Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: QuirkyCarla on July 10, 2006, 11:24:14 PM

Title: Prove your AS!
Post by: QuirkyCarla on July 10, 2006, 11:24:14 PM
Since people are being accused of not really having AS, I thought I'd start a thread where we can talk about what AS symptoms we have.

Some of mine:

-Obsessive (mainly media related- TV shows, celebrities, music, internet etc.) Fascination with the paranormal, astrology, psychological disorders, children.
-Obsessive about orderliness.
-I like to memorize charts and keep the clothes in my closet in color order.
-Very quiet IRL, often almost mute. (I almost never initiate conversations and never know what to talk about and always worry about saying the wrong thing since I do a lot.)
-I avoid eye contact a lot, unless I'm at least a little comfortable around the person. I never use gestures (unless it's the bird  ;))
-Trouble knowing how to react to certain situations.
-Take things literally (sometimes) and have trouble understanding jokes.
-Limited facial expressions (often look like I'm frowning even if I'm not).
-Some mild sensory issues (there is a very limited amount of foods I'll eat, sensitive to smell and occasionally noise)
-Trouble with abstract concepts, such as geometry.
-Poor motor skills. My parents were told this when I was in kindergarten. I didn't learn how to ride a bike until I was 12, I can't skate, etc.

What are your AS symptoms?

Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 10, 2006, 11:28:44 PM
One I know of.  Overstimulation, that does not make an AS patron.  You need 3 at least.  That is dealt with easily, and is a factor of mood.  That makes me wonder if I even have such a problem.

Healthy obessions not a problem
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: McGiver on July 10, 2006, 11:30:07 PM
it turns out that i am not AS at all, i was just on speed.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: hiroshima on July 10, 2006, 11:33:34 PM
Obsessive.  Mute or close to it IRL.  I think in colors.  I feel like my body is a stranger to me (physical awkwardness).
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: QuirkyCarla on July 10, 2006, 11:35:39 PM
it turns out that i am not AS at all, i was just on speed.  :laugh:

Alex, stop using McJ's account!  :laugh:
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 10, 2006, 11:36:33 PM
YES and I was and tired too.  I said I would act like it, just to make you feal better! I could do so very easily.  I memorized symptoms and have studied people on forums, because I have never seen some of the symptoms in action.  Another choosen career, psychologist.  Maybe I could out act Leven Rambin. It would be kind of easy.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: McJ on July 10, 2006, 11:38:33 PM
it turns out that i am not AS at all, i was just on speed.  :laugh:

Alex, stop using McJ's account!  :laugh:

And give back my dam hypodermic syringe
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 10, 2006, 11:58:17 PM
Since people are being accused of not really having AS, I thought I'd start a thread where we can talk about what AS symptoms we have.

Some of mine:

-Obsessive (mainly media related- TV shows, celebrities, music, internet etc.) Fascination with the paranormal, astrology, psychological disorders, children.
-Obsessive about orderliness.
-I like to memorize charts and keep the clothes in my closet in color order.
-Very quiet IRL, often almost mute. (I almost never initiate conversations and never know what to talk about and always worry about saying the wrong thing since I do a lot.)
-I avoid eye contact a lot, unless I'm at least a little comfortable around the person. I never use gestures (unless it's the bird  ;))
-Trouble knowing how to react to certain situations.
-Take things literally (sometimes) and have trouble understanding jokes.
-Limited facial expressions (often look like I'm frowning even if I'm not).
-Some mild sensory issues (there is a very limited amount of foods I'll eat, sensitive to smell and occasionally noise)
-Trouble with abstract concepts, such as geometry.
-Poor motor skills. My parents were told this when I was in kindergarten. I didn't learn how to ride a bike until I was 12, I can't skate, etc.

What are your AS symptoms?

Having clothes in color order is efficent, to me.  It would be obesssive if you got distress when its not like that. My experience with facial expressions is if you are in a good mood you will use them, and the same goes with eye contact and starting conversations. The juice don't flow when mood is bad.  Intresting article points to vitamin a deficency as the cause of lack of eye contact.  That would be from chronic mild grade measles infection in the intestion, from the shot. Poor immune system I bet.  That can be fixed easily.  Getting abstract idea and social things can be gotten eventually. Brains adapt. Sensory issues is related to endorphin metabolism problems. Socialization increases endorphins and if the metabolism is impaired, you will tend to shy away to prevent overstimulation the metabolism of endorphins.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: QuirkyCarla on July 11, 2006, 12:00:17 AM
Now you can cure AS?  :o
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 11, 2006, 12:01:55 AM
I can certainly improve it.  Mine seems to be going away.  I had it bad when I was younger and more retarded.

Anyone confused yet?

I am just warming up!
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 11, 2006, 12:04:30 AM
I talked early and my first word was complicated.  I grew quite and my walking was delayed.  I had casts on my feet.  I cried at parties, would not socialize.  My mom could not hold me.  It just started going away on its own.  I just gave it a  slap
 also. >:D
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: McJ on July 11, 2006, 12:12:17 AM
I can certainly improve it.  Mine seems to be going away.  I had it bad when I was younger and more retarded.

Anyone confused yet?

I am just warming up!

Is it possible?
I am already!
Emo  frozen!
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 11, 2006, 05:24:30 AM
Come to the light! :angel:
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 11, 2006, 06:35:18 AM
I am not cracking a joke.  This is one of my chosen careers, and I am happy Carla put such a thread up.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 11, 2006, 06:39:28 AM
I memorized things my clinical social worker told me, and so could repeat them back to people who need it.  I can think abstractly also, I am good at that too.  Personaly I need a regular social worker or psychologist who is trained to do emdr work for truama.  That has subsided mostly also, but there is still some left.

I love this thread!
I love helping people!
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Eamonn on July 11, 2006, 07:02:26 AM
Im selfish, always think im right, emo, into manga and call myself an otaku as a compliment, wish i was Japanese, got bullied when i was younger, think of myself as a victim though better than everyone else and an outside the box thinker. Everyone else are just sheep. Got hidden in the attic when family friends came round, get mistaken regularly for being an awkward, lazy, stubborn and obnoxious when in reality it's the NT's who are this way.

 Grew up thinking i was an alien and born on the wrong planet. Always think im right. Stim/fidget a lot. Wear glasses, always wear black and think of myself as hardcore. All the other emo's are fake and dont know how to be hardcore like me because they dont know what it's really like to suffer. I do. Am a computer genuis who has a chip on my shoulder, hacks sites out of grudges, speaks L33t 1111111111 LOL PWNZ3red!. Think AS makes me either the most unfortunate person in the world or most gifted , sometimes both at the same time.

I can tell who's AS and who's not within seconds of meeting them (or if i havent met them IRL i can tell within seconds of reading a few of their posts). Usually these are people who have a job and are more succesful than me. Heaven knows you cant have AS without suffering exactly the same issues as me and to the same extent.

 Im a nuerotic woman who get's relationships, friends and high paid jobs that requires social skills easy (im just acting social, im really a social retard who's just learned to survive in an NT world by successfully acting more NT than them for 45 years) but hates the 'other' online aspie (the lonely AS guy, urggh i hope they die) who actually has AS problems and probably a diagnosis because they are taking the glamour away from having a nuerological condition that i found out about in a women's throwaway magazine or found out that retarded friend relative that i always hated has AS, found out the intricacies of it and i felt it's SOOOOO me, woe is me. God id hate to find out i was just a bit nuerotic instead of having a nuerological difference. I make up an overwhelming majority of influence in aspie boards with and often the majority of the population despite being in a massive minority when it comes to being dx'd.

Actually, scratch that. Im a desperate male who thinks the women i stalk should go out with me even though i live in my parents bedroom , just because i have deemed myself 'a nice guy'. I hope these women die for not wanting to go out with me. Did i mention that i always think im right in every case and that by having a different opinion from me you are attacking me and should expect to become the source of my anger and wrath for many millennia to come? I will not admit to being wrong under any circumstances and will play with words to find out some obscure way of being right all the time. Either this or ill tell you that you're an idiot who's not worth my time so i wont answer to your view of things. Il still follow you around the internet and try to prove you wrong in any way i can, though. Even if you ever make a spelling mistake ever again, i'll be on to you like a fly to shite. WOE IS ME! >:( >:D >:(
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: peegai on July 11, 2006, 07:06:09 AM
Im selfish, always think im right, emo, into manga and call myself an otaku as a compliment, wish i was Japanese, got bullied when i was younger, think of myself as a victim though better than everyone else and an outside the box thinker. Everyone else are just sheep. Got hidden in the attic when family friends came round, get mistaken regularly for being an awkward, lazy, stubborn and obnoxious when in reality it's the NT's who are this way.

Grew up thinking i was an alien and born on the wrong planet. Always think im right. Stim/fidget a lot. Wear glasses, always wear black and think of myself as hardcore. All the other emo's are fake and dont know how to be hardcore like me because they dont know what it's really like to suffer. I do. Am a computer genuis who has a chip on my shoulder, hacks sites out of grudges, speaks L33t 1111111111 LOL PWNZ3red!. Think AS makes me either the most unfortunate person in the world or most gifted , sometimes both at the same time.

I can tell who's AS and who's not within seconds of meeting them (or if i havent met them IRL i can tell within seconds of reading a few of their posts). Usually these are people who have a job and are more succesful than me. Heaven knows you cant have AS without suffering exactly the same issues as me and to the same extent. Im either a nuerotic woman who get's relationships and friends easy but hates the 'other' online aspie (the lonely AS guy, urggh i hope they die) who actually has AS problems and probably a diagnosis because they are taking the glamour away from having a nuerological condition that i found out about in a women's throwaway magazine and i felt it's SOOOOO me. God id hate to find out i was just a bit nuerotic instead of having a nuerological difference.

