Politics, Mature and taboo => Political Pundits => Topic started by: Happeh on May 25, 2006, 06:14:45 AM

Title: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Happeh on May 25, 2006, 06:14:45 AM
I said the Israelis own the USA for world domination. Here is a picture of the president of the USA.


That is the president of Israel standing in in front of the congress giving them orders with Dick Cheney the Israeli loyal Neo Con Vice President standing behind him. See that look of love and adulation Dick Cheney is putting on Olmert?

They put George in day care while the traitors pay obesance to the real leader of the USA.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: McGiver on May 25, 2006, 06:29:29 AM
now why would a jewish person of prominence be doing the HIEL HITLER during a photo op.

well i meant, photo-shop.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: purposefulinsanity on May 25, 2006, 09:52:20 AM
Actually the guy on the right looks like he's trying not to fart, whilst the other guy looks like he's making wanker signs behind his back.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Praetor on May 25, 2006, 10:27:18 AM
He's chewing bubblegum
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Praetor on May 25, 2006, 10:45:10 AM
I said the Israelis own the USA for world domination

Boy you are so (Mcarthy 1950's/1948 war) behind the times. We got China and India in the back pocket. Well then again you won't even know there are indian jews cause your a thick spazz

So tell me Happeh when are you converting to the faith? You hate us so much because you just jealous your not in on the action, blatently!
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Lucifer on May 25, 2006, 10:55:19 AM
happeh, why is it so important we accept what you say?  if we are as sheep-brained as you think we are, why does either our opinion, or our well-being matter to you?  i don't believe you have that much of a saviour complex.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: duncvis on May 25, 2006, 11:01:42 AM
Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?

shortly after hell freezes over and a squadron of pigs flies past? wake up and smell the bullshit matey :P
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Praetor on May 25, 2006, 11:01:59 AM
happeh, why is it so important we accept what you say?  if we are as sheep-brained as you think we are, why does either our opinion, or our well-being matter to you?  i don't believe you have that much of a saviour complex.

I think we have to conclude that Happeh is not of sane mind, body or spirit. He is unable to retort me so he must repulse me and dismiss what I say now. He will not acknowledge my existance from now on garunteed because I have rebuffed his reality to the extent of breaking that fragile bit of grey matter that has not reverted back to true paranoid delussional ramblings.

I like how he hasn't added 2+2 yet and figured out that im not truly jewish yet
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: El on May 25, 2006, 12:06:34 PM
Actually the guy on the right looks like he's trying not to fart, whilst the other guy looks like he's making wanker signs behind his back.

Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Praetor on May 25, 2006, 07:32:43 PM
The guy at the bottom is making a vulcan sign

live long and prosper earth people

The aliens are here among us
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Happeh on May 25, 2006, 11:32:10 PM
happeh, why is it so important we accept what you say?? if we are as sheep-brained as you think we are, why does either our opinion, or our well-being matter to you?? i don't believe you have that much of a saviour complex.

Lemmings are predictable. Just like a dog will salivate over a steak, lemmings will learn in spite of themselves. It is like time stretch or something. I say this and that. The lemmings tell me they hate me and I am wrong. Then, about 3 or 4 years later, they all start saying whatever it was I told them. They do learn. It just takes years for what I say to make the trip from their ears to their brains.

I keep doing this because I know it works. You will see reality in about 4 or 5 years. Or more of it.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Happeh on May 25, 2006, 11:38:31 PM
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: McGiver on May 26, 2006, 03:21:57 AM
i saw a funny thing on TV.
my wife was watching the stupid show called so you think you can dance.
fast forward:
this guy auditions who says he represents the orthodox jews.  he busts out in this hiphop breakdance routine and i think it is quite good, until he slips and smacks his face on the dance floor (they must've shown 20 angles).
any ways he did not make it to las vegas (i thought he should).
but if the jews call all the shots, don't you think the jewish defense league would've masde sure their boy kept on representing?

i really think that if the jews were hell bent on world domination then they would have all their bases covered.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Randy on May 26, 2006, 07:37:13 PM
Honestly, Dr. lipshits needs to do a callout with me.  Inside joke people, I burned happeh, and he prefers to hide.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Happeh on May 27, 2006, 02:06:07 AM
i saw a funny thing on TV.
my wife was watching the stupid show called so you think you can dance.
fast forward:
this guy auditions who says he represents the orthodox jews.? he busts out in this hiphop breakdance routine and i think it is quite good, until he slips and smacks his face on the dance floor (they must've shown 20 angles).
any ways he did not make it to las vegas (i thought he should).
but if the jews call all the shots, don't you think the jewish defense league would've masde sure their boy kept on representing?

i really think that if the jews were hell bent on world domination then they would have all their bases covered.

You need to practice being less simple. What makes you think he was the only one in the contest? Every contest, every TV show, every movie, every radia station, every newspaper has Israelis in it.

For instance. There was a comedy contest show on last year or so. They had Drew Carey, Brett Butler and someone else as judges. The show ran it's season and at the end the judges made their choices. They the announcer called out the winners. One of them was an Israeli guy. Another one was a Black man bragging about his big weenie. Israelies love the big black weenie.

So what you say? What is the big deal? The big deal is those were not the people that Drew Carey and Brett Butler chose. The Israeli producers of the show rigged it so they got to choose the winners. And they chose an Israeli guy, and a Black man the Israelis could use as a sex toy.

I got a million of them. Everything in the USA is Israeli control. Go ahead. Think of something. Stock broker. Politician. Lobbyist. Spy. You name it, an Israeli is either the top guy, or the second to the top guy.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Happeh on May 27, 2006, 02:06:46 AM
Honestly, Dr. lipshits needs to do a callout with me.? Inside joke people, I burned happeh, and he prefers to hide.

