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Games / Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Last post by DirtDawg on May 11, 2024, 05:06:27 PM »
My mom spent hours in her storm cellar ALONE! while Hell came to visit.

She lives in west Texas and had five tornadoes hit one night earlier.  It'd been a few days and she is fine, but storm cellars are not usually pleasant. Did not share at first, because some stuff was no settled.

She lost her chicken barn and her car was trashed but all else is fine.

Only major injury to any of my family was my cousin who was shooing his chickens out of their barn, to give them a fighting chance, when he saw something coming his way and could not avoid it.
He was slammed by a fence post flying from somewhere in the winds and it broke his femur. He is stove up for a while.

I usually call around to all the wives when this stuff happens.
They are working the phones for updates while the boys are out doing the tough stuff.

Got to her call and she was in the hospital. WTF?!? Oh no!
It took her eight hours to get an ambulance out to their land. He's a tough fellow, but he was severely injured.
We weren't thinking about saving his leg by that time.
Every concern was about whether they could still save his life.
Rough night for all there.

I've had my femur sawn off and a prosthesis set in, replacing my parts. That was under anesthesia, with several doctors attending. It took a while to come around to walking again under the best of cases.

This happened to my cousin in an instant, no one around for hundreds of yards and nothing to do but crawl until someone got worried enough to check on him with another tornado coming.
I can not help but feel bad for him and his dear sweet wife. Chiildren willl be OK soon. He will not walk right for a long time.
Games / Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Last post by DirtDawg on May 11, 2024, 04:54:03 PM »
Damn it Dad! I got my peanut butter cravings from you -____-

Honor them!
Games / Re: Last person to post wins!
« Last post by DirtDawg on May 11, 2024, 04:50:33 PM »
I wonder what your psychologist has to say about this opinion of yourself. Have you told her?

He knows about my overthinking... this thought, not so much -__-

Maybe, next trip, come up with a simple question to ask. Possibly create a context about a pet or something lovable? Get something going for a set of discussions.

But expose this to one who has more to work with outside of your fear factors.
Games / Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Last post by DirtDawg on May 11, 2024, 04:39:55 PM »
I've been working for two days to lessen/shorten/corral the overgrown burning bush plants in front of my garage windows.
Filled our trash bin to full, beat it down over and over and still filled it up.

Nothing against burning bushes, but ours have overgrown their space. Five all told and two more out back I plan to chainsaw, drill big holes and dab with Tordon, tape the holes over and let them die.

An overgrown shrub is nothing more than a burglar hidey place and as much as I would set them aright if I had too, I would rather not have to.
This is just home maintenance and I've put it off for too long.
Games / Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Last post by DirtDawg on May 11, 2024, 04:29:24 PM »

I stopped by a multi unit garage sale. Treasure house!

I came away with a 4" Wilton vise, splitting maul, several reloading accessories, some shotgun (turkey) ammo and a handful of tools, including a horse hair bench brush.

Dropped $35, but I think the vise alone was worth that.
It is one of the OLD 4" Wiltons where the anvil actually meant you could pound on it.
Games / Re: What is the Weather like where You Live?
« Last post by DirtDawg on May 11, 2024, 04:22:14 PM »
It's been cool (chilly) since the last blast of storms. Rain was steady for a good while. Clear today.
Windy now. Too windy for my Saturday firepit night.
Games / Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Last post by DirtDawg on May 11, 2024, 04:19:10 PM »
Why do people drive with their LED lightbars and spotlights on in the dark through street lit suburbia? Are they too timid to drive at night without them on?  ::)

Also I've been getting weird compliments in Second Life lately;
"Nice bow" (the tiny bow on my waistband).
"Nice lips" (thanks, they came with the face),
"Nice [insignificant small detail on my avatar]".

The fact that they're avoiding the obvious attention seeking parts of my avatar like my curves, boobs and butt, is that the joke?
I don't know about Second Life, but I can testify that stupid people driving without lights on in their cars are worse than morons.
It does not matter if it is daylight or dusk, put your fucking lights on!

I fear most that the stupidity of these idiots make them imagine that they are saving gas by driving without lights. They know zip about how cars work!!

Every mile or so, a car wastes and throws away enough energy to charge fifty other batteries and start ten trucks or more, just over a few minutes. Be glad you have a working alternator. That's what it does.

Driving wituout lights on just marks those as another idiot who should be "voted off" our island.
Games / Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Last post by DirtDawg on May 11, 2024, 04:05:19 PM »
Why can't I remember her name!?!?!?!?! She's too cute, yet in all honesty why can't I remember her name!?!?!?!
This is a Man Problem, completely 100%, through and through, like it or not, a man thing and it's as pervasive as the coming sunrise!
Men are trash to hear some tell it, but this is a common happening. We don't have to be trash.

If a man can not even remember her name, then the spark was low, to start. Another man idea. Go with your gut!

None of that means to stop.
It's just that you have two strikes against you from the get go. You're only a man, after all.

Remember the spark, the feel of it, the fear, the need and go get more!
Games / Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Last post by Genesis on May 11, 2024, 03:04:27 PM »
Why can't I remember her name!?!?!?!?! She's too cute, yet in all honesty why can't I remember her name!?!?!?!
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