Sounds to me like your typical American autistic-related bullshit intro at WP.

And I say American because it's always them with the elite disabled mentality.
Title: Helo!
Post by: peegai on July 11, 2006, 07:11:00 AM
Hi, I'm Emily, I'm 45, and I come from Bloomington, Minnesota, USA (USA! USA!). I believe that I have AS because my son is severly autistic and shits in his diapers like your typical nutjob spaz genius. :D :D :D
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 11, 2006, 07:15:48 AM
We learn most from our mistakes!  AS indivuals really need to learn, and adapt to stimuli. Thinking you are right all the time does not allow one to pick faults before being embarassed by them.  Eamonn, no one is  perfect, just try your best and that is all that matters. I wonder if you get distracted with all your arguements and loose the big picture?

Title: Re: Helo!
Post by: Eamonn on July 11, 2006, 07:17:37 AM
Hi, I'm Emily, I'm 45, and I come from Bloomington, Minnesota, USA (USA! USA!), and I believe that I have AS because my son is severly autistic and shits in his diapers like your typical nutjob spaz genius. :D :D :D

Hi, Emily, im Alex and im impressed by NT mothers with big wallets (oops i meant cool Aspies like yourself) who visit here. Expect to join the social elite here. We can have some fun over spazzies and suicidal people because we know you hate the thought that your son will one day be like that. ;)
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Eamonn on July 11, 2006, 07:19:35 AM
We learn most from our mistakes!  AS indivuals really need to learn, and adapt to stimuli. Thinking you are right all the time does not allow one to pick faults before being embarassed by them.  Eamonn, no one is  perfect, just try your best and that is all that matters. I wonder if you get distracted with all your arguements and loose the big picture?

Coming from someone who thinks the big picture is the pull-out poster in the middle of your disney comic, i find that a bit rich.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 11, 2006, 07:25:26 AM
Its a bit more complicated for an autistic mind, you, than it seems isn't it?
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 11, 2006, 07:44:24 AM
I am a man with alot of attention to give!  Obvisoulsy different with a girlfriend, and given how constant things are with autism you would not have got that would you?

Nuff bull shit.  I would rather help people!
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 11, 2006, 07:46:55 AM
People, please, I will not attack people in here unless they ask for it.  Even then I would seriously reconsider given this is near one my career choices.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Eamonn on July 11, 2006, 07:48:05 AM
I also have AS because i can see what's up with the rest of the NT population and all you lower functioning AS people. I know all the answers to the world and have a little chuckle at you simpletons with my cup of tea at night. I am underemployed as a janitor because my genuis is underestimated by cliquey NT society but i laugh at jobless AS people because i have AS and have reached the lofty heights of an assistant janitor's position.Why cant the rest of you? You lazy scroungers should be working. Ill tell you how things should be done because i was diagnosed young and dont have your self-esteem issues. Haha! I have now lost all my AS symptoms due to lots of hard work and plenty of grey matter and pass as a super-intelligent, quirky NT. *Smugly grins and  rapidly stims*
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Eamonn on July 11, 2006, 07:51:37 AM
Squibleedeguigeledegobleedegook! I havent got AS you retarded fuckers! I have only but one sypton the rest i have loosed  and but for one sympton does not an AS make. You stupid retards thinking in AS ways, i knew what this was been cause of sensitivity. Damn sensitivity.I can be bad because when you if want me to but much prefer helping you retards because you need it and i am much bright intelligens. Dont get much stupid though or i can show my inytelligens should im much better than you. that's AS, I know! Get my pic up soon when do they pay me back because if should be right? Haha, i like to postwhore! hehe. >:D >:D
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Praetor on July 11, 2006, 07:54:43 AM
good stuff
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 11, 2006, 08:05:17 AM
For an autistic indivual.

Knock it off Eamonn.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: peegai on July 11, 2006, 08:13:34 AM
For an autistic indivual.

Knock it off Eamonn.

Yeah, Eamonn, you're mightly cool for an indivual.  ::)
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 11, 2006, 08:22:24 AM
I am done, any further comments will be ignored.  I take back all negative comments I maid in this thread.  I am sorry!
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: peegai on July 11, 2006, 08:28:42 AM
I am done, any further comments will be ignored.  I take back all negative comments I maid in this thread.  I am sorry!

Hahahahah! "maid"...

Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 11, 2006, 08:56:37 AM
I am a tired, and thus such errors are expected!
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: El on July 11, 2006, 09:05:18 AM
I have AS because everyone here likes, respects, or fears me and they want to kiss ass so they won't argue.

No, wait, that's a lie.  I have AS because I have problems in life.  They can't be my fault.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 11, 2006, 09:18:21 AM
That is right! You were dealt unfair cards!
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 11, 2006, 09:21:41 AM
Let them be Peegai!  If they get release, they are more free to act like an asshole on intensity!
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: peegai on July 11, 2006, 09:30:18 AM
Let them be Peegai!  If they get release, they are more free to act like an asshole on intensity!

...What the fuck are you on about now?
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 11, 2006, 09:41:04 AM
bad moods zap energy and creative expression.  It would be in your best intrest to not badger people in this thread.  If you allow them to talk about such things they get upped mood.
Title: Re: Helo!
Post by: McGiver on July 11, 2006, 10:16:57 AM
Hi, I'm Emily, I'm 45, and I come from Bloomington, Minnesota, USA (USA! USA!). I believe that I have AS because my son is severly autistic and shits in his diapers like your typical nutjob spaz genius. :D :D :D

no, peagai you are just a complete fucking moron.  you mask your insecurities with lame attempts at humor.
wake up and realiuze your lameivity. dweeb.
Title: Re: Helo!
Post by: peegai on July 11, 2006, 10:19:27 AM
Hi, I'm Emily, I'm 45, and I come from Bloomington, Minnesota, USA (USA! USA!). I believe that I have AS because my son is severly autistic and shits in his diapers like your typical nutjob spaz genius. :D :D :D

no, peagai you are just a complete fucking moron.  you mask your insecurities with lame attempts at humor.
wake up and realiuze your lameivity. dweeb.

Okay, if I give you a karma point, would you kindly go back to wanking over kiddies porn and leaving me alone, dear spaz?
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: McGiver on July 11, 2006, 10:24:54 AM
why the fuck have i recieved 19 karma points since yesterday.
this is a frameup and it a bunch of crap  smite me now.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 11, 2006, 10:27:56 AM
Why don't you guys do a callout or something.  I agree with Mc Jagger. Peegai I won't trash you if you share.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: McGiver on July 11, 2006, 11:07:58 AM
we wont do a callout because i will systematically destroy him and expose every weakness he has.  and peigai will be like "oh,  you mispelled someting, ah you forgot a comma, etc."
pathetic, really
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 11, 2006, 11:09:37 AM
Deleted.... >:D
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: McGiver on July 11, 2006, 11:11:55 AM
i'm just warming up
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 11, 2006, 01:13:03 PM
I am here people. I will give my experience to any who ask for it.  I memorized what clinical social workers told me and the symptoms of AS.  I need a regular social worker or psychologist, I don't meet the criteria.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: McGiver on July 11, 2006, 01:15:49 PM
ok fluorescent, diagnose me.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 11, 2006, 01:17:46 PM
I would have to study a person first, like I have been doing at wrong planet, intensity, and onthespectrum.  You told me shit. 
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: McGiver on July 11, 2006, 01:20:02 PM
i have 5000 posts.  what more do you want?
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 11, 2006, 02:25:30 PM
You honestly want me to pick at your faults?

Sure, after I gets some rest.  I will not be able to do a good job without sufficent rest.  I do like giving attention
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: McGiver on July 11, 2006, 03:56:01 PM
i prefer to call them challenges.  but faults will work.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: odeon on July 11, 2006, 04:33:50 PM
People, please, I will not attack people in here unless they ask for it.

Does it have to be the guy you attack (that was asking for it)? If not, go jump on Eamonn, will you.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Eamonn on July 11, 2006, 04:38:21 PM
People, please, I will not attack people in here unless they ask for it.

Does it have to be the guy you attack (that was asking for it)? If not, go jump on Eamonn, will you.

Id like to remind odeon that the thread title is "Prove your AS" not 'Prove you're an ASS'. Thank you.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: odeon on July 11, 2006, 04:41:37 PM
People, please, I will not attack people in here unless they ask for it.

Does it have to be the guy you attack (that was asking for it)? If not, go jump on Eamonn, will you.

Id like to remind odeon that the thread title is "Prove your AS" not 'Prove you're an ASS'. Thank you.

 :laugh: Oops. My bad. I need new glasses.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Eamonn on July 11, 2006, 04:48:45 PM

 :laugh: Oops. My bad. I need new glasses.

And a change of attitude would go down well. I'll let you off if you whisper Swede nothings into my ear.  ;)
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 11, 2006, 04:50:22 PM
Well, since Odeon suggested it, I will attack Eamonn.  It will be some where else.  Its not smart to mess with some who is superior to you.  How foolish of you Eamonn.  I am killing Duncvis, and he refuses to admit it.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: odeon on July 11, 2006, 04:51:59 PM

 :laugh: Oops. My bad. I need new glasses.

And a change of attitude would go down well. I'll let you off if you whisper Swede nothings into my ear.  ;)

<swedish>Ingenting, ingenting, ingenting...  :P</swedish>
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: odeon on July 11, 2006, 04:57:31 PM
Well, since Odeon suggested it, I will attack Eamonn.  It will be some where else.  Its not smart to mess with some who is superior to you.  How foolish of you Eamonn.  I am killing Duncvis, and he refuses to admit it.

Yeah, Eamonn, you'd better pay attention to the suffering of Duncvis. That way, someone's doing it 'cause I doubt Dunc's noticed.

