, 2011, 07:08:45 PM
My av is Halloween themed already  8)

L'Inconnue de la Seine (French for "the unknown woman of the Seine") was an unidentified young woman whose death mask became a popular fixture on the walls of artists' homes after 1900. Her visage was the inspiration for numerous literary works.


The  :lol: was for you being themed so early.

Thanks for posting about the origin of your avatar. I forgot to ask, but was curious.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Queen Victoria on October 08, 2011, 07:18:11 PM
My av is Halloween themed already  8)

L'Inconnue de la Seine (French for "the unknown woman of the Seine") was an unidentified young woman whose death mask became a popular fixture on the walls of artists' homes after 1900. Her visage was the inspiration for numerous literary works.

And from Wikipedia:

The face of the unknown woman was used for the head of the first aid mannequin Rescue Annie.[8] It was created by Peter Safar and Asmund Laerdal in 1958 and was used starting in 1960 in numerous CPR courses.[9][10] Therefore, the face has been called by some "the most kissed face" of all time.[11]

So, psychophant has had the honor of kissing her.

Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: P7PSP on October 08, 2011, 07:25:48 PM
My av is Halloween themed already  8)

L'Inconnue de la Seine (French for "the unknown woman of the Seine") was an unidentified young woman whose death mask became a popular fixture on the walls of artists' homes after 1900. Her visage was the inspiration for numerous literary works.

And from Wikipedia:

The face of the unknown woman was used for the head of the first aid mannequin Rescue Annie.[8] It was created by Peter Safar and Asmund Laerdal in 1958 and was used starting in 1960 in numerous CPR courses.[9][10] Therefore, the face has been called by some "the most kissed face" of all time.[11]

So, psychophant has had the honor of kissing her.
I did too. I gave her the tongue.  :viking:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 08, 2011, 07:26:43 PM
My cpr manequine was male.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'andersom' on October 08, 2011, 07:28:01 PM
My cpr manequine was male.

Was he handsome?
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 08, 2011, 07:32:55 PM
My cpr manequine was male.

Was he handsome?
He was very average; looked just like all the others in the room. Though I saved his life and he's ever indebted to me, so that makes him more special than the others.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'andersom' on October 08, 2011, 07:35:59 PM
My cpr manequine was male.

Was he handsome?
He was very average; looked just like all the others in the room. Though I saved his life and he's ever indebted to me, so that makes him more special than the others.

Some theories say that the saviour will always feel responsible for the saved one too.

Do you feel that way about your mannequin?
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: "couldbecousin" on October 08, 2011, 07:41:27 PM
My cpr manequine was male.

Was he handsome?
He was very average; looked just like all the others in the room. Though I saved his life and he's ever indebted to me, so that makes him more special than the others.

 Awww, that is sweet, I think everyone wants to be special.   :2thumbsup:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Queen Victoria on October 08, 2011, 07:42:21 PM
At least CPR mannequins don't kiss and tell.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 08, 2011, 07:46:26 PM
My cpr manequine was male.

Was he handsome?
He was very average; looked just like all the others in the room. Though I saved his life and he's ever indebted to me, so that makes him more special than the others.

Some theories say that the saviour will always feel responsible for the saved one too.

Do you feel that way about your mannequin?
I prefer to focus on keeping my balance upon the pedestal which he place me.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: "couldbecousin" on October 08, 2011, 07:51:33 PM
My cpr manequine was male.

Was he handsome?
He was very average; looked just like all the others in the room. Though I saved his life and he's ever indebted to me, so that makes him more special than the others.

Some theories say that the saviour will always feel responsible for the saved one too.

Do you feel that way about your mannequin?
I prefer to focus on keeping my balance upon the pedestal which he place me.

 I wish I could plus Jack, her dry floral humor makes me smile.  :)
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: P7PSP on October 08, 2011, 07:54:13 PM
My cpr manequine was male.

Was he handsome?
He was very average; looked just like all the others in the room. Though I saved his life and he's ever indebted to me, so that makes him more special than the others.

Some theories say that the saviour will always feel responsible for the saved one too.

Do you feel that way about your mannequin?
I prefer to focus on keeping my balance upon the pedestal which he place me.

 I wish I could plus Jack, her dry floral humor makes me smile.  :)
You know she wants to be plussed.  :viking:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: "couldbecousin" on October 08, 2011, 07:55:30 PM
My cpr manequine was male.

