Start here => Games => Topic started by: shima on April 02, 2006, 11:13:43 PM

Title: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: shima on April 02, 2006, 11:13:43 PM
Not just their posts.  I mean actually stalk, full force, in real life, if you were able to get away with it?

There are many people there I would like to stalk, but I will randomly select Diesel.  Before going any further I should clearly state that my stalking interests are not usually romantic.  And of course, I'm a married woman.

Why would I stalk Diesel?  Because he is a loner's loner.  He somehow has the ability to be alone, and not suffer terribly from being alone, and I would like to know how he does this, and maybe by stalking him for a while I could figure it out, and adapt his techniques to myself.

He also takes very good photographs, so maybe while he's asleep I could get on his computer and study his pictures, including the rejects that are not made public.

I am also very interested by the fact that some of the rooms in his house do not have furniture.  Or at least, this is what I have seen in pictures... I believe they were posted on WP.  Maybe since then those rooms have been furnished.  Either way, I'd like to see.

His house seems unusually neat for a man,  I'd like to understand that facet a bit more, too.

I know Diesel is a member here, so my apologies in advance if I've disturbed you.  There really is nothing to be disturbed about-- (really, honest!).

Another interesting fact about Diesel-- he and I were born in the same year, eight months apart.

I'd also like to meet his cat.

Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: McGiver on April 02, 2006, 11:21:30 PM
thats easy.


who wouldn't.

i wonder if he he conversations with his puppet when he thinks that no-ones looking.  but i would be, i'd be staking him.

next i would stalk ante, just to make him even more paranoid.
wha, hey, who's there?

Third.  i would stalk omega female.  just so people wouldn't think that i'm gay or anything.  you never know.
plus i think she's probably more interresting than she reveals.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: shima on April 03, 2006, 12:16:59 AM
Oh, and it goes without saying that I would stalk the founding members of neurolands, and kevv729, but part of the purpose of stalking is to get information that is being denied you.

I guess women DO want want they can't have!
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: shima on April 03, 2006, 12:18:27 AM
Speaking of stalking, where is the "view all posts made by [insert victim's name]" button?  ??? ??? ???  I'm in withdrawal......................................................................
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: shima on April 03, 2006, 12:19:52 AM
Oh nevermind, it's misnamed "Show the last posts of this person."

Shima postwhores twice.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Postperson on April 03, 2006, 12:37:27 AM
Can't say I ever noticed "diesel" - no idea who that is, and as for The sock puppet, if I recall correctly lives in the Hunter Valley, a few hours drive north of Sydney, so there's a clue for you McPoo.

I can't think of anyone intriguing at WP, but then all I see is a blur of faces, most of the time.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Nomaken on April 03, 2006, 01:46:33 AM
For reasons i'm not going to go into, I am emotionally unable to stalk someone.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Merry Widow on April 03, 2006, 09:10:58 AM
i'm too lazy to stalk anyone properly. sanityisoverrated is very stalkable, in my opinion, but i keep forgetting to check up on him. see - lazy stalking! praetor is quite stalkable, too, but we're mates now, so it would be improper for me to stalk him.

there is one person that i mildly stalk, who has succumbed to my charms  :P and actually wants to meet me. i'm just worried that he'll be disappointed, if i do meet him, because i seem to have built up a reputation for myself that will be impossible to live up to.  :(
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Peter on April 03, 2006, 09:52:59 AM
Quote from: omega_female
i'm just worried that he'll be disappointed, if i do meet him, because i seem to have built up a reputation for myself that will be impossible to live up to. :(

Go down to the library and check out "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Floggers" and you'll be fine.  It's not hard to learn.

I'm also too lazy to stalk people.  About the most stalking I ever do is googling my old friends and crushes ocassionally to see what they're up to.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: shima on April 03, 2006, 10:12:48 AM
Lol!  Stalking must be done with passion or it's not stalking.  That's called: a passing interest.

Diesel is LurkerExtraordinaire on WP.

Let's see if I've managed to scare him to death :o ;).
Nomaken, you seem to be a natural stalker.  Don't be so hard on yourself.