You have an ugly and scary face. I don't know you. Why would I want to talk to someone scary and ugly?
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: duncvis on May 27, 2006, 04:02:02 AM
You have an ugly and scary face. I don't know you. Why would I want to talk to someone scary and ugly?

so you can point out that they wouldn't be ugly and scary if they didn't masturbate to verses from the Torah, while fantasising about enslaving the world with gayness?
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Peter on May 27, 2006, 04:27:44 AM

Israelies love the big black weenie.
...And they chose an Israeli guy, and a Black man the Israelis could use as a sex toy.

Do you have any evidence that this is the case?  Would this be Israelis in general, or just some of them?  Is it better to like the little yellow weenie?
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: duncvis on May 27, 2006, 04:38:56 AM
statistically, you would expect an inbetweenie weenie to be more popular...  :laugh:
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Beowulf on May 27, 2006, 09:20:52 AM

Isn't Jalon an Israeli name?

"And the sons of Ezra were, Jether, and Mered, and Epher, and Jalon: and she bare Miriam, and Shammai, and Ishbah the father of Eshtemoa." (1 Chronicles 4:17)
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Randy on May 27, 2006, 09:24:14 AM
Dr. Lipshits, why do you keep ignoring me? ?Is your mouth so full of shit that you can;t talk? (joke people, I believe he is delusional, psychotic or something like that) Happeh, don;t get mad at me, just challenge me. ?I am trying to get you to notice me.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Happeh on May 27, 2006, 09:50:47 AM

Israelies love the big black weenie.
...And they chose an Israeli guy, and a Black man the Israelis could use as a sex toy.

Do you have any evidence that this is the case?? Would this be Israelis in general, or just some of them?? Is it better to like the little yellow weenie?

You guys know that "Show me the evidence" is part of the plot to keep you stupid don't you? If you refuse to believe things without what you feel is incontrovertible evidence, you will never learn anything.

It is a well known fact that Israelis use black people for sex toys. I know you are all kids but still......Instead of telling me I am wrong, why don't you consider I have been here for years more than you so I have seen years more of things than you have. Maybe I saw something you haven't seen yet?

I hear yellow weenies are veeeeeery small. I saw a picture of a 20 year old yellow weenie that was about 2 inches hard as a rock! That is why the Asian women are learning to like the black weenie too. I saw a porno awhile back where they hired a black with a 2 1/2 foot long weenie to poke it into a Asian teenager. Ouch!
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Happeh on May 27, 2006, 09:52:06 AM
Dr. Lipshits, why do you keep ignoring me? ?Is your mouth so full of shit that you can;t talk? (joke people, I believe he is delusional, psychotic or something like that) Happeh, don;t get mad at me, just challenge me. ?I am trying to get you to notice me.

You want to fight. I don't want to fight. You like fighting for nothing. I only fight for things I am interested in. You are a thug or a criminal. I am a person who is passionate about getting the truth out to people. We have nothing in common.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Happeh on May 27, 2006, 09:56:23 AM
I told you that nothing, NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!! happens without Israelis being involved.

The new X men movie just came out. Guess who the director is? Some guy named Ratner. Surprise, surprises.

Guess what is IN the X men movie? Propaganda about "the holocaust". Of course. Everything on TV and in print includes Israeli propaganda. Everything. Every day.

"(The movie includes)...ethnic diversity, religion and subversion. There is an allusion to anti-Semitism as well, with Magneto referring to his days at Auschwitz. But Ratner lingers not at the deep core, choosing to skim synthetically over to the next eye-popping effect.

It is impossible for an Israeli to say or do anything without bringing WWII into it, or their current propaganda ploy of using "anti-semitism) as a weapon to stop any discussion of their control of the USA/Britain/Canada/Australia for Israeli World Domination. Impossible.

They killed Star Trek by bringing their propaganda about WMD and terrorists into the story. That was done by, you guessed, a guy named Berman. They destroyed Star Trek so they could push propaganda supporting the invasion of Iraq, and the dismantling of the constituion of the USA, and turning the USA into a police state.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Happeh on May 27, 2006, 09:58:21 AM

Isn't Jalon an Israeli name?

"And the sons of Ezra were, Jether, and Mered, and Epher, and Jalon: and she bare Miriam, and Shammai, and Ishbah the father of Eshtemoa." (1 Chronicles 4:17)

It s a biblical name. How do you know if that is Israeli or not? I am not really a bible person.

Did you buy my book? I think $20 for changing your life and preventing you from turning yourself into a poor health, Alzheimers drooling, old person is pretty cheap.

EDIT: Oh. I just looked at the picture again. I doubt if you would like that book. I tried to take what I know and write it up for some stupid scientists. It is real linear and tries to connect things together the way those feeble minded scientists like. I love the way the book came out. I just don't think anyone will be able to understand it.

You need to buy my masturbation book if you are just a regular guy. It focuses more on masturbation than overall human body construction and evolution like the linear book does. You might have to register and sign in as an adult to see it because it is sexually themed.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: peegai on May 27, 2006, 10:28:57 AM

You guys know that "Show me the evidence" is part of the plot for Happeh to cover up his asinine theories, don't you?

Note for the slow: We caught this on long before you signed up here.

If you refuse to believe things without what you feel is incontrovertible evidence, you will never learn anything.

This is prime grade A bullshit. If people were to agree on things without any evidence to back it up, we would still be in the dark ages by now. You are only saying this because you're getting your knickers in a twist over the fact that people think your theories are shit, and out of anger, you pick on them for being sheep. Correct me if I'm wrong, but when people choose to agree with one point of view, surely that's an expression of their own free will, right? Of course, you can ignore the whole logic thing to suit your own damaged ego.