I'd better whisper some more huh? :P
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Eamonn on July 11, 2006, 04:58:01 PM

 :laugh: Oops. My bad. I need new glasses.

And a change of attitude would go down well. I'll let you off if you whisper Swede nothings into my ear.  ;)

<swedish>Ingenting, ingenting, ingenting...  :P</swedish>

Wow that's impressive, they even do the  :P smiley in Swedish here. And some people were complaining about the lack of emoticons. :laugh:
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: duncvis on July 11, 2006, 04:58:12 PM
Well, since Odeon suggested it, I will attack Eamonn.  It will be some where else.  Its not smart to mess with some who is superior to you.  How foolish of you Eamonn.  I am killing Duncvis, and he refuses to admit it.

In your dreams, knob-jockey.  ;D
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Eamonn on July 11, 2006, 04:59:28 PM
Well, since Odeon suggested it, I will attack Eamonn.  It will be some where else.  Its not smart to mess with some who is superior to you.  How foolish of you Eamonn.  I am killing Duncvis, and he refuses to admit it.

Squiabiladibadedah, Timmy!
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 11, 2006, 05:00:21 PM
God damn this thread is being hijacked!  The thread should be called what AS things do you do?  I certainly would not want to prove I had such a thing.  I could fake it though.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: odeon on July 11, 2006, 05:01:05 PM
The  :P was in English. Are you making fun of my accent, you Scottish brute?
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: duncvis on July 11, 2006, 05:03:00 PM
God damn this thread is being hijacked!  The thread should be called what AS things do you do?  I certainly would not want to prove I had such a thing.  I could fake it though.

Go on then, pwn us all with your fakage skills. See if we can guess you're not autistic.  ;)
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: odeon on July 11, 2006, 05:04:40 PM
God damn this thread is being hijacked!  The thread should be called what AS things do you do?

Don't you think this thread is proof enough?  :o
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Merry Widow on July 11, 2006, 05:05:29 PM

 :laugh: Oops. My bad. I need new glasses.

And a change of attitude would go down well. I'll let you off if you whisper Swede nothings into my ear.  ;)

<swedish>Ingenting, ingenting, ingenting...  :P</swedish>

Wow that's impressive, they even do the  :P smiley in Swedish here. And some people were complaining about the lack of emoticons. :laugh:

no..... in swedish that's the emoticon for Odeon putting his tongue in your ear, in-between whispering sweet ingentings.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: odeon on July 11, 2006, 05:07:54 PM
no..... in swedish that's the emoticon for Odeon putting his tongue in your ear, in-between whispering sweet ingentings.

Damn you, I had him where I wanted until you came along.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Eamonn on July 11, 2006, 05:08:11 PM
The  :P was in English. Are you making fun of my accent, you Scottish brute?

Not atall, i love a good Russian accent. My brother's girlfriend's from Norway, which is like a smaller Sweden but better. A bit like England and Scotland , really.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: odeon on July 11, 2006, 05:16:48 PM
Not atall, i love a good Russian accent. My brother's girlfriend's from Norway, which is like a smaller Sweden but better. A bit like England and Scotland , really.

I know what you're talking about. I was born in Finland, which is just like Norway in that it used to belong to Sweden and there's no soccer team worth shit either.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 11, 2006, 05:23:46 PM
I understood that Odeon.  Hijacking threads is aspie like.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Eamonn on July 11, 2006, 05:26:22 PM

I know what you're talking about. I was born in Finland, which is just like Norway in that it used to belong to Sweden and there's no soccer team worth shit either.
I approve of the governmental system in most nordic countries. A decent mix between socialism and capitalism. Didnt Sweden used to belong to Norway way back in the viking days?
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: odeon on July 11, 2006, 05:27:08 PM
Really? I'd have attributed the hijacking to a short attention span or hyperactivity. So, ADHD!  ;D
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: odeon on July 11, 2006, 05:31:25 PM
I approve of the governmental system in most nordic countries. A decent mix between socialism and capitalism. Didnt Sweden used to belong to Norway way back in the viking days?

Depends on who you ask, but sort of, yes. And yes, I agree on our governmental system. I'd prefer to see the conservatives in power myself, but I doubt we'd ever see a full-blown capitalism here anyway. Which is a good thing.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 11, 2006, 05:32:56 PM
I think AS can cause ADHD!  I agree with what you said also, Odeon!
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: odeon on July 11, 2006, 05:40:20 PM
Rubbish. AS won't cause ADHD.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 11, 2006, 05:44:05 PM
So noise can cause one attention to shift? Happens alot with AS, but not with me.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: odeon on July 11, 2006, 05:46:27 PM
Happens to me constantly. Don't know about that AS bloke, though.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 12, 2006, 03:12:30 AM
AS minds are slow to process sound, so automatically when too much is given (overstimulation), it makes them moody! I find it I am relax before hand, ts not annoying. I don't like voices with music though, that is extremely mildly annoying. That is because it distracts me from the joy of the music.
Essential fatty acids help they brain with auditory processing. I would try some fish oil and some borage seed oil.  You could try some flax seed oil instead of fish oil, but those must be processed by enzymes and bacteria to performed form which is found in fish oil.  Too much performed form of omega 3 fats (dha, and epa I think that is all of them have to look) can cause inflamation.  Insulin causes these fats to become  inflamatory, but that is only with the unpreformed form. Keep insulin as low as possible and no problems will insue.  If heart burn occurs, reduce dosage.  Start low and go slow.  Look for a brand that has antioxidants added to protect the unstable oils.  Preferably vitamin e, but glycerin will do. Glycerin is a moisturizing and antioxidant amino acid. Glycerin is usually in hygenie products too.  I would try 1-3 grams of preformed omega 3s(epa and or dha) and .5 to 1.5 grams performed omega 6s. (Gpa)   I would also suggest 1- 2 grams dha for adhd.  That is not in addition, but a difference from what ever is left in you epa dha supplement. I got this total, now subtract to find out how much more is need for adhd.  This is just a general recomended dose, increase or decrease as needed.  I would bet, if you are lacking, these nutrients will help your symptoms.

I am glad to help! 8)
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: McGiver on July 12, 2006, 04:37:24 AM
your fucked if you think i am going to start eating healthy now.

i like my steak and potatoes and all things southern and fried.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 12, 2006, 04:49:15 AM
Steak and potatoes is fine, but fried has go to stop. Fats should not be cooked, especially unstable polyunsaturated fats. If you can gather something out of this, there is a better fat for frying, its called monounsaturated fat.  Oils with high porportion of monounsaturated fat are better for frying, from a health standpoint. I remember something about when fats are fried, carcinogens are formed. You would have to aquire a taste for healthy things, like I have.  I can eat alot more now do to my adjusted pallete. I see, you hold some bad information.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 12, 2006, 04:52:45 AM
Hmm.. Mc Jagger wants me to diagnose... I shall make a file on him, just like my therapist does! I have stuff already in mind.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: McGiver on July 12, 2006, 04:52:58 AM
fuck that shit.

my grandpa was from st louis and before he died he taght me the family recipe for chicken fried steak with milk gravy.

all i can say with each bite is, "fuck yeah"
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: McGiver on July 12, 2006, 04:53:37 AM
Hmm.. Mc Jagger wants me to diagnose... I shall make a file on him, just like my therapist does! I have stuff already in mind.

hace at it.  couldn't be any more ignorant thatn eamonns assumptions.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 12, 2006, 05:13:45 AM
Potatoes have a high glyemic index, which means they raise insulin levels quickly.  That quick raise is followed by  a fall in blood sugar.  That is if they are eaten alone.  If they are eaten with fat or fiber that raise is blunted.  Fats are a poor blunter of such a response. Potatoes are a good source of chromium, a nutrient need to maintain blood sugar.  They are also a good source of potassium.  The sweet potatoe is more nutritous than regular potatoe, and has a lower glycemic index.  Potatoes probably have something else that no other vegetable has, just like lettuce (little nutritional value), and thus should not be excluded in anyone's diet. I certainly would not live off either though.  Meat fat, can be good for you.   I am not sure about saturated, but even grass fed beef has omega 3 fats in it. I know the saturated fat in coconut oil is good for you.  Plants are a poors source of zinc, except grains.  Meat and animal products are a good source.  Beef is good source of carnosine, an antioxidant.  Antioxidants reduce wrinkling of the skin.  Meat is good source of alpha lipoic acid too.  Alpha lipoic acid is an expensive supplement in the health food stores.  Alpha lipoic acid is  fat souble, water souble, chelates heavy metals, reduces elevated bloods sugar etc. Co enzyme q 10 is another expensive supplement found in health food stores, and it is also found in meat.

Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 12, 2006, 05:15:58 AM
Hmm.. Mc Jagger wants me to diagnose... I shall make a file on him, just like my therapist does! I have stuff already in mind.

hace at it.  couldn't be any more ignorant thatn eamonns assumptions.

Oh yeah!  I will show how smart I am.  Good chance to demonstrate lack of evidence for AS or HFA or what ever!
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Randy on July 12, 2006, 05:19:52 AM
I understand that w
Hmm.. Mc Jagger wants me to diagnose... I shall make a file on him, just like my therapist does! I have stuff already in mind.

hace at it.  couldn't be any more ignorant thatn eamonns assumptions.

I understand there maybe some reverse psychology in that statement, but I like giving attention so that is purpose is not needed.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Teejay on July 31, 2006, 08:22:11 AM
Since people are being accused of not really having AS, I thought I'd start a thread where we can talk about what AS symptoms we have.

Some of mine:

-Obsessive (mainly media related- TV shows, celebrities, music, internet etc.) Fascination with the paranormal, astrology, psychological disorders, children.

