Start here => M.O.-Introductions => Ask Away Threads => Topic started by: ozymandias on June 04, 2006, 07:38:56 PM

Title: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 04, 2006, 07:38:56 PM
Oh well, in for a penny, in for a pound!  Everyone else has a thread here!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: duncvis on June 04, 2006, 07:53:49 PM
Given the choice, would you rather go blind, or deaf?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Hypnotica_Gaze on June 04, 2006, 08:30:15 PM
isnt this where happeh is meant to pop in and say, well if he masturbates hes gonna end up both and a cripple anyways. ;)

Whats the worst thing youve ever done?

Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: shima on June 04, 2006, 10:54:14 PM
Do you like being a stay at home dad or do you feel is emasculates you in some way?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Merry Widow on June 05, 2006, 12:04:36 AM
if the entire membership of Intensity were ship-wrecked on an island without sufficient food supplies, which member would you nominate to be eaten first and why? also, please state second and third choices and reasons why.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 05, 2006, 06:14:07 AM
Deaf, I love to read too much, so my choice would be deafness!

HHHHmmmmm, worst thing I ever did, I would have to say it was a time when I totally lost my patience and temper with my daughter and screamed at her when she was a toddler.  The look of sheer terror on her face still haunts me.  And serves as a reminder to never do that again.  I realized at that moment that I had done the same thing to her, my psycho-mother did to me.

I love being a stay home dad and househusband!  Do I feel emasculated....hell no.  I'v never been into the stereotypiical male roles.

The first to be eaten would be Happeh, Get the bad food out of the way first!  Besides the last thing I would want to deal with is his insufferable arrogance for an extended period of time!

Second:  FOAD, listening to his whining would drive me crazy!

Third:  PostPerson, get the manipulative people out of the way first!!

Interesting questions!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Leto729 on June 05, 2006, 05:57:25 PM
How does it feel being a stay at home dad?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 05, 2006, 06:23:58 PM
How does it feel being a stay at home dad?

Excellent!!!!!!!  I don't have to put up with those fucking NT Doctor's and Nurses at work and seeing my daughter be herself, be comfortable in her own skin, challenging me, appreciating me and her mom.  Seeing her be her own person, (though I must admit, I'd like to see a little "Hypnotica-Gaze" in her personality), in her own way!  The solitude time I have while Amber is at school and my wife is at work is PRICELESS.  Of course the security of knowing that one of us is always at home for Amber is immeasurable.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Leto729 on June 05, 2006, 06:40:02 PM
Should I start ask anything thread here at Intensitysquared?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 05, 2006, 06:43:01 PM
Give it a shot! ;D
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: McGiver on June 06, 2006, 04:10:04 AM
i've got nothing better to do:
\have you ever watched TV and heard a coupla tunes?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 06, 2006, 04:53:36 AM
Yep, multiple times.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: purposefulinsanity on June 06, 2006, 04:54:25 AM
Who is that in your avatar?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: McGiver on June 06, 2006, 04:57:53 AM
i remember ancient of age talking about the name  OZYMANDIAS.

Will you please refresh my memory of the meaning of OZYMANDIAS?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 06, 2006, 07:18:02 AM
Who is that in your avatar?

Christopher Lambert from the avatar actor selection here!

I'll be back later to answer your question, McJagger later, it's long and involved.  Is it the meaning of ozymandias to me, or the meaning in general!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: purposefulinsanity on June 06, 2006, 09:12:35 AM
Who is that in your avatar?

Christopher Lambert from the avatar actor selection here!

I never even looked at the avatar selection here  :D
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: odeon on June 06, 2006, 09:51:48 AM
I think you said on another forum that you're no longer at OTS. Why?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: McGiver on June 06, 2006, 01:45:12 PM
Who is that in your avatar?

Christopher Lambert from the avatar actor selection here!

I'll be back later to answer your question, McJagger later, it's long and involved.? Is it the meaning of ozymandias to me, or the meaning in general!

your choice, but if tyou want to kill two with one, then you may as well offer both as nuggets.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Hypnotica_Gaze on June 06, 2006, 02:04:32 PM
Why would you like a little HG in your daughters personality?
Am i right in assuming its so it saves you from having to beat the shit out of blokes who try it on with her, if she does it herself? ;)

Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 06, 2006, 02:30:44 PM
Why would you like a little HG in your daughters personality?
Am i right in assuming its so it saves you from having to beat the shit out of blokes who try it on with her, if she does it herself? ;)

Interesting thought, but, more along the lines of not taking any bullshit from guys or anyone.  Being her own person (which so far seems to be happening), she tends to be a little too passive with the idiot boys in the seventh and eigth grades of her middle school.  But, we're working on that!  Besides anybody who does anything to her will face the psycho-stalker dad of the apocalypse. ;D  And a rusty razor blade is available in my garage at any time.

Odeon, I'll answer your question later, it too is a bit complicated!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Hypnotica_Gaze on June 06, 2006, 02:37:57 PM
Im sure she too will find the power of "the knee"
so dont worry ;)
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 06, 2006, 05:16:43 PM
Ok the meaning of "Ozymandias"  (for the record, I always use the lower case "o" in my user names on every forum that I belong to.)

When I first heard the term "Ozymandias" was back in the 1960's in a British Sci-fi trilogy by John Christopher, one of the books was "The City of Gold and Lead".  It was about an Earth that had been overrun and conquered by aliens that used tripod like devices to get around.  Anyway, one of the main characters was a wandering "fool" named Ozymandias, who was actually seeking out youngsters who had not yet been "capped" which was the alien mind control technique.  All young people reaching a certain age of maturity were taken by the aliens and fitted with a skull cap that removed all thoughts of resistance.  So Ozymandias had somehow been fitted with a defective cap and he retained his independent thought, so he wandered around pretending to be crazy seeking others like him and recruiting pre-capped youths for an army to overthrow the aliens.  Now the young men he looked for were the disaffected, outsiders, rebellious.  Almost aspieish in a way.  So Ozymandias wanders around reciting the poem about Ozymandias to pretend he's crazy.

So I'v always been restless, a wanderer..exploring here and there, an outsider, a little crazy/eccentric, rebellious, always wanting something more and never being totally satisfied with my lot in life.

Plus, I' v always loved that line;  "I am Ozymandias, KING OF KINGS, Look upon my works ye mighty and despair."

So now we come to the poem, which is easily found by googling, "Ozymandias by Percy Brysse Shelley."

To me it's about the transient nature of all we do in life.  That even the biggest ego's crumble to nothing eventually.  Nothing is permanent and to assume otherwise is to delude oneself.

So how does it relate to me day, quite a few years ago, I was working in the yard, saw a bunch of boulders and decided on a whim to create my own mini-stonehenge, so after a few weeks of planning, manipulating, etc, etc.  I did it.  And as I stood there looking at my micro-creation.  The line that never left my head started running thru my mind and I stood there leaning on my prybar and shovel and chuckled.   From that time forward, ozymandias, has been my user name whenever possible.

So that is the personal and possible other meaning of "ozymandias".
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 06, 2006, 05:30:47 PM
I think you said on another forum that you're no longer at OTS. Why?

Over the course of time since the big flap erupted over at wp, I started to notice that almost every forum that was created, was principally about complaining about wp.  Now I'm not dismissing the controversy, but, I'v never had a big "investment" at wp and while what I heard disturbed me.  It didn't really bother me.  ANd after awhile, it started to be repetetive, first neurolands, OTS, then Gestalt, Intensity 1, Intensity 2, etc, etc.  The same complaints repeated from one forum to the next.  When it came to OTS, it seemed that OTS was losing it's original purpose and becoming "The anti-wp forum". 

So after awhile, I started to think about the forums I was involved in and to remove from my favorites those forums I wasn't really invested in.  wp was the first to go, I never felt I belonged there, OTS was next, I never felt I belonged there and it really was the same wp people that created it.  Plus I was doing the same thing there that I did on every other forum that I belonged to.

So it came down to  dropping forums that I no longer felt a part of, boredom with the repetition and the need to focus on where I am invested in, AI, Fractalus, AFF, Neurolands Index, I2.  I wish OTS well, it's a good forum, just not for me, anymore!

Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Leto729 on June 06, 2006, 07:19:12 PM
I never let the My Pearl of Wisdom forum get that way. I kept it free from bashing any site in the community, for that very reason as I saw what was going on with the other sites in the end. I kept it free from the Aspie Politics in the end too.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: purposefulinsanity on June 08, 2006, 01:39:08 PM
After reading your latest response on the pissing and moaning thread I have a question for:

Do you ever find its hard to keep your interests in balance and to stop them interferring with the stuff you have to do? I suppose that's not a particularly clear question- maybe this is better  ???  Do you ever find yourself becoming so obsessed with one particular interest that your others and your real life responsibilities start to suffer (or could if you didn't try back off from an intererst)??

And if nothing of this makes sense don't worry- I think the heat has gone to my head tonight  :(
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 08, 2006, 02:20:50 PM
Oddly enough it does make sense and yes I do have that problem!  Ex.  I'm trying to learn to play acoustic guitar and I do love being able to make my OWN music.   But, my other obsessions of creating things out of the stuff people discard or landscaping my yard, crowd the thoughts of practiciing out of my head.  And I'm doing a craft project right now!  Plus I'm always checking the computer to see what the email has brought.  I'm trying to reshuffle my obsessions around!  I'm trying to make the computer lower on the priority level for me!

