soph, are you posting at Wp? say it aint so.
I am, but I'm not really sure why. And I think I'm gonna get banned again soon.
I wonder why....
I bet you can't wait. One less person for you to get owned by.
Hardly. More like one less annoying little toddler to deal with, i have enough of them to deal with thank you very much
Do you meet a lot of toddlers with a higher intelligence than you, Hardon?
I mean, there are some incompetent i.diots on WP, but Jesus, you're in there with the best of them.
No, read again. I was refering to my home life. As for my intelligence, it probably beats yours. You are just calling people idiots because they disagree with you. Some of us dont stick to the good old NT PC line on everything.
I did read your post (don't know why I bother though).
I have two brothers at home who are 6 and 3 as well, so I'm used to dealing with kids like you.
And I call you an peaguy, because that's what you are.
I tried debating with you properly on WP, but you weren't capable of it.
*snorts* As I said before, you are incapable of considering a view on homoP.I.uality different to yours, so there is no debate to be had.
Bullshit. I wasn't the one making assumptions about other people. I accepted that maybe some people can change their P.I.uality. All I know is how I am myself. Same as you. But you don't accept that. It was you who was claiming people choose to be gay or transgendered lol. If anyone's incapable of considering a different view on it, then it's you.
I see the thread about choosing your P.I.uality is still drawing. Not as clear cut as you think it is obviously. All you know is how you think you are yourself, that rarely meets with how someone actually is. As for knowing how I am myself, i do know about others too. People tell me things, surprisingly.
People can tell you any old shit they like. I could tell you anything I like now, doesn't have to be true. And I never told you I chose anything, yet you still claimed to know I chose to be transgendered. At least I admit I don't
know anything about other peoples' sexuality.