Yeah I am obessive, I have been obessed with a lot of things in my life including people like Gerrit :p

-Very quiet IRL, often almost mute. (I almost never initiate conversations and never know what to talk about and always worry about saying the wrong thing since I do a lot.)

Same here

I never use gestures (unless it's the bird 

I use gestures although not as much as NT's do, generally to make a point.

-Trouble knowing how to react to certain situations.
-Take things literally (sometimes) and have trouble understanding jokes.
-Limited facial expressions (often look like I'm frowning even if I'm not).
-Some mild sensory issues (there is a very limited amount of foods I'll eat, sensitive to smell and occasionally noise)
-Trouble with abstract concepts, such as geometry.
-Poor motor skills. My parents were told this when I was in kindergarten. I didn't learn how to ride a bike until I was 12, I can't skate, etc.

All above, expect my motor skills could be a little better than yours.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Lucifer on July 31, 2006, 08:41:12 AM
So noise can cause one attention to shift? Happens alot with AS, but not with me.

well, there's a jolly good reason for that - one has to have some attention before it can be shifted/distracted.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Triste on August 03, 2006, 04:42:03 AM
So noise can cause one attention to shift? Happens alot with AS, but not with me.

well, there's a jolly good reason for that - one has to have some attention before it can be shifted/distracted.
Jolly good post, Lucifer.  Maybe he has no attention because of all the expensive crap he's ingesting from the so-called "health food store".
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Triste on August 03, 2006, 04:45:58 AM
The psychiatrist diagnosed me without any tests.  When I asked him how he diagnosed me, he said it was because I told him that I was 13 before I realized people couldn't read my mind. 

Anyway, my AS proof is that I don't like people.  Any other signs/symptoms are minor annoyances compared to that one.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: McGiver on August 03, 2006, 05:05:42 AM
he said it was because I told him that I was 13 before I realized people couldn't read my mind. 

i have found in male/female relationships that women expect men to read their mind, or at the most pick up on very subtle nuances.  i am a loser in that regaurd, i do not have a clue.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Triste on August 03, 2006, 03:38:50 PM
he said it was because I told him that I was 13 before I realized people couldn't read my mind. 

i have found in male/female relationships that women expect men to read their mind, or at the most pick up on very subtle nuances.  i am a loser in that regaurd, i do not have a clue.
I think, but am not sure, that what you are referring to is empathy.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: McGiver on August 03, 2006, 04:00:21 PM
ME neither.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Triste on August 03, 2006, 07:46:08 PM
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: SovaNu on August 11, 2006, 10:45:34 PM
AS aside i'm totally ADD i totally didn't read this thread. ;D

seriously tho i should go back on my meds cuz i'm totally snow i mean slow

aspies can totally read people if not their minds then at least their intentions. we're telepathically oriented but the normies aren't so our behavior seems odd to them cuz they don't believe in telepathy. ;D
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Lucifer on August 12, 2006, 12:24:14 AM
just watch the "recently listened to" tracks on the lastfm thingy in my sig.  and then watch as the same track comes up eleventy-four times...   :laugh:  (i had it on loop, but i may have disabled the scrobbling, so people on the lastfm site don't think i'm a complete nutter ;) ).

however, that's about as much proof as i'll have - my GP has just told me that i have about as much chance of getting assessed for AS as flying to the moon, even though he's happy to refer me again (still waiting to hear from the original referral - the local psychology/psychiatric service is useless).  oh well...
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Bazza on September 04, 2006, 08:30:38 PM
I can certainly improve it.  Mine seems to be going away.  I had it bad when I was younger and more retarded.

Me too.  I started off doing the WP intro stuff, but that's a bit lame and then I thought if I did, all you in the in-crowd would gang up on me and call me names.

From someone in Aspie Village
... aspie forum called Intensity, but I rather suspect many people there haven't actually got aspergers....The in-crowd on the site just add karma (applaud) to each other at any opportunity. ... They smite people they don't like ... The whole business is getting me down. If I just leave, the thugs will think they have won, and I don't want to give them that satisfaction.

You must be the non AS thugs this guy's talking about, so instead of saying my favorite number is 3.1415926... (of course apart from 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 ...) I will prove my AS and you can smite me if you can, you, you, you smiters!

I was a virgin until I was 25.  I never thought girls were interested in me (got told they like me as a friend) and couldn't face going to any school dances.  After getting married I still thought other women were not interested in me, but my wife says she regularly saw women giving me a "come-on" that I never saw.  Thinking back there was one time that I think 2 girls may have been wanting me in a 3-some and I still can't get over that I will never know. :'( :'( :'( and I still have that 3some fantasy  :'( :'( :'(

Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: SovaNu on September 06, 2006, 10:36:53 AM
wow dude! my favorite number is 3.14etcetc too! apart from 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 13, 25, 27 and stuff :P

personally i don't believe asperger's or ADD even exist, we are supreme peeple and the stuffy normie sheeple are just jealous!!! ;D
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: QuirkyCarla on September 06, 2006, 04:36:17 PM
personally i don't believe asperger's or ADD even exist, we are supreme peeple and the stuffy normie sheeple are just jealous!!! ;D

I tend to wonder if it really exists myself. That's one of the reasons I was so pissed off when I was first told I had it. I had done research and didn't like how there was a whole big list of "symptoms", but you only had to have a few to be dxed with it, as most people don't have *every* symptom. We could just all have a variety of different symptoms that mimic the made up AS. Or maybe it really does exist, but it's definition is so broad that a lot of people can fit into it.

And what's with all these aspies who supposedly have bipolar as well? Sometimes I wonder if there's not a separate disorder out there that mimics AS (if it exists) and bipolar...

Anyway, I think the whole aspies vs. NT's thing is stupid. Discriminating against someone because they're NT is very similar to racism. People hate NT's because they've had bad experiences with them (such as being bullied by them), but that's how racism often starts as well. Someone has a bad experience with a group of people of a certain race, and suddenly *everyone* or *most* of the people in that group are bad.  ::) In all honesty, I don't think we're all *that* different from NT's anyway. There are so many other disorders out there, and there are a lot of quirky NT's too who can accept people with AS. There isn't just an autism spectrum, there's a whole spectrum of people out there. If we want to fit in better in society (which not everyone wants to do), we can work on our AS symptoms, but that doesn't other people don't have things to work on. *Everyone* does. It shouldn't really matter whether everyone here is autistic or not if they fit in here and can relate to people with AS, and that's how it should be on the other sites too IMHO. I hate when people on the internet tell others they don't have AS, because you can't really know for sure unless you know them in person, and even then you'd have to know them pretty well. Not all cases of AS are obvious.

Okay, long post ended.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Praetor on September 06, 2006, 04:52:42 PM
Sometimes I wonder if there's not a separate disorder out there that mimics AS

yes, schitzoid personalities...i.e. schitzophrenia

According to Lorna Wing (1994)

Were it not for her we would of been classed as a schitzophrenia type
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: QuirkyCarla on September 06, 2006, 04:56:16 PM
I know there are disorders that mimic AS, but I was talking about one that mimicked both AS and bipolar, hence why so there are so many people that think they have both AS and bipolar. I don't know if schizoids have bipolar traits or not, as I don't know much about the disorder.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: odeon on September 06, 2006, 05:03:05 PM
Syndrome \Syn"dro*me\, n. [NL., from Gr. ?; sy`n with + ? a
   course, a running.]
   1. Concurrence. [R.] --Glanvill.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. (Med.) A group of symptoms occurring together that are
      characteristic and indicative of some underlying cause,
      such as a disease.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. generally, a pattern of characteristics or behaviors
      occurring together, that are sufficiently common and
      distinctive to indicate that they are due to a known

I suppose it's because Asperger's is actually merely a list of symptoms, of which all are not always present, that they named it a "syndrome", eh?
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Leto729 on September 06, 2006, 05:06:58 PM
Good point odeon.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: odeon on September 06, 2006, 05:08:20 PM
Thank you kindly. ;D
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Praetor on September 06, 2006, 05:11:50 PM
I know there are disorders that mimic AS, but I was talking about one that mimicked both AS and bipolar, hence why so there are so many people that think they have both AS and bipolar. I don't know if schizoids have bipolar traits or not, as I don't know much about the disorder.

Well is that not dual diagnosis? That is what it would be referred to in a uk clinical setting
A mental health problem combined with a learning differance/difficulty

On my current placement we have people who are very much learning disabled (mental handicap/retarded whatever you want to call them) who are bi polar and they would be referred to as dual diagnosis clients.

Bi polar is not a means to an end people can aquire it over time as a mental illness inflicted on them through abuse, trauma, PTSD all sorts. My uncle is bi polar and i attribute that to possibly genetic pre disposition/susceptibility but also to his wife who used to be an alcoholic and assualted him on several occasions. My recent ex was bi polar and you can attribute it to abuse she recieved in school for being undiagnosed ADHD from an early age and social exclusion combined with her self harming behaviour which also began at an early age.

Why label the scared and the abused with further afflictions? We need to see these individuals in the here and now allow them to confront their demons to control their mental health issues and take back their lives
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: QuirkyCarla on September 06, 2006, 06:27:40 PM
Syndrome \Syn"dro*me\, n. [NL., from Gr. ?; sy`n with + ? a
   course, a running.]
   1. Concurrence. [R.] --Glanvill.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. (Med.) A group of symptoms occurring together that are
      characteristic and indicative of some underlying cause,
      such as a disease.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. generally, a pattern of characteristics or behaviors
      occurring together, that are sufficiently common and
      distinctive to indicate that they are due to a known

I suppose it's because Asperger's is actually merely a list of symptoms, of which all are not always present, that they named it a "syndrome", eh?

Even for a syndrome, Asperger's is an extremely broad disorder. The problem is that it's not clearly defined. For instance, Down Syndrome is a lot easier to diagnose because they have an extra chromosome, and the majority of them have similar faces that give away their disorder. Unlike Down Syndrome, AS is so broad that a lot of people can fit in. Even the DSM definition of it may change because people aren't happy with it.

