How can one deny a creator? does a car make itself? no way, cars need intellegent designers, can a computer make itself? no way, computers need intellegent designers (just ask Bill Gates about this one, Microsoft was not possible without his genius behind it).
Nice way to prove that you've created god in your own image. Without humans as a frame of reference for creating things, you would have no precedent that things that exist have an intelligence behind their existence.
Likewise the human body could not make itself at all, in order for all the bones and organs to be in place the way they are, an intellegent designer had to be there to make this possible.
Like all other IDiots, you've made a straw-man argument of evolution. At least read the wiki article on evolution theory before you start spouting off ignorant shit like this.
Some people have varied opinions on who that is? I myself believe it is God, others could believe it is someone else like Allah or Ganesh or whoever the Totem Pole stands for.
Aaah, the IDiot legal disclaimer (this one was authored by the legal staff at the Discovery Institute). This is how you try to get around the establishment clause of the First Amendment.
I have to wonder why anyone makes a big deal out of one choosing to believe in a Creator, and why one choose to mock the idea of one believing in a Creator.
I mean im not mocking those who refuse to believe in a Creator.
It's a big deal because people who share your opinion are trying to shove this "Intelligent Design" crap down the throats of American kids. It's pseudo-science at best, but it's really just Evangelical Christian, Young Earth Creation dressed in a lab coat. It's a Trojan Horse designed to turn America into a Christian Theocracy!
Shove it up your ass!!!