I'll trade your heat for our rain any time!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Nomaken on June 09, 2006, 05:14:34 AM
What is it about the particular way you live your life that makes you most proud?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 09, 2006, 06:06:14 AM
What is it about the particular way you live your life that makes you most proud?

After all I've been through, that I'm still around, enjoying the life I have, and the people who wrote me off are old, flabby and bald! ;D
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: purposefulinsanity on June 09, 2006, 10:11:22 AM
So you're admin for the day- will you use your powers for good or evil?? :D
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 09, 2006, 03:15:13 PM
I'v been off line all afternoon, bad timing for me to be an admin.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: purposefulinsanity on June 09, 2006, 03:27:10 PM
I'v been off line all afternoon, bad timing for me to be an admin.

I'm sure you'll get another chance- so when you do will you use you powers for good or evil? :D
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 09, 2006, 04:19:35 PM
I guess, I'll decline to answer at the moment, I wish to  build suspense, suspicion, fear, paranoia, terror, anxiety, depression, madness, aggravation, loathing, urinary incontinence, constipation, diarrhea, hypertension, hypotension, itchy watery eyes, impotence, hallucinations, euphoria, delusions of grandeur, delusions of adequacy, ..............if these or any other symptoms occur, please consult your physicain immediately, take two aspirin and call me in the morning!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: McGiver on June 10, 2006, 11:41:06 AM
Ex.  I'm trying to learn to play acoustic guitar and I do love being able to make my OWN music.

i have virtually mastered the air guitar, is it a big leap to learn the acoustic guitar?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 10, 2006, 12:06:58 PM
Not really, except this time the feed back is real and you get real blisters on your fingers!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: McGiver on June 10, 2006, 05:46:46 PM
thanks for the advice.  if it is going to affect my wanking then im not interested.

how many leather jackets do you own?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 10, 2006, 06:15:32 PM
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: McGiver on June 10, 2006, 06:19:50 PM

i am surpirised i took you for a leather jacket wearing bloke.

what would you consider your style of dress?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 10, 2006, 07:26:08 PM
casual, relaxed, comfortable and low key, emphasis on confortable!

Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: McGiver on June 11, 2006, 12:08:03 AM
do you put regular shoes on every single day no matter what, or are you perfectly willing to run errands hang out, and sit at the computer all day with your bedroom slippers on?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 11, 2006, 05:35:15 AM
I'm a sneakers outside and slippers inside man.  I haven't worn a regular pair of shoes since I got married 15 years ago!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: El on June 11, 2006, 10:36:33 AM
Do you believe that some form of morality (not the ability to accept morality, but actual moral tendencies) can be, or is, present in humans regardless of what they have been taught and exposed to?  In simplistic terms, are some morals hard-wired in some or all humans?  Elaborate on this your answer as much as you like.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 11, 2006, 05:54:42 PM
Your question is one that takes a lot of thought!  Plus I see that you mass posted the same question to everybody else!

So I will answer, when I have sorted out an answer from my poor tender head!

Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: McGiver on June 12, 2006, 05:12:39 AM
i think she is perplexed whether or not we can survive here on Intensity?, without written rules.
and i am really impressed that she has taken the liberty to ponder it and search for answers.
seriously, i think its great.  such a young mind, craving knowledge and understanding.
kudos PMS Elle.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Jizz on June 12, 2006, 06:27:09 AM
Do you remember Ossie Ardiles...?

"in dee cup for Totting Ham!"
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 12, 2006, 02:58:47 PM
Do you remember Ossie Ardiles...?

"in dee cup for Totting Ham!"

According to my brain cells, that doesn't ring a bell at all!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 12, 2006, 03:05:47 PM
Do you believe that some form of morality (not the ability to accept morality, but actual moral tendencies) can be, or is, present in humans regardless of what they have been taught and exposed to?  In simplistic terms, are some morals hard-wired in some or all humans?  Elaborate on this your answer as much as you like.

OK, here's my shot at this question.  No, I do not believe that we are hardwired for morals, obviously reward/punishment or pleasure/pain dictate a lot of where we go and how we do things and why we do things.  From my perspective, if we were hardwired for moral behaviour, Why do we have thieves, rapists, serial killers, con people, racists, sadists, bullies, etc, etc, etc.

Anyway, you asked and thats my take on it!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: CuriousPrimate on June 15, 2006, 07:24:52 AM
If you were voted for as admin would you consider doing the job?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 15, 2006, 10:42:18 AM
NO, I honestly do not have the time, patience and I don't think I would do a good job anyway.  Add to that, I'm a cyber moron of the highest caliber!!  (or is that lowest caliber?)

After having read all the "stuff" going on, I'd like to add that you couldn't pay me to do that job. >:(

Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Jizz on June 16, 2006, 05:16:01 AM
Are these my feet?

*points down with a curious look in his eye*
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 16, 2006, 06:39:34 AM
 ::)  Somebody has waaaaaaaaaaaayy too much time on their hands or feet!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Silk on June 22, 2006, 11:37:24 AM
Have you ever made a special meal for a special someone? If so describe the meal and the person.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Triste on June 28, 2006, 04:19:07 PM
How did you first find out about AS?
How old were you at the time?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 28, 2006, 05:23:43 PM
Have you ever made a special meal for a special someone? If so describe the meal and the person.

Sorry for the delay, just got back from vacation!

Anyway, while I was dating my soon to be wife, I made my special omelets with grated muenster cheese and a decent tomato sauce.  I made several types of omelets, so it's hard to remember any specific one.  She's tall, very nice figure, dark haired, blue eyed, honest, loving and finds me "deliciously different", (her words).  So we would have the omelet, some fun and the rest is history!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 28, 2006, 05:28:55 PM
How did you first find out about AS?
How old were you at the time?

When our daughter was first suspected of AS about 4-5 years ago, in our research leading up to and a little past her official dx.  It became fairly obvious that a lot of the traits described me and my past experiences perfectly.

I was about 44-45 at the time.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 29, 2006, 05:42:37 PM

Nothing serious, just inflating my post count! :P :-*
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Triste on June 29, 2006, 06:03:40 PM
I'm gratified that there are quite a few of us more mature people here.  Do you think your life would have been different if you'd known about AS as a child?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 29, 2006, 06:28:33 PM
I'm gratified that there are quite a few of us more mature people here.  Do you think your life would have been different if you'd known about AS as a child?, at least from my parents point of view.  It would have served as another weapon in my female progenitor's (aka "mother")  arsenal to keep me enslaved to her twisted view of what an "Ideal" son should be.  On the other hand at least I might have had an idea of  why I was different and "maybe" avoided the pitfalls of life that I stumbled into otherwise.  But, then again, it's those pitfalls and the lessons learned that got me where I am today.  Hindsight is always 20/20.  Woulda, coulda, shoulda, can be amusing, but, one must take care not to be too obsessed over the past, especially since it can never be undone.

"Man plans, God laugh's!"  "Life is what happens, when your making other plans."  yadda yadda yadda, I have a lot of quotes about such stuff.

Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Draggon on June 29, 2006, 06:34:45 PM
Religion: apathetic, agnostic, atheist, believer?
Do you believe in a higher power?
If so what made you believe in it, what form do you think it takes, what makes you believe it takes that particular form?
If not, how do you feel about the people who do believe, whats your general attitude towards them?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 29, 2006, 06:59:44 PM
I have no belief in a higher power!!!!  And as far as other people are concerned, let them believe what they want, as long as they don't try to ram it down my throat.

I do what I do and follow my own peculiar code.  If it sends me to be it.....thats where my friends and those I RESPECT will be.     
If it sends me to heaven, screw that, I ain't eternity of boredom is not for me.  What the hell is "free will" for if it's meant to be spent kissing the ass of some fucking deity before and after death.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Time on June 29, 2006, 07:05:17 PM
are you the left one or the right one................sockpuppet
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 29, 2006, 08:41:03 PM
are you the left one or the right one................sockpuppet

"That would be telling."

Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Leto729 on June 30, 2006, 12:45:43 AM
How do You like Intensitysquared?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 30, 2006, 03:52:28 AM
How do You like Intensitysquared?

Interesting :-\
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Sanityisoverrated on June 30, 2006, 04:01:55 AM
Have you ever read Alan Moore's "Watchmen"?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on July 02, 2006, 08:55:34 PM
Have you ever read Alan Moore's "Watchmen"?

Only as a brief synopsis!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: McGiver on July 02, 2006, 09:42:24 PM
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on July 02, 2006, 10:42:44 PM
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Randy on July 10, 2006, 08:18:42 PM
What should go on a pizza?

Do you wank daily?

What is your birth month?

Have you been to college?

What is your favorite color?

What part of a woman's body arouses you the most?

What type of music do you prefer?

What do you do for work?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Randy on July 10, 2006, 08:19:18 PM
Heh heh..

What is your major nationality?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: purposefulinsanity on July 11, 2006, 03:25:44 AM
What was the last book you read and what did you think of it?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on July 11, 2006, 05:57:54 AM
What should go on a pizza?

Do you wank daily?

What is your birth month?

Have you been to college?

What is your favorite color?

What part of a woman's body arouses you the most?

What type of music do you prefer?

What do you do for work?

1)Tomato sauce, a blend of several cheeses, hamburger/mushroom/sausage

2)No, just once in a while




6)the face

7)depends upon my the moment classical

8)Registered Nurse
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on July 11, 2006, 05:59:05 AM
Heh heh..

