CBC-No worries, its healed already.
Its been there a few years now, ever since a bit of a mishap involving an electrolysis cell for electrolyzing sodium hydroxide (NaOH/caustic soda/lye)
At the time, of course I was wearing body protection (old leather jacket was quite enough to give me time to remove it, and clean off any spilled/splattered caustic before damaging the albeit scrap-grade jacket suitable for lab work, and WAY before it would have chance to burn through to my flesh below.
The problem occurred when two things failed at once. One being the power supply itself that I was using to push current through the electrolytic cell (basically a refractory clay pot, later experimented with steel which can withstand boiling hot, fused molten caustic lye with two metal electrodes attached via soldered-on wires going to the power supply.)
Power supply shorted out, at the exact moment that the sodding tank of argon gas (to provide a continuous flow of inert gas to protect the evolved sodium metal) ran out. I have a flow regulator, but not a pressure gauge for the type of smallish, portable and disposable welding gas tanks I use for such things.
Result? big lake of molten metallic Na, sat on its arse in a bath of molten sodium hydroxide, inert gas goes, power supply overloads, melting its wires. Next thing I register going on is a sudden lack of hissing from the argon feed, a loud kkKKRACKK! noise, and a blob of molten Na metal, covered in fused caustic blasted itself RIGHT up my bloody nose. Burnt a right deep crater in one nostril, flew up there dead on target and hit the fucking well bullseye, straight up my right nostril.
Whence it proceeded to ignite, explode, leaving more caustic soda behind up my poor hooter to burn yet deeper into my mucous membrane and nasal septum.
Left a tiny polyp there once the actual crater healed over, wasn't painful once all had healed, but the sensory aspect of it being there was so fucking well annoying, so it had to go eventually. So I figured bugger it, I've had enough of it being there and feeling 'not right', so I eventually bit the bullet (and not, this time, the molten sodium hydroxide and molten balls of pyrophoric/minorly explosive alkali metal), made a batch of para-aminobenzoic acid n-propyl ester (a simple, quick and easy to synthesize if needs be analog of the local anaesthetic benzocaine , where a 3-carbon chain n-propyl ester replaces the ethyl ester found in benzocaine itself.)
Dabbed a little of that onto the outgrowth of tissue to numb the surrounding area temporarily, then took a pair of long-nosed electrician's wirecutters after giving them a quick sterilization in alcohol. Forced the nostril wider in front of a mirror using a haemostat, after a few tries, got a grip on the little sod with the nippers, and, well, nipped it off