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New Normal

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Gopher Gary:
I'm curious if anyone else has made changes because of the pandemic, that they think will continue from now on.  :orly:

I used to only grocery shop twice per month, but now I shop every week because I don't want to look greedy buying too much at one time, and I've grown to like having everything well stocked all the time, so I think that change is going to stick.

I've also increased the amount of frozen and non-perishable food I keep in the house. I think my previous disaster preparedness food efforts were fine but I've gotten accustomed to having more now and have a good rotating system, so that's probably going to stay too.

I may think of more, but food is probably the biggest changes I've made.  :dunno:

Yuri Bezmenov:
A high school friend of mine has a new normal.

It's called "Do meth, do some really stupid shit and end up in an encounter with the police"

In his latest episode, his uncle got a hotel room in Ventura for he and his mother to come down from Santa Maria and visit. In addition to struggling with meth addiction, he's also a sex addict and nothing makes him hornier than meth. So at some point he got some meth, looked up some porn videos on a laptop and stated to masturbate right in front of his mother!!!.

Lucky for my friend, she didn't call the cops, instead she called up her other son to come pick her up.

Gopher Gary:

Gopher Gary:
Oh, my new normal insecure food habits also include an increased back up supply of dog food. I had a panic moment running a little low on dog food and not being able to find it in any store, but luckily found a place I could order it online, so now I keep lots and lots more dog food.  :thumbup:

Dirty Big Yoke:
Increased overall anxiety and actually being irrationally nervous about going out.


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