The it's-redundant-to-stalk-friends is a good point to.  Thus why I cannot stalk kev et alia.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: DivaD on April 03, 2006, 10:26:56 AM
there's a great page for stalking people on here!

you can even see if people are stalking you and looking through your profile!

i've already uncovered some scandalous activity going on. take a look at this!

what is it that eamonn and omega_female are getting up to together that we aren't allowed to see?  :o it's certainly made them turn red!  :D
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: eamonn on April 03, 2006, 10:34:58 AM
LOL, Diva. A gentleman never tells. :-*  In regard to the forum title, if it was changed to what male or female on wp you have stalked it would make more interesting reading. :D
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: DivaD on April 03, 2006, 10:40:00 AM
LOL, Diva. A gentleman never tells. :-* 

since when have you been a gentleman?  :D
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: eamonn on April 03, 2006, 10:43:40 AM
LOL, Diva. A gentleman never tells. :-*?

since when have you been a gentleman?? :D

I would tell you but a gentleman never tells. ;)
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Merry Widow on April 03, 2006, 10:49:33 AM
ROFL! it looks like our secret is out, eamonn!  :-[
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Praetor on April 03, 2006, 12:55:01 PM
The closest ive ever come to stalking is finding one of my ex's Myspace  accounts from years ago. I got the shock of my life when I saw what she looks like now to when I went out with her  :o Seems all the music i put onto cd-r from Napster (oh yeah memories) certainly changed her music taste for the better but shes becaome a right goff now

This is my ex who is an aspie in denial who i may have mentioned before BTW. Her brother and father are diagnosed, she has bi-polar (yeah ok enough with the jokes about me and bi-polar chicks) but i reckon shes actually an aspie all along and I wouldn't be suprised if she is.

Ok serious post over

Omega honestly stalking me, hertfordshire ain't worth it love you'l get to royston and turn back for cambridge were rob your toy boy will be waiting.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: McGiver on April 03, 2006, 12:56:35 PM
in the interset of properly stalking omega, i must now add eamonn to my list.

find out what their up to.

Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Praetor on April 03, 2006, 01:10:56 PM
Omega's probably dressed as Gerry Adams and fucking Eamon up his anal passage with a strap on while he wanks over the Irish flag with Sinead O'Connor singing in the background to Rod Stewarts "da ya think im sexy"
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Peter on April 03, 2006, 01:16:30 PM
You know, I was thinking exactly the same thing!
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Merry Widow on April 03, 2006, 02:36:34 PM
Omega's probably dressed as Gerry Adams and fucking Eamon up his anal passage with a strap on while he wanks over the Irish flag with Sinead O'Connor singing in the background to Rod Stewarts "da ya think im sexy"

how did you know?!  :o you've been spying on me, haven't you?!!
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Praetor on April 03, 2006, 02:46:03 PM
Omega's probably dressed as Gerry Adams and fucking Eamon up his anal passage with a strap on while he wanks over the Irish flag with Sinead O'Connor singing in the background to Rod Stewarts "da ya think im sexy"

how did you know?!  :o you've been spying on me, haven't you?!!

I have my contacts....lenses that is
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: El on April 03, 2006, 02:53:04 PM
The better you know me in real life, the more likely it is that I will use my stalker kung-fu on you.  OK, well, the more likely it is that I, who walk at the speed of light, will come up behind you and try to scare the crap out of you in some nonspecified way.  However I only know one person on WP in real life and due to the fact that when he and I are actually close enough for me to stalk him he's there to see me anyway, he's difficult to physically stalk, so I have to settle for keeping a file on him.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Praetor on April 03, 2006, 02:57:46 PM
I found out something quite fucked up tonight

Did you know theres a member on WP whos married to a convicted peadofile?

Ive known of this person before I joined WP but i didn't realise they post on there...dodgy stuff
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: McGiver on April 03, 2006, 03:00:11 PM
The better you know me in real life, the more likely it is that I will use my stalker kung-fu on you.? OK, well, the more likely it is that I, who walk at the speed of light, will come up behind you and try to scare the crap out of you in some nonspecified way.? However I only know one person on WP in real life and due to the fact that when he and I are actually close enough for me to stalk him he's there to see me anyway, he's difficult to physically stalk, so I have to settle for keeping a file on him.

members choice worthy.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: God on April 03, 2006, 04:05:10 PM
next i would stalk ante, just to make him even more paranoid.
wha, hey, who's there?

