Basically, yeah. I clean my house every week, including vaccuuming etc., wamr mist humidifier running all the time, try to have steam as often as I can manage- maybe I should try more of that, though it's not just congestion. Cngestion I'm ok with, it's my damn EARS that make me crazy. Painkillers, I can only take so many. Decongestants don't help much and screw me up wicked. I think I'm allergic to earwax-removing drops (and my ears are what really mostly kill me). Benadryl=sleeping pills, and I fucking hate them with a passion, OTC non-diphenhydramine antihistamines make me dizzy. Taking care of diet, etc. Keep asking the people at my campus health clinic to flush my damn ears and they keep sayign it's not blocked, but I'm convinced they're wrong. Can't unblock the wax myself; I think it's so bad it needs professional treatment. I'm seeing my doctor within a week or so for my finally shot of gardasil, so I'll talk with her then about that, ask her to just humor the hypochondriac and fucking FLUSH me, ask her about some other stuff too that's been driving me up a tree (the low BP or whatever the hell it is- prolly IS stress), skin stuff, etc.
I think I'm just allergic to the world. I've had this ear blockage thing since I went off Zyprexa, and it does indeed work in histamine receptors. But I'd rather have a constant low level of misery than a constant low level of everthing. Zyprexa is the #1 med I'd never want to take again, and diphenhydramine (benadryl) is up there in the top ten, too. (I'm kinda impossble, lol.)