Arena for the Competitive => Main Event Callouts => Topic started by: Randy on October 11, 2007, 12:15:27 PM

Title: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: Randy on October 11, 2007, 12:15:27 PM
Explain to me how I was pawned when I knew I could just shave my head?  I don't look that bad with less hair, but I am not particularly fond of it.  I don't have alot of money, and my hair grows back quickly.
I think all those who think I am pawned did an AS thing, so your pawned!

Cayenne pepper, oatstraw, and horsetail promote hair growth.

Again, so you don't loose the question, how I pawned when I take embarassment real well?

You cannot embarass me, so give up.  You could post my baby pictures and I still would not care.
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: Lucifer on October 11, 2007, 12:32:23 PM
it was me who suggested it, actually.

and, no - you don't look "that bad" with less hair.  you look positively ludicrous.

if you can't take the flack, don't have a fucking stupid haircut, mainly.
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: QuirkyCarla on October 11, 2007, 12:39:00 PM
lol, "pawned". He can't even use the right word.  :laugh:
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: Randy on October 11, 2007, 12:41:30 PM
You should not be lauughing, instead you should be working on personal devolpment, because you need it.

That is why I told Jessica's mom.  She needs to try wheat and dairy free diet to see if she improves, but won't. If she don't do it, I am leaving her, because its best for her.  She is forcing love, and I have too much self esteem to bother with her if she continues.  I am working with her mom to try and manipulated her.  Daiting 50 men is an AS thing, sorry to say, but that is what it is.  I see the symptoms that would suggest she give a try.  I hang on because the other guys suck, so I end with her alone. She is basically forced to date one and only one because of faliures.  If I cannot help her grown any further, than there is no point in continuing to stress and become sad over her.  The hole god damm AS disablity is autointoxification.

Seriously, I work to hard, I need a nap.
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: QuirkyCarla on October 11, 2007, 12:47:24 PM
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: duncvis on October 11, 2007, 12:48:59 PM
:LMAO: mostly. The day you recognise that you are the least developed, most handicapped autistic among us, instead of blaming every fuckup on lack of rest (after all, wanking all day is such a trying existence) or the myriad of fuckn herbs you take instead of your medication, and stop pretending to be somehow better than the rest of us, is the day people finally stop laughing at you. You are pretty much a fucking joke.
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: Randy on October 11, 2007, 12:53:48 PM
Honestly, I was told I need a psychostimulant.

That is not the appropiate choice.  I don't play fuck shit games with meds, as o I am not suffering enough to use them, and  that problem is correctable.  Small attention errors.  The only one who is seriously bother is the AS patrons at intensitysquared.
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: Callaway on October 11, 2007, 12:54:12 PM
Explain to me how I was pawned when I knew I could just shave my head?  I don't look that bad with less hair, but I am not particularly fond of it.  I don't have alot of money, and my hair grows back quickly.
I think all those who think I am pawned did an AS thing, so your pawned!

Cayenne pepper, oatstraw, and horsetail promote hair growth.

Again, so you don't loose the question, how I pawned when I take embarassment real well?

You cannot embarass me, so give up.  You could post my baby pictures and I still would not care.

I suggested adding Fine Chocolate for the pictures of the horrible haircut, Randy.

Your head looks better totally shaved than with that scraggly patch of hair that you left behind.


It was pwnage because you had just made fun of Peter's haircut when the pictures were posted.;topicseen#msg269563

Maybe you should stick you head in the vaccum, it would be an improvement for you Peter.

Get a haircut while you at it, you look like something somebody whiped their ass on.
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: Randy on October 11, 2007, 12:59:22 PM
You did not answer my question, how was I pawned when the I don't care?

I let my sister take the picture because I just too good at dealing with embarassment.  By constantly attacking me, I adapt to a higher level of stress.  Its like the antioxidant, grape seed extract, which comes from grapes.  The antioxidant is powerful  because  its environment is tough.  I have far out grown this environment though. :'(

Actually I like the box pawnage, it says the person who did is a lamo, who ran out of ideas because they are a sped.  It says I am pissed off, another words, Peter is the looser.