The implication that I am paranoid is an all too common falsification. I'm subjected to this false reality daily by the delusional people I'm surrounded by. The Duty Officer in my Community Mental Health Team is a prime example. She didn't know squat about me prior to our candid discussion, nada, zilch, no background papers filed. Soon enough though it was medication this, medication that, medication-must-peddle-it-down-your-throat-till-you-can't-do-jack. Just you remember I am God, I am infinity. Wait till I get my hands on the psychiatrist in this team. He's on an overseas holiday at the moment. I'll give him a piece of my mind. Taking vacations while there are insane people being let loose in an economically deprived area, he should be ashamed of himself! Just no more involving the police for now please. I've had enough brutal beatings for a day. You know, it would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: El on April 03, 2006, 07:26:42 PM
and by the way myspace isn't stalking, it's research.? ?;D

((Oh, the joys of myspace.? And LJ, but that'f better for us less-visually-oriented females to get an idea of what someone's like.))

EDIT:  I'm very fond of myspace at the moment because I found the myspace of my old high school nemesis.  Well, ym mom did, and sent it to me.  I was havign  a bad day when I saw it but somehow the sight of her wearing next to nothing and not doing it well brightened up my day.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Nomaken on April 03, 2006, 09:14:38 PM
It is hard to explain but basically I am emotionally reluctant to pursue any women at all.  Each time i pursue a women, even subtlely, the time between pursuits(of any degree) gets longer and longer.  Based on the rate of change, i wont be due to pursue another women until i'm 28.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Peter on April 04, 2006, 04:50:25 PM
Quote from: PMS Elle
((Oh, the joys of myspace.  And LJ, but that'f better for us less-visually-oriented females to get an idea of what someone's like.))

I bumped into hale_bopp's myspace today.  Seems she's not so afraid of stalkers after all, given that that's about the worst possible place she could put stuff that she doesn't want people she knows to find.

Well, ym mom did, and sent it to me.  I was havign  a bad day when I saw it but somehow the sight of her wearing next to nothing and not doing it well brightened up my day.

So, your mum often sends you links to semi-nude girls?  I'm sure your myspace nudies are much better than high-school person's.    :-*
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Praetor on April 04, 2006, 04:55:19 PM
Myspace needs to be renamed myn00dz

All these female exhibitionists on show its like a global meat market
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Praetor on April 04, 2006, 04:57:59 PM
I bumped into hale_bopp's myspace today

Link it then for us to laugh at
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: duncvis on April 04, 2006, 05:00:36 PM
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Ice Cream Headache on April 04, 2006, 05:03:13 PM
There are SO many sexy people on these forums!

I'd stalk shima, Nomaken, Serissa, Mrs. Satan, and McKenzie first. Then anyone else who catches my fancy.? ;D
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Peter on April 04, 2006, 05:03:36 PM
Quote from: Praetor
All these female exhibitionists on show its like a global meat market

Guys can be just as bad, you know.  I've got a very nice topless pic on there.  ;D

<Listens to the sound of the myspace servers melting down from the flood of requests from my stalkers>

Link it then for us to laugh at

Very well.  Her stuff's fair game now by my reckoning.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Peter on April 04, 2006, 05:07:51 PM
Quote from: Ice Cream Headache
There are SO many sexy people on these forums!

I'd stalk shima, Nomaken, Serissa, Mrs. Satan, and McKenzie first. Then anyone else who catches my fancy.

I feel kind of queezy when I think of Nomaken these days.  No idea why.  Nope, none at all. (

And I really come at number 5 on your stalk list?  ;D
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Praetor on April 04, 2006, 05:10:29 PM
Guys can be just as bad, you know.  I've got a very nice topless pic on there

Terrible, have you no pride man  :P

So this is hale bopp/fiona, i get the impression shes  just a tad/tiny bit of a stuck up fuckwit
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Ice Cream Headache on April 04, 2006, 05:13:16 PM
And I really come at number 5 on your stalk list?? ;D
Well, I *could* give you a bump, Mr. Plummer.  :o
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Peter on April 04, 2006, 05:16:12 PM
Quote from: Praetor
Terrible, have you no pride man

On the contrary; I'm very proud of how I look topless.

