Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: McGiver on June 24, 2006, 04:20:12 PM

Title: i did laundry
Post by: McGiver on June 24, 2006, 04:20:12 PM
once again do not incorrectly label me a sexist, i mean feminist.

i have been doing the laundry lately and i must say, i love it.
i think that every man with children should do it from time to time.

how rewarding.  i mean, i don't really consider my girls that small, but when i compare their shirt sizes to mine.  their pants to mine.  makes me all sentimental.

its just that they seem to be growing so fast, i had to stop and take a moment to allow a single tear to well up in my eye.  so take from this what you will and i am sure that my laundry kick will be short lived, but for the time being, its  special.
Title: Re: i did laundry
Post by: El on June 24, 2006, 05:03:13 PM
How young do you guys think kids should start leanring to do laundry?  I started when I was 13 or so, due to nessessity.  I think that's a pretty good age.  I nkow one 22 year old guy who still can't do laundry.  The thouht of it somehow makes me want to smack him or his parents, or both.
Title: Re: i did laundry
Post by: McGiver on June 24, 2006, 05:07:53 PM
my six year old taught me.  now i'm addicted.

the warmth
the smell
the matching of corners

how could i have missed this pleasure my entire life?
Title: Re: i did laundry
Post by: Pyraxis on June 24, 2006, 05:23:47 PM
I think I was 12 or so, though I helped my mother with folding a long time before that.

I think a kid should learn from necessity, at whatever age the parent gets sick of doing it. But not be forced into it by the parent - just by running out of clothes and naturally wanting some cleaner ones. I've known plenty of people whose parents still did their laundry when they were in college. And that's just pathetic.
Title: Re: i did laundry
Post by: purposefulinsanity on June 24, 2006, 05:48:40 PM
My youngest child (almost 3) loves to help me with the laundry, he loves to put everything in the washer or dryer.  My 7 year old daughter can put on a load of washing with supervision- she'd do it all by herself if I let her I basically just watch her to make sure she's not mixing things up.  I think she'll be able to do it by herself soon.

I think its important for kids to learn how to do things but not give them too many chores too young.
Title: Re: i did laundry
Post by: El on June 24, 2006, 05:53:17 PM
I think I was 12 or so, though I helped my mother with folding a long time before that.

I think a kid should learn from necessity, at whatever age the parent gets sick of doing it. But not be forced into it by the parent - just by running out of clothes and naturally wanting some cleaner ones. I've known plenty of people whose parents still did their laundry when they were in college. And that's just pathetic.

I do admit I let my grandmother do my laundry for me when I'm at her house.  It's like a vacation-perk type thing.  I don't know if that's pathetic or just lazy, but the whole household dumps their laundry into a basket in the main hallway so it's a sort of communal thing.  I tend to bring any extra I have also and I justify that by the fact that her washer and drier don't require quarters.

Fine.  I'm lazy.  I still do my own laundry, what, 90% of the year, at least?  Enough so that it's on my dream wishlist to have my landlord replace the crappy and tempermental washer and drier he has now (coin-and-luck-operated) so that I don't need ot go to a ladunromat twice a week.  And I mean it's high up there; I'd promise to never eat uncooked cookie dough ever again if I knew I'd have a washer and drier in the same building as me wherever I lived, for the rest of my life.  ((Does the fact that I offered that as a sacrifice show maturity issues?))
Title: Re: i did laundry
Post by: Pyraxis on June 24, 2006, 06:01:30 PM
LOL. That's not the kind of lazy I'm talking about... I'm thinking about the boyfriend of a particular ex-roommate of mine who at 20 or so didn't know how to cook, clean, or do laundry. So he'd come whining to my roommate, acting pathetic in an attempt to get her to play little mommy for him. (She did it, too, and then moaned about how grown-up she was and how everyone expected her to take care of them. Those two deserved each other.)
Title: Re: i did laundry
Post by: Sanityisoverrated on June 25, 2006, 01:16:23 AM
I've been doing my own laundry since sometime in my teens. I'll admit that this means my laundry gets done a lot less frequently than everyone elses, and usually ends up sitting freshly washed and damp in the washing machine or a basket for days until it begins to smell and I need to wash it again, but hey- at least I do it!  ;D

I don't ever do ironing though. I have kind of a phobia about irons... It seems so archaic and primitive- why would anyone wield a scalding hot piece of metal mere inches from their own body, just to straighten out the creases in clothes? The risk vs reward there is really off-balance. They seriously need to invent some new safer technology for ironing.
Title: Re: i did laundry
Post by: Peter on June 25, 2006, 01:24:28 AM
I'm another male who's fine with laundry, as well as cooking, cleaning, sewing and so on, but ironing?  Folding stuff up?  Sorting it?  I've never seen the point in that.  I might iron a shirt once in a blue moon for a special event, but that's it.  My socks are randomly piled in a box and I spend a few seconds finding a matching pair each day, most other things are on hangers in my wardrobe, wherever there was a space when I put them away, and the remainder is slung over the pole or door.
Title: Re: i did laundry
Post by: Sanityisoverrated on June 25, 2006, 01:56:48 AM
My socks are randomly piled in a box and I spend a few seconds finding a matching pair each day, most other things are on hangers in my wardrobe, wherever there was a space when I put them away, and the remainder is slung over the pole or door.
Haha so true. I have a huge pile of "I've worn them once, but not enough to categorise as dirty yet" clothes on my chair, which I grab from when I get dressed, a pile of clean un-sorted clothes in a washing basket which I take from once I run out of the other pile (or need essentials like socks etc), and then I have my dirty washing pile. These three mystical piles of clothes just form a sort of circular rotation and never seem to make it into my drawers or shelving.
Title: Re: i did laundry
Post by: peegai on June 25, 2006, 03:20:03 AM
Some people can do laundry, some can't. I know of a friend who doesn't know how to make a cup of tea, but I don't go on about how pathetic that is because picking on someone because of their genuine domestic chores difficulties is dumb, tedious, and most of all boring.

What's the big deal if you can do laundry or not? Does knowing how to do laundry make you more happier? No, you still feel like a stupid shit. Can we move on now?
Title: Re: i did laundry
Post by: Eamonn on June 25, 2006, 03:38:28 AM
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah! Peegai's mum has to do his laundary for him! ;D
Title: Re: i did laundry
Post by: peegai on June 25, 2006, 03:39:06 AM
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah! Peegai's mum has to do his laundary for him! ;D


I don't care if she does.

And you can't spell "laundry", so what's your point? Fucking dyslexic asshole who can wash and iron his own clothes. :P
Title: On this day...
Post by: peegai on June 25, 2006, 05:28:05 AM
Will be the day that I will vow to do my own laundry.
Title: Re: i did laundry
Post by: Sanityisoverrated on June 25, 2006, 05:39:28 AM
Who needs ironing?

(Note the spray-bottle of "Fabulon Iron Free" wrinkle-remover shite in the corner  :D)
Title: Re: On this day...
Post by: Eamonn on June 25, 2006, 06:00:30 AM
Will be the day that I will vow to do my own laundry.

You're a different bundle of washing altogether. Any more wisecracks and i'l be forced to hang you out to fry. :D
Title: Re: On this day...
Post by: peegai on June 25, 2006, 06:04:11 AM
Will be the day that I will vow to do my own laundry.

You're a different bundle of washing altogether. Any more wisecracks and i'l be forced to hang you out to fry. :D

Teach me your ways, oh wise master of laundry chores.
Title: Re: On this day...
Post by: Eamonn on June 25, 2006, 06:09:36 AM

Teach me your ways, oh wise master of laundry.

I dunno, you're a lot of work, what with all the creases we need to iron out of you, though on the plus side you've been unadorned by members of the opposite sex so are still fresh. Il  see what i can do, il stretch you over my ironboard right now and try my best to flatten you out with my starch spray.
Title: Re: On this day...
Post by: peegai on June 25, 2006, 06:19:59 AM

Teach me your ways, oh wise master of laundry.

I dunno, you're a lot of work, what with all the creases we need to iron out of you. Though on the plus side you've been unadorned by members of the opposite sex, so you are still fresh. I will see what i can do: I'll stretch you over my ironboard right now and try my best to flatten you out with my starch spray.

Felt like being a prick by correcting some punctuation and grammar mistakes here and there.
Title: Re: On this day...
Post by: Eamonn on June 25, 2006, 06:39:03 AM

Teach me your ways, oh wise master of laundry.

I dunno, you're a lot of work, what with all the creases we need to iron out of you. Though on the plus side you've been unadorned by members of the opposite sex, so you are still fresh. I will see what i can do: I'll stretch you over my ironboard right now and try my best to flatten you out with my starch spray.

Felt like being a prick by correcting some punctuation and grammar mistakes here and there.

No problem. Im used to it. I think it means you have been owned and are out of comebacks. You might want to have a look at your own grammar, though, as you missed the fact that 'dunno' isnt a proper word and you didnt seem to notice that there was no need for the extra "you" in your 'correction' as id already alluded to the fact i was talking about you earlier in the sentence. :P
Title: Re: On this day...
Post by: peegai on June 25, 2006, 06:53:42 AM

Teach me your ways, oh wise master of laundry.

I dunno, you're a lot of work, what with all the creases we need to iron out of you. Though on the plus side you've been unadorned by members of the opposite sex, so you are still fresh. I will see what i can do: I'll stretch you over my ironboard right now and try my best to flatten you out with my starch spray.

Felt like being a prick by correcting some punctuation and grammar mistakes here and there.

No problem. Im used to it. I think it means you have been owned and are out of comebacks. You might want to have a look at your own grammar, though, as you missed the fact that 'dunno' isnt a proper word and you didnt seem to notice that there was no need for the extra "you" in your 'correction' as id already alluded to the fact i was talking about you earlier in the sentence. :P

Whatever suits your fragile ego.
Title: Re: i did laundry
Post by: McGiver on June 25, 2006, 07:16:24 AM
Title: Re: i did laundry
Post by: El on June 25, 2006, 08:46:04 AM
I can iron, but I haven't in literally years.  I think I have an ironing board and an iron, but am not sure where.  I don't own anything that needs ironing, save for possibly one thing I haven't worn yet.  If that does need to be ironed after I wash it I will and pray that I don't fry it.
Title: Re: i did laundry
Post by: McGiver on June 25, 2006, 11:36:01 AM
I can iron, but I haven't in literally years.  I think I have an ironing board and an iron, but am not sure where.  I don't own anything that needs ironing, save for possibly one thing I haven't worn yet.  If that does need to be ironed after I wash it I will and pray that I don't fry it.
thank god for the unkempt look that began in the early ninties.
i never see a point to having pressed clothes.  wrinkled shirts are now cool.
Title: Re: On this day...
Post by: Eamonn on June 25, 2006, 01:40:03 PM
Whatever suits your fragile ego.

That's generally the plan.