It is a well known fact that Israelis use black people for sex toys. I know you are all kids but still......Instead of telling me I am wrong, why don't you consider I have been here for years more than you so I have seen years more of things than you have. Maybe I saw something you haven't seen yet?

Just because you might have seen some Israelies having fetishes with certain ethnic groups doesn't necessarily mean that the entire demograph, including children, like to shag black people. And besides, EVERYONE has their own bizarre sexual preferences -- what you happen to catch up on is pretty much commonplace around the world.

I hear yellow weenies are veeeeeery small. I saw a picture of a 20 year old yellow weenie that was about 2 inches hard as a rock! That is why the Asian women are learning to like the black weenie too. I saw a porno awhile back where they hired a black with a 2 1/2 foot long weenie to poke it into a Asian teenager. Ouch!

I got a big penis (well over the average 6" erection), but have I scored with numerous chicks with it? No, so what are you talking about? Women, in general, are not all obsessed with penis sizes, and if they are, it's probably to degrade a man's worth because they are insecure bitches, like everyone else in the world.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Praetor on May 27, 2006, 10:44:37 AM
If you refuse to believe things without what you feel is incontrovertible evidence, you will never learn anything

Bit like people who have faith.

So happeh you have faith do you?

So by your way of thinking not only is the jeudo-christian conspiracy wrong despite the millenia of technological development of europe from the collapse or Rome but the Greeks also got it wrong as well?

So the solution happeh is? Well you basically want a war of annihilation don't you so just skip to the chase
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Happeh on May 27, 2006, 10:46:07 AM
I would have read your message PeeGui, but you change my quotes in the first line. You lie. You are a liar. You have no morals or ethics. You cannot be trusted. Forming a relationship with you would be nothing but grief for me.

The pope goes to visit poland. What do you think the story in the newspapers says?

Pope offends Poland's Jews

THE Pope has upset the Jewish community in Poland by not stopping to pay tribute to the victims of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising against the Nazis.

The heavily guarded Popemobile sped from Warsaw airport towards the Old Town district and the former ghetto area but barely slowed when it passed the memorial to the Jewish fighters. ",20867,19269775-2703,00.html

That newspaper is a front for Israeli propganda. It's main reason for existence is to print stories for the furtherance of Israeli World Domination. It looks like a real web newspaper. You can always count on it to pop up with Israeli centered stories.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Happeh on May 27, 2006, 10:47:36 AM
If you refuse to believe things without what you feel is incontrovertible evidence, you will never learn anything

Bit like people who have faith.

So happeh you have faith do you?

So by your way of thinking not only is the jeudo-christian conspiracy wrong despite the millenia of technological development of europe from the collapse or Rome but the Greeks also got it wrong as well?

So the solution happeh is? Well you basically want a war of annihilation don't you so just skip to the chase

After reading that, I can authoritatively say that the claim that Asperger's people have superior intelligence is false.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: peegai on May 27, 2006, 10:56:00 AM
I would have read your message PeeGui, but you change my quotes in the first line. You lie. You are a liar. You have no morals or ethics. You cannot be trusted. Forming a relationship with you would be nothing but grief for me.

I have lied before, so what? What makes you so fucking holy? Oh, the fact that you can come up with false accusations (um, pot kettle black?) that I'm without any morals or ethics? Give your god-complex a rest -- you're not chosen, you just think that you are to validate your empty life.

Fucking homo-sapien that thinks he's above it all compared to the rest of the human gene pool.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Happeh on May 27, 2006, 11:10:55 AM
I would have read your message PeeGui, but you change my quotes in the first line. You lie. You are a liar. You have no morals or ethics. You cannot be trusted. Forming a relationship with you would be nothing but grief for me.

I have lied before, so what?

So what? You are untrustworthy. Anyone that lies as easily as you do will lie about anything. To you, lying is power. It is power. You can get lots of stuff by lying. Look at George Bush, Tony Blair and WMD in Iraq.

What makes you so fucking holy? ?

I never said I was holy. You will find after awhile that people never forget anything. Not even after decades. I will never forget that PeeGui is a liar, even when I am 70 years old. By telling you that you are a liar and that I don't want anything to do with you, I am training you for all the other people in your future who will hear your lies, then choose to walk away from you.

This world that you are being brought up in today is about lies. You are being taught that being an aggressive, lying jerk is the way to get ahead. It is to some extent. Look at the news anchors on FOX. They lie, they are aggressive, they are jerks and they are rich.

By teaching you to be an aggressive lying jerk, it is ensured that you will never listen to people that can show you a better life. How good life can be if you behave and think and act in a certain way. You will meet these people, you will be aggressive and lying with them, and they will walk away and leave you behind. Can you blame them?

The sooner you learn that lying etc drives away the people that can improve your life, the sooner you will form a relationship with one of these people and start learning from them.

Oh, the fact that you can come up with false accusations that I'm without any morals or ethics??

Except it is not false. The sentence above is more of your lies. In the first sentence of your post, you quoted me, but you changed what I said so that it says something derogatory.

"You guys know that "Show me the evidence" is part of the plot for Happeh to cover up his asinine theories, don't you?"

There it is right there in front of everybody. You changed that sentence so people think I said that. That is immoral. It is not me judging you. No one on the planet earth except evil thinks it is OK to change what people say so they look bad. Then you turn around and immediatly lie again by trying to deny you behaved immorally and accusing me of making false accusations. That is why no one likes to hang around liars. Everything, no matter how trivial, is a lie. If you ask them what time it is, are they lying? If you ask them if the phone call is for you, are they lying? If you ask them if there is a booger hanging from your nose, are they lying? Who wants to voluntarily live with that stress?

Give your god-complex a rest -- you're not chosen, you just think that you are to validate your empty life.

Where does this stuff come from? Really? God complex? Chosen? I have no idea how to respond because I have no idea where you got those ideas.