What is your major nationality?

Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on July 11, 2006, 06:02:21 AM
What was the last book you read and what did you think of it?

"The Ages of Stonehenge"  (I can't remember the author).  Interesting, but, very "dry" in a college textbook kind of way.  I gave it away to the local library book sale.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Randy on July 11, 2006, 06:32:11 AM
There is no american nationality, because even that is made up people with different backgrounds.

ozymandias  I thought that name sounded portugeese, which is what I am half.  That is why I said heh heh.

Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Leto729 on September 01, 2006, 07:57:45 PM
So how has ozmandias been doing lately?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on September 02, 2006, 06:09:22 AM
Not too badly, now that this freakin summer cold has run it's course, a lot of projects are finished and we're heading into my favorite season of the year.  So all in all, I'm doing pretty decently!

Thanks for asking and how's Kevv?? 8)
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Leto729 on September 02, 2006, 06:33:29 AM
So what is the favorite time of season?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on September 02, 2006, 07:08:40 AM
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Leto729 on September 02, 2006, 03:34:15 PM
Yeah that is My favorite too.

Why do You like Autumn?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on September 02, 2006, 03:50:29 PM
The weather is usually not too hot or too cold.  I love the temp when it's in the 60's.  Plus tourist season is over except for the people who drive up to gawk at the fall foliage colors.  But, the drunken canoeists from Massachusetts are back at college.  I like to go up into the mountains and listen to the quiet or the wind thru the valleys.

It's the time of year, I feel more centered and balanced!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Tom/Mutate on September 03, 2006, 02:41:20 AM

What advice would you give to a young aspie guy who wants to grow up to be as well adjusted as you?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on September 03, 2006, 05:42:13 AM
I'v been called many things, but, "well adjusted" is a first! :laugh: :P  There are just some things that come with getting older, (I'm 51) and getting experience the hard way and working my ass off to do what I needed to do.  We're all different, so what worked/s for me may not work for you. 

So advice......don't be afraid to try different things, if your unhappy in a comfort's time to get outta the comfort zone.  Change can be scary, but also empowering!

The best advice I ever got was this; "If you can't find your niche in life, then carve one out for yourself."
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: McGiver on September 03, 2006, 05:46:06 AM
and cliche's.  plenty of cliche's!!!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on September 03, 2006, 05:55:11 AM
Life is one big cliche! :-*
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: McGiver on September 03, 2006, 06:00:57 AM
Life is one big cliche! :-*
this is something that i have found to be be true. ;)
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Leto729 on September 03, 2006, 04:06:58 PM
Life is one big cliche! :-*
I have always been outside the cliche.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on September 03, 2006, 05:21:24 PM
sometimes, my life seems to have bounced in and out of cliches, either that or I'v been in the worlds biggest dodgeball game with the cliches bouncing off of me. ??? :-\ :P
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: McGiver on September 06, 2006, 09:20:44 AM
sometimes, my life seems to have bounced in and out of cliches, either that or I'v been in the worlds biggest dodgeball game with the cliches bouncing off of me. ??? :-\ :P
that was pretty ghey, but you get a yay, since i can relate.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on September 06, 2006, 10:17:34 AM
Your too kind, Sir! :'(
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: McGiver on September 10, 2006, 10:40:26 PM
 think we should all establish a time (within the next week or so), and have a drunken chat conversation, with several members of I² participating.

shots every ten minutes and a cold beer always in hand (or wine).

we can name a designated log saver, who will post the declining results of the entire session.  that way, the next day, we can all use the blushing emoticon, frequently.

and, we should remember that this is Intensity².  so no holds barred.

also, clothing is optional.

who would be interested in this?

perhaps next sunday between 10pm and midnight british time.

that means i would be drinking by about two in the afternoon.

next sunday sept 18.  would you be interested?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on September 11, 2006, 05:58:03 AM
Yeah, why not, I'll jot it down to remind me! >:D
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Praetor on September 11, 2006, 04:51:10 PM
What is your opinion of the person centred Approach in nursing theory seeing as it is an americain philosophy

Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on September 11, 2006, 06:15:33 PM
Give me some time to think about that, it's been awhile since I even heard about that theory or even gave it a passing thought!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Leto729 on September 13, 2006, 09:56:29 PM
What do You like like about Intensity2 ozymandias?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on September 14, 2006, 02:49:41 PM
What is your opinion of the person centred Approach in nursing theory seeing as it is an americain philosophy


OK, I did a review of the theory, but as I see it (and please correct me if I'm off target on's been a long time.)

The person or client centered approach to nursing theory is the nurse, patient/client and carer or other caregiver combine to focus on the specific needs of the cliet/patient as they are the ones in the best position to know what they want.

In a nutshell, I have a mixed opinion about this, but with a strong leaning toward favoring the system.  The weakness in it, is that it assumes the patient will do what it takes to cooperate with the care plan established for that patient.  The strength of it is that the patient has control over his or her care and that does favor cooperation/compliance.  In my career, I have found that a majority of my patients do better emotionally when they have as much control as possible and that makes for a much better relationship and positive feelings.  Face it, medical problems like cancer, aids, or other diseases or problems can leave a patient feeling powerless, hopeless, angry, depressed, etc.  It's like all of sudden your humanity and individuality are stripped away quickly or slowly.  By giving as much control as possible, dignity, freedom of any kind, and choice, contribute to a better climate for recovery or a dignified end of life scenario.  (I am a geriatric/hospice specialist.)

The weakness, is the clients own personality or desires.  Some patients will not do a damned thing to improve their health or living situation.  I had one person refuse all rehab to build up their strength so that they could go home, they would literally sit in the kitchen chair all day long from when the nursing staff got them up, to when the nursing staff put them to bed, in their own home.  They expected everything to be done for them.  The nursing staff were limited in how much care they could give and it was a stretch to even get twice a day visits as it was.  I can't be more specific, but, they refused to do anything for themselves.  I'v seen emphysema patients on oxygen continue to light up their cigarettes despite all the warning about smoking with oxygen going.  Cystic Fibrosis patients smoking, etc etc etc.  And then there's the dysfunctional family situations!  OY!  I can't go into more detail then that!

Now some patients do have reasons for uncooperative behavior either because of strokes, severe mental health issues or brain injuries.  So something has to be crafted around each patients particular needs, it can be difficult, sometimes damned near impossible.  But over all the majority does seem to work out!

So my opinion is that it usually works out when everything falls into place!  I do like it.

Anyway, I hope that is what you were looking for in a discussion, if not clarify where I didn't meet that goal!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on September 14, 2006, 02:52:57 PM
What do You like like about Intensity2 ozymandias?

It's fun and it's nice to be able to let things rip, when my mind needs to do that!  I'm kind of a natural goof ball and I tend to not take myself soooooooooo seriously!  Well at least most of the time!  It's nice to not be PC all the time!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Triste on September 14, 2006, 05:30:07 PM
Nursing theory?
Did you know that I'm a nurse too and actually am taking a fucking class in nursing theory right now??  And I hate it.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on September 14, 2006, 05:55:25 PM
Nursing theory?
Did you know that I'm a nurse too and actually am taking a fucking class in nursing theory right now??  And I hate it.

Sorry to hear that, but, I was responding to a question by Praetor!  As a rule I don't give a bloody fucking shit about theory's!  I just want to do my job and be able to sleep at night knowing that I did just that, and made somebody's life a little bit easier and less painful.

What my main problem is, the political bullshit of the medical facilities and social climbing hierarchy that seems to be prevalent among  a lot of my "co-workers".
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Triste on September 14, 2006, 05:57:27 PM
Yeah but nursing theory's just so obscure - it seemed weird to have somebody ask that question.  Still am puzzled.  Sorry to hear about the politics.  That's the main reason I'm not currently working.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on September 14, 2006, 06:38:23 PM
Yeah but nursing theory's just so obscure - it seemed weird to have somebody ask that question.  Still am puzzled.  Sorry to hear about the politics.  That's the main reason I'm not currently working.

Not really weird, consider that he's from the UK and the socialized medicine system that they have there.  The article that refreshed my memory about the theory was from Canada!  Socialized medicine in the shadow of the USA's Free for all enterprise system.  The theories are obscure and only a nursing school would push it as a topic of a class.   Basically, it was a topic that once the class was over and I learned it, decided to forget it since it didn't apply to me IRL.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Leto729 on September 14, 2006, 10:13:46 PM
Where do You see Intensity2 in six months?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on September 15, 2006, 05:57:03 AM
To be honest..........I don't even think about that.  Where Intensity is in six months, is where it is!  I am optimistic that things will go well!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Praetor on September 15, 2006, 08:02:52 AM
Yeah but nursing theory's just so obscure - it seemed weird to have somebody ask that question.  Still am puzzled.  Sorry to hear about the politics.  That's the main reason I'm not currently working.

Im slagging off person centred approach so I wanted to know what a Yank thought of their own countries philosophy.

I would bear in mind if you have been trainned in adult/general nursing that despite my title as a nurse student i am not neccesarily learning and doing the things you did in your trainning or do now in your practice because im RNLD not RNG
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on September 15, 2006, 10:04:21 AM
Yeah but nursing theory's just so obscure - it seemed weird to have somebody ask that question.  Still am puzzled.  Sorry to hear about the politics.  That's the main reason I'm not currently working.

