But I don't want it shoved in my face.
Most people don't. I don't go round telling people I'm trans.
Gay marriage? Hang on a sec, at least wait till its proven that being gay is actually down to a gene.
It probably isn't down to 'a gene'. But it almost definitely is biological. If not, then it's something determined at a very young age, so might as well be for all the difference it makes. Although even if people
did choose to be gay (lol), what's so wrong with that? I'd quite like to choose to be gay myself actually.
And It shows how fucked up things have got, when a 12 year old boy is allowed to dress like a girl.
God yes, terrible. Never mind the kids that get beaten up and bullied for years for being gay. The worst thing about our society is that trnasgendered teenagers and kids are able to be themselves.
There are examples of political correctness that has gone way too far, yes. But the moaning about it that goes on among conservatives and Daily Mail-types blows it way out of proportion. It's usually just a few isolated cases of idiocy, and is rarely supported by the "minorities" it's designed for, so don't give us shit for it