Do you like fluorescent lights?
I do remember when we got our first fluorescent light when I was in primary school and being amazed at how much everything lit up when it was on.
I had flurescent socks in the 80's, does that count?
I'm taking they don't bother you either. How often do you hear them buzzing or humming whenever you see them?
Sometimes. Can't give you a percentage. But I do have good hearing and tend to hear things others can't.....
Why do you put '.....' in your posts? Does it mean anything? Does it mean you were going to say more and you ran out of time or does it mean 'bla bla bla?'
What can you hear other people can't hear?
I have heard things too others can't hear but I don't know if it's because of my young age or I have some sensitive hearing.
Why do I do anything, my dear? Fucked if I know. Don't analyze me too much, you'll just confuse me, I've been doing it for years - it's a shit job, but someone's gotta do it!
What can I hear that other people hear? Buzzing, people tapping or clicking pens drives me insane in meetings...lots of things.
Here's an example - the other night, I'm here and I hear this noise and think "who the fuck has a generator or something going at this time of night"....I get up, walk around the house but can't hear the noise. Sit back down at the computer and realise it's my wireless modem grinding away....and I thought it was someone's generator for fucks sake!