Im slagging off person centred approach so I wanted to know what a Yank thought of their own countries philosophy.

I would bear in mind if you have been trainned in adult/general nursing that despite my title as a nurse student i am not neccesarily learning and doing the things you did in your trainning or do now in your practice because im RNLD not RNG

Basically, the philosophy of a nursing student is to do everything your told to do by the teacher and then after you graduate relearn everything, or just about everything, according to the rules of the real world.  Somethings are carved in stone, like infection control and safety obviously.  But basically you discard everything that doesn't apply to your particular situation.  Like care plans, I can whip up a real, nifty one that has all the blah, blah, blah,  BUT, then someone will come along and change a huge section of it.  So rather than spend my precious patient time doing a big care plan, I'll stick to the basics of the case and let others modify to their hearts content.

Nursing school, IMO, presents nursing if we lived in an ideal world, small nurse to patient ratio's, Doctor's as Lords of all creation, nurses as all friendly and helpful and everything you need to help the patient get better.  I was in the medical field as a nursing assistant for years before I started my first job as a nurse, so I was fairly well versed about the "real world".  But, I'v seen young nursing students "crash" when they hit the wall of reality!  :(  The phrase, "Nurses eat their young!" is all too truthful!

By the way, what does RNLD and RNG mean?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: duncvis on September 19, 2006, 07:11:25 PM
Bad day Ozy? You seem unusually full of piss and vinegar tonight mate.  :-\
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on September 19, 2006, 07:46:16 PM
Yeah, a few things have finally reached their boiling point with me.  I try to be diplomatic or silent, but some things just rub me the wrong way!  McJagger is probably getting his jollies thinking he's provoking me as per his usual mode of thinking.  WRONG!

I really am wondering why I'm here and whether I should just delete this place and go back to spending more time at AFF.

I posted this at my journal on fractalus as well, so it's no big secret.  I'm tired and maybe I'll be better tomorrow!

But it's a stone cold fact there are people, I intend to ignore and now it's public.  If that upsets people......too fucking bad!  I'm trying to be honest in the I2 spirit, but all of a sudden that seems to be unfashionable!


Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Callaway on September 19, 2006, 07:55:22 PM
I hope you feel better tomorrow, Ozymandias.

Honesty is good.  It's good to get things out and not let them continue to fester.

Here is a question for you:  What is the most difficult thing you have ever done as a parent?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on September 19, 2006, 08:13:49 PM
My honest, serious response, is being a parent!  In all honesty, I never wanted to be one.  I was afraid to pass on the "family curse" to Amber.  I was ready to be celibate for the rest of my life rather than bring another life into the family cesspool.  If I had married any other person than Carla, there would have been no kids in my life.   Don't get me wrong I love kids and am a child advocate against abuse of any and all kinds.  In many ways I'm a big goofball and am a kid at heart.  A lot of my life now is making up for lost time, while trying my hardest to be a "father".

And in all honesty, I am BLOOD WELL GLAD I GOT A VASECTOMY!  One is enough!  I love my daughter, but, I have my limits.!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on September 19, 2006, 08:26:12 PM
Oh and I am coming up on the 11th anniversary of the big "rift": and blow up with my female progenitor and my "sister" and her family!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm a fucking emo!

So if people don't like it, don't read it!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: McGiver on September 20, 2006, 06:14:53 AM
Yeah, a few things have finally reached their boiling point with me.  I try to be diplomatic or silent, but some things just rub me the wrong way!  McJagger is probably getting his jollies thinking he's provoking me as per his usual mode of thinking.  WRONG!

I really am wondering why I'm here and whether I should just delete this place and go back to spending more time at AFF.

I posted this at my journal on fractalus as well, so it's no big secret.  I'm tired and maybe I'll be better tomorrow!

But it's a stone cold fact there are people, I intend to ignore and now it's public.  If that upsets people......too fucking bad!  I'm trying to be honest in the I2 spirit, but all of a sudden that seems to be unfashionable!


i am not getting my jollies.
actually i am quite offended that you are getting all defensive with me.

sorry about your unpleasant anniversary, but i don't get why you are taking it out on me.
however, if it makes you feel better, then i am here for you, whip-away!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on September 20, 2006, 07:32:37 AM
Ok I wasn't going to respond, but I owe you something.  Yes I am defensive when the mood is on, but, your pretty good at that as well!

And NO your not going to be my whipping boy!  I'll let my silence do my talking from here on out!

Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: McGiver on September 20, 2006, 08:12:04 AM
PEACE, indeed!

you are right about when i get moody.  but i tend to be an equal opportunity bitcher!

i would like to extend the olive branch of peace to you, though.  i had no idea (at first) that you were simply going through a difficult time, until i read more of your posts.

i was being too sensitive.  so i offer you my apology.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on November 01, 2006, 07:37:25 AM
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: McGiver on November 01, 2006, 07:44:11 AM

glad to have you back, ozy.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: purposefulinsanity on November 01, 2006, 07:47:07 AM
Yay! You're back, you two have made up, now the only thing outstanding is the make up sex. Come on, I'm waiting  >:D
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Callaway on November 01, 2006, 07:47:31 AM
How many colds have you had this year, Ozymandias.  It seems like you have had a lot of them.

I have one right now too, which I caught from my little germ carrier (school age child).
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: McGiver on November 01, 2006, 07:51:13 AM
Yay! You're back, you two have made up, now the only thing outstanding is the make up sex. Come on, I'm waiting  >:D

how about a non-manly hug?


will that sate tour appetite?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: purposefulinsanity on November 01, 2006, 07:53:39 AM
Yay! You're back, you two have made up, now the only thing outstanding is the make up sex. Come on, I'm waiting  >:D

how about a non-manly hug?


will that sate tour appetite?

Not particularly, but since I'm in a good mood I'll make do this time. :laugh:
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: duncvis on November 01, 2006, 08:01:25 AM
welcome back ozy! :party:
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on November 01, 2006, 08:02:14 AM
How many colds have you had this year, Ozymandias.  It seems like you have had a lot of them.

I have one right now too, which I caught from my little germ carrier (school age child).

I lost count, but the one in August that lasted over three weeks was awful.  I gotta get a flu shot from my doctor and soon.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on November 01, 2006, 08:07:33 AM
Thanks all!  Unfortunately, no make up sex, you'll have to settle for a long distance wave! :vulcan:

When I get sick, you don't want to come within a mile of me! :puke: :shitfan:  However if you want to cum outside of that range feel free, just send me the pictures later! >:D
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: odeon on November 01, 2006, 12:01:29 PM
Welcome back, Ozy! Good thing you got rid of Christopher Lambert. He never did anything good after highlander anyway. ;D
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on November 01, 2006, 12:20:06 PM
Yeah, I was never satisfied with the choices of avatars here.  He was just a filler until I could think of something else.  Butters/Professor Chaos kinda suits me!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Leto729 on November 01, 2006, 12:55:22 PM
Glad to see You back. ;D
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on November 01, 2006, 01:02:39 PM
Thanks! 8)
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: QuirkyCarla on November 01, 2006, 03:07:06 PM
Welcome back, ozy. I missed you posting here. :)
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on November 01, 2006, 03:12:21 PM
Thanks, I did miss this place too!!!  Callaway finally wore me down! 8)
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Callaway on November 01, 2006, 04:25:24 PM
Thanks, I did miss this place too!!!  Callaway finally wore me down! 8)

Like water on a stone!

Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Hypnotica_Gaze on November 01, 2006, 09:09:29 PM
Thank goodness Callaway Suceeded :P Good job Callaway +1 for you ;)

Im very happy you are back, Ozy WB. :)
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on November 01, 2006, 09:39:41 PM
Thanks, O She Who Must Be Obeyed! ;)

Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Natalia Evans on July 10, 2007, 10:07:00 AM
Will you take this test and tell us what results you got?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on July 10, 2007, 12:06:07 PM
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Natalia Evans on July 10, 2007, 12:08:22 PM
What diagnoses do you have?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on July 10, 2007, 12:58:31 PM
I am undiagnosed,  :yawn:
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Natalia Evans on July 10, 2007, 12:59:12 PM
How old is your daughter and are you going to get a diagnoses?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on July 10, 2007, 02:05:28 PM

Why are you so interested in this?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Natalia Evans on July 10, 2007, 05:06:33 PM
I'm just curious and want to know what everyone here has. NT of me eh? Aspergers and autism is one of my other obsessions I've had since I was almost 15. Just something I hardly talk about though. Only people I talked about it with was my school counselor and my shrink I saw when I was 16-18.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on July 10, 2007, 06:27:54 PM
I'm just curious and want to know what everyone here has. NT of me eh? Aspergers and autism is one of my other obsessions I've had since I was almost 15. Just something I hardly talk about though. Only people I talked about it with was my school counselor and my shrink I saw when I was 16-18.