Was he handsome?
He was very average; looked just like all the others in the room. Though I saved his life and he's ever indebted to me, so that makes him more special than the others.

Some theories say that the saviour will always feel responsible for the saved one too.

Do you feel that way about your mannequin?
I prefer to focus on keeping my balance upon the pedestal which he place me.

 I wish I could plus Jack, her dry floral humor makes me smile.  :)
You know she wants to be plussed.  :viking:

 Lead me not into temptation, heathen scoundrel!   :christ:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: P7PSP on October 08, 2011, 07:57:29 PM
My cpr manequine was male.

Was he handsome?
He was very average; looked just like all the others in the room. Though I saved his life and he's ever indebted to me, so that makes him more special than the others.

Some theories say that the saviour will always feel responsible for the saved one too.

Do you feel that way about your mannequin?
I prefer to focus on keeping my balance upon the pedestal which he place me.

 I wish I could plus Jack, her dry floral humor makes me smile.  :)
You know she wants to be plussed.  :viking:

 Lead me not into temptation, heathen scoundrel!   :christ:
So do you think it is better to allow her to continue this Karma Chameleon heresy?
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 08, 2011, 07:58:38 PM
Could easily let it go. Remember one time got seven out of nowhere in one day. Cousin and hyke were fixing it and I told them not to worry about it. It doesn't seem quite as weird as in the beginning, though that might be because of the lack of it; not sure. Maybe it would be like the who's online list. That really creeped me out at first, but doesn't bother me now. With the karma, the best part is not having to worry about giving it out.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Psychophant on October 08, 2011, 09:02:17 PM
My av is Halloween themed already  8)

L'Inconnue de la Seine (French for "the unknown woman of the Seine") was an unidentified young woman whose death mask became a popular fixture on the walls of artists' homes after 1900. Her visage was the inspiration for numerous literary works.

And from Wikipedia:

The face of the unknown woman was used for the head of the first aid mannequin Rescue Annie.[8] It was created by Peter Safar and Asmund Laerdal in 1958 and was used starting in 1960 in numerous CPR courses.[9][10] Therefore, the face has been called by some "the most kissed face" of all time.[11]

So, psychophant has had the honor of kissing her.

Sorry to say, all the mannequins I've trained on have been male!   ::)  Which is weird, since half the cpr I've done has been on women.   :dunno:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Psychophant on October 08, 2011, 09:03:35 PM
My av is Halloween themed already  8)

L'Inconnue de la Seine (French for "the unknown woman of the Seine") was an unidentified young woman whose death mask became a popular fixture on the walls of artists' homes after 1900. Her visage was the inspiration for numerous literary works.

And from Wikipedia:

The face of the unknown woman was used for the head of the first aid mannequin Rescue Annie.[8] It was created by Peter Safar and Asmund Laerdal in 1958 and was used starting in 1960 in numerous CPR courses.[9][10] Therefore, the face has been called by some "the most kissed face" of all time.[11]

So, psychophant has had the honor of kissing her.
I did too. I gave her the tongue.  :viking:

You sly dog!   :eyebrows:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 09, 2011, 04:37:12 AM
She looks like she's smiling; didn't know she's dead.

According to an often-repeated story, the body of the young woman was pulled out of the Seine River at the Quai du Louvre in Paris around the late 1880s.  The body showed no signs of violence, and suicide was suspected.  A pathologist at the Paris morgue was so taken by her beauty that he had a moulder make a plaster cast death mask of her face.

In the following years, numerous copies were produced. The copies quickly became a fashionable morbid fixture in Parisian Bohemian society. Albert Camus and others compared her enigmatic smile to that of the Mona Lisa, inviting numerous speculations as to what clues the eerily happy expression in her face could offer about her life, her death, and her place in society.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 09, 2011, 12:00:47 PM
Thanks, binty.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 16, 2011, 10:53:00 AM
That little thread is full of fascinating material.  Shows TCO being somewhat misogynistic and very pro corporal punishment.  You guys may have agreed to stop but I still think TCO is a dickhead and will continue thinking it until he proves me wrong, which I doubt will ever happen.