So this is hale bopp/fiona, i get the impression shes  just a tad/tiny bit of a stuck up fuckwit

Whatever would give you that idea?   :o ??? :-\

Quote from: Ice Cream Headache
Well, I *could* give you a bump, Mr. Plummer.  :o

<Strokes his moustache>

Would you like to see my... tool?
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: eamonn on April 04, 2006, 05:18:27 PM

Would you like to see my... tool?

Yes please. :-*
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Peter on April 04, 2006, 05:24:43 PM
But you see my tool every weekend, honey.  Don't you think it's time someone else had a go?
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Praetor on April 04, 2006, 05:25:37 PM
Whatever would give you that idea? 

Body posture, and predictable poses for camera shots and a madonna complex
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: El on April 04, 2006, 05:36:30 PM
This is random, but this is where I first noticed this, and I now realize that I HAVE to say it.

PeterMacKenzie, you're being a cunt.

((Don't smite me for being bitchy.

((Do smite me for making a godawful pun.))
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: eamonn on April 04, 2006, 05:42:04 PM
But you see my tool every weekend, honey.? Don't you think it's time someone else had a go?

Come and have another go if ya think yer hard enough!
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Peter on April 04, 2006, 05:46:03 PM
Quote from: Praetor
Body posture, and predictable poses for camera shots and a madonna complex

Well, she's immature (, abbrasive ( and tends to say things and then refuse to defend them (, plus quite anally retentive, but she could be worse.

Quote from: PMS Elle
PeterMacKenzie, you're being a cunt.

Why thankyou.  Tomorrow I might be a dick if you're lucky.  ;)
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: El on April 04, 2006, 06:02:44 PM

Quote from: PMS Elle
PeterMacKenzie, you're being a cunt.

Why thankyou.? Tomorrow I might be a dick if you're lucky.? ;)

If you don't change your avatar, that makes you a total pussy, you know.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Peter on April 04, 2006, 06:05:50 PM
Is this more manly of me?
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: El on April 04, 2006, 06:43:58 PM
Is this more manly of me?

It's so cute!
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: eamonn on April 04, 2006, 06:53:31 PM
Is this more manly of me?

Manly as in you like men's cocks? Why yes it is.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Praetor on April 04, 2006, 07:36:32 PM
Is this more manly of me?

Manly as in you like men's cocks? Why yes it is.

Is there something I should know about you two?
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: eamonn on April 04, 2006, 07:40:24 PM
I think we need to tell our parents first before we tell anyone else. ee by gum, there's nowt queer as folk, Phil lad.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Praetor on April 04, 2006, 07:41:40 PM
I think we need to tell our parents first before we tell anyone else. ee by gum, there's nowt queer as folk, Phil lad.

Its ok i'll only start worrying when you go into a wine bar, tell me your getting on the property ladder and start playing squash with a bloke called Gerald...only then will you be a working class sell out  :P
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: eamonn on April 05, 2006, 07:20:44 AM
Not just their posts.? I mean actually stalk, full force, in real life, if you were able to get away with it?

There are many people there I would like to stalk, but I will randomly select Diesel.? Before going any further I should clearly state that my stalking interests are not usually romantic.? And of course, I'm a married woman.

Why would I stalk Diesel?? Because he is a loner's loner.? He somehow has the ability to be alone, and not suffer terribly from being alone, and I would like to know how he does this, and maybe by stalking him for a while I could figure it out, and adapt his techniques to myself.

He also takes very good photographs, so maybe while he's asleep I could get on his computer and study his pictures, including the rejects that are not made public.

I am also very interested by the fact that some of the rooms in his house do not have furniture.? Or at least, this is what I have seen in pictures... I believe they were posted on WP.? Maybe since then those rooms have been furnished.? Either way, I'd like to see.

His house seems unusually neat for a man,? I'd like to understand that facet a bit more, too.

I know Diesel is a member here, so my apologies in advance if I've disturbed you.? There really is nothing to be disturbed about-- (really, honest!).

Another interesting fact about Diesel-- he and I were born in the same year, eight months apart.

I'd also like to meet his cat.