Fucking homo-sapien that thinks he's above it all compared to the rest of the human gene pool.

I know I am smarter than you.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Happeh on May 27, 2006, 11:20:13 AM
Here is an example of Israeli World Domination that I don't think even simpletons can overlook.

A British teachers union wants to boycott Israel for mudering Palestinians. The Israelis have used their control of higher education all over the world to bring pressure on these British teachers to prevent voting for the boycott.

The Israelis did the exact same thing with another British union. The Israelis got their tools from all over the world to bring pressure to bear on the union. As usual, the Israelis got what they wanted. The boycott did not happen.

"The row surrounding the proposed boycott of Israeli lecturers who do not publicly oppose "Israeli apartheid policies" escalated yesterday after it emerged that thousands of international academics had signed a petition opposing the plans."

Think about it. What would you think if you read that thousands of people around the world put pressure on the local Garbage Workers Union that was going to vote to boycott Israel? Wouldn't that seem weird to you? Why do people around the world care what your local Garbage workers are doing? Why are foreigners trying to control your garbage people?

The answer is they don't and they wouldn't. Nobody gives a damn what foreign people in a foreign country are voting on. Unless their Israeli masters tell them that they need to do it as part of their employment for Israeli World Domination. They are called Sayyanim if you can be bothered to research.

Organised by the Israeli-led International Advisory Board for Academic Freedom, the online petition calls on the 69,000 members of the National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education (Natfhe) to reject the boycott motion when it goes before delegates at the union's annual conference, which begins in Blackpool today

The International Advisory Board for Academic Freedom has organised a network of 500 academics throughout Europe and the US, lobbying colleagues against the Natfhe resolution.

There it is. In black and white even for feebs. An INTERNATIONAL group is working to stop BRITISH people from doing what they want to do. Or worded another way, ISRAELI WORLD DOMINATION is working to stop BRITISH people from doing what they want to.,,1784282,00.html
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Happeh on May 27, 2006, 11:28:07 AM
Olmert was given a hero?s welcome when he entered the House of Representatives. If anyone in the audience had read the Amnesty International report issued earlier in the day, they certainly didn?t let on. The report stated that, ?Israeli soldiers, police and settlers who committed unlawful killings, ill-treatment and other attacks against Palestinians and their property commonly did so with impunity?.Investigations are rare, as were prosecutions of the perpetrators, which in most cases did not lead to convictions.? The report suggests that severe human rights abuses are being carried out against Palestinian civilians that go completely unanswered by Israel. These issues are taken seriously nearly everywhere except in the US congress where human rights abusers are revered as the champions of liberty.

Congress applauded Olmert?s plan. UN resolutions mean nothing to them. Just days earlier, they passed The Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act; a piece of legislation that was vehemently opposed by centrist Jewish groups in America. The bill cuts off all US aid to the cash-strapped PA ensuring that innocent women and children will continue to suffer from the blockade. The bill ?shuts down all Palestinian diplomatic offices in the U.S., denies visas to PA officials, and?declares Palestinian territory to be a ?terrorist sanctuary?? (Jim Lobe)

Olmert?s speech should have been denounced as a cheap appeal for more hostilities. Instead it was praised as inspirational and statesmanlike. The passionate reaction from congress implies that we have reached another milestone on the winding path to war with Iran.

Are we really ready to sacrifice American lives at the request of Ehud Olmert?
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Happeh on May 27, 2006, 11:32:47 AM
The IDF raids are relentless ? 4 killed in Ramallah today, a woman in a refugee camp looks out her window in Nablus and is shot dead ? children picked off like ducks in a shooting gallery ? and Olmert gets a standing ovation demanding that Palestine renounce violence?!!

But worst of all, she explained, were her experiences on Israeli tour busses. The guides would point out the lavish lifestyles of the Israeli settlers and then point to dilapidated Palestinian homes. The Palestinians would be ridiculed in the vilest of terms and of course declared to be terrorists. The irony of Israel creating the Palestinian destitution due to continued land and resource theft was lost to them ? as well as the American piggybank that supported the luxury.

Is America becoming like Israel? Are we assuming the values ? the cruelty of deliberately holding people down, destroying them, and then laughing and ridiculing their fate? These are not the values I was taught ? though my ancestry is in part ethnically Jewish. The NeoCon/ancient alien socio-pathology seems to be sweeping the country.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Praetor on May 27, 2006, 11:35:59 AM
If you refuse to believe things without what you feel is incontrovertible evidence, you will never learn anything

Bit like people who have faith.

So happeh you have faith do you?

So by your way of thinking not only is the jeudo-christian conspiracy wrong despite the millenia of technological development of europe from the collapse or Rome but the Greeks also got it wrong as well?

So the solution happeh is? Well you basically want a war of annihilation don't you so just skip to the chase

After reading that, I can authoritatively say that the claim that Asperger's people have superior intelligence is false.

After goading you publically and delighting in your dementia I can conclude you ARE Jewish arn't you?
Title: Re: Happeh is not right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Praetor on May 27, 2006, 12:13:41 PM
By the way in case you forgot you've got an debate to resolve
Title: Re: Happeh is not right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: peegai on May 27, 2006, 12:29:19 PM
Where does this stuff come from? Really? God complex? Chosen? I have no idea how to respond because I have no idea where you got those ideas.

These assumptions are based upon my observations of how you are portraying yourself on this message board. You dismiss people's opinions as utter garbage because they do not happen to agree with yours, not to mention your assumptions based upon me: that I'm a liar, that I lack honesty. Sorry to say, but you're wrong in that regard; despite my faults, I have given support to people that needed help so far in my life. And you also went far too deep into something that wasn't there: I have lied, sure, but not to the extent of exploiting other people's trust of me in order to get rich of of them. Why would I be doing charity work if I was a completely dishonest person when I know that I'm not a completely dishonest person?