I don't mind answering questions about me and be warned, don't get too personal.  If your NT, I don't give a fuck!   I'll answer personal questions to a point.  But, I find endless questions from anyone slightly irritating.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Natalia Evans on July 19, 2007, 12:20:42 PM
Do you like fluorescent lights?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on July 19, 2007, 01:32:28 PM
It depends upon how long I have to deal with them.  I prefer not to spend a lot of time under them.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: purposefulinsanity on July 19, 2007, 01:35:56 PM
How's life been treating you recently?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on July 19, 2007, 02:01:46 PM
Not too bad.  Amber's at camp until mid august.  So it's nice to be kid free for a few weeks.  I'm sure she's glad to be parent free for awhile as well. :laugh:  Carla's off camping by herself for the next few days.  She likes the solitary time to write poetry for her DeviantArt forum.  I'll be popping by everyday to bring her some stuff she needs, in more ways than one! :eyebrows:  The only thing is the wet persistent grey days we've been having.  But thats just a minor annoyance.  At least it's a good excuse to stay indoors and finish the summer total housecleaning! :P

How about you?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: purposefulinsanity on July 19, 2007, 02:03:58 PM
I've been a bit tired since I got back from my holidays- I had a good time but it was hard work having no alone time for so long. But other than that (and the odd emo moment I had on here when I first came back) I'm doing good.  :-*
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Natalia Evans on July 19, 2007, 02:11:27 PM
It depends upon how long I have to deal with them.  I prefer not to spend a lot of time under them.

I assume they hurt your eyes. How often do you hear them buzzing or humming everytime you see them?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on July 19, 2007, 02:26:30 PM
I'm good at tuning them out for certain periods.  In a hospital or nursing home situation, you don't have time or enough quiet to hear the lights.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: purposefulinsanity on July 23, 2007, 04:53:35 PM
Are you feeling any better today Ozy? :-*
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Christopher McCandless on July 23, 2007, 04:57:29 PM
If you had a superpower what would it be and why?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on July 23, 2007, 07:46:51 PM
Are you feeling any better today Ozy? :-*

A little, I managed to get outside and get a big job done.  And a mega inside housecleaning  job done, so I have a little pressure off my ass.  (self inflicted pressure, I might add).  I always feel better knowing you and some others here give a shit about me. :green: 8)
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Natalia Evans on July 23, 2007, 07:49:20 PM
How many kids do you have? One?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on July 23, 2007, 07:49:57 PM
If you had a superpower what would it be and why?

It's a toss between HEAT VISION to vaporise assholes who pissed me off or the ability to read minds and find out who's been responsible for the shit thats happened to me.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on July 23, 2007, 07:53:41 PM
How many kids do you have? One?

I'll answer your question tomorrow, because I'm tired, cranky and you annoy me.  Plus, I think your the little coward who's been gheying me without letting me know why! :finger:  BUT, I will answer your question.............TOMORROW!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Natalia Evans on July 23, 2007, 08:03:36 PM
How many kids do you have? One?

I'll answer your question tomorrow, because I'm tired, cranky and you annoy me.  Plus, I think your the little coward who's been gheying me without letting me know why! :finger:  BUT, I will answer your question.............TOMORROW!

How in the hell do I annoy you?

And gheying you? I had no fucking clue you were being gheyed. I haven't been paying attention to your karma.

 :minus: for being an asshole.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Callaway on July 23, 2007, 09:16:02 PM
If you had a superpower what would it be and why?

It's a toss between HEAT VISION to vaporise assholes who pissed me off or the ability to read minds and find out who's been responsible for the shit thats happened to me.

I think I would have to go with mind-reading.

Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: purposefulinsanity on July 24, 2007, 03:12:05 AM
Are you feeling any better today Ozy? :-*

A little, I managed to get outside and get a big job done.  And a mega inside housecleaning  job done, so I have a little pressure off my ass.  (self inflicted pressure, I might add).  I always feel better knowing you and some others here give a shit about me. :green: 8)

Glad to hear it- and yeah I always care when my boy toy isn't feeling like himself.  :-*
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Christopher McCandless on July 24, 2007, 04:32:27 AM
If you had a superpower what would it be and why?

It's a toss between HEAT VISION to vaporise assholes who pissed me off or the ability to read minds and find out who's been responsible for the shit thats happened to me.
Are you trying to decide whether on not you are a shoot first ask questions later person, or the other way round?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on July 24, 2007, 06:49:39 AM
If you had a superpower what would it be and why?

It's a toss between HEAT VISION to vaporise assholes who pissed me off or the ability to read minds and find out who's been responsible for the shit thats happened to me.
Are you trying to decide whether on not you are a shoot first ask questions later person, or the other way round?

Depends upon my mood.  Most times I think first, before I answer.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Christopher McCandless on July 24, 2007, 03:37:21 PM
If you had a superpower what would it be and why?

It's a toss between HEAT VISION to vaporise assholes who pissed me off or the ability to read minds and find out who's been responsible for the shit thats happened to me.
Are you trying to decide whether on not you are a shoot first ask questions later person, or the other way round?

Depends upon my mood.  Most times I think first, before I answer.
Hmm, maybe you should go for the mind reading power, if these people have fucked you over bad then you need to make them suffer a little more than heat vision can do...  >:D
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on July 24, 2007, 04:54:33 PM
Actually, I'm not into causing suffering, there would be enough pain in a quick vaporisation that would satisfy me.  Plus, no evidence of anything that would be traced back to me.  It would be enough to look them in the eye as they realized what was going to happen.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Christopher McCandless on July 24, 2007, 04:57:24 PM
Actually, I'm not into causing suffering, there would be enough pain in a quick vaporisation that would satisfy me.  Plus, no evidence of anything that would be traced back to me.  It would be enough to look them in the eye as they realized what was going to happen.
Oh, you should so appreciate the beauty of revenge, its a brillient thing to get high on. May I ask who this shitters are and how the crapped on you? (Dont answer if you dont want to)
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on July 24, 2007, 06:52:14 PM
Actually, I'm not into causing suffering, there would be enough pain in a quick vaporisation that would satisfy me.  Plus, no evidence of anything that would be traced back to me.  It would be enough to look them in the eye as they realized what was going to happen.
Oh, you should so appreciate the beauty of revenge, its a brillient thing to get high on. May I ask who this shitters are and how the crapped on you? (Dont answer if you dont want to)

I won't answer, but, I have posted the info on another forum where I have a journal.  BUT, I2 is not a support forum and I have decided that I won't post certain things here.  As for revenge, I prefer the kind where I don't have to lift a finger, but just witness the truth in the saying, "What goes around, comes around!"
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Christopher McCandless on July 24, 2007, 06:55:34 PM
Actually, I'm not into causing suffering, there would be enough pain in a quick vaporisation that would satisfy me.  Plus, no evidence of anything that would be traced back to me.  It would be enough to look them in the eye as they realized what was going to happen.
Oh, you should so appreciate the beauty of revenge, its a brillient thing to get high on. May I ask who this shitters are and how the crapped on you? (Dont answer if you dont want to)

I won't answer, but, I have posted the info on another forum where I have a journal.  BUT, I2 is not a support forum and I have decided that I won't post certain things here.  As for revenge, I prefer the kind where I don't have to lift a finger, but just witness the truth in the saying, "What goes around, comes around!"
Fair enough, I respect your decision on that. As for revenge, i agree there is a certain sweetness in the impasive sort, but the other sort you get to admire your own handywork. Especially good if its the spectacular sort of revenge...
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on July 24, 2007, 07:26:06 PM
My favorite book of ALL TIME is the "Count Of Monte-Christo" by Alexandre Dumas.  The Ultimate revenge tale and yes, there would be a certain sweetness in viewing the fruits of ones labors.  But, then again, I'm not very good in planning, long term complex plots to gain satisfaction.  I just find it a lot easier to NOT suffer fools from  the beginning, and let them know in NO UNCERTAIN terms, that I am not going to play the game their way.   
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Christopher McCandless on July 24, 2007, 07:30:35 PM
My favorite book of ALL TIME is the "Count Of Monte-Christo" by Alexandre Dumas.  The Ultimate revenge tale and yes, there would be a certain sweetness in viewing the fruits of ones labors.  But, then again, I'm not very good in planning, long term complex plots to gain satisfaction.  I just find it a lot easier to NOT suffer fools from  the beginning, and let them know in NO UNCERTAIN terms, that I am not going to play the game their way.   
Hmm, I havent read that book, thats another thing that might have to go on my summer reading list. As for revenge, sometimes the most simple things are the most rewarding, one thing I did a very long time ago took me 30 seconds literally to do, involved using one idiot as a flunkie and a small metal spring, and caused 6 weeks mayhem for 5 people i intensely disliked. Best of all, they couldnt pin it on me...
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on July 24, 2007, 07:51:37 PM
Thats nice, now I'm fading fast, so goodnight! :yawn:
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: enronh on October 20, 2007, 08:26:27 PM
..If life seems jolly rotten
There's something you've forgotten
And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing.
When you're feeling in the dumps
Don't be silly chumps
Just purse your lips and whistle - that's the thing...
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on October 21, 2007, 06:40:10 AM
..If life seems jolly rotten
There's something you've forgotten
And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing.
When you're feeling in the dumps
Don't be silly chumps
Just purse your lips and whistle - that's the thing...

Trust me, I don't stay down very long.  I seem to have a built in BS meter that kicks in and tells me to get over it, get off my ass and do something instead of wallowing in self pity.
Like a volcano, I just need to erupt from time to time and relieve the pressure! :laugh:
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Randy on October 26, 2007, 11:21:55 AM
Thought you would like to hear this, you deserve more than Peaguy, to be where he is.
Yes my mom gets mad if I don't hold the door open for her, just like you trying to help Carla.  Very nice.


What is your favorite food?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on October 26, 2007, 11:35:21 AM
My favorite food depends upon my mood and what I'm craving at the time.  The list would be too long to post, but, samples are:

Tenderloin beef, fresh picked asparagus, corn and tomatoes, Fried Clams, shrimp, lobster, to name a few.

