He won't be back. When I spoke to him on another forum where I bumped into him by chance, he really didn't seem the least interested in returning here,. he's fucked off and very unlikely he'll fuck back on again.up
And you don't need intelligence to be a nonce. I've had the displeasure of meeting one,when I got banged up on remand for something that shall go unmentioned (no, it isn't sexual,its jus that what I got busted for was unusual and uncommon enough to lead back to me), the guy was one thick cunt, couldn't read or write; and generally speaking, just a really stupid bastard all round. Ended up taking a running leap off a pool table and drop-kicking the fat shit right in his ugly, pudgy face, before making good use of the pool table, by way of using it to beat the stuffing out of
that dirty child rapist piece of shite