A relationship is difficult to maintain when the two people in it live so far apart. I am sorry the two of you broke up, but I am glad you are both behaving so maturely about it. It was just not meant to be and now you are both free to see other people.
Thank you callaway
I'd really like to clear the air here. I didn't think this thread would get the kind of reaction it did torwards baby but unfortunately it did. Yes it does seem kind of fishy she would talk to someone after a whole week, however one must keep in mind that was an LD relationship and LD relationships are very hard to maintain by their very nature, so how can you blame her for actually enjoying the compnay of someone that she can see all the time?
I really don"twant you guys to think bad of baby, while it hurts to see her with someone else, it's for the best considering how far we live apart. Baby is a wonderful girl and would never hurt me intentionally.
I am 23 years old I have my whole life ahead of me and plenty of other girls to shag
and maybe just maybe marry