But thie thing is Sophist, you clearly have missed the point, as all psychologists before seem to have. Years ago here, if a cop ran across a kid fucking around, he would give them a good kick in the arse and forcibly take the kid home and tell his/her parents what they'd been up to. Authority was respected then, because the kid also copped a hiding from his/her parents and never fucked up again. Compare that to today, where the soft approach is taken by people who know nothing about raising kids at all, and those kids run amok, spraying graffiti, stealing radios, assaulting and robbing old people, and even toting guns at school (Columbine). They are told by counsellors and psychologists they they have the right to report abuse (which these pseudo intellectuals have told them spanking is), and thus think they can get away with murder. Have you raised children or been in a position to see what children are like growing up? No? Then obviously you know nothing about what you are talking about. I benefitted from discipline at school and home, and if I fucked up, i knew the consequences of my actions. It's called TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR ONES ACTIONS. You don't have proper discipline or authority, you get chaos, which is what we have today. Now you think I might be a bit harsh on the psychological fraternity, but since I haven't seen anything of value come out of them in the way of child rearing and behaviour, I feel that anything they say is likely to be a crock of shit.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 16, 2011, 11:02:46 AM

Nothing of substance. As usual.

indulging in your usual garbage I see.

Just another periodical rant by a bitch with PMT. Go have a Bex and a good lie down.

Firstly, Nortunalist, or the closet intellect (with emphasis on the closet - come out like the rest of your nancy pals), if you are trying to cut me with your inane drivel, then you better sharpen your scissors, because up until now your attempts have been as good as blunt chainsaw ripping through an elm. What is this about Delphi I hear? A WOMEN'S SITE? And you were scared of a troll there? AND YOU BEING A MAN? Fuck, next thing we know you'll be bragging how you took on Helen Reddy in a pissing contest and you barely beat her. And what is even weirder about this whole thing is - wait for it - I personally couldn't give a shit about anything you've said to me or anyone else. You obviously have a lonely life perusing poxy shites.. er sites like Gestalt and Delphi, and then trying to flame someone here who goesn't give a flying fuck about you in the slightest. Now why don't you crawl back into that pile of overcoats in your closet like a good little drama queen and leave the argument to those of us that give a shit.

Secondly, if the rabid 'movement' (couldn't think of a more apt term, given they are full of shit) keeps on with their crap, we may have to flush them down the sewer with the rest of the shit. Either that or use them as compost, or dynamic lifter.....  :violin: :wanker:

If you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen, luv. Or did Germaine Greer happen to bar you from the kitchen when it was decided your cooking was as good as your debating? If you want to stand up for crap like them go ahead, but I reserve my right to call them poxy drivel infested shit, even if I haven't tainted my screen by visiting them. It really makes me wonder about all these poxy liberationist pseudo-intellectuals who got off on listening to 'I am woman' (which was actually written by a bloke... Ha Ha) and reading such boring bullshit like 'The Female Eunuch'. But then again, the whole movement post Steinem was a bit of a joke. I mean, all the hangers on that masquerade as intellectuals and boast about IQs int their 130s and 140s and hold MENSA certificates while supporting such claptrap as was sputed by these dickwads really makes me wonder whether they should have been aborted. But given there aren't any tests during pregnancy for whether a person is going to become a real fuckwit in later life means that we had to put up with these morons infecting the population and spreading their vile hatred of anything that they couldn't be themselves.

In case you have forgotten, luv, this is a forum where someone can say what they fucking well like; no matter what. And I happen to think that Sir Les is right in his opinions on not only Zach's bullshit behaviour, but also in his criticsim of Nocturnalist. As I said, you can stick up for these imbeciles all you want, and those other pathetic poor excuses for sites. But remeber this - when trying to justify it to a person like me who couldn't give a shit 2 ways from Sunday, all your doing is wanking yourself to oblibvion. So tell your story to the brick wall that cares.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: 'Butterflies' on October 16, 2011, 11:07:13 AM
That little thread is full of fascinating material.  Shows TCO being somewhat misogynistic and very pro corporal punishment.  You guys may have agreed to stop but I still think TCO is a dickhead and will continue thinking it until he proves me wrong, which I doubt will ever happen.

