I do not lash out at people IRL. I can't get angry anymore. I just get even more depressed.
That is a good start. Although you must not show them that you are depressed. Remember, your classmates are probably not aspie, they just want to make friends with people who are fun. I know that maybe isn't how you feel, but if you want to make friends with NTs you will have to do a bit of acting. People always tell you to be yourself. That is not true for me. I find it easiest to be what they want you to be. #I have been to college a few times, and the best advice I can give is to hide any negative emotions you might feel. Be fun, cool, and happy. You might feel like shit on the inside, but do not let them see that. If you project negative emotions people will avoid you like the plague.
Be sweet, nice, and helpfull. You are probably not stupid compared to some of your classmates, always be ready to help anyone who needs help. Not all of those people will want to be your friend, but maybe one will.
i may sound like a bit of an aspie-elitist saying this, but, its true for NT's, cus "theyre all alike.... "
seriously tho, you dont see THAT much of a variation between various personalities,
out there, so its true for them, "be yourself" means "be charming, happy, outgoing, and fond lover of parties and masses of people, such as an ibiza-beach party."