I've just finished reading 'The Dark Web Murders', by Brian O'Hare which I reviewed for a whopping $5. And am now reading A. J. Finn's, 'The Woman in the Window', which isn't something I'm being paid to review, but I like to read better acclaimed titles between those. My next planned read through includes The Walking Dead, graphic novels which happen to be available with Kindle Unlimited - something I recently bought into. I'm not all that thrilled with KU, except that those are available. I may cancel my subscription to it, once I've read through TWD.
I'm having a bit of a drink tonight, as I sit here by myself, in an empty house, and with my Kindle on charge. I just replied to an email from my estranged friend in the USA and have been a bit befuddled about her last message to me. You see, I asked her a sort of inappropriate question. Not inappropriate in the sense that the question itself was, but more because the question I'd asked was something I already knew the answer to, and had simply forgotten throughout the course of time we've been in communication. So I digress, we have come closer for her having to re-tell me this "lost information," because I was able to remind her of my own similar experiences.
Sometimes I wonder about coming to i2, like where am I supposed to write everything I want to write? There's a forum for posting reviews but that's only supposed to be your favorite books, movie, and tv, or games, and sometimes I want to write a negative review, but that doesn't seem to be included. So invariably, I've ended up here, writing out endless nothings in the hopes that my post will be found. The Dark Web Murders wasn't that great, btw.