A very spazzy way to announce it too, miss K 'insert all that crap here...'
Businesslike, logical and to the point.
Hope you are having a good one, my squeebly feline friend.
And the rest of you, have a damn fine Xmas.
Anyone else got anything good yet?
Just got a new laptop. REALLY needed that, this thing's HD is buggered, screen is buggered, if it was a cat, it would have to be a time lord's cat on it's last regeneration, nine lives gone in each of them, and on it's 1.995th life even then. Takes ages to boot, using a linux install disk, thing needs hooking to an external monitor, and at that, been using a camera flash chip to substitute for a tiny HD. Just for when I find really interesting or useful papers. Or how to find that one video with the speshul ed autie girl peanut butter thing.
I'll find a link to it as soon as I can get away with searching for it, since this thing is in the darkest of dark places, and the old ass laptop is stuck, immobile in the kitchen.
Think laptop version of the emperor from warhammer 40K. Nobody knows if it's alive, or dead. Stuck with it, can't get on without it....but it's a living corpse that outlived it's rightful existence several millennia ago, brought to a semblence of unlife only with some pretty arcane measures taken in the form of 'life' support.
So I can't yet give I2 an Xmas gift. But I'll find it once the folks have gone to bed. Even quite a few of our aspiettes and autiettes, any Rett's girls lurking unannounced here, will like this, once I can go find the bugger. It is SOOOOO cute, as well as hot to fuck. The things an autistic girl can do with a jar of peanut butter.....oh boy.