Picking on a pregnant woman? A new low even for your Les.
Wow Phlex.
My hair is standing straight up in my neck.
You awake every feminist fibre in my body.
Pregnancy is not an illness or a weakness. And as long as there are no complications, women can do everything they want, apart from a few things.
If a pregnant woman can't do a call-out, she can't be a judge, she can't be a lawyer, she can't be a surgeon, she can't drive a car.
Apart from apparent things, like eating raw meat, eating raw cheeses, changing cat litter without gloves, work with toxic things, women can do what they can do when they are pregnant just like they can when they are not. Don't try to take that away from women Phlex.
I don't want to get back to the times when (only the richer btb) women were treated like expensive china when with child. Please, give the female sex some credit.
And for what it's worth, hormones can make pregnant women, and new mothers very fierce fighters.
Talk about going overboard or over reacting, oh yeah you just did.
For starters, men and women are different, pure fact. Plus I'm more focused on Sir Les in my argument than Kit. As in what It says about his character than hers. I think it's just common sense and general niceness to give a break to a pregnant woman who has had a miscarriage previously. If what she does bothers him that much, and it's Kit we are talking about, then perhaps he should get the fuck off the internet.
And don't you think I know what pregnant women are capable of? I do have a wife that has been pregnant 6 times. Plus this isn't about what they can do physically wise.
Maybe, but I don't think so.
Women still get sacked easily when they are pregnant. And people clear their conscience by telling it will be better for the mother and the baby. So, yes, it is a sore point with me.
Of course the sacking now happens officially because of other reasons, it is not allowed to discriminate on pregnancy anymore.
But it was allowed in the days my grandmothers were young. Nice jobs, and getting pregnant did not go together, often getting married was already enough to get sacked, getting pregnant was going to do it if they had been lenient on a newly wed woman. Very unfair, and in stealth this still happens. So yes, I react on you bringing in Kit's condition. It's not fair on Kit.
And you saying you were not defending Kit, but showing how low Sir_Les can get makes it even worse.
To me it implies that you tell Kit she can do anything, while you tell Sir_Les that he should treat Kit as if she can't. Wanting him to disrespect Kit, and to act condescending towards Kit.
Why do I answer you? Not because I want to defend Kit, she is very capable of doing that herself. Not because I want to defend Sir_Les, he can do that himself too. But, because it is a view on women that has been used and will be used against women any time it comes in handy economically or for other reasons. Like I said, you triggered every feminist fibre in me. And you did not bring it to peace with your answer. It only got worse.