Start here => Free For ALL => Topic started by: Gluey on June 09, 2008, 10:14:24 AM

Title: New Marksmanship Facination
Post by: Gluey on June 09, 2008, 10:14:24 AM
I love my new slingshot. It's great fun. My aspie freind who is obsessed with weapons taught me how to use it. He even got rid of a deer intruder in our yard by hitting it right in the ass! Well, the deer would eat all our plants and veggies and would get dependent on our food source and be unable to fend for herself. So I don't think it's that cruel.
Well I enjoy hitting the tall arbutus tree stump in the neighbors yard. It's great upper body exersise.
I am thinking of joining the archery club here on the island.

Heres some pictures of me posing with my sling shot that I took with my webcam.




Title: Re: New Marksmanship Facination
Post by: ozymandias on June 09, 2008, 11:28:33 AM
I have a slingshot, one of the high powered variety.  I use it to scare off critters like bears and squirrels and deer.  The bears that are stubborn really run like hell after they get hit.  I use small rounded pebbles for ammo.  Except one Easter we wound up with a large bunch of stale jelly beans.  I hit a couple of squirrels right in the ass, the way they jumped was awesome.  It really didn't hurt them long.   >:D 
Title: Re: New Marksmanship Facination
Post by: Gluey on June 10, 2008, 11:29:05 PM
Jelllybeans! perfect. The 35 cents or 100 grams at the grocery store. Now that's some cheap ammo.
I'll go get some tomorow. I would never eat them.You never know what actually ends up in jellybeans.