I have a sewing machine. It just needs to be fixed. Husband doesn't like going to school functions, too many people in a gym with bad acoustics. So he was out of sorts. And I wasn't in the best of moods because of the unreasonable expectations I have for myself, but hey, I'm getting better about accepting less than totality and perfection.
What is wrong with your sewing machine?
Daughter decided to sew without permission and lost the sewing foot. I"m too disorganized to go out and buy one and I really need to buy a sewing table since I had to throw away the last one when it went rickety. We had to get rid of a bathroom because we couldn't afford the repair, so the plumber gutted it. It will be my sewing room as soon as I overcome my procrastination, laziness, disorganizationa and hoarding. Gee, aint' I human?