As for Peaguy, he deserves better and I wish the best for him in his life.  And I wish the best for you in your life.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Randy on October 26, 2007, 11:43:37 AM
Ok that was unexpected, and yes I agree Peaguy deserves better, hope he gets on that right track that is.

/me offers O
zy a hand shake.  You bastard, you brought tears to my eyes :laugh:

You cultivate mental health, that makes you a more proficent nurse, I commed you. :)  Get into shape to really give a go.  That is why I do what am doing, to put the patient first.

I wonder what your favorite color is, I bet its not brown :laugh:  Simple questions like these can tell alot about a person.  I know that green is suppose to inspire hunger.

Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Christopher McCandless on October 26, 2007, 12:40:56 PM
Do you consider yourself a consumer of classy foods?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on October 26, 2007, 12:58:46 PM
Favorite colors, Blue, purple and black
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on October 26, 2007, 01:06:28 PM
Do you consider yourself a consumer of classy foods?

Depending upon what you mean by "classy"????  I do like certain foods that CAN be expensive, like Veal, tenderloin aka Filet Mignon ::), lobster and shrimp.  I prefer my food cooked simply without a lot of "textures", "layers", "complex tastes", like you'd find on a cooking show like "Iron Chef.  I'v eaten in "Fancy Restaurants".  But, my preference is for food that is simple and easy to prepare  and TASTES good.  I also have a taste for certain frozen foods, like BBQ chicken wings.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Christopher McCandless on October 26, 2007, 01:08:23 PM
Do you consider yourself a consumer of classy foods?

Depending upon what you mean by "classy"????  I do like certain foods that CAN be expensive, like Veal, tenderloin aka Filet Mignon ::), lobster and shrimp.  I prefer my food cooked simply without a lot of "textures", "layers", "complex tastes", like you'd find on a cooking show like "Iron Chef.  I'v eaten in "Fancy Restaurants".  But, my preference is for food that is simple and easy to prepare  and TASTES good.  I also have a taste for certain frozen foods, like BBQ chicken wings.
Oh it was the way you said "fresh picked asparagus" that made me wonder if you were one of exotic taste. I dont like my food layered as such either.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on October 26, 2007, 01:17:07 PM
Do you consider yourself a consumer of classy foods?

Depending upon what you mean by "classy"????  I do like certain foods that CAN be expensive, like Veal, tenderloin aka Filet Mignon ::), lobster and shrimp.  I prefer my food cooked simply without a lot of "textures", "layers", "complex tastes", like you'd find on a cooking show like "Iron Chef.  I'v eaten in "Fancy Restaurants".  But, my preference is for food that is simple and easy to prepare  and TASTES good.  I also have a taste for certain frozen foods, like BBQ chicken wings.
Oh it was the way you said "fresh picked asparagus" that made me wonder if you were one of exotic taste. I dont like my food layered as such either.

There's a difference in the quality of taste in freshly picked asparagus, corn on the cob, and stuff thats been frozen.  Tomatoes fresh off the vine are very tasty, too.  But, fresh picked is just another simple pleasure in eating.  We live and have lived in farming areas, so it's just another taste preference.  Freshly cooked asparagus, butter and a little salt, nothing exotic about that.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Randy on October 27, 2007, 10:21:54 AM
Blue is depressing, so I wonder if you want to be calmned down.  Black is the absance of color, so I guess no stimulation, and perhaps more evidence you want to be calmned down.  I admit myself, but thankfully, I can easily controll myself.  I used to yellow, then it was green, and now its all bright colors.  Bright colors cause a sense of agitation, perhaps that is to trigger the mania that occurs with my discrete personality disorder.  Mania makes one feel good, but my the intense symptomology of my mom who I am mirroring, does not occur in me.  I am very patient person.  Its just a disfuctional coping strategy that I used to use for dealing with my mom.  More predictable behavior perhaps reduces one's distress, especially if its the same as yours.  Hmm.. yellow... fear.  Fear triggers endorphin release, there is a bunch of articles on autism and endorphins.  In proper processing of certain proteins, ie gluten and casein, can make one's behavior strange.  The more endorphins and psuedo endorphins one has, the more one needs to help day to day fuctioning.  Yellow may stimulate endorphin release.  Perhaps I am wrong, but I don't feel I have AS or HFA anymore.

What is your favorite season?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on October 27, 2007, 11:10:08 AM
Color like anything else is subjective.  I find blue suits me, as does black and purple.  I prefer dark colors, though real blue and sky blue I find appealling.

Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: enronh on October 27, 2007, 01:39:29 PM
Don't you mean Fall?  ;)
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on October 27, 2007, 01:52:30 PM
Don't you mean Fall?  ;)

Yeah, but I like the way autumn sounds. :P
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: enronh on October 27, 2007, 02:03:37 PM
Don't you mean Fall?  ;)

Yeah, but I like the way autumn sounds. :P

Yeah you're right.

 and Fall is a bit obvious.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: SovaNu on October 27, 2007, 02:36:29 PM
the leaves fall
to the ground
and on the ground they stay
'til the winter waves of snow come in
and bury them that way
and in the summer the summer sun
will melt the snow away
and the leaves will be as good as fresh
and cows will eat some hay
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Calandale on October 27, 2007, 03:17:41 PM
I like to wallow in my autumness.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: enronh on October 27, 2007, 03:33:27 PM
The Fall Guy (
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on October 27, 2007, 04:22:50 PM
the leaves fall
to the ground
and on the ground they stay
'til the winter waves of snow come in
and bury them that way
and in the summer the summer sun
will melt the snow away
and the leaves will be as good as fresh
and cows will eat some hay

Is thata composition of yours!?? 8)
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: SovaNu on October 27, 2007, 04:25:39 PM
what's a composition? :laugh: it's my poem for autumn. :angel:
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on October 27, 2007, 05:41:05 PM
what's a composition? :laugh: it's my poem for autumn. :angel:

Thats what I meant, asking if it was your own work.  It's good! 8)
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: SovaNu on October 27, 2007, 10:47:53 PM
thanks. :P
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Randy on October 29, 2007, 11:40:03 AM
What is about the autumn that you like so much?

I know what I like, the start of my allergies :laugh:
I have not had any since I have been taking 3 grams of vitamin c a day, and trying to cope better.  Its my understand that 1 gram or over acts like an antihistamine.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on October 29, 2007, 04:21:33 PM
The foliage colors, the coolness, the smell of the earth while raking, the opening up of the scenery as the leaves fall and the trees are bare, the quiet.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: enronh on October 29, 2007, 04:31:31 PM
^and the poetry  ;)
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on October 29, 2007, 05:21:27 PM
^and the poetry  ;)

That too, and I'm not that much into poetry.  It's one of those things where a poem has to hit me just right!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: enronh on October 29, 2007, 05:40:51 PM
^and the poetry  ;)

That too, and I'm not that much into poetry.  It's one of those things where a poem has to hit me just right!

And that too. I was kind of saying you were being poetic in your description of Autumn.

Yeah there are a few poems I'm glad I remember!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on October 29, 2007, 05:59:39 PM
^and the poetry  ;)

That too, and I'm not that much into poetry.  It's one of those things where a poem has to hit me just right!

And that too. I was kind of saying you were being poetic in your description of Autumn.

Yeah there are a few poems I'm glad I remember!

I'v written one poem in my life, but, my wife and daughter are quite the poets in their own right.  My wife posts a number of them on the DeviantArt Forum and my daughter has actually won a contest with one of hers.    This one.

"Indigo Sky"

The Indigo sky
and the red-orange moon
on scarlet rocks does
the wolf slightly loom
memories of the hunt
fills the Indigo gloom
the Indigo sky
and the red-orange moon.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: enronh on October 29, 2007, 06:23:11 PM
^and the poetry  ;)

That too, and I'm not that much into poetry.  It's one of those things where a poem has to hit me just right!

And that too. I was kind of saying you were being poetic in your description of Autumn.

Yeah there are a few poems I'm glad I remember!

I'v written one poem in my life, but, my wife and daughter are quite the poets in their own right.  My wife posts a number of them on the DeviantArt Forum and my daughter has actually won a contest with one of hers.    This one.

"Indigo Sky"

The Indigo sky
and the red-orange moon
on scarlet rocks does
the wolf slightly loom
memories of the hunt
fills the Indigo gloom
the Indigo sky
and the red-orange moon.

Thats cool. Vivid. The colours are great!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on November 06, 2007, 06:41:32 PM
She's got a knack for seeing beauty in a lot of things!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Callaway on November 07, 2007, 02:01:46 AM
She's got a knack for seeing beauty in a lot of things!

If Tylenol does not help Amber's cramps, then there is a medicine that I take for my cramps called Ponstel (, which works very well for me.

Tylenol never helped my cramps at all, although ibuprofen and naproxyn help somewhat.

I realize that different people are different in what works for them, but I wish I had known about Ponstel when I was Amber's age.  It would have saved me a lot of pain, curled up in the fetal position around a heating pad or hot water bottle.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on November 07, 2007, 10:30:49 AM
Thanks Callaway, I'll have Carla check it out!  Fortunately, Amber's cramps are not that bad......yet.  But, It's always good to have something in reserve! 8)
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: SovaNu on December 06, 2007, 05:15:28 AM
^and the poetry  ;)

That too, and I'm not that much into poetry.  It's one of those things where a poem has to hit me just right!

