I wonder if it could be bred out of people.
You mean use eugenics to eliminate racism if we were able to?
(See the mindfuck yet?)
That does not mean we should do it, I was wondering if it was even possible. Humans aren't dogs.
I beg to differ, Alex. You breed down through the generations long enough, you can get rid of the tendency and the behaviours. It's how civilised society works. But the big thing is, if we did wipe out the 'gene' (if it exists at all), wouldn't we then want to enlarge on that to wipe out something else? I mean, what if some boffin came up with a theory on a 'religious' gene? They've talked about a 'violence' gene for murderers, what about one that predisposes god?
Maybe things were simpler back in the pre-Cambrian days, where all people had to think about was where they got their next meal. No-one worried about race, creed or colour.