The irony of this is is that you were making up stuff about me based on how I have portrayed myself online without knowing the facts to back up your accusations towards me. Surely that makes you a liar now, does it not?

Another reason why I think you have a god complex is this:

I know I am smarter than you.

Now this small sentence bears significance to your god-like behaviour. Starting with the pronoun "I" followed by the transitive verb "know", you immediately assume that you are smarter than me when you don't know anything of what I'm good at or bad at. I find politics to be a very boring subject to indulge myself in, but does that make me better than anyone else because I find something that I'm not interested in? No. So why does it make you better than anyone else because you think you have it all figured out with this big global conspiracy you have constructed by yourself in order to validate your presence via the internet with your half-assed attempts at making controversy? You can try and be a champion of justice all you like, but the reality is is that you are an attention whore trying to make money out of honest people who would believe in your bullshit from your book. You are no different than the corrupt politicians because you are using the same art of rhetoric as they are, trying to make me out as if I'm an evil person with your lies of me online.

EDIT: I notice that one of the admins has slightly altered the title of this thread, in order to be so clever. :/
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Lucifer on May 27, 2006, 01:21:07 PM
Here is an example of Israeli World Domination that I don't think even simpletons can overlook.

A British teachers union wants to boycott Israel for mudering Palestinians. The Israelis have used their control of higher education all over the world to bring pressure on these British teachers to prevent voting for the boycott.

what utter pants - i happen to be a member of that union, and know a lot of the "high ups", and know of no such "pressure".

Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Beowulf on May 27, 2006, 01:59:45 PM
I know you are all kids but still......Instead of telling me I am wrong, why don't you consider I have been here for years more than you so I have seen years more of things than you have. Maybe I saw something you haven't seen yet?

I imagine you are older than me, but I very much doubt you are the oldest person who posts in here.

How about you tell us your age and prove me wrong. If you won't do that, then maybe you can stop droning on about how much life experience you have.

And by that I mean your age in earth years, not Happeh years.

(P.S. In earth years I am 28.)
Title: Re: Happeh is not right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Praetor on May 27, 2006, 02:31:36 PM

June 6th 1974 is very old apparently  ;D ;D ;D

31 years old.

Tell you one thing though if you can get those books published shit anyone can get anything published

You need to talk to a fella called Maurice who goes by the name of aspieknee you and him would get along fantastic
Title: Re: Happeh is not right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: McGiver on May 27, 2006, 03:03:07 PM
do you prefer:
a.) man-loving
b.) female-loving
c.) no-loving
d.) self-loving

are you, by birth:
a.)  euro american (caucasian)
b.) jewish
c.) black
d.) middle easterner
e.) other (including, latin american, asian, alien, etc...)
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Happeh on May 27, 2006, 07:49:45 PM
If you refuse to believe things without what you feel is incontrovertible evidence, you will never learn anything

Bit like people who have faith.

So happeh you have faith do you?

So by your way of thinking not only is the jeudo-christian conspiracy wrong despite the millenia of technological development of europe from the collapse or Rome but the Greeks also got it wrong as well?

So the solution happeh is? Well you basically want a war of annihilation don't you so just skip to the chase

After reading that, I can authoritatively say that the claim that Asperger's people have superior intelligence is false.

After goading you publically and delighting in your dementia I can conclude you ARE Jewish arn't you?

Did you pat yourself on the back after goading me? You sound so proud.

Weird. I didn't even notice. ;)
Title: Re: Happeh is not right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Happeh on May 27, 2006, 07:52:00 PM
Looks like the low life scum are playing their game again. The title of the thread has been changed by a child masking as a forums administrator.

"Lord Black, the disgraced Tory peer and former owner of the Daily Telegraph, has been named in a series of letters surrounding the 'cash for peerages' police investigation.

The Observer has learnt that Scotland Yard is seeking information on Black, who is facing a multi-million-pound fraud trial in America. Last week, his name featured in a letter written by Tory chairman Francis Maude to former party treasurers asking for information about the investigation."

Conrad Black is a ancient alien.

You can now return to your childish game of changing people's posts.
Title: Re: Happeh is not right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: McGiver on May 27, 2006, 11:08:13 PM
do you prefer:
a.) man-loving
b.) female-loving
c.) no-loving
d.) self-loving

are you, by birth:
a.)? euro american (caucasian)
b.) jewish
c.) black
d.) middle easterner
e.) other (including, latin american, asian, alien, etc...)

you can run but you cannot hide.
i think you can learn a great deal about a person by these two simple questions.  i want to learn, but have as of yet proven your point.  you cannot claim that you are right yet again because you use a photoshopped picture to prove a point.

will you answer the two questions, please.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Happeh on May 28, 2006, 09:31:58 AM
Here is some more proof losers. Read it and weep. You can make all the personal comments you want. Nothing changes the fact that I am right and you are wrong.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said an "active worldwide network of ancient aliens" was trying to prevent his possible trip to Germany for the World Cup and expressed new doubts over whether the Holocaust happened.

In an interview with Der Spiegel magazine, Ahmadinejad also said he doubted Germans were allowed to write "the truth" about the Holocaust? and said if Nazi murder of European Jews really happened, Jews should be moved from Israel back to Europe.

"We say if the Holocaust happened, then the Europeans must accept the consequences and the price should not be paid by Palestine," he said in a rare interview with Western media that was published on Sunday.

"If it did not happen, then the Jews must return to where they came from."

"I believe the German people are prisoners of the Holocaust. More than 60 million were killed in World War Two... The question is: Why is it that only Jews are at the centre of attention?"

