There was a time when most of my clothes were black. Those days are over now. Still have black things, but not going all black anymore.
I dislike shopping a lot. So I had the habit of buying stuff that caught my eye, because I liked what I saw. If the fit was comfy too, I'd go for it. Worked fine when I lived in a city. Now I live in a really small village. I have to actively look for clothes. I don't like that. When budget was really tight I bought stuff when needed and did not give myself the luxury to see whether I liked it or not.
Now, working in a thrift shop with lots of clothes I bump into lots of possibly nice stuff. Am finding back what I used to like. Wide pants, wavy shirts. Back to the greens I somehow always have liked. But also have teal with green stuff and orange brown clothes. Finding I don't dislike all oranges, not all turquoises.
Do have some fitted shirts too. Style? Different. Could be jeans with a black blazer, but could also be a somewhat alternative look. I never blend in, but am not a multicoloured parrot either.
I've made a deal with myself, I will not buy things out of necessity if I do not really like it, both in how it looks and in how comfy it is. Rediscovered my sewing machine. So now can disect worn out favourite clothes and make new ones with the same shape.
I don't follow fashion. But am aware of it. Learned a lot, the past five years. We do select on wearable and not wearable in the shop, and that has to do with fashion too. Good thing, waists have gone up in pants and shirts got longer last season.
Comfy is very important for me. Fashion is not. I do want them to be nice in my eyes.
I do match colours with some care. Having daughters did change my attention for clothes a bit. Some years ago they told me I was actually becoming somewhat female in my appearance.