I know there are disorders that mimic AS, but I was talking about one that mimicked both AS and bipolar, hence why so there are so many people that think they have both AS and bipolar. I don't know if schizoids have bipolar traits or not, as I don't know much about the disorder.

Well is that not dual diagnosis? That is what it would be referred to in a uk clinical setting
A mental health problem combined with a learning differance/difficulty

On my current placement we have people who are very much learning disabled (mental handicap/retarded whatever you want to call them) who are bi polar and they would be referred to as dual diagnosis clients.

Bi polar is not a means to an end people can aquire it over time as a mental illness inflicted on them through abuse, trauma, PTSD all sorts. My uncle is bi polar and i attribute that to possibly genetic pre disposition/susceptibility but also to his wife who used to be an alcoholic and assualted him on several occasions. My recent ex was bi polar and you can attribute it to abuse she recieved in school for being undiagnosed ADHD from an early age and social exclusion combined with her self harming behaviour which also began at an early age.

Why label the scared and the abused with further afflictions? We need to see these individuals in the here and now allow them to confront their demons to control their mental health issues and take back their lives

If there were one or two people that I know of claiming to have both AS and bipolar, I wouldn't see a problem, but I think a lot of people are getting over dxed or over dxing themselves. What really bothers me is the people who claim to have like five disorders. They're hypochondriacs IMO. For example, Sean claims he has AS, bipolar, tourette's, ADD, and OCD. He also says he's deaf in one ear and has cerebal palsy. Maybe the latter are true but I doubt he has all those disorders.

I don't know about other countries, but bipolar is definitely over dxed here. I myself was diagnosed with it the first time I ever went to the hospital, along with a lot of other people. I've been to hospitals and various programs, and met many people who say they're bipolar when it's obvious they're not, and it's just mood swings they have. In order to have bipolar, someone needs to go through periods of mania as well as periods of depression. All of my mom's brothers and sisters have bipolar (not from abuse, it was hereditary) and have had the manic AND the depressive phases. My one aunt went to Cancun and Jamaica and bought a brand new car during her manic phase. My mom was recently dxed with it as well, and I've researched it heavily, so I know a lot about it. I'm sick of people asking me if I'm bipolar when I get moody and bitchy because I've never been manic except when on certain antidepressants, the rest of the time I'm either moody, depressed, or content.

Anyway, I just find it extremely odd that there are an abundance of people saying they have bipolar and AS and think that either the disorders overlap a lot for some reason, or there's another one out there no one's discovered.

Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Bazza on September 06, 2006, 06:53:14 PM
... I don't know about other countries, but bipolar is definitely over dxed here. ... Anyway, I just find it extremely odd that there are an abundance of people saying they have bipolar and AS and think that either the disorders overlap a lot for some reason, or there's another one out there no one's discovered.

Don't know about bi-polar, but kindergarten accused both my boys of being ADHD and thought drugs were appropriate.  Our male doctor/GP disagreed.  They are now teenagers and not ADHD.

I tend to think the education system is becoming overly feminised and female teachers have a preference for girls, and bon't like letting boys be boys.  The result is an over dx of ADHD.  This is one reason why we are sending them to a boys private school we can't really afford, but I am happy to mortgage my retirement to do it.

I also think kids are over protected.  In the 70's (when I was a teenager) boxing was dropped as a sport from school.  That was the start of the rot
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: hiroshima on September 06, 2006, 07:01:25 PM
Lol about the boxing comment bazza!!!

Yes, the school system is a matriarchy and they have feminized everything, from math to behavior expectations.  Pretty scary that the boys are being drugged to remove their masculinity.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Nomaken on September 07, 2006, 12:44:30 AM
/me rolls around everyone hanging out in the thread, and then melts and drips up the wall.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: odeon on September 07, 2006, 12:50:33 AM
QC, the point with using a vague term like "syndrome" is, or at least should be, that there is no other way to put a name on the characteristics that unite the sufferers. If there was a blood test, for instance, we could use "disorder" with a clear consciousness. ;) Down's, I believe, is a "syndrome" because of tradition, because it started that way, not because there isn't a better way to diagnose.

It also helps that some of the particular characteristics associated with Down's are rather easy to recognize.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Leto729 on September 07, 2006, 01:04:22 AM
As child I was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy

As a Adult at 41 years of age the Diagnosis is:
315.2 Disorder of Written Expression
315.0 Reading Disorder
299.80 Asperger's Disorder
296.32 Major Depressive Disorder

I wonder what is a dual diagnosis and what it means?
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: SovaNu on September 07, 2006, 01:16:21 AM
* MillaPill also rolls around and drips on people cuz she wants to be trendy cuz it's trendy to not be trendy
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: odeon on September 07, 2006, 01:22:32 AM
Be trendy by not being trendy? ??? Is this an Irish thing?
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: QuirkyCarla on September 07, 2006, 01:27:15 AM
QC, the point with using a vague term like "syndrome" is, or at least should be, that there is no other way to put a name on the characteristics that unite the sufferers.

The fact that there's no other way to put a name to them is what makes it a broad disorder...I never argued that it shouldn't be called a syndrome; I was just
sayingj that the fact that it's a broad disorder (or "syndrome") sometimes makes me skeptical of its existence and whether or not I (and sometimes other people) really have it, even though I am diagnosed with it.

Down's, I believe, is a "syndrome" because of tradition, because it started that way, not because there isn't a better way to diagnose. It also helps that some of the particular characteristics associated with Down's are rather easy to recognize.

Then maybe Down's Syndrome should be renamed to Down's Disorder, but then again it's a chromosomal disorder, and many of those disorders also get the term "syndrome" (Kleinfelther's syndrome, hunter's syndrome, fragile x syndrome, triple x syndrome, etc.)

Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: odeon on September 07, 2006, 01:29:20 AM
OK. Point taken. I guess semantics just isn't for me today.  :-\ :(
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: SovaNu on September 07, 2006, 01:31:16 AM
AS is not a disorder. it's a clutterance of traits. :P

and yes, be trendy by not being trendy. you can't escape trendiness. which is why i was trying to trick trendy by saying i want to be trendy so then it would leave me alone and i would be my normal untrendy self without the nasty trendy side-effect of being untrendy which is that it makes you trendy. get? :P
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: odeon on September 07, 2006, 01:32:29 AM
AS is not a disorder. it's a clutterance of traits. :P

and yes, be trendy by not being trendy. you can't escape trendiness. which is why i was trying to trick trendy by saying i want to be trendy so then it would leave me alone and i would be my normal untrendy self without the nasty trendy side-effect of being untrendy which is that it makes you trendy. get? :P

So trendy is the same as not wanting to be trendy but sort of slipping into trendiness sideways, preferably unaware of the true trends that fill the day?
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: SovaNu on September 07, 2006, 01:34:43 AM
i dunno. will it make me trendy if i say yes? :P
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: odeon on September 07, 2006, 01:35:47 AM
Nope. A question like that will boost your un-trendiness.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Nomaken on September 07, 2006, 01:42:17 AM
If i had absolute control over my appearence and consistency, I would probably rarely assume normal human form.  I'd be a lot like jim carrey from The Mask, or the genie from alladin.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: SovaNu on September 07, 2006, 01:42:36 AM
i don't believe you. :o *suspicious ogle*
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Nomaken on September 07, 2006, 02:05:13 AM
There are far more cute and fun forms I could assume.  Including but not limited to, cat girls(or boys), kitties, demons, dragons, robots, Stephen king's The Thing, It, T-1000, vending machines, viruses, hideous oozes, and clothing >:D.         
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: SovaNu on September 07, 2006, 02:07:27 AM
how about a money tree. ;D
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: QuirkyCarla on September 07, 2006, 02:08:23 AM
but then when he becomes nomaken again, he might be missing limbs  :-\
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Praetor on September 07, 2006, 02:43:38 AM
If there were one or two people that I know of claiming to have both AS and bipolar, I wouldn't see a problem, but I think a lot of people are getting over dxed or over dxing themselves. What really bothers me is the people who claim to have like five disorders. They're hypochondriacs IMO. For example, Sean claims he has AS, bipolar, tourette's, ADD, and OCD. He also says he's deaf in one ear and has cerebal palsy. Maybe the latter are true but I doubt he has all those disorders.

I don't know about other countries, but bipolar is definitely over dxed here. I myself was diagnosed with it the first time I ever went to the hospital, along with a lot of other people. I've been to hospitals and various programs, and met many people who say they're bipolar when it's obvious they're not, and it's just mood swings they have. In order to have bipolar, someone needs to go through periods of mania as well as periods of depression. All of my mom's brothers and sisters have bipolar (not from abuse, it was hereditary) and have had the manic AND the depressive phases. My one aunt went to Cancun and Jamaica and bought a brand new car during her manic phase. My mom was recently dxed with it as well, and I've researched it heavily, so I know a lot about it. I'm sick of people asking me if I'm bipolar when I get moody and bitchy because I've never been manic except when on certain antidepressants, the rest of the time I'm either moody, depressed, or content.

