Arena for the Competitive > Main Event Callouts

I call Alex


Dear Alex,

I would like to have a discussion/debate with you about the linking policy on your site.

I will be polite and if anyone in the peanut gallery gives you shit I will tell them to shut the fuck up.

I will watch your back in our own debate.

I want to discuss this with you here, there, or anywhere.

I think you are making a mistake and are harming yourself.  Your linking policy is shooting you in the foot.

Seriously, I won't let them be idiots.  They'll have to get through me first.  You need to talk about this with someone YESTERDAY.

I'd like to call him too  >:(, but I know he won't show up where he has no control.  :laugh:

I will bit his head off


--- Quote from: flourescent on May 13, 2006, 08:03:53 PM ---I will bite his head off.

--- End quote ---



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