What's your favourite scary movie?
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Merry Widow on April 05, 2006, 08:05:01 AM
I'd stalk shima, Nomaken, Serissa, Mrs. Satan, and McKenzie first.

i told you it's Ms. Satan - not Mrs. Satan.

i get the impression that you actually want some negative attention from me.

Ms. Satan, as admin.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Draggon on April 05, 2006, 08:38:33 AM
BBL... this will be a long list I think
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Peter on April 05, 2006, 02:15:19 PM
Quote from: Praetor
Quote from: eamonn
Quote from: PeterMacKenzie
Is this more manly of me?

Manly as in you like men's cocks? Why yes it is.

Is there something I should know about you two?

No, not at all.  I've never diddled eamonn's anus.  Not once.  Never.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: eamonn on April 05, 2006, 04:24:49 PM

No, not at all.? I've never diddled eamonn's anus.? Not once.? Never.

But hey diddle diddle, you played with my fiddle, and Hypnotica jumped over the moon.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Nomaken on April 05, 2006, 05:05:35 PM
Quote from: Ice Cream Headache
There are SO many sexy people on these forums!

I'd stalk shima, Nomaken, Serissa, Mrs. Satan, and McKenzie first. Then anyone else who catches my fancy.

I feel kind of queezy when I think of Nomaken these days.? No idea why.? Nope, none at all. (

And I really come at number 5 on your stalk list?? ;D

I know there are a lot of posts where the poster(usually a newbie) says they are too weird even for an AS community, but I could tell after browsing around WP for like 10 minutes i was probably one of the weirdest, creepiest motherfuckers on the site.  Perhaps I'm not, but i'm certainly the most honest weirdest one.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Merry Widow on April 17, 2006, 10:29:34 AM
sanityisoverrated is very stalkable, in my opinion, but i keep forgetting to check up on him.

is anyone impressed that i invented a new adjective in that sentence?
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: McGiver on April 17, 2006, 03:01:01 PM
stalkable= stalk worthy.
i like stalkable
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: El on April 17, 2006, 04:57:42 PM
stalkable= stalk worthy.
i like stalkable

It's a totally coinable phrase.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Randy on June 21, 2006, 02:11:55 PM
I encourage stalking of me.  I will do so by putting seminude pics up.  This is what my mom is afraid of.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Lucifer on June 21, 2006, 02:13:23 PM
(she's not the only one...   :-\ )
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: hiroshima on June 21, 2006, 03:15:46 PM
Isn't your mom worried about the fact that you're a porn star ??? ?
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Randy on June 21, 2006, 05:22:29 PM
Is it ok to follow someone around and make obnixous comments?
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: McGiver on June 21, 2006, 06:57:55 PM
what afraid someone might steal her boyfriend?
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Nomaken on June 21, 2006, 07:10:16 PM
I think it would be fun to be stalked, but I'd make it really difficult for the person stalking me because I don't think I will be worried or bothered.  If I saw an axe in my rear view mirror when driving my car I'd say "At least wait until i'm going at a less dangerous speed!  You're libel to break your neck chopping my head off at this speed."
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: QuirkyCarla on June 23, 2006, 12:27:30 AM
I stalk people online a lot, but I'm too lazy to stalk any of these people in person. The only person who would be easy to stalk is Nomaken since he has given is last name, address, and phone number.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Lucifer on June 23, 2006, 12:22:08 PM
Is it ok to follow someone around and make obnixous comments?

no idea - what's "obnixous"?

if you mean obnoxious, fluorescent, then breathe easily - i'm not being obnoxious, just filling the time instead of smoking.  i couldn't be arsed being obnoxious, to be honest.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Randy on July 03, 2006, 04:15:27 AM
That does sound fuckn retarded.  Oh well, I could have tried harder.  I guess I will follow lucifer around and annoy the fuck out of her.  Maybe I can get her to double her smoking habit! or more!
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Lucifer on July 03, 2006, 08:24:05 AM
correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't double zero still zero?