Anyway, I just find it extremely odd that there are an abundance of people saying they have bipolar and AS and think that either the disorders overlap a lot for some reason, or there's another one out there no one's discovered

Well a few years back there was research carried which tried to state that aspergers were at a high risk of developing bi polar in later life. My opinion on bi polar and aspergers is that I think it would be extremly difficult to diagnose it in an asperger person unless they are blatently showing states of mania or severe depression, too quick to jump on the label. The real problem aspergers face is misunderstanding and overassumptive psychiatric professionals in this arena, if your becoming socially excluded as a social animal you will suffer. It has as a consequence created this myth in the less competant professions that this link must be out there, its totally unneccesary and cruel labelling of people.
Ive seen mania in my uncle and my ex and I take it when you've witnessed mania in your family members you can see that "look" they have in the eyes that instantly strikes you straight away that there high as a kite. My uncle one day decieded to sell up his home in london his business and move him and his entire family to a remote farm in the highlands of scotland near inverness and to keep his job in london he would commute via plane to London and back from inverness. It didnt quite work out that way as you cain imagine. Although he is diagnosed with bi polar he refuses medication for it and doesnt really acknowledge he has a problem and too an extent he's right as he uses it as a strength in his mania he comes up with all these enterprises and business ideas and 9 times out of 10 there quite succesful.

As for Sean and these multi diagnosed retards theres a fella just like that in Hull, england and in DANDA we had quite a few morons like that who claimed they were everything under the sun. They clearly had no concept of what these labels mean't. I dont know what they see in it, does it give you brownie points or street cred to be a hardcore syndrome collector? I dont see the clinical benefit of giving someone that many labels and not many of the long standing asperger professionals would either (professor patricia howlin, digby tantum, simon baron-cohen, uta frith, lorna wing etc) Infact I know Patricia Howlin spends most of her time undiagnosing people like this.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Lucifer on September 07, 2006, 02:45:13 AM
i'm sorry, but are Professor Patricia Howlin and Digby Tantrum really real people?

i am fucking pissing myself here...

 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Nomaken on September 07, 2006, 02:46:33 AM
I think it stands to reason if I had the power to transform into other things and still stay alive that I could probably also regenerate.  But if that were the case, i'd produce cocaine, since that is worth a lot more than paper money.

Or shit- an even better idea!  A Liqour tree!
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: SovaNu on September 07, 2006, 02:56:53 AM
money, cocaine, liquer, i'll take any of those! or all of the above, thank you! ;D
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Leto729 on September 07, 2006, 02:58:14 AM
I though Praetor how many labels I could even have in the end if I let the labels be as are in the end. I don't do that even with multi-diagnosis of whatever with Me Myself and I. Though some may like multi-diagnosis themselves.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: QuirkyCarla on September 07, 2006, 02:59:37 AM
I would hate to see someone who's not really bipolar (but diagnosed with it) take lithium or something and have a bad reaction to it...
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Lucifer on September 07, 2006, 03:01:33 AM
i'm not taking anything prescribed me by someone rejoicing in the name of Digby Tantrum, thank you.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: SovaNu on September 07, 2006, 03:02:15 AM
bipolar seems to be the trendy diagnosis of the day.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Leto729 on September 07, 2006, 03:03:38 AM
money, cocaine, liquer, i'll take any of those! or all of the above, thank you! ;D
I have done that too Myself. ;D
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: QuirkyCarla on September 07, 2006, 03:03:58 AM
i'm not taking anything prescribed me by someone rejoicing in the name of Digby Tantrum, thank you.

good idea  :laugh:
bipolar seems to be the trendy diagnosis of the day.

Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Praetor on September 07, 2006, 03:11:30 AM
bipolar seems to be the trendy diagnosis of the day

As is any diagnosis which gets the media spotlight and more awareness in practitioners

But what does it all mean at the end of the day?
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Praetor on September 07, 2006, 03:12:35 AM
i'm sorry, but are Professor Patricia Howlin and Digby Tantrum really real people?

i am fucking pissing myself here...

 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

May have been a typo but its not far off his IRL persona miserable git
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: SovaNu on September 07, 2006, 03:14:20 AM
they apparently can diagnose people as bipolar who are just on medication that is causing the bipolarey behavior.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: QuirkyCarla on September 07, 2006, 03:14:53 AM
Yeah. Bipolar 3.  ::)
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Leto729 on September 07, 2006, 03:21:21 AM
bipolar seems to be the trendy diagnosis of the day

As is any diagnosis which gets the media spotlight and more awareness in practitioners

But what does it all mean at the end of the day?
That is a question maybe We all should ask but it come from within Ourselves to ask that question in the end does it not.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Praetor on September 07, 2006, 03:24:24 AM
they apparently can diagnose people as bipolar who are just on medication that is causing the bipolarey behavior.

Sounds similair to people who are looked at for a diagnosis of Parkinsons who were on sodium valpourate which causes parkinsonian shakes anyway and you counter it with Orphenadrine because its chemical induced parkinsonian traits. Goes to show you how knowledgeable some support workers are really

IS this a temporary state chemically induced or is it permanent or is the diagnosis permanent? What exactly is the benefit of this medication for someone to rule that its ok for them to suffer the side effect of bi polar behaviour?
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Praetor on September 07, 2006, 03:26:23 AM
bipolar seems to be the trendy diagnosis of the day

As is any diagnosis which gets the media spotlight and more awareness in practitioners

But what does it all mean at the end of the day?
That is a question maybe We all should ask but it come from within Ourselves to ask that question in the end does it not.

Precisely and im more interested in that not what the mass media interprets it as.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Leto729 on September 07, 2006, 05:46:13 AM
bipolar seems to be the trendy diagnosis of the day

As is any diagnosis which gets the media spotlight and more awareness in practitioners

But what does it all mean at the end of the day?
That is a question maybe We all should ask but it come from within Ourselves to ask that question in the end does it not.

Precisely and im more interested in that not what the mass media interprets it as.
So how We interrupt it?
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Kahless on September 13, 2006, 06:22:14 AM
money, cocaine, liquer, i'll take any of those! or all of the above, thank you! ;D

Best way to feel 'NT' is on MDMA (Ecstasy), nothing beats that!
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Leto729 on September 13, 2006, 06:32:51 AM
So who are You Kahless are You end Star Trek?
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: McGiver on September 13, 2006, 06:33:46 AM
i think its danlo.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Leto729 on September 13, 2006, 06:37:41 AM
i think its danlo.
Really why?
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: McGiver on September 13, 2006, 06:40:25 AM
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Danlo on September 13, 2006, 07:45:58 AM
Nope. Not me. There was a Kahless on WP, iirc. Probably the same person.
If it was me, why would I login as someone else? I don't get the publicity, then.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: purposefulinsanity on September 13, 2006, 07:47:18 AM
Nope. Not me. There was a Kahless on WP, iirc. Probably the same person.
If it was me, why would I login as someone else? I don't get the publicity, then.

I applauded you for that and I don't care who smites me for it- that was funny  :laugh:
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: McGiver on September 13, 2006, 08:06:55 AM
danlo, you do enjoy the occasional xtacy though, right?
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Lucifer on September 13, 2006, 09:00:06 AM
Nope. Not me. There was a Kahless on WP, iirc. Probably the same person.
If it was me, why would I login as someone else? I don't get the publicity, then.

Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Leto729 on September 13, 2006, 10:31:56 PM
Nope. Not me. There was a Kahless on WP, iirc. Probably the same person.
If it was me, why would I login as someone else? I don't get the publicity, then.
I guess McJagger is wrong.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: McGiver on September 13, 2006, 11:11:51 PM
i am oftimes wrong, kevv.
i just keep plugging away til the truth emerges on its own.
i am not afraid of failure, because i know that with persistence and open eyes, i will succede at anything that i endeaver.

except proper use of the enlish language and grammar.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Leto729 on September 13, 2006, 11:14:52 PM
i am oftimes wrong, kevv.
i just keep plugging away til the truth emerges on its own.
i am not afraid of failure, because i know that with persistence and open eyes, i will succede at anything that i endeaver.

except proper use of the enlish language and grammar.
I see
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: McGiver on September 13, 2006, 11:17:17 PM
you must have great vision!
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Leto729 on September 13, 2006, 11:28:57 PM
you must have great vision!
I wear glasses too.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: McGiver on September 13, 2006, 11:34:26 PM
I see!
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Leto729 on September 14, 2006, 01:35:12 AM
I see!
I see this too. can You see what I see.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: BadgerTom on September 14, 2006, 09:15:50 AM
that could be anyone though really in all fairness...

point is unless the webmaster gets original documents from the people who write these DX reports, its not gonna be 100% accurate...

in response to the original question now: xD

if i was 7 years younger i could tell you the reasons why i am AS, but now i am finding it bery difficult to explain my AS'ness.
its weird but i guess i have "grown out" of most of my old AS traits or that they're just taking a back seat for the mo, i dont know but i find it intruiging that even tho this is hapopening i'm still getting DLA :D lol

EDITS in Bold.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: duncvis on September 14, 2006, 10:31:29 AM
Some people are taking this thread a wee bit too seriously...

and dude, it might be an idea to get your personal documents off imageshack unless you don't mind em ending up other places.  :o
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: lilia on September 14, 2006, 10:47:29 AM
Your letter looks like mine with all the Axis things.  What do those mean?  I have a couple of things under each of them with the "Rule Out" beside some of them, and I don't understand if it means it was ruled out or if they're still poking my brain to rule them out. 

Also, it says I need cognitive behavioral therapy.  Has anyone done any of this and was it a big waste of time, or was it useful?
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Leto729 on September 14, 2006, 10:49:17 AM
Some people are taking this thread a wee bit too seriously...

and dude, it might be an idea to get your personal documents off imageshack unless you don't mind em ending up other places.  :o
You think. ::)
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: richard on September 14, 2006, 10:54:21 AM
Your letter looks like mine with all the Axis things.  What do those mean?  I have a couple of things under each of them with the "Rule Out" beside some of them, and I don't understand if it means it was ruled out or if they're still poking my brain to rule them out. 