But thie thing is Sophist, you clearly have missed the point, as all psychologists before seem to have. Years ago here, if a cop ran across a kid fucking around, he would give them a good kick in the arse and forcibly take the kid home and tell his/her parents what they'd been up to. Authority was respected then, because the kid also copped a hiding from his/her parents and never fucked up again. Compare that to today, where the soft approach is taken by people who know nothing about raising kids at all, and those kids run amok, spraying graffiti, stealing radios, assaulting and robbing old people, and even toting guns at school (Columbine). They are told by counsellors and psychologists they they have the right to report abuse (which these pseudo intellectuals have told them spanking is), and thus think they can get away with murder. Have you raised children or been in a position to see what children are like growing up? No? Then obviously you know nothing about what you are talking about. I benefitted from discipline at school and home, and if I fucked up, i knew the consequences of my actions. It's called TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR ONES ACTIONS. You don't have proper discipline or authority, you get chaos, which is what we have today. Now you think I might be a bit harsh on the psychological fraternity, but since I haven't seen anything of value come out of them in the way of child rearing and behaviour, I feel that anything they say is likely to be a crock of shit.

But we must all respect Authauriteh :facepalm2:

I love how he uses himself as an example of how corporal punishment works. I couldn't think of a more fucked-up individual.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 16, 2011, 11:15:12 AM
But we must all respect Authauriteh :facepalm2:

I love how he uses himself as an example of how corporal punishment works. I couldn't think of a more fucked-up individual.

Same, hence why I bolded the "taking responsibility for one's actions" part.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: midlifeaspie on October 16, 2011, 08:49:54 PM
So much drama from a guy who is ignoring everything we say.

Mad bro? :trollface:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 17, 2011, 07:38:19 AM
A very interesting old (from 2007) thread I dug up at WP: (

titled: The_Chosen_One's drooling fits of madness.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: midlifeaspie on October 17, 2011, 09:16:11 AM
I am actually starting to miss having access to read these old threads
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Binty on October 17, 2011, 09:42:29 AM
For those who can't access WP:

Quote from: jfrmeister
I must say, never before have I encountered anyone on a message board who's conduct is more hypocritical that this The_Chosen_One character. The degree that he projects his conduct and motives on others is something I've never witnessed before.
He can't possibly make a post with someone he dissagrees with, without half a dozen insults thrown in. When you call him on this, HE accuses you of being disrespectfull. It's like a playground bully comming up to you and he starts punching you while saying "QUIT PUNCHING ME" Really, his behavior is so disconnected from reality it's almost comical.

Normally I'm against posting PM's, but he has sent me so many abusive PM's I think it will provide some insight to his delusional state of mind.

So here they are, The_Chosen_One's own words, submitted for your approval.

I hope everyone sees this person for the agressive would-be bully that he is.

Quote from: jfrmeister
Quote from: The Chosen One
If you don't stop these attacks on me, I'm going to be forced to take steps to get not only your account banned, but your friends as well. And if you think I am joking, and I get banned, I will take this site down as well. I will not stand by while some little git from over in Psycho-land has a go at me and then expects me not to come back? Well f**k you, because things don't work that way. Just because you have AS or some mental condition doesn't give you and anyone else the right to make defamatory remarks and then cry foul because I give you something back. Now apologize or I will take further steps.

To which I replied:

Thank you for the message. I've forwarded it to the Moderation staff for further action.

Quote from: calandale
He tends to get a bit emotional
about his fights, doesn't he?

Quote from: jfrmeister
To which he replied:

Quote from: The Chosen One
f***ing retarded moron. Try to argue with a spastic and what do you get. Next time I'll look for more intelligent people to talk to than brainless f**** like you.

Stick you name calling up you arse, you dickhead.

to which I replied:

posting in the mirror.

Theory Of Mind is a b***h....... isn't it.  ::)

Quote from: Quatermass
You are also provoking him. I am taking a very dim view of that. Soon, it'll be lights out for that thread.

Quote from: calandale
I seem to remember that he's not on
the spectrum, actually.

Quote from: jfrmeister
to which he replied:

Quote from: The Chosen One
grow up, you imbecile. If you can't, flush yourself like the turd you are. now go away.

Quote from: jfrmeister
Quote from: Quatermass
You are also provoking him. I am taking a very dim view of that. Soon, it'll be lights out for that thread.

How is it that pointing out his conduct is provoking him?

Quote from: Quatermass
Quote from: jfrmeister
Quote from: Quatermass
You are also provoking him. I am taking a very dim view of that. Soon, it'll be lights out for that thread.

How is it that pointing out his conduct is provoking him?

I read your posts in those threads. The lot of you are being extremely immature.

Quote from: jfrmeister
To which I replied:

Did you look in the mirror like I told you to??

You're the one doing all the name calling, bullying and other bad behavior. you're obviously young, naive and have major Theory Of Mind issues.

Take a couple of deep breaths, and when you have an epiphany and realize that you just accused me and everyone else, of the things you're guilty of, maybe...JUST maybe we could have an intelligent discussion.

To which he replied:

Quote from: The Chosen One
Turn into a fence and get over yourself, idiot.

I'm mid 40s, and far more mature than you'll ever be. Your inane rantings, as well as those of your pathetic friends have proved this. Insanity is definitely no reason to be allowed to carry a gun, and your poxy legislation has allowed the brainless to do just this. antiquated legislation for a backward country. That's why you are one step from oblivion, and have a 'world domination' mindset that says you must invade everyone else or perish. So much for civilization. If anyone needs to look in the mirror it's you; just to see what an utter fool they have made out of yourself. Now take your medication like a good little boy and go bother someone else who cares. Pfffft

Oh, and if you can't take the warnings from mods as well, then maybe you should leave this forum. A mental condition is no licence to behave like an absolute tool, so grow up.

Quote from: jfrmeister
Quote from: Quatermass
Quote from: jfrmeister
Quote from: Quatermass
You are also provoking him. I am taking a very dim view of that. Soon, it'll be lights out for that thread.

How is it that pointing out his conduct is provoking him?

I read your posts in those threads. The lot of you are being extremely immature.

Can you give a specific example?

All I felt I was doing was standing up to this would-be bully. Can't you see him accusing others of HIS bullying?? Is should be plain as day to see.

Quote from: calandale
Quote from: Quatermass
Soon, it'll be lights out for that thread.

A sad thing, when threads which have valid discussions
are simply locked.

Was kinda hoping for your views, as well as MrMarks,
and (gods forbid) Alex's in (

Merely to let the membership know why
y'all think locking is better than cutting,
if indeed that is the case.

Quote from: Mr.Mark
Responding to a complaint from The_Chosen_One I said that I saw no clear-cut violation of the rules. After the fact I noticed that this thread was specifically about him and that is not allowed. If someone is harrassing you by private message, inform a mod. I may have more to say about this after futher review.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Natalia Evans on October 17, 2011, 02:36:46 PM
He has me ignored on FB, does that count?
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Scrapheap on November 13, 2011, 01:17:31 PM
bump  :green:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on December 30, 2014, 07:28:00 PM
BIG FUCKING PETERS     :rofl:  never noticed this smiley before.     :2thumbsup:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on December 30, 2014, 07:37:14 PM
BTW, jfrmeister was one of my WP socks.

For those who can't access WP:

Quote from: jfrmeister
I must say, never before have I encountered anyone on a message board who's conduct is more hypocritical that this The_Chosen_One character. The degree that he projects his conduct and motives on others is something I've never witnessed before.
He can't possibly make a post with someone he dissagrees with, without half a dozen insults thrown in. When you call him on this, HE accuses you of being disrespectfull. It's like a playground bully comming up to you and he starts punching you while saying "QUIT PUNCHING ME" Really, his behavior is so disconnected from reality it's almost comical.

Normally I'm against posting PM's, but he has sent me so many abusive PM's I think it will provide some insight to his delusional state of mind.

So here they are, The_Chosen_One's own words, submitted for your approval.

I hope everyone sees this person for the agressive would-be bully that he is.

Quote from: jfrmeister
Quote from: The Chosen One
If you don't stop these attacks on me, I'm going to be forced to take steps to get not only your account banned, but your friends as well. And if you think I am joking, and I get banned, I will take this site down as well. I will not stand by while some little git from over in Psycho-land has a go at me and then expects me not to come back? Well f**k you, because things don't work that way. Just because you have AS or some mental condition doesn't give you and anyone else the right to make defamatory remarks and then cry foul because I give you something back. Now apologize or I will take further steps.

To which I replied:

Thank you for the message. I've forwarded it to the Moderation staff for further action.

Quote from: calandale
He tends to get a bit emotional
about his fights, doesn't he?

