Some people don't know that the Nazis put more than just Jews to death because of their views. Homosexuals, disabled people, Communists, ethnic minorities and gypsies to name a few. I wouldn't be surprised if more than 6 million people died.
At least 11 million were killed. A recent study by the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington suggests a far higher number, up to 20 million in total.
I actually did know that other's were killed as well...the entire thing was just insane...Christians not in name only were among the 'other' humans brave enough to hide people who were later turned in and killed along with everyone else that didn't go along with whatever the heck they were trying to achieve...
The "Deutsche Christen" and "Die Bekennende Kirche" were quite different in their views on Hitler's regime.
Both groups probably thought they were Christians not in name only. But what a difference between the two of them.
Most default style idealism ends up that way though.
I was wondering why Hannah mentioned the faith/belief system of people being brave enough to stand up against Nazi ideology. That's why I mentioned both a group of convinced collaborators and a group of convinced critics of the Nazi ideology.
The Christians that did stand up against it very likely found strength and courage in their faith, but the communists and the atheists helping fugitives from Nazi regime found courage somewhere too.
Those that are not of faith have basic human decency in common with those that do have faith (some), and that is where their strength I am assuming came from during this period of history...
Bonhoffer is one of the unsung hero's of that generation, as are I'm sure others that were not of faith that were hero's in their own right...the thing that tied those together is simply being decent to one another in the face of human indecency
There is a reason I regard humans with wonder, because they are reflections of a divine being (I believe) and I find it fascinating each person's point of view, also every human has something to offer, it's why I hold to the convictions that I do and believe the way I do...
It says in the Bible that 'Love hates injustice but rejoices when the truth wins out' 1 Cor. 13 forgot the verse number
That to me is a universal concept of being a decent human being, loving one another as we love meaning respect ourselves...
I've been told I am unlike most who are Christians and it is true I gladly celebrate the fact that I am one of a kind as
I celebrate each of you here you guys are just so awesome and deep down kind...
I realize having this view will open myself up to hurt to those that would take advantage of my good will, but it's worth it in my opinion for the reward outweighs not knowing good people at all