or have they changed the whole system of mathematics since last friday?
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: McGiver on July 03, 2006, 08:56:01 AM
Psst.  hey fluorescent.  i am not dissing you here, but, with this one, you are in way over your head.  Although i also try with her, i too, am in way over my head.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Randy on July 03, 2006, 05:54:46 PM
You think so?  Is this a worthy challenge?  I BET NOT! >:D
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Randy on July 03, 2006, 06:03:34 PM
Yeah my mom's is worried I am a pornstar.  She is having a fuckn mental fit about the seminude pic, and that is with the rock solid logic I put.  She is afraid I will get a stalker.  Woman stalkers are cool!
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Callaway on July 03, 2006, 06:19:52 PM
Yeah my mom's is worried I am a pornstar.  She is having a fuckn mental fit about the seminude pic, and that is with the rock solid logic I put.  She is afraid I will get a stalker.  Woman stalkers are cool!

You say that only because you have never had one, Fluorescent.  I think you should listen to your mother, even though the final decision of what to do is completely yours to make.

Maybe your brother and his girlfriend are stalling because she asked them to try to protect you.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Randy on July 04, 2006, 10:50:43 AM
Like I could not handle that situation.  It just so happens my brother and his girlfriend agreed.  Yeah you are probably right, the girlfriend who had the camera was probably stalling.   It Does not mean I can't install my webcam with my brother's e drive, does it?
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: McGiver on July 04, 2006, 10:51:47 AM
she meant that you never had a stalker.  it wouldn't be fun.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Randy on July 04, 2006, 11:00:57 AM
Are they going to beat me up? >:D

Are they going to rape me? >:D

If I was really having a problem with a stalker, I could find some way to deal with it.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: McGiver on July 04, 2006, 11:07:00 AM
i found that farting during head helps.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Randy on July 04, 2006, 11:09:49 AM
So I guess  according to my mom's logic, in the summer, I am not allowed to take my shirt off.

Mc Jagger,  do you know what a queff is ? I am not sure how its spelled
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: McGiver on July 04, 2006, 11:13:58 AM
its a pussy fart.
but it usually happens right after sex, when alot of air has been forced up there.
sometimes during sex, you have to pull out because of the uncomfortable feeling that the woman is getting from too much air up there.

let her ppphart, it out, then you may reinsert.  but after a good laugh and one of these  :-[ on her part.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Randy on July 04, 2006, 11:28:04 AM
That is what the pain is about?  I knew what one was, but did not know about that other stuff.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: McGiver on July 04, 2006, 11:40:46 AM
if you are a larger man (not small like me) then you can fill it up and no air gets in  there.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Lucifer on July 04, 2006, 12:11:58 PM
If I was really having a problem with a stalker, I could find some way to deal with it.

just talk at them, should do it.  if their brain hasn't made a bid for freedom after two or three minutes, then they're probably non-sentient, and you have nothing to worry about.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Randy on July 04, 2006, 12:15:36 PM
I will ignore the retard!  maybe!

I am sure x smokers are hot too.  I am normal sized so I have just as much otf that happening as anyone else.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: McGiver on July 04, 2006, 12:20:00 PM
i am not everyone else i am SMALL! :'(
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Randy on July 04, 2006, 12:22:56 PM
Genetic weakness or special purpose, go figure.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Callaway on July 04, 2006, 04:37:48 PM
Are they going to beat me up? >:D

Are they going to rape me? >:D

If I was really having a problem with a stalker, I could find some way to deal with it.

They might beat you up and rape you and then tell you if they can't have you then nobody ever will and threaten to kill you.  They might call you at all hours of the day and night and follow you when you leave your house.  You might have to move from state to state several times to try to get away from them, just to have them track you down, again and again.

Believe me, it is no fun at all.  You do not want a stalker, male or female.

I do not think any of the women that are here will stalk you if you post a swimsuit picture of yourself, so I believe your mother is mistaken about that, but that is a separate issue from you thinking it would be cool to have a female stalker.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Randy on July 04, 2006, 06:46:57 PM
There are two problems here.  I took some judo, but I only made it up to yellow belt because I ran out of money.  It was called the gentle judo club, roughly translated, which means they did not teach striking.  I will go back there and take some other class or just some other class.  I workout too, so that means I am strong. They would have catch me and they would have to struggle with me.  The only way they would have a chance is with a gun, but I could call the police.  If a woman did it I probably would just let her have at it.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: drucella on July 04, 2006, 08:08:25 PM