And that too. I was kind of saying you were being poetic in your description of Autumn.

Yeah there are a few poems I'm glad I remember!

I'v written one poem in my life, but, my wife and daughter are quite the poets in their own right.  My wife posts a number of them on the DeviantArt Forum and my daughter has actually won a contest with one of hers.    This one.

"Indigo Sky"

The Indigo sky
and the red-orange moon
on scarlet rocks does
the wolf slightly loom
memories of the hunt
fills the Indigo gloom
the Indigo sky
and the red-orange moon.

that's beautiful! :plus:
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on December 06, 2007, 07:09:59 AM
Amber has quite an artistic vision.  8)
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: SovaNu on December 07, 2007, 05:37:37 AM
of course. 8)
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 29, 2007, 01:29:36 PM
So I was reading about memory, the term scotophobin came up, do you have any new information about that?

Damn psych book, not challenging enough, and to boot, its copyright is 1980's
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Callaway on December 29, 2007, 01:51:44 PM
So I was reading about memory, the term scotophobin came up, do you have any new information about that?

Damn psych book, not challenging enough, and to boot, its copyright is 1980's

Here's a definition, if that helps, Randy:

sco·to·pho·bin (skōt′ə fō′bin)


a peptide produced in the brain of laboratory rats conditioned to have a fear of darkness: it is claimed that such a fear may be transferred to unconditioned rats by injection of the peptide, thus providing evidence for the theory that memory has a chemical basis

Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on December 29, 2007, 03:01:54 PM
So I was reading about memory, the term scotophobin came up, do you have any new information about that?

Damn psych book, not challenging enough, and to boot, its copyright is 1980's

Here's a definition, if that helps, Randy:

sco·to·pho·bin (skōt′ə fō′bin)


a peptide produced in the brain of laboratory rats conditioned to have a fear of darkness: it is claimed that such a fear may be transferred to unconditioned rats by injection of the peptide, thus providing evidence for the theory that memory has a chemical basis

Thanks Callaway, I didn't have the info and couldn't have answered the question.  Besides, it's also out of my scope of interests.   8)
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 05, 2008, 02:42:58 PM
Callaway, thanks, but I knew that part, I just wanted some current info.  Ozy, that was by no means an attack on you.  ;D
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Parts on January 05, 2008, 04:58:16 PM
Did you break December snowfall records and if so how far back do you have to go to beat it?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on January 05, 2008, 06:19:44 PM
Did you break December snowfall records and if so how far back do you have to go to beat it?

Actually, in Conway NH, it was their third highest snowfall dating back to when records began 37+ inches.  The town where I live doesn't keep track and so we go by the Portland ME forecasters.  They recorded 3 feet of snow along the coast and broke the record.  SO for our area, it's all muddled, I personally recorded 37+ inches on our property and thats our record since we moved here 12 years ago.  Also our driveway got plowed 8 times which is our record for any month of the winter.

We live in a tweener zone between the coast and the mountains.  If my memory serves me correctly, weather records around here date back to the 1870's.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Parts on January 05, 2008, 07:04:25 PM
I almost moved to Maine when I was first married.  We used to go to my wifes grandmothers house in Limerick every summer sometimes three of four times I miss it she sold the house and lives in Portsmouth NH now  in a grannyhome :(
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on January 05, 2008, 07:16:19 PM
When I was Home Health Nursing I used to take care of client in Limerick.  Portsmouth was a place I spent a lot of time in, when I was at UNH.  Some really nice pubs and restaurants!!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Al Swearegen on January 05, 2008, 07:35:48 PM
OK I have been trying to reference this anywhere.
What is this "centipedes in the vagina" expression and where did it come from?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Callaway on January 05, 2008, 08:27:22 PM
OK I have been trying to reference this anywhere.
What is this "centipedes in the vagina" expression and where did it come from?

I'm not Ozymandias, but Encyclopedia Dramatica (, maybe?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on January 05, 2008, 09:30:01 PM
OK I have been trying to reference this anywhere.
What is this "centipedes in the vagina" expression and where did it come from?

Seriously, damned if I know!!   ???  It cropped up on this board sometime ago and it makes absolutely NO fucking sense to me.  I'm as much in the dark as you are!!  And  I can't say as the link that Callaway provided made it any clearer. 

A few guesses from my perspective, it either refers to a peculiar sensation women feel in regard to periods,, sexual sensations or the discomfort from one helluva yeast infection or STD.

Somethings I hear............well, I don't want to know!   :P
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: renaeden on January 05, 2008, 09:44:42 PM
OK I have been trying to reference this anywhere.
What is this "centipedes in the vagina" expression and where did it come from?

Seriously, damned if I know!!   ???  It cropped up on this board sometime ago and it makes absolutely NO fucking sense to me.  I'm as much in the dark as you are!!  And  I can't say as the link that Callaway provided made it any clearer. 

A few guesses from my perspective, it either refers to a peculiar sensation women feel in regard to periods,, sexual sensations or the discomfort from one helluva yeast infection or STD.

Somethings I hear............well, I don't want to know!   :P
I know ahayes/Disgruntled Carpet Cleaner has made a poll or something on it, that was the first time I knew anything about it.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on January 06, 2008, 08:54:33 AM
Oh yeah, I read that thread, didn't get it then, still don't.   :P
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 06, 2008, 01:44:13 PM
Are you at ease with me?

Oh fuck, I got American Cancer Society's walk song in my mind.  Its a great thing to listen to, even if your in remission, or cured like I am.
/me sings... opening windows opening doors.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on January 06, 2008, 02:46:00 PM
I treat each individual differently according to the situation.  Your no different to me than anybody else. 
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 07, 2008, 02:03:04 PM
Very well, done anything intresting lately?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on January 07, 2008, 02:23:17 PM
Very well, done anything intresting lately?

Went to a bookstore and bought some interesting books about volcanoes.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 07, 2008, 02:37:28 PM
I heard about those briefly on the discovery channel, its sorta symbolic of a release of tension.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on January 07, 2008, 02:42:07 PM
Maybe, or me just being fascinated by mountains that can literally explode.  Either way, it's been one of my main obsessions since early childhood.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: odeon on January 07, 2008, 04:59:36 PM
I was obsessed by them when I was a kid. I used to think that there was one near where we lived.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on January 07, 2008, 05:14:22 PM
I was obsessed by them when I was a kid. I used to think that there was one near where we lived.

There might have been.....around 200 million years ago, give or take a few epochs.   :laugh:  There's old vents 45 miles from where I live and there's an old supervolcano site about 35 miles south of me.   :green:  Sadly, they've been extinct for over 150 million years or so.   :'(     :P
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: odeon on January 07, 2008, 05:28:43 PM
As far as I know, it must have been well over 200 million years ago... Finland never had any volcanoes.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on January 07, 2008, 06:20:53 PM
As far as I know, it must have been well over 200 million years ago... Finland never had any volcanoes.

Scandinavia and Finland are very ancient continental crust.   Any volcanic activity was half a billion to even a billion years old.   There's some old, 400 million years old volcanic traces about 50 miles or so from me.  Not much to think about, but, worth noting as a reference in regard to Earth's past.  It's something I think about when I'm driving and go through one of those road cuts thru bedrock and observe traces of basaltic dikes (ancient magma intrusions) in the host rock.

There's an area in Russia called the "Siberian Traps", it was the scene of huge outpourings of Lava, something called Flood Basalts.  Lava just erupted and covered thousands of square kilometers to a depth of 1-3 kilometers over many millenia.  Possibly resulting in the Permian Great extinction event.  It's one of the largest flood basalt regions known on earth.  For perspective, a single siberian trap eruption would have made Hawaii's current 20+ year eruption look miniscule.

There'll be a test on this next week.  <end little professor mode>   :P
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: renaeden on January 07, 2008, 07:04:51 PM
I find volcanoes exciting. There was an eruption a few years ago in New Zealand so that volcano is still active. I can't remember the name of it.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on January 07, 2008, 07:16:30 PM
I find volcanoes exciting. There was an eruption a few years ago in New Zealand so that volcano is still active. I can't remember the name of it.

I know what your talking about and I can't remember the name either.  All I can remember is that a vulcanologist was up there at the time and was never seen again nor was his body ever recovered.  New Zealand has a number of active volcanoes in the North Island.  There are volcanoes on the east coast of australia, some as recent as 500-1000 years ago.  There are even lava tubes that one can explore.  If memory serves me correctly, Victoria was the scene of the most recent (geologically speaking) activity and Mt. Gambier was active also at some point.

I should also add that geologically speaking any volcano that has had activity in the last 10,000 years is considered potentially active.  Most volcanoes have lifespans of tens or hundreds of thousands of years.  Supervolcanoes are the only exceptions, they  can be potentially active over a few million years.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 08, 2008, 10:59:42 AM
I think its a man thing also, big exploding volcanos and lifting weights  etc.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on January 08, 2008, 11:56:51 AM
I hate to tell you this, but a number of articles/books in my collection have been written by women vulcanologists.  It's not just a "MAN" thing anymore.    8)
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: renaeden on January 08, 2008, 08:06:40 PM
It was Mount Ruapehu in New Zealand, I think. White Island is the most active, steaming a lot of the time.
 Here is the page I found on them:
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on January 08, 2008, 08:21:03 PM
It was Mount Ruapehu in New Zealand, I think. White Island is the most active, steaming a lot of the time.
 Here is the page I found on them:

Thanks, I'll add that to the links in my favorites folder!   8)
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 14, 2008, 03:19:18 PM
I hate to tell you this, but a number of articles/books in my collection have been written by women vulcanologists.  It's not just a "MAN" thing anymore.    8)

You bastard :laugh:

Do you have any special talents, besides the obvious?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on January 14, 2008, 06:41:28 PM
Whatever thats supposed to mean??

