Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: Mr Smith on November 01, 2007, 03:45:28 AM

Title: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Mr Smith on November 01, 2007, 03:45:28 AM
Because whenever you make friends, they get a GF/BF and you never see them again. It's like friends are meaningless. Like, not worth it. It would be sweet to get a group of friends that would never ever get a BF or GF.

Like that would happen though, I should just make do with cats. :thumbup:
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: GalileoAce on November 01, 2007, 03:51:48 AM
Or you could make friends that already have a GF/BF, that way there is less chance of less contact. :)

Though cats are a good option too :)
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: The_P on November 01, 2007, 04:13:16 AM
If friends start to reject you because they're in a relationship, fuck 'em. Having a girlfriend/boyfriend isn't the be all and end all of life.

Or it could be that your depression is allowing you to take things too personally. I dunno.
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Alex179 on November 01, 2007, 10:18:47 AM
My RL friends still hang out with me whether they have a GF or not.   I have always gotten along well with my RL friends GFs.  On the net it is a different story usually as people tend to be on less when they have a GF/BF.   RL friends that get married or have kids I don't see to often or never hang out with anymore.
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Calandale on November 01, 2007, 10:28:07 AM
Friends? What are they?

Seriously though, this happens with
exceedingly close friendships. I've
been on both sides. You can't spend
every day together with a friend, AND
with your SO.

Don't think I've ever been in a situation
where things were completely cut off
because of this, though.
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: richard on November 01, 2007, 11:16:12 AM
personally i like it, its teh

Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Gluey on November 01, 2007, 05:44:20 PM
Because whenever you make friends, they get a GF/BF and you never see them again. It's like friends are meaningless. Like, not worth it. It would be sweet to get a group of friends that would never ever get a BF or GF.

Like that would happen though, I should just make do with cats. :thumbup:

Yeah. I'm staying single though. But the BF/GF thing sucks. It's peer pressure. The stupid media telling us to waste our lives in the game of love. I don't play that game.
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Calandale on November 01, 2007, 05:49:40 PM
Love isn't a game. Nothing's better.
Title: Why it sucks to be forever married.
Post by: DirtDawg on November 01, 2007, 06:44:37 PM

God damn!

I don't know where to start.

Enjoy your freedom! ... first of all.

Shit, I mean earlier today - we faught and then she left for work to support us, so I made the best of it by playing my music.

I'm trying to remember what we faught over, but I can't. It seeemed to start with her destroying my secondary space and I objected. She countered with the fact that she has no space that id hers. She only want something to call hers and I understand that. We were arguing about the same fucking thing from two different perspectives.

Nevermind. I'm confused.
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Soph on November 01, 2007, 06:54:19 PM
im sticking to cats from now on. actually, i never really had any friends irl in the first place  :laugh:
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Calandale on November 01, 2007, 06:55:53 PM
The right friends are WELL worth it.
I suspect you'll find that out though,
in time.
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Soph on November 01, 2007, 07:38:27 PM
i realised that when i met sophie actually. first time ive ever really cared about someone as a friend. yet to see that in real life though
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Calandale on November 01, 2007, 07:41:50 PM
I know. But, you will again. Just as I'm
sure that I shall. :-\
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Soph on November 01, 2007, 07:50:57 PM
i cant see it happening for me really. i dont think anyone would be able to put up with me like sophie did. we had the same interests and laughed at the same things and said the same things at the same time. i think id only be able to get on with someone else like that. and there isnt anyone else like her.
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Calandale on November 01, 2007, 07:57:26 PM
I thought the same, when my first gf and I
broke up. Seriously, before I was your age,
I hadn't met anyone I could care about, at
all. Met a couple of guys whom I bonded
with completely. Then, a couple years later,
I met my first gf. I thought that was perfection.
There have been a few others, whom I've felt
so close to though. All different people, but
with the same comfort and togetherness.
You're still young - you will.

And you'll look back, and say uncle cal told
you so.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Mr Smith on November 01, 2007, 10:41:40 PM
Friends? What are they?

Seriously though, this happens with
exceedingly close friendships. I've
been on both sides. You can't spend
every day together with a friend, AND
with your SO.

Don't think I've ever been in a situation
where things were completely cut off
because of this, though.

Yeah I agree I guess. My best friend got a  BF and it totally sucked. Also I get pretty close with single guy friends, they find out I don't want to root them so they find someone else and spend all their time with them.

I don't really have many friends so I suppose it's worse, people with lots of friends just go and hang out with a different one if one doesn't want to.
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Alex179 on November 01, 2007, 10:49:06 PM
Root them?   Is that another way of saying screw them?

They aren't really your friends if they can't put up with you not being attracted to them sexually of course.
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Peter on November 01, 2007, 10:50:27 PM
Also I get pretty close with single guy friends, they find out I don't want to root them so they find someone else and spend all their time with them.