I would stalk fiz.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: duncvis on July 05, 2006, 04:01:29 AM
There are two problems here.  [...wibble wibble wibble...]

fluorescent. reality check for you - you're not a big guy. and before you cry 'bring on the psycho hose beast', do yourself a favour and rent 'Fatal Attraction'.  ::)
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Randy on July 05, 2006, 04:18:09 AM
I see some pretty big shit sometimes.  It goes up and down, for what reason I don't know.  Ok perves, bring it on!
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: drucella on July 05, 2006, 05:08:12 PM
I would also stalk Hale bopp.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: McJ on July 05, 2006, 06:04:41 PM
All the ones that McJagger does not get tp first
AIDS you know, i never neede them
they cum in handy though
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: drucella on July 06, 2006, 09:33:14 AM
Ooh, and GroovyDruid.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: TheoK on December 18, 2008, 07:44:53 PM
I would also stalk Hale bopp.

Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: The_Chosen_One on December 22, 2008, 09:05:37 AM
Ooh, and GroovyDruid.
:lol: If he's groovy, then I'm santa claus.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Peter on December 22, 2008, 12:26:33 PM
I'm too lazy and my attention span is too short for me to stalk anyone.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 22, 2008, 03:47:47 PM
I just don't care to,  I found my intrest and abilities widened with change in lifestyle habits.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Blasted on May 01, 2010, 04:35:29 PM
Snazzlestick.  She's awesome  8)
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: "couldbecousin" on May 01, 2010, 08:16:51 PM
I'm too lazy and my attention span is too short for me to stalk anyone.

Mine too! Why, it's as if we're made for each other! :orly:

                                           ...HEY! :idea:
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Scrapheap on May 04, 2010, 12:06:51 AM
I'd stalk CBC. just to give her an ego boost.  :thumbup:
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: "couldbecousin" on May 04, 2010, 05:19:39 AM
I'd stalk CBC. just to give her an ego boost.  :thumbup:

You'd have a lot of laughs watching me :GA: and listening to me :blah: !
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: RageBeoulve on May 05, 2010, 08:16:38 AM
I wouldn't stalk. Its creepy.

And i've been stalked before.  :-\
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: "couldbecousin" on May 05, 2010, 04:33:08 PM
I wouldn't stalk. Its creepy.

And i've been stalked before.  :-\

I wouldn't really stalk. I'm too timid and polite. :angel:
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: RageBeoulve on May 06, 2010, 08:03:09 AM
I've been stalked by dudes and chicks alike. Its was especially creepy when it was a dude. I was like wtf man.  :-\
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Charlotte Quin on May 06, 2010, 08:12:57 AM
I'm probably getting stalked by someone from WP right now :P
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: RageBeoulve on May 06, 2010, 08:13:46 AM
Would you like to stalk me penis while they watch? Just to make them jealous you understand!  :o
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Charlotte Quin on May 06, 2010, 08:18:04 AM
My stalker is my BF, so no :laugh:
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: RageBeoulve on May 06, 2010, 08:20:13 AM
Thought i'd offer. So your stalker is your best friend?  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: 'Butterflies' on May 06, 2010, 01:51:12 PM
I just don't care to,  I found my intrest and abilities widened with change in lifestyle habits.

I'd stalk Randy because he's sooo damned cute. :-*
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Adam on May 06, 2010, 03:40:27 PM
so are there any hot women on WP these days?
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Natalia Evans on May 06, 2010, 04:49:34 PM
Kathryn_7 is hot and everyone says I'm hot. I have gotten it from men.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: El on May 06, 2010, 05:01:59 PM
There are SO many sexy people on these forums!

I'd stalk shima, Nomaken, Serissa, Mrs. Satan, and McKenzie first. Then anyone else who catches my fancy.? ;D
Wow, was that irony, or prophecy?
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Icequeen on May 06, 2010, 09:35:37 PM
I've been stalked a few times, normally never for long though.   :laugh:
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Natalia Evans on May 06, 2010, 09:44:00 PM
I've been stalked on IM by endersdragon. But of course he claims he didn't stalk me but I'm sorry but IMing someone and IMing them under different screen names after they have blocked you and told you they don't want to talk to you anymore