"How long is this going to go on?" he added. "How long will the German people be held hostage to the ancient aliens? ...Why should you feel obligated to the ancient aliens? You've paid reparations for 60 years and will have to pay for another 100 years."
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Happeh on May 28, 2006, 09:35:53 AM
The Iranian president left open whether he would visit Germany to support the Iran national soccer team during the World Cup that begins on June 9. Iran play Mexico in their first World Cup match on June 11 in Nuremberg.

"My decision depends on a lot of different things," said Ahmadinejad, a noted soccer fan. "Whether I have time, whether I want to and some other things."

Ahmadinejad said he could not understand why there had been such a major political debate about his possible visit to Germany after Interior Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble announced he would be welcome. But he said he was not surprised by the row.

"I was not at all surprised because there is a very active worldwide network of ancient aliens, also in Europe," he said.

Asked by Der Spiegel, in its cover story on Sunday entitled "The man the world is afraid of", whether he stood by his earlier view the Holocaust was a myth, Ahmadinejad said:

"I only accept something as the truth if I am truly convinced of it.

"In Europe there are two opinions on it. One group of researchers who are by and large politically motivated say the Holocaust happened. There is another group of researchers who have the opposite view and are by and large in prison for that."
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: duncvis on May 28, 2006, 10:04:09 AM
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Praetor on May 28, 2006, 12:42:34 PM
I see Happeh's on a spam-a-thon hoping he'l get banned now.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Lucifer on May 28, 2006, 12:48:27 PM
i want happeh to meet david icke.  as long as they aren't allowed to breed.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Randy on May 28, 2006, 04:00:44 PM
Honestly Happeh, What is you fuckn problem?  I understand you get thrown out of chatrooms alot, so why don;t you let me help you? I would like to be honest about a few things, to gain your trust.

     You said I was a criminal and you were right. I stole candy ounce, because my mom told me to.  She sold snacks at school and sold so many a few would not be missed.  Her boss was impressed by the amount of profit comming in.  She said that, so she better not have been lying.  I don;t steal anymore.  I think I just wanted my mom;s love, considering its hard for her to give sometimes, because of her mood disorder. Trouble makes a nice distraction for her depression.
     Scary, bah wrong. If people are scared they don;t understand. Two times, when I was younger, did I actually get into fights.  I was far more distrubed back then, so its understandable.  I don;t get into fights at all.  At as matter of fact, some punk 16 year old, was trying to pick a fight with me.  I remember something I read about people like that and it was right.  I did not  pick a fight because those people have family issues, and picking fights is a way to vent and get attention.  I saw his friends in the store, and they appologized for his ominous behavior.  They admited all, and  I later figured out it is  sagitory rape if a 23 year old attackes a 16 year old. I had the fuckn hardware, I am muscular, I could have destroyed him.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Happeh on May 28, 2006, 05:50:52 PM

I tremble in the face of such a powerfully intellectual rebuttal.

I am honestly betting with myself on which one of you adult, intellectual giants will be the first one to start skipping around with your fingers in your ear singing "tra la la la la" the way my neice does when she doesn't want to listen.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Happeh on May 28, 2006, 05:53:49 PM
I see Happeh's on a spam-a-thon hoping he'l get banned now.? :laugh:

Funny. You guys all seem to have the same responses. You complain that I provide no proof. Then when the proof burys you, and proves you completely wrong, you claim the proof is spam.

Cowards. Losers. Weaklings.

Admit you are wrong and I am right. It is not going to kill you. You will be better people for it. It will make you stronger. You will become more mature by admitting that there are people who know things you do not.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Happeh on May 28, 2006, 05:58:57 PM
Honestly Happeh, What is you fuckn problem?? I understand you get thrown out of chatrooms alot, so why don;t you let me help you? I would like to be honest about a few things, to gain your trust.

? ? ?You said I was a criminal and you were right. I stole candy ounce, because my mom told me to.? She sold snacks at school and sold so many a few would not be missed.? Her boss was impressed by the amount of profit comming in.? She said that, so she better not have been lying.? I don;t steal anymore.? I think I just wanted my mom;s love, considering its hard for her to give sometimes, because of her mood disorder. Trouble makes a nice distraction for her depression.
? ? ?Scary, bah wrong. If people are scared they don;t understand. Two times, when I was younger, did I actually get into fights.? I was far more distrubed back then, so its understandable.? I don;t get into fights at all.? At as matter of fact, some punk 16 year old, was trying to pick a fight with me.? I remember something I read about people like that and it was right.? I did not? pick a fight because those people have family issues, and picking fights is a way to vent and get attention.? I saw his friends in the store, and they appologized for his ominous behavior.? They admited all, and? I later figured out it is? sagitory rape if a 23 year old attackes a 16 year old. I had the fuckn hardware, I am muscular, I could have destroyed him.

Your message is garbled. I said that you have a scary picture because to me you look like a skinhead. Maybe it was wrong of me to say that, but that is what I see. A skinhead who likes to start fights with people.

This is the 3rd or 4th message you have talked about how strong you are and how you can kick ass. People can sense that. I know you guys don't believe me when I say people have energy. It is true whether you beleive it or not. If I saw you somewhere, I would go somewhere else. That is the reaction your face inspires in me.

It all comes from inside. If you are a happy person, happy with yourself etc, other people can see it. Doesn't matter if you are smiling or not. If you are the kind of person walking around thinking "I will kill anyone who bothers me", people can see that too. Since they don't know what it is that will set you off, it is better to completely avoid you.

My advice? I know you don't want it. Do something happy. Anything that puts a smile on your face. Just like anything else, happiness has to be trained. Go out and practice being happy like you practice pushups or sit ups. After awhile, your face will soften and your posture will begin to look relaxed. Like you truly are happy with life.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Lucifer on May 28, 2006, 11:55:53 PM
how on earth does one "practise being happy"?  genuine question - i am agog.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Happeh on May 29, 2006, 12:59:23 AM
Even the British Guardian prints on it's front page what you guys seem to have trouble grasping.