I'm a decent husband and father, I try not to annoy people and I try to stay true to myself. 
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on January 15, 2008, 07:07:31 PM

You bastard :laugh:

Your supposed to say that after I say............

Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 16, 2008, 11:31:15 AM
You bastard :laugh:
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Parts on January 17, 2008, 07:43:36 AM
Are the neurolands done?  I still check there some days and it's been down a few.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on January 17, 2008, 11:02:20 AM
Are the neurolands done?  I still check there some days and it's been down a few.

I haven't checked yet today, but so far it's been two days.   ???  I wish I had more info for you.  I'll keep trying!! 
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Callaway on January 18, 2008, 02:33:52 AM
Are the neurolands done?  I still check there some days and it's been down a few.

I haven't checked yet today, but so far it's been two days.   ???  I wish I had more info for you.  I'll keep trying!! 

I have noticed that it is down too, but I thought that it might just be my computer or internet connection. 
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on January 18, 2008, 08:56:48 AM
I tried today with no luck, but, people are aware, so hopefully soon something will pop up.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 10, 2008, 03:32:06 PM
What the fuck is your problem?

I find Carla irritating to be honest.  Dxing people, and telling them how they feel is selfish, you will find, if you think hard enough, I am usually not mean without a reason.  Even in my worst times, with problems of my own, I don't think I have ever attacked Callaway, because she doesn't irritate me like Carla does.

I would rather let go of the negative feelings. I don't know that I did anything to you, at least I don't remember.  I just mentioned her because you probably are sidind with her.  You look like a kiss ass, and its not appropiate for a person to take sides in an arugement.  Everyone should get along.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on March 10, 2008, 05:39:19 PM
What the fuck is your problem?

I find Carla irritating to be honest.  Dxing people, and telling them how they feel is selfish, you will find, if you think hard enough, I am usually not mean without a reason.  Even in my worst times, with problems of my own, I don't think I have ever attacked Callaway, because she doesn't irritate me like Carla does.

I would rather let go of the negative feelings. I don't know that I did anything to you, at least I don't remember.  I just mentioned her because you probably are sidind with her.  You look like a kiss ass, and its not appropiate for a person to take sides in an arugement.  Everyone should get along.


Asking people to get along with everybody else is a pipe dream and you just keep coming on here with the same old song and dance, day in and day out.  Your the village fool here and don't have the brain cells to realize it.  :finger:

Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: odeon on May 04, 2008, 03:34:34 PM
Unlocked... There is now an IGNORE button. :zoinks:
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on May 04, 2008, 05:22:09 PM
Unlocked... There is now an IGNORE button. :zoinks:

 :woohoo: :kilt: :evilplus:
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: renaeden on May 24, 2008, 06:54:56 AM
I thought you might like this picture:

Sorry about its size.  The story about the picture can be found here:
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Eclair on May 24, 2008, 06:59:35 AM
That's awesome Renaeden!
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on May 24, 2008, 11:08:35 AM
CCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLL   :plus:  Thanks Renaeden, awesome pic.   :drool:  Gimme an active volcano pic anytime!   8)
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Pyraxis on May 24, 2008, 11:57:47 AM

That's got so much storytelling potential.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on May 24, 2008, 01:18:50 PM

That's got so much storytelling potential.

You ain't whistling dixie!  A volcano that hasn't erupted in 9000 years, and then this.  I'm drooling at what my science magazines are going to have to report about it!    To a volcano fanatic like me, this is WAY BETTER than porn!   :laugh:   

Yes, folks, I'm a geek and I'm weird!   :razz:
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: odeon on May 24, 2008, 01:39:35 PM
That's a really fab picture.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: renaeden on June 14, 2008, 02:25:51 AM
ozymandias, will you post another picture of yourself?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 14, 2008, 06:30:29 AM
Most likely no,, there's enough of my ugly mug out there!   :laugh:
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: renaeden on June 14, 2008, 07:39:46 AM
Dang. There is only one picture of you on here, I thought it would be good to have another one.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 14, 2008, 10:33:28 AM
Dang. There is only one picture of you on here, I thought it would be good to have another one.

There's actually three on here.  One of me with the chainsaw, the other the one I put in the Member's photogallery, and there is another of me and my wife that I posted on here roughly a year ago.  And I can't remember where it is!!   ???  DAMN
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: odeon on June 14, 2008, 03:01:09 PM
A mission for Callaway. 8)
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 14, 2008, 03:08:03 PM
Yeah, if anybody could dig it up, she can and that right quickly.  Then she can add it to my dossier!   :laugh:
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: odeon on June 14, 2008, 03:22:20 PM
What makes you think that it isn't in your dossier already? :laugh:
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 14, 2008, 03:59:47 PM
 :yikes:  I'm doomed!   :zombiefuck:
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Parts on June 14, 2008, 08:25:15 PM
What kind of heat do you use.  We used oil and just got our first budget bill for the year and it's more than double so I am looking for options
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: renaeden on June 15, 2008, 12:56:30 AM
I found the one in the Members photogallery.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 15, 2008, 07:41:22 AM
What kind of heat do you use.  We used oil and just got our first budget bill for the year and it's more than double so I am looking for options

Propane, it's not cheap either, but, it's far more efficient then oil and we just upgraded our furnace a year ago.  Next we're going to do a tankless hot water system.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 15, 2008, 07:42:51 AM
I found the one in the Members photogallery.

The one with me and my wife was in one of the "what are you..." threads.  At least I remember that it might be there.   :P
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Parts on June 15, 2008, 10:27:37 AM
What kind of heat do you use.  We used oil and just got our first budget bill for the year and it's more than double so I am looking for options

Propane, it's not cheap either, but, it's far more efficient then oil and we just upgraded our furnace a year ago.  Next we're going to do a tankless hot water system.

Is it cheaper than $232 a month?
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 15, 2008, 11:56:06 AM
What kind of heat do you use.  We used oil and just got our first budget bill for the year and it's more than double so I am looking for options

Propane, it's not cheap either, but, it's far more efficient then oil and we just upgraded our furnace a year ago.  Next we're going to do a tankless hot water system.

Is it cheaper than $232 a month?

We use propane for heat, hot water and cooking, plus it fuels our generator.  So we have one of those big tanks that look like a minisub.    So our bills during peak winter are way above that.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 15, 2008, 12:26:42 PM
Well, I found the post where I had the picture of me and my wife, but, the picture seems to have been deleted!   :(

Of course who one "naps" with is very important! :eyebrows:

 Garnet and Ozy:

Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: odeon on June 15, 2008, 02:54:44 PM
Well, I found the post where I had the picture of me and my wife, but, the picture seems to have been deleted!   :(

Of course who one "naps" with is very important! :eyebrows:

 Garnet and Ozy:


Could have happened when we moved the site. The server only allowed us to see 2000 or fewer files in any directory so Dunc had to fly blind, so to speak.

Sorry about that, anyway.
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 15, 2008, 03:55:48 PM
Well, I found the post where I had the picture of me and my wife, but, the picture seems to have been deleted!   :(

Of course who one "naps" with is very important! :eyebrows:

 Garnet and Ozy:


Could have happened when we moved the site. The server only allowed us to see 2000 or fewer files in any directory so Dunc had to fly blind, so to speak.

Sorry about that, anyway.

No big deal, I'v got my pic here twice and I would prefer that my wifes pic NOT be here for creepazoids. 
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: Callaway on June 15, 2008, 11:05:01 PM
Well, I found the post where I had the picture of me and my wife, but, the picture seems to have been deleted!   :(

Of course who one "naps" with is very important! :eyebrows:

 Garnet and Ozy:

Thanks for finding it, Ozymandias.  I looked for it last night but I couldn't find it.

I think that the problem could be that the page where the picture was stored may be out of date.  Here's the link and it doesn't work, either:
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 16, 2008, 04:43:57 PM
No problem, I'm here and my ugly mug is online and Carla's isn't!  Anybody who wants to see what she looks like can find her at DeviantArt and her user name is "Garnet43".   :laugh:
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: GalileoAce on June 17, 2008, 07:33:10 PM
How come you haven't asked me anything in my ask away thread (,6936.0.html)?

Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 18, 2008, 05:08:42 AM
Because I haven't had any questions to ask of you. :orly:
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: GalileoAce on June 18, 2008, 05:35:08 AM
Damn..That's twice :P
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on June 18, 2008, 09:00:45 AM
Damn..That's twice :P

Thats ok, it's what happens when you have nothing better to do!   :laugh:
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: DirtDawg on September 24, 2008, 07:11:10 PM
My spam= Please, give this some thought. (,10019.msg429814.html#msg429814)
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: ozymandias on September 25, 2008, 04:52:07 AM
I will
Title: Re: Ask ozymandias.......................if you've nothing better to do!
Post by: 'andersom' on January 06, 2013, 12:31:53 PM
Hello guest.  :asthing: