"without repeating yourself"
"finally agreeing with me"
Yes, mainly.
Another callous specific to these points you have read but are not addressing?
I think Zegh got it right. I did explain my views, you simply chose not to accept them. You think my argumentation is weak, I don't. Etc.
I do not think so. I think you are not addressing my points nor backing your own. You are simply repeating yourself and then complaining that you have to repeat yourself. You don't need to. It should be quite a relief I imagine.
You are not addressing my points by repeating a mantra over and over. (That mantra being "You did not read Zegh so you do not know everything he said and so you can't know he is full of shit'). Any point I have raised is NOT instantly struck down by repeating this. It is not a flawless argument and neither is it nuanced or all-encompassing. If you are not going to discuss the points I raise I will make another callout to do so.
As for whether you agree or not, I do not care.