Boinking; the fastest way to make friends and the surest way to keep them.
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Ass Fairy 69 on November 01, 2007, 11:46:25 PM
Boinking; the fastest way to make friends and the surest way to keep them.
And people wonder why we find large social events to be so tiring.
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Calandale on November 02, 2007, 04:13:34 AM
Even orgies?
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Mr Smith on November 02, 2007, 04:56:13 AM
Boinking; the fastest way to make friends and the surest way to keep them.
And people wonder why we find large social events to be so tiring.

Fuck that's a big arse.
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Calandale on November 02, 2007, 05:00:33 AM
I'd rather fuck a tight little one.
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Mr Smith on November 02, 2007, 05:01:53 AM
Why not a tight huge one like his avatar..

seriously, when you've only looked at the arses of your family, It kinda shocks me that someones torso is half as wide as their arse.
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Mr Smith on November 02, 2007, 05:04:06 AM
I think I need to make a sound clip about the arse.


It wouldn't usually be, but it's on such a freaking TINY lady..
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Calandale on November 02, 2007, 05:06:38 AM
Yeah. She's ok, other than that.
Looks sloppy, to say the least.

But, ass fairies can't be too picky.
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Tesla on November 02, 2007, 06:51:16 AM
I could tell you the Elvish word for friend... but have no idea how to make or keep one.

Yes, I am that big of a loser.
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Parts on November 02, 2007, 07:01:57 AM
I just consider myself very lucky to have met my wife and that she puts up with me or I believe I would be in the same boat.  Although for me it's dogs not cats.  Outside of my wife I don't have many friends IRL those I do I suspect are on the spectrum and we only talk when there is something to talk about in our shared interests.
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: El on November 02, 2007, 07:20:14 AM
:/  Other side of the fence:  I feel a little bad about the fact that while I'm still hanging out with my main social group, I haven't hung out with a friend of mine I seemed to be starting to reconnect with after two years; he had made a decision to hang out with his friends more.  I'm not sure how much blame I can take because my non-single status coincided not only with the boyfriend, but with a new 20-hour-a-week job, and because this friend is a great guy/very fun but he does tend to be a little flaky about actually hanging out when he says he means to.  Example:  He texts me asking when I'm free, I leave him a voicemail, he doesn't reply until the time I had stated is past.  I usually don't make plans far ahead of time because they tend to get broken.
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Rabbit From Hell on November 02, 2007, 09:27:06 AM
Because whenever you make friends, they get a GF/BF and you never see them again. It's like friends are meaningless. Like, not worth it. It would be sweet to get a group of friends that would never ever get a BF or GF.

Like that would happen though, I should just make do with cats. :thumbup:

Yeah, I'm going to get a cat as soon as I am able to move in a place that allows them.  I'm wanting a Maine Coon.
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Christopher McCandless on November 02, 2007, 10:14:23 AM
Is it a problem getting a partner of your own, if this really bothers you?
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Mr Smith on November 02, 2007, 01:04:24 PM
Is it a problem getting a partner of your own, if this really bothers you?

Eww I would rather be lonely. So yes, it is a problem.
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: The_P on November 02, 2007, 01:14:22 PM
Is it a problem getting a partner of your own, if this really bothers you?

Eww I would rather be lonely. So yes, it is a problem.

Wouldn't you miss The Sex, though?
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Mr Smith on November 02, 2007, 01:19:12 PM
Is it a problem getting a partner of your own, if this really bothers you?

Eww I would rather be lonely. So yes, it is a problem.

Wouldn't you miss The Sex, though?

What sex? Can't miss what you've never had. (well, the one time doens't count.. more like consential date rape if that makes any sense)
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Christopher McCandless on November 02, 2007, 01:40:54 PM
Is it a problem getting a partner of your own, if this really bothers you?

Eww I would rather be lonely. So yes, it is a problem.
Lol, out of intrest what puts you off? I just find it ironic, given all those aspies who definitely want a relationship.
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: The_P on November 02, 2007, 01:41:50 PM
Is it a problem getting a partner of your own, if this really bothers you?

Eww I would rather be lonely. So yes, it is a problem.
Lol, out of intrest what puts you off? I just find it ironic, given all those aspies who definitely want a relationship.

Have you been in a relationship yet, Hadron?

Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Alex179 on November 02, 2007, 02:13:25 PM
Relationships can end quite painfully, sometimes they are worth it.    You should just make some new friends fatty, eventually you will meet someone who almost is never attached.   Some people don't want a girlfriend at all.   Maybe if you had some good experiences with The Sex, then you would miss it more.
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Christopher McCandless on November 02, 2007, 02:20:48 PM
Is it a problem getting a partner of your own, if this really bothers you?

Eww I would rather be lonely. So yes, it is a problem.
Lol, out of intrest what puts you off? I just find it ironic, given all those aspies who definitely want a relationship.