He still needs a haircut, as  it looks like some guy whipped his ass on his face.

Stimulants are a tab bit dangerous, so they are not an option, especially when your as smart as me.
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: Alex179 on October 11, 2007, 01:18:44 PM
Do you seriously believe the self-affirming crap you spout?

Your posts sometimes remind me of this.
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: Christopher McCandless on October 11, 2007, 01:29:11 PM
Where is the main event thread for this anyhows, that forum has been a little dry recently...
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: Lucifer on October 11, 2007, 01:52:43 PM
Honestly, I was told I need a proper haircut.


and, apparently, i am a sped.  whoopie-doo - always wanted to be one of those (whatever the fuck a sped is.  ::) )
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: Lucifer on October 11, 2007, 01:54:44 PM
Daiting 50 men is an AS thing, sorry to say, but that is what it is.

holy moley, it IS??!!!  :yikes:

bring the fuckers on, then, i've got AS, i've got AS!!!

Seriously, I wank too hard, I need a nap.

Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: ozymandias on October 11, 2007, 02:13:03 PM
:LMAO: mostly. The day you recognise that you are the least developed, most handicapped autistic among us, instead of blaming every fuckup on lack of rest (after all, wanking all day is such a trying existence) or the myriad of fairy herbs you take instead of your medication, and stop pretending to be somehow better than the rest of us, is the day people finally stop laughing at you. You are pretty much a fucking joke.

Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: ozymandias on October 11, 2007, 02:13:24 PM
Do you seriously believe the self-affirming crap you spout?

Your posts sometimes remind me of this.

 :laugh: :plus:
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: ozymandias on October 11, 2007, 02:15:25 PM
You did not answer my question, how was I pawned when the I don't care?

I let my sister take the picture because I just too good at dealing with embarassment.  By constantly attacking me, I adapt to a higher level of stress.  Its like the antioxidant, grape seed extract, which comes from grapes.  The antioxidant is powerful  because  its environment is tough.  I have far out grown this environment though. :'(

Actually I like the box pawnage, it says the person who did is a lamo, who ran out of ideas because they are a sped.  It says I am pissed off, another words, Peter is the looser.

He still needs a haircut, as  it looks like some guy whipped his ass on his face.

Stimulants are a tab bit dangerous, so they are not an option, especially when your as smart as me.

If you DON"T CARE, why are YOU SO UPSET!????????????  Get over yourself!
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: QuirkyCarla on October 11, 2007, 02:27:19 PM
Daiting 50 men is an AS thing, sorry to say, but that is what it is.

holy moley, it IS??!!!  :yikes:

bring the fuckers on, then, i've got AS, i've got AS!!!

:LMAO:  :plus:
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: ozymandias on October 11, 2007, 02:53:11 PM
Daiting 50 men is an AS thing, sorry to say, but that is what it is.

holy moley, it IS??!!!  :yikes:

bring the fuckers on, then, i've got AS, i've got AS!!!

:LMAO:  :plus:

DAMN, that woman is insatiable! :o :laugh:
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: Rabbit From Hell on October 11, 2007, 03:16:11 PM
poor baby
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: renaeden on October 12, 2007, 12:27:22 AM
If he is autistic, then I don't want to be autistic. He has absolutely nothing in common with me at all. I don't want to be associated.
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: odeon on October 12, 2007, 12:42:19 AM
guilty by association? :laugh:
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: Randy on October 12, 2007, 01:42:59 PM
Irrestiable, to a drunkard.  Carla, you would fit right in :laugh:
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: Randy on October 12, 2007, 01:44:59 PM
Your fantasy about me being disabled, you get over yourself. 