Also, it says I need cognitive behavioral therapy.  Has anyone done any of this and was it a big waste of time, or was it useful?
its what is affecting you the most, i think it can be 1,2,3,4,5... rule out means that you need to have another evaluation done. i've never heard of cognative therapy, so i don't know what that entails. even though i do have a cognitive disorder  :laugh:
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Triste on September 14, 2006, 06:34:46 PM
Your letter looks like mine with all the Axis things.  What do those mean?  I have a couple of things under each of them with the "Rule Out" beside some of them, and I don't understand if it means it was ruled out or if they're still poking my brain to rule them out. 

Also, it says I need cognitive behavioral therapy.  Has anyone done any of this and was it a big waste of time, or was it useful?
Crazy stuff, huh? Whenever you see a psych in the US, they'll give a diagnosis based on the 5 Axes.
Here's a website that might explain it for you:
Basically (I'll summarize from the link)
Axis 1 = Clinical Disorders including mood disorders
Axis 2 = Personality/Mental Retardation Disorder (why lump these into one category, I don't know)  This includes sociopath, narcissism etc.
Axis 3 = General medical condition.  Got any health issues like diabetes?
Axis 4  = Psychosocial and environmental problems
Axis 5 = Global Assessment of Functioning aka GAF:  "This is a number from 1-100 that reflects the caregiver's judgment of the overt level of functioning" ie how're you doing with you activities of daily living?

Asperger's would be an Axis 1 diagnosis, I believe, although I haven't checked my own diagnosis lately so can't remember offhand.

Cognitive Behavrioral Therapy aka CBT is a kind of talk therapy, where a psychologist helps you reprogram your thoughts into more positive ones.  I've been recommended for it but the thought of sitting with a psychologist for an hour a week talking about - well anything really - is not something I'd like to spend my time doing.  Not being into forming relationships and all.

Oh yeah - R/O = rule out =
that's the MD's way of saying "It could be 'x' but I don't know for sure".
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Leto729 on September 14, 2006, 09:13:40 PM
Thanks Triste for the information.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: richard on September 15, 2006, 08:21:27 AM
Thanks Triste for the information.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Praetor on September 15, 2006, 08:30:55 AM
if i was 7 years younger i could tell you the reasons why i am AS, but now i am finding it bery difficult to explain my AS'ness.
its weird but i guess i have "grown out" of most of my old AS traits or that they're just taking a back seat for the mo, i dont know but i find it intruiging that even tho this is hapopening i'm still getting DLA

Changed, moved on? Yes, and I was pretty much the same in my late teens

Grown up? I don't think so  ;)

And bitch I don't claim DLA but im gonna try one time just to see how quickly i get laughed out of it
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Danlo on September 19, 2006, 03:09:07 AM
danlo, you do enjoy the occasional xtacy though, right?
Sometimes. I have had some bad experiences, and unfortunately often start talking about emotional crap whilst under it's influence. I've got to learn to control that, but no success yet. So, I haven't had any or gone out for ages, and I don't see that changing anytime soon.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: BadgerTom on September 19, 2006, 10:38:09 AM
Changed, moved on? Yes, and I was pretty much the same in my late teens

wow so ur just like me... scary isn't it  >:D

Grown up? I don't think so ;)

*ahem* are you saying that i have developed some kind of child-like superiority complex *ahem sorry i meant Omega...  ;D

And bitch I don't claim DLA but im gonna try one time just to see how quickly i get laughed out of it

well then hurry up i wanna know the results as i am now going for medium rate allowance so i can hopefully get Mobility ;D

oh and dont u Bitch me you peon/Biotch  ;)
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Kahless on September 19, 2006, 04:16:15 PM
I've just reapplied for my DLA, hope to get lower rate again, but the fucking cunts have stopped payments meanwhile, so I'm fucking overdrawn. Bastards never said they stopped payments whilst it's under review. >:D >:D >:D

Anyone else had this problem?
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: BadgerTom on September 19, 2006, 04:58:48 PM
no, but hello Mr Klingon 8)

how the devil r ya... ?
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: ozymandias on September 19, 2006, 05:15:13 PM
Ya know, I didn't need to prove my AS to buttmunch eammon and I don't need to prove it to anybody else here!  If thats a problem, just let me know, the delete button is only an inch away!

Yeah, I am in a royal pissed off mood tonight!
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Eamonn on September 29, 2006, 03:46:43 PM
Ya know, I didn't need to prove my AS to buttmunch eammon and I don't need to prove it to anybody else here!  If thats a problem, just let me know, the delete button is only an inch away!

Yeah, I am in a royal pissed off mood tonight!

Yep, Borderline. The patient also seems to suffer from cretinism.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: odeon on September 29, 2006, 03:52:21 PM
Ozy deleted his account? Why? ???
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: thepeaguy on September 29, 2006, 03:53:12 PM
Ozy deleted his account? Why? ???

Eamonn being the big bully, as usual. :p
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: McGiver on September 29, 2006, 03:53:53 PM
hi eamonn!

i think ozy deleted his account because he is having a difficult time.  or maybe it just seemed like it.
but when an old person makes up their mind about something, there is no changing it.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: odeon on September 29, 2006, 03:59:32 PM
Ozy deleted his account? Why? ???

Eamonn being the big bully, as usual. :p

Eamonn did another one of his online dx's and Ozy got mad? I hope it wasn't just that 'cause Eamonn's really quite cuddly once you get past the rough edges.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Eamonn on September 29, 2006, 04:07:18 PM
Pissant guy and the ancient. Please stop being an insubordinate gaggling and notice that ozzy left before i answered to his post. Mcjagger, love oo. :-*
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: odeon on September 29, 2006, 04:08:26 PM
Oh, right, now I see it. So you weren't a bully at all? :P
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: McGiver on September 29, 2006, 04:25:50 PM
eamonn doesn't bully.

unless you count a mental giant taking on those lesser of mind individuals.

then he is a bully, but then again, he doesn't have a choice since he doesn't have an equal.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: odeon on September 29, 2006, 04:36:17 PM
/me wonders why Ozy deleted his account.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: McGiver on September 29, 2006, 04:39:35 PM
go to AFF and ask him.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: odeon on September 29, 2006, 04:40:55 PM
Nah, I don't really like that place. I've lurked some but they're too blatantly militant for my taste.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Eamonn on September 29, 2006, 04:51:35 PM
Bully for you chappies! Im off to bed. Nighty-night.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Callaway on September 30, 2006, 09:49:22 PM
/me wonders why Ozy deleted his account.

Ozymandias also posts on Fractalus, which is A Community of Creative Chaos:

Here is a link to the forum index:

Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: duncvis on October 01, 2006, 07:39:53 AM
/me wonders why Ozy deleted his account.

Ozymandias also posts on Fractalus, which is A Community of Creative Chaos:

Here is a link to the forum index:

I knew there was something I meant to do - I haven't posted on Fractalus for ages cos I haven't had time. Will have to drop in when I get chance.  :ninja:
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: BadgerTom on October 10, 2006, 07:38:50 PM
ooooh i like the sound of chaos..... whats it like in there ?
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: "couldbecousin" on September 20, 2016, 06:39:18 AM
  Bumpity bump!  I have a diagnostic paper that says I have a disorder.  I win.  :M :P
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Icequeen on September 20, 2016, 10:05:41 AM
I think they're all wrong.

I'm just an asshat with no social skills. :LOL: 
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Graelwyn on September 20, 2016, 10:19:03 AM
I have the letter from the guy who diagnosed me, that he sent to my psych, all typed up on my pc, but I don't think I shall be sharing it  :LOL:
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: renaeden on October 08, 2016, 12:58:36 AM
^Hard to know what to make of it because the edges are missing. Are you still taking imipramine?
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Natalia Evans on October 08, 2016, 02:22:41 AM
I have been medication free for eight years now except that I have taken prenatal vitamins and stool softener and took sleep aid medicine when I worked graveyard for job training.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Lestat on October 08, 2016, 04:56:01 AM
Prove my AS fucking bollocks.

I'm autistic. Geddit right. And you know what?  I  actualy like it this way. I think, if I was aspie it would just be further towards NT, dropping off the spectrum at the far end.

And AFF...those were the days. Was home, in many ways. And too millitant? we got a reason, odeon. And for my tastes it could happily have been more so.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: renaeden on October 08, 2016, 05:34:49 AM
I have been medication free for eight years now except that I have taken prenatal vitamins and stool softener and took sleep aid medicine when I worked graveyard for job training.
Good for you. I really mean it. It can be hard to discontinue meds, I have been there.

Prove my AS fucking bollocks.

I'm autistic. Geddit right. And you know what?  I  actualy like it this way. I think, if I was aspie it would just be further towards NT, dropping off the spectrum at the far end.

And AFF...those were the days. Was home, in many ways. And too millitant? we got a reason, odeon. And for my tastes it could happily have been more so.
I am HFA but I suspect many would say I am aspie. I don't mind. People could also say that there is no such thing as HFA. I have been through that many times. But I did ask my psychologist who dxed me if I was really Asperger's and she said, "Definitely not. Your psychiatrist and I agree that you're HFA." So there is that. Being Asperger's doesn't mean you are somewhat a lesser person, Lestat.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Lestat on October 08, 2016, 06:03:28 AM
I never said it did, ren. I'm not all that close to the HFA phenotype either.

Always had a lot more in common with what autism squeaks would stick on a poster and bitch about.
What I meant, was that I not only would certainly the fuck not want to be NT, that idea actually does make me want to retch up a testicle. But whilst I have absolutely nothing whatosoever AGAINST people who are HFA, aspie, or Retts (the latter, I only know one, and she drives me absolutely.......there aren't words for it, even watching her snark turns me on so damn much its unreal) I just like being what, who, and how I am. I like how I get to see the world.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: "couldbecousin" on October 08, 2016, 06:05:49 AM
I never said it did, ren. I'm not all that close to the HFA phenotype either.