Have you been in a relationship yet, Hadron?

Nope. I seem to attract an awful lot of people I wouldnt go for some reason. Maybe I am just fussy.
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: The_P on November 02, 2007, 03:08:12 PM
Is it a problem getting a partner of your own, if this really bothers you?

Eww I would rather be lonely. So yes, it is a problem.
Lol, out of intrest what puts you off? I just find it ironic, given all those aspies who definitely want a relationship.

Have you been in a relationship yet, Hadron?

Nope. I seem to attract an awful lot of people I wouldnt go for some reason. Maybe I am just fussy.

I'm just lazy.
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Christopher McCandless on November 02, 2007, 03:11:38 PM
Is it a problem getting a partner of your own, if this really bothers you?

Eww I would rather be lonely. So yes, it is a problem.
Lol, out of intrest what puts you off? I just find it ironic, given all those aspies who definitely want a relationship.

Have you been in a relationship yet, Hadron?

Nope. I seem to attract an awful lot of people I wouldnt go for some reason. Maybe I am just fussy.

I'm just lazy.
:laugh: Coming to think of it, I am sort of surprised you are not in a relationship as welll...
Title: Re: Why it sucks to be forever married.
Post by: DirtDawg on November 02, 2007, 03:14:16 PM

God damn!

I don't know where to start.

Enjoy your freedom! ... first of all.

Shit, I mean earlier today - .........

BTW, Fatty, I posted this in your thread more as a "Grass is Always Greener" type of statement.

I had a blast as a single man.
I also had a lot of heartbreaks, made a lot of people angry, hurt people I cared about, got torn to shreds, attached myself to poisonous people, wasted a lot of my time, and generally gave up a number of times.

Honestly it doesn't really suck to be married to your best friend. We are both very passionate people and we argue some. She is descended from Dutch, German and English - I am Irish, German and Italian descendency We have agreed to stay together and work out what ever problems we encounter, so there may be a murder, but not a divorce.

I wasn't trying to crap your thread, just point out that there is no universal answer to this universal dilemma.

Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: The_P on November 02, 2007, 03:16:24 PM
Is it a problem getting a partner of your own, if this really bothers you?

Eww I would rather be lonely. So yes, it is a problem.
Lol, out of intrest what puts you off? I just find it ironic, given all those aspies who definitely want a relationship.

Have you been in a relationship yet, Hadron?

Nope. I seem to attract an awful lot of people I wouldnt go for some reason. Maybe I am just fussy.

I'm just lazy.
:laugh: Coming to think of it, I am sort of surprised you are not in a relationship as welll...

Same here. Even ugly people fucked earlier than I did, which is probably gonna be in my forties.
Title: Re: Why it sucks being forever single
Post by: Christopher McCandless on November 02, 2007, 03:17:50 PM
Is it a problem getting a partner of your own, if this really bothers you?

Eww I would rather be lonely. So yes, it is a problem.
Lol, out of intrest what puts you off? I just find it ironic, given all those aspies who definitely want a relationship.

Have you been in a relationship yet, Hadron?

Nope. I seem to attract an awful lot of people I wouldnt go for some reason. Maybe I am just fussy.

I'm just lazy.
:laugh: Coming to think of it, I am sort of surprised you are not in a relationship as welll...

Same here. Even ugly people fucked earlier than I did.
Maybe we just have higher standards  :laugh:
Title: Re: Why it sucks to be forever married.
Post by: Calandale on November 02, 2007, 03:24:10 PM

Honestly it doesn't really suck to be married to your best friend.

Serious understatement.
Title: Re: Why it sucks to be forever married.
Post by: Ass Fairy 69 on November 02, 2007, 04:29:30 PM

Honestly it doesn't really suck to be married to your best friend.

Serious understatement.

Especially if your best friend is good at The Sex.
Title: Re: Why it sucks to be forever married.
Post by: Calandale on November 02, 2007, 04:35:06 PM

Honestly it doesn't really suck to be married to your best friend.

Serious understatement.

Especially if your best friend is good at The Sex.

Much as I enjoy, I consider that rather minor.
Title: Re: Why it sucks to be forever married.
Post by: duncvis on November 02, 2007, 04:59:09 PM

Honestly it doesn't really suck to be married to your best friend.

Serious understatement.

Especially if your best friend is good at The Sex.

Agreed on all counts.  :green:
Title: Re: Why it sucks to be forever married.
Post by: DirtDawg on November 02, 2007, 05:28:06 PM

Honestly it doesn't really suck to be married to your best friend.

Serious understatement.

Especially if your best friend is good at The Sex.

Much as I enjoy, I consider that rather minor.

Well, yeah, sometimes.

Without getting too personally revealing, she demands monogamy, but she's great at what she knows, is willing to learn, already knows what I like and she's multi-orgasmic. Very entertaining.

We have some harsh fights, but I'm not leaving her!

Not ever!