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Well everyone I tested positive for CoronaVirus

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Yesterday I got tested and Bam! Positive. I've had it for almost a week and a half. Also I'm fully Vaccinated. I had a break through case

My symptoms so far are: Fatigue, Dizziness, Mild body aches, "Flu like Symptoms" burning nostrils, congestion, coughing. I don't have any trouble breathing  overall its similar to a really bad Flu if you've ever had one

Hopefully nobody else has gotten sick with it. It's going around bad where I live

Dirty Big Yoke:
That sucks - I've known people who got it and it's not to be taken lightly even when vaccinated.

Get well soon.


--- Quote from: Dirty Big Yoke on November 17, 2021, 09:41:13 AM ---That sucks - I've known people who got it and it's not to be taken lightly even when vaccinated.

Get well soon.

--- End quote ---
Thanks man. Yeah this Virus is really something else, can't imagine how bad it would really be without being vaccinated. I guess I can blame China but that'll do no good

Thanks again

Hope you get well soon

Thanks man. I'm def. On the other side of this Virus, here's a video I did of my experience


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