I will get over myself to :wanker: :wanker:

Translation for ozy dick fuck..  you don't know shit.
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: odeon on October 12, 2007, 02:08:18 PM
If he is autistic, then I don't want to be autistic. He has absolutely nothing in common with me at all. I don't want to be associated.

you know, he's like that because he's a moron, not because he is autistic per se.
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: Randy on October 12, 2007, 08:25:40 PM
Your the f u c k n crap, you dont know what i do. Take my meds? Psychostimulants rarely do any good and more often harm. Why would imaging my self well not work, when it cured incurable brain tumor?  There are many documented cases. Dunc, what you said about me made no sense. You make judgements on post only, your a fool. I am not getting drunk either, nor am i out of shape. I have great skills in coping with stress also. Seriously, I want everything equal, that is the premise of a holistic doctor. Seeing who's better doesnt help anyone. I know was being a prick these few days, it had a purpose. Night all and fuck off:-)   I so glad I dont internet for date no more. There is no one bossing me around in my house, so I can get my cock wet and sucked. I have no trouble admiting sexual feelings about another woman, to her face.
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: Randy on October 13, 2007, 11:30:01 AM
Yes I am so fuckn retarded, I am just self actualizing.  My motivation and energy is full towards a better self, and that means helping others.  I am not trying to offend anyone, but I don't see anyone else doing this, nor do I see most "NT's".
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: Scrapheap on October 13, 2007, 01:05:51 PM
Yes I am so fairy retarded, I am just self actualizing.  My motivation and energy is full towards a better self, and that means helping others.  I am not trying to offend anyone, but I don't see anyone else doing this, nor do I see most "NT's".

Have you ever considered the possibility that since you spend so much time "self improving" that you simply have a fucking shit-ton of work to do??
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: The_P on October 17, 2007, 04:47:48 AM
Behold, the real-life Doofy:

Randy: "Hey, smell my finger."
Jessica: "What does it smell like?"
Randy: "My ass."
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: Randy on October 17, 2007, 10:29:58 AM
Yes scrapheap/ asscrap, but you don't get it.  Self actualizing is for a person who is at the top of A.H. Maslow's hierarcy of needs.  <c
Fine chocolate... suffer from ass?  piece of ass.. damn right! :laugh:
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: duncvis on October 17, 2007, 10:33:59 AM
don't forget to make time for the lower order needs like food and shelter randy. Its hard to self-actualise living on the streets. ;)
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: Randy on October 17, 2007, 10:48:12 AM
Budgets prevent some of that.
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: duncvis on October 17, 2007, 10:50:06 AM
Then you need to prioritise. As you know, in order to be able to meet the highest order needs in Maslow's pyramid, the basics need to be already fulfilled. It might be worth prioritising the stuff that keeps a roof over your head and food in your belly first - THEN buying herbs and stuff if you have anything left over. Makes sense?
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: Christopher McCandless on October 17, 2007, 10:55:12 AM
don't forget to make time for the lower order needs like food and shelter randy. Its hard to self-actualise living on the streets. ;)
I thought food and shelter were the pillars of self actualising. Everything else sits on top.
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: duncvis on October 17, 2007, 10:56:39 AM
don't forget to make time for the lower order needs like food and shelter randy. Its hard to self-actualise living on the streets. ;)
I thought food and shelter were the pillars of self actualising. Everything else sits on top.

Is there an echo in here? :P
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: Randy on October 17, 2007, 11:12:00 AM
Thanks Dunc, but I already knew that.  Reminds me of my mom, who stigmatizes most when she is in hypomania, and then telling me 5 seconds later that I am the god of talk.
Title: Re: I call out who ever put me in news box feature
Post by: Calandale on October 17, 2007, 08:34:05 PM
don't forget to make time for the lower order needs like food and shelter randy. Its hard to self-actualise living on the streets. ;)
I thought food and shelter were the pillars of self actualising. Everything else sits on top.

Is there an echo in here? :P

Don't you need food and shelter more.  :laugh: