I finally went back to the dentist because they wanted to see if my tooth can be saved. I go in and they do a root canal. I had a little episode in there when they put cleaning solution in my tooth and it dripped on my tungue and throat and god it smelled nasty. It smelled like clorene. I don't mind the smell but I certinally didn't like it inside me. Then I snapped, I started coughing and I pull the mouthpiece out of my mouth and I keep coughing. They squirted some water in my mouth and that helped, it's what I needed to wash down the awful taste. Then they did the root canal and filled it with calcium and boy it hurts. I feel pressure inside there. I thought there was something wrong so I was going to call the dentist again and complain but my boyfriend told me he had the same thing when they packed calcium up there where his tooth broke. The feeling did go away eventually so I think it's normal to feel pressure. It hurts when I eat with that tooth so I try to not chew the food to the back of my mouth where the tooth is.