"Pope bows down for the victims of Auschwitz"

Who are "the victims of Auschwitz"?

We know that is code for Israelis right? The Catholic pope is bowing down before the Israelis because he works for them. I would recommend you look into it, but we all know by now that this is all about talking smack about Happeh, not determining what the facts are and deciding what reality is.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: duncvis on May 29, 2006, 03:55:16 AM
Wrong... its not about talking smack about Happeh, its about deciding that this consiracy thoery stuff reeks more of paranoid delusions than an accurate depiction of reality... GO GET MEDS. NOT A PERSONAL ATTACK. THEY MIGHT HELP.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Randy on May 29, 2006, 05:12:38 AM
 I am offering you the chance to have one less enemy. Why are you being antisocial, Happeh?
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Happeh on May 29, 2006, 09:11:41 AM
I am offering you the chance to have one less enemy. Why are you being antisocial, Happeh?

I felt my advice to you was a social thing to do.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: peegai on May 29, 2006, 09:14:36 AM
I am offering you the chance to have one less enemy. Why are you being antisocial, Happeh?

I'm anti-social too, so what's your point? :p
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Lucifer on May 29, 2006, 01:13:42 PM
are you avoiding my questions, happeh?  i'm not taking this personally, as you have avoided others' questions, too. and continue to do so.  just interested in your reason.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Praetor on May 29, 2006, 04:28:36 PM
Who are "the victims of Auschwitz"?

We know that is code for Israelis right?

What about 600,000 Gypsie's and the other 5.5 million enemies of the german state ranging from criminals, homosexuals and the mentally ill to jehovah witnesses, communists, socialists and catholics

Then the 6 million jews on top of that

Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Happeh on May 29, 2006, 05:38:04 PM
Who are "the victims of Auschwitz"?

We know that is code for Israelis right?

What about 600,000 Gypsie's and the other 5.5 million enemies of the german state ranging from criminals, homosexuals and the mentally ill to jehovah witnesses, communists, socialists and catholics

Then the 6 million jews on top of that

You went straight to the heart of the matter. What about those Gypsies and everyone else? We don't see movies every day about Gypsies killed in WWII. The pope is not publically kissing the Gypsies on the buttocks, he is only doing that for the Israelis.

Why the special treatment?
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Happeh on May 29, 2006, 05:57:23 PM
Who are "the victims of Auschwitz"?

We know that is code for Israelis right?

What about 600,000 Gypsie's and the other 5.5 million enemies of the german state ranging from criminals, homosexuals and the mentally ill to jehovah witnesses, communists, socialists and catholics

Then the 6 million jews on top of that

See Praetor? If you were educated like these teachers, you would know the Israelis are wrong and need to be chastised.

Britain's largest lecturers' union yesterday voted in favour of a boycott of Israeli lecturers and academic institutions who do not publicly dissociate themselves from Israel's "apartheid policies".

Maybe if you were smart enough to be a lecturer, then you could understand all the "spam" that I post to educate you.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Lucifer on May 30, 2006, 12:10:04 AM
yep, and we (lecturers' and teachers' unions - i do both) voted to boycott south africa for their government's apartheid policies too.  how does that fit into your theories?

stop choosing your examples - this is classic "bottom drawer" behaviour, where people pick and choose their "evidence" to support their hypothesis, and relegate anything which does not do so to the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet (i.e., as an anomaly, or an irrelevancy).
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Happeh on May 30, 2006, 08:56:37 AM
yep, and we (lecturers' and teachers' unions - i do both) voted to boycott south africa for their government's apartheid policies too.? how does that fit into your theories?

stop choosing your examples - this is classic "bottom drawer" behaviour, where people pick and choose their "evidence" to support their hypothesis, and relegate anything which does not do so to the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet (i.e., as an anomaly, or an irrelevancy).

Didn't you say you were a woman Lucifer? This is how those Israelis who penis you are slurping treat women.


In case you cannot tell, that is a woman peace activist being pulled by her hair along the ground by Israeli soldiers. Nice people you choose to defend.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Lucifer on May 30, 2006, 09:18:44 AM
i, unlike others, do not judge a whole race/ethnic group/religious group/gender/sexual preference/ability or disability - or any of the other isms - by the actions of a sample of them, which is incidental to your argument - another attempt at procrastination, which i'm choosing to answer, this time.

as i pointed out above, as you obviously didn't get it, atrocities are caused by just about every race/ethnic group/gender, etc., etc., so it's pretty pointless highlighting such examples, unless you have a vested interest in cherry picking your "evidence".  substantiated evidence wouldn't need cherry picking.

and please do explain why you seem to think that seuxal innuendo will rile me?  it's puerile, quite frankly.  i'm quite a bit older than you, and have grown out of teenage snitty behaviour.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: McGiver on May 30, 2006, 09:25:53 AM
it looks to me like she just fell down.
and while the soldier was walking, in the normal act a persons arm swings.
looks like the took the still life photograph at the same exact moment to appear like he was pulling her by the hair.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Lucifer on May 30, 2006, 09:27:46 AM
or perhaps they were trying to straighten out some deformity, caused by excessive masturbation.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: McGiver on May 30, 2006, 09:29:41 AM
funny shit there.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Leto729 on June 05, 2006, 09:53:14 PM


To Me not being pulled by her hair but looks like she is wearing a back pack instead might be pulled by that in the end.

Title: Re: Happeh is not right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Callaway on June 06, 2006, 12:02:00 AM (

June 6th 1974 is very old apparently? ;D ;D ;D

31 years old.

Great link, Praetor.? According to them, Jalon is 30 years old today.? His DOB is June 6, 1976.

My goodness!? By the way he talks about being a fat old man, I thought he was at least 65.?

