@DD only, because I don't give a shit about the rest of you jackasses.
Do you think the wall will actually stop them?
No, but a barrier patrolled on both sides is a damn good start. It is still up to people to protect and defend our borders.
What do you think of expanding the quota for entry to accommodate more than a trickle of people trying to take the legal route? I guess it will never match the need so long as there is such a steep quality of life difference on each side of the border.
Al, I can see your point that the wall would slow people down. I don't think it's the best investment for the money, though, because the time and money it would take to complete such a project could be so much better spent improving the facilities and making the process more efficient for dealing with the people who have come through.
And I definitely don't support declaring a national emergency over it in an attempt to manipulate the political system.
That is the thing entirely. YOU do not think it is and i absolutely take you at your word that you do not believe that.
Many people agree with you and many people don't.
Politics is full of many complete differences of opinion.
That recognition that this is NOT a truth-based premise but a subjective concept. Then we ask who has the power to enforce their subjective belief?
The answer to this is that the President has this Constitutional authority to declare an emergency and in 1975, Congress effectively divested authority they had in limiting the Presidential powers around this.
It can be challenged and ruled in the Supreme Court but it is almost certain to have challenges struck down.
What then? If Congress did not want Presidents to Constitionally use their powers, they ought not have divested their power base in the first place. What Trump is doing is not wrong.
The Democrats agreed to $7 billion for foreign country's walls. It was NEVER about the money.
As for slowing down people, i think putting fetters on illegal immigration is a great thing.
A country should have some say in who joins their nation as a citizen and/or resident. No one has a right to another country.
That does't mean people can't visit or apply for residency or citizenship, but sneaking in is disrespectful