Always had a lot more in common with what autism squeaks would stick on a poster and bitch about.
What I meant, was that I not only would certainly the fuck not want to be NT, that idea actually does make me want to retch up a testicle. But whilst I have absolutely nothing whatosoever AGAINST people who are HFA, aspie, or Retts (the latter, I only know one, and she drives me absolutely.......there aren't words for it, even watching her snark turns me on so damn much its unreal) I just like being what, who, and how I am. I like how I get to see the world.

  Me too, whatever label fits.  I like the way my mind works.  8)
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Lestat on October 08, 2016, 06:22:09 AM

I am a dyed-in-the-wool (ew ew ew wool is the physical incarnation of loathesome) Kanner's spazz. A spazz-damn-proud-of-it-tech. (spelling intentional, if you see what I did there)

And when younger was even more so, and you know something, I'd give a lot to have the more-so back. Curebie filth, go roll a joint of THAT and smoke it!

Yes, I'm very much a classic phenotype, yes, I am millitant as hell. No, I don't give half a decaying dungpile what anybody thinks about that. And perdition am I going to change. For one, I do not have that ability. And for two, if I could I'd do the exact opposite. 'regress'? I didn't think of it that way when I was young. I saw it as (metaphorically speaking) fucking christmas come twice.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: renaeden on October 08, 2016, 06:35:51 AM
I don't like or dislike how I see the world. I just do, I know no other way.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: WolFish on October 08, 2016, 11:01:00 AM
I assume this has evolved into a discussion from a pissing contest so:

The train wreck ADHD was diagnosed by a psychiatrist, and the Asperger's is part of my hospital record for a hospital in MA which shall remain unnamed. Given the jobs I tend to hold, it's better that the AS not be part of a record that could be found, say, by someone hacking into insurance records, etc. For what it's worth, I had an accommodation with the agency I worked for the longest. They helped by explaining social interactions and rules that went over my head. When I went from full to part time, my going away gift was a book entitled, "All cat's have Asperger's." I miss working there.

Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Lestat on October 08, 2016, 11:12:43 AM
Pissing contest? not, I hope in my name or on my behalf. I simply am who I am, and I actually did much prefer what some, not those here I imagine, would term 'severe'. I was simply trying to say that I do not see it that way from the other side of the glass. Or bubble, rather. Best I know how to put it. Shiny, somewhat elastic (which I am grateful for), pliable-ish and very, very iridescent bubble, in a synaesthetic manner of speaking. Predominantly a kind of lithium-ion flame pink, with a lot of scaly, opal stone-like iridescence. (black opal, rather than white, although the pinkish, burning lithium metal-tinged bright pink is somewhat similar to the white kind, the blue end of the 'psychevisual spectrum is similar to black opal. I think if one were to dissect that in psychological terms it suits my personality and outlook, in that blue colors are strongly associated with the cold, icy aspects of the world whilst red colors, being at opposite ends of the spectrum, in terms of physics, energy levels of the associated wavelengths of light, are associated with fire, heat, activity. I am somewhat frenetic in activity that draws me, but sanguine, distant, aloof and generally stone cold. But with others, primarily, especially relationships, I am very, very intense, although still distant. I look out on things and am, as in that psychopathy/sociopathy thread, a planner, an analyser before acting, save in extremity. My approach to most of life is one of a surgeon with a pair of tweezers a microscope and a dental probe.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: odeon on October 08, 2016, 02:48:35 PM
This thread was never about proving your AS. :M
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Lestat on October 08, 2016, 03:25:19 PM
I am now curious.

As to how the inwards subjectie perception of the outisde world and if this bubble-like perception is in common with others on the spectrumm and am curious as to if so, how it may differ from phenotype to phenotype
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: WolFish on October 10, 2016, 04:20:38 PM
This thread was never about proving your AS. :M

my mistake. i tend to take things literally.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Jack on October 10, 2016, 04:23:07 PM
This thread was never about proving your AS. :M

my mistake. i tend to take things literally.
From reading the OP, seems like it was. Not necessarily proving a diagnosis, but rather detailing symptoms.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: WolFish on October 10, 2016, 09:30:35 PM
my list is rather long and as disorganized as my room.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Natalia Evans on October 10, 2016, 11:24:17 PM
This thread was never about proving your AS. :M

Then what was it about?
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: Lestat on October 11, 2016, 09:05:18 PM
Lol wolfy. I know the feeling. Mine is way overdue for a huge clearout. And since actually I very rarely use it anymore (I find my bedsprings hurt my hips for one thing, and have to sleep with a pillow between my knees. Although thats only one reason. I was thinking I could just use all the shelving and such that haven't got books on or indeed anywhere close to them, for keeping more lab glassware and reagents that do not show corrosive properties, that are not pyrophoric (pyrophoric meaning they burst into flames on contact with air, or in some cases on contact with the atmospheric (or from any other source of course) water vapor. n-BuLi would be a good example. Lol I've heard some funny tales about people pissing about with syringes that they use to transfer the stuff from bottle (they have self-sealing rubber layers on them through which to plunge a cannula, attached to a syringe, and then quickly transfer that in an air-free glovebox to a similar selfhealing septum placed over the relevant neck of the reaction flask), but instead of doing that, just loading up the large syringes containing for example, the butyllithium, phenyllithium, methyllithium, sodium hydride etc. dissolved as a solution in toluene and, in the atmosphere(!) simply  depressing the plunger. Never done it but apparently you get a really neat arcing jet of flames, as the alkyl- or aryllithium in (highly flammable) tolly autoignites the moment it leaves the tip of the syringe cannula, bursting into flame as it travels through the air :D

Call us chemist types big kids at heart, but we are a very well known crowd for japes like that, where its safe to piss about. The prototypical example being the potassium party, or sodium party. Meaning a crowd gathers, bringing the alkali metal or metals in question with them, and proceed to get drunk (or indulge in whatever else that a person may prefer in place of, or along with the drinking, and generally proceed to have a riotous time tossing lumps of sodium or potassium metal into water, pouring in the liquid NAK alloy (Na-K, an alloy in various proportions of sodium and potassium is a liquid at room temperature and as it instantly spreads out on a water surface, the entire surface area, rather than just part of it immediately goes BOOOOOMFFFCRACKLKCRACKCRACKCRACK! as it initially explodes, blasting the remainder of the liquid alloy up high into the air, from whence it of course, must come down. Resulting in it raining molten, exploding pyrophoric metal. Or/and using various pressurized launchers, always homebuilt and a pleasure to see someone's efforts in their personal design of sodium/potassium-cannons (think spudgun, loaded with exploding ammunition rather than potatoes, generally powered by an electrically triggered sparkgap in a chamber that is designed to contain a mixture of oxygen or air, and one, or more combustible gases to provide the pressure and launch the projectile into a body of water.

Its hilarious fun doing it too. I remember a time in school where we had an empty fish tank, and I was...ahem...somewhat responsible for potassium (which is FAR more reactive and boom-ey compared to Na for people to lark about with.) being taken out in the belief of the person adding it to water, that it was indeed the requested sodium metal. A large chunk(!!! bwahahahahaha !!!) was cut from this block of potassium, about the size of a gobstopper, and tossed into the tank full of water. The tank did survive the experience since there was nothing to confine the shockwave coming from the blast, the lid was not on, but instead of skittering round on fire on the surface of the water, crackling and popping, you just heard 'now we are going to add the sodium t.....WHOOOOOOOOMMMPPP!CRACKRACKRACKRAKCRAKKKLEBOOOMFFsplassplashsplashbang! bang! bang!bang bang!'

Because it ignited instantly, exploded with a thump, blowing the potassium, molten now, right up onto the ceiling, and as luck (or rather, gleeful scheming) would have it, that patch of the ceiling that just chance of course;) to be directly under that tank of water. Exploded up onto the roof, then proceeded to come down as splattering melted potassium metal 'rain', falling every time back into the fish tank and being sent back up to rejoin the blob of potassium that had been.err...'persuaded' to audition for the part of a light fitting in SOMEONE's new theatrical production and from there, come back down again into the fish tank, in smaller and smaller portions each time, some being blown away, some burnt and some turned to caustic potash (potassium hydroxide, KOH) in the reaction with the water.

Everybody else in the room DIVED for cover under the tables, science teacher included IIRC.  Or if she didn't then certainly got the hell outa dodge!.

I was more or less the only one still left standing there, admiring the purrty purpleish violet flames and gleefully basking in the utter, absolute and total uncontainable pure hilarity of the whole sequence of events. (K metal burns, as long as it be free from sodium, which burns with a characteristic orange flame, likewise its ions imbue a gas jet flame, if a bit of wire dipped in salt solution be introduced into a flame. Potassium on the other hand is easily covered up but gives a gorgeous shade of pale lilac-mauve-ey purpley blue.)

Shit, I still remember that day, it was an absolutely perfect valve to let loose the pressure cooker of day to day school stresses. Went off with a tremendous thump, though, and lots of crackling, popping, snapping, banging and sparking as it kept exploding.  My, my, my my my those where the days. Such fun to be had that day in particular. That little jolly jape certainly kept me in amusement for several whole entire hours worth of inner cackling, snorffling myself silly until no more snorffles could be snorffled. Of course do not worry about me, though because that has recovered. *snorffle*
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: odeon on October 11, 2016, 10:41:53 PM
This thread was never about proving your AS. :M

my mistake. i tend to take things literally.
From reading the OP, seems like it was. Not necessarily proving a diagnosis, but rather detailing symptoms.

Maybe the OP. :P
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: odeon on October 11, 2016, 10:42:21 PM
This thread was never about proving your AS. :M

Then what was it about?

The same as everything else here. Banter.
Title: Re: Prove your AS!
Post by: 'andersom' on October 12, 2016, 11:08:59 AM
my list is rather long and as disorganized as my room.

A very adequate summary of all the details.