Happy birthday Happeh.? Don't feel so old, I have clothes older than you!  Maybe if you masturbated more, you would not feel so old at only 30!  

{edited out personal information}

Let me be the first to wish Jalon a Happeh Birthday:


Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: duncvis on June 06, 2006, 06:35:29 AM
 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Happeh Birthday! Have a birthday wank - one a year won't hurt, surely...
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Lucifer on June 07, 2006, 01:06:10 AM
hmmmm.  not sure about posting people's address/phone details, to be honest, even if it is available elsewhere on the internet...

Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Peter on June 07, 2006, 05:57:48 AM
hmmmm.  not sure about posting people's address/phone details, to be honest, even if it is available elsewhere on the internet...


How about sattelite photos of their apartments?  That's ok, surely?  ;)

( (
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Beowulf on June 07, 2006, 06:26:24 AM
hmmmm.? not sure about posting people's address/phone details, to be honest, even if it is available elsewhere on the internet...


Me neither.

I must admit I had already come across that UGO Forum thread before Praetor posted the link.
(What can I say? My curiosity was aroused after Happeh mentioned about all the internet forums he'd been banned from.)
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: McGiver on June 07, 2006, 08:06:08 AM
so he brought it on himself and is now taking responsibility for his actions.

yeah, that's the ticket!

happeh, if you want the information removed, ask and i will take care of it for you.

we are not in the habit of deleting posts, and since it is available, freely enough, then i don't think we should edit unless he specifically requests us to.
but if he wishes for his privacy to be harder to pry into, he has to ask.
until then, i say it stays. 
i am willing to hear philosophies on this topic and put it to a vote, if someone  wishes to speak for happeh, it would be fine to do so.  but you aren't allowed to wank until the discussion is conclded.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Peter on June 07, 2006, 08:16:01 AM
Any publically available information should be fair game, and if any idiot who knows what a whois search is can find this stuff, it's definately public.  He entered the public sphere when he set up his website, and it's not our reponsibility to look after his privacy for him.  If he wanted to keep his details private, he could have used this service (, but he either didn't care about people having his address or had a momentary lapse in his superior intellect when registering his domain.
Title: Re: Happeh is not right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Callaway on June 07, 2006, 09:08:28 AM
hmmmm.? not sure about posting people's address/phone details, to be honest, even if it is available elsewhere on the internet...


I will remove the address and phone number from my post if Happeh asks me to, but the "Over the Hill" birthday card stays.? He must know that anyone can read the UGO forum or do a WHOIS search and find his address and telephone number for themselves, however.

{personal information edited out}
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Lucifer on June 07, 2006, 10:36:07 AM
Any publically available information should be fair game, and if any idiot who knows what a whois search is can find this stuff, it's definately public.  He entered the public sphere when he set up his website, and it's not our reponsibility to look after his privacy for him.  If he wanted to keep his details private, he could have used this service (, but he either didn't care about people having his address or had a momentary lapse in his superior intellect when registering his domain.

fair comment, and callaway, too.

probably just me projecting - i can never understand why people are such attention whores, and don't even feel happy people knowing where in the world i live, let alone any details.   :-\
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Praetor on June 07, 2006, 06:30:06 PM
Lucifer after asking a question provoked a response akin to similair behaviour seen in schitzophrenia this fella is probably not far off being similair to this chap who also became the butt of an internet joke. He actually turned out to be institutionalised and had quite serious health problems


Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Leto729 on June 08, 2006, 08:31:23 PM
Can this get any funnier. :laugh:
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Eamonn on June 20, 2006, 03:38:29 PM
Has anyone seen Happeh online recently? Not that i care to debate him but i dont like it when anyone online suddenly goes quiet, especially when people are putting up his address and house picture and the likes.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: purposefulinsanity on June 20, 2006, 03:43:39 PM
Has anyone seen Happeh online recently? Not that i care to debate him but i dont like it when anyone online suddenly goes quiet, especially when people are putting up his address and house picture and the likes.

I had noticed myself he's not been on here recently- is he a member of any of the other AS sites?  ???
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: duncvis on June 20, 2006, 03:49:33 PM
Maybe his bollocks exploded.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Eamonn on June 20, 2006, 04:05:20 PM
I had noticed myself he's not been on here recently- is he a member of any of the other AS sites?  ???

Not that i know of (though he was infamously banned from WP) but i see the last he has posted on his own website was the 6th of this month. Maybe he's finally convinced someone that he deserves serious consideration - his psychiatrist. Seriously though, i hope he posts in his site again soon.
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: purposefulinsanity on June 20, 2006, 04:07:34 PM
I had noticed myself he's not been on here recently- is he a member of any of the other AS sites?  ???

Not that i know of (though he was infamously banned from WP) but i see the last he has posted on his own website was the 6th of this month. Maybe he's finally convinced someone that he deserves serious consideration - his psychiatrist. Seriously though, i hope he posts in his site again soon.

Yeah even if he's got sick of trying to make us deviants stop wanking it would be good to know he was still out there spreading his 'theories'
Title: Re: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Praetor on June 22, 2006, 05:53:50 PM
Like a wild stallion spreading his seed over the villagers wifes
Title: Re: Happeh is not right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on April 21, 2016, 01:52:40 PM (

June 6th 1974 is very old apparently? ;D ;D ;D

31 years old.

Great link, Praetor.? According to them, Jalon is 30 years old today.? His DOB is June 6, 1976.

My goodness!? By the way he talks about being a fat old man, I thought he was at least 65.?

Happy birthday Happeh.? Don't feel so old, I have clothes older than you!  Maybe if you masturbated more, you would not feel so old at only 30! 

{edited out personal information}

Let me be the first to wish Jalon a Happeh Birthday:


OMFG! Did Callaway doxx Happeh??