Quote from: jfrmeister
To which he replied:

Quote from: The Chosen One
f***ing retarded moron. Try to argue with a spastic and what do you get. Next time I'll look for more intelligent people to talk to than brainless f**** like you.

Stick you name calling up you arse, you dickhead.

to which I replied:

posting in the mirror.

Theory Of Mind is a b***h....... isn't it.  ::)

Quote from: Quatermass
You are also provoking him. I am taking a very dim view of that. Soon, it'll be lights out for that thread.

Quote from: calandale
I seem to remember that he's not on
the spectrum, actually.

Quote from: jfrmeister
to which he replied:

Quote from: The Chosen One
grow up, you imbecile. If you can't, flush yourself like the turd you are. now go away.

Quote from: jfrmeister
Quote from: Quatermass
You are also provoking him. I am taking a very dim view of that. Soon, it'll be lights out for that thread.

How is it that pointing out his conduct is provoking him?

Quote from: Quatermass
Quote from: jfrmeister
Quote from: Quatermass
You are also provoking him. I am taking a very dim view of that. Soon, it'll be lights out for that thread.

How is it that pointing out his conduct is provoking him?

I read your posts in those threads. The lot of you are being extremely immature.

Quote from: jfrmeister
To which I replied:

Did you look in the mirror like I told you to??

You're the one doing all the name calling, bullying and other bad behavior. you're obviously young, naive and have major Theory Of Mind issues.

Take a couple of deep breaths, and when you have an epiphany and realize that you just accused me and everyone else, of the things you're guilty of, maybe...JUST maybe we could have an intelligent discussion.

To which he replied:

Quote from: The Chosen One
Turn into a fence and get over yourself, idiot.

I'm mid 40s, and far more mature than you'll ever be. Your inane rantings, as well as those of your pathetic friends have proved this. Insanity is definitely no reason to be allowed to carry a gun, and your poxy legislation has allowed the brainless to do just this. antiquated legislation for a backward country. That's why you are one step from oblivion, and have a 'world domination' mindset that says you must invade everyone else or perish. So much for civilization. If anyone needs to look in the mirror it's you; just to see what an utter fool they have made out of yourself. Now take your medication like a good little boy and go bother someone else who cares. Pfffft

Oh, and if you can't take the warnings from mods as well, then maybe you should leave this forum. A mental condition is no licence to behave like an absolute tool, so grow up.

Quote from: jfrmeister
Quote from: Quatermass
Quote from: jfrmeister
Quote from: Quatermass
You are also provoking him. I am taking a very dim view of that. Soon, it'll be lights out for that thread.

How is it that pointing out his conduct is provoking him?

I read your posts in those threads. The lot of you are being extremely immature.

Can you give a specific example?

All I felt I was doing was standing up to this would-be bully. Can't you see him accusing others of HIS bullying?? Is should be plain as day to see.

Quote from: calandale
Quote from: Quatermass
Soon, it'll be lights out for that thread.

A sad thing, when threads which have valid discussions
are simply locked.

Was kinda hoping for your views, as well as MrMarks,
and (gods forbid) Alex's in (

Merely to let the membership know why
y'all think locking is better than cutting,
if indeed that is the case.

Quote from: Mr.Mark
Responding to a complaint from The_Chosen_One I said that I saw no clear-cut violation of the rules. After the fact I noticed that this thread was specifically about him and that is not allowed. If someone is harrassing you by private message, inform a mod. I may have more to say about this after futher review.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Hannah on December 30, 2014, 09:30:41 PM
 :facepalm2: what in the world is this even...
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on December 31, 2014, 12:32:23 AM
One of I2's more unstable spazzes.   ;)
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: odeon on December 31, 2014, 02:27:43 AM
All in all, not one of this board's finest hours.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Trigger 11 on January 03, 2015, 12:23:14 PM
TCO is my friend!
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Xslzunqat on January 21, 2015, 09:43:22 AM
I haven't a clue what he/she/it is but he/she/it has never interacted with me.
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: Gopher Gary on January 21, 2015, 07:50:45 PM
I haven't a clue what he/she/it is but he/she/it has never interacted with me.

That's because he's ignoring you.  :hahaha:
Title: Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
Post by: odeon on January 24, 2015, 01:07:53 AM
I haven't a clue what he/she/it is but he/she/it has never interacted with me.

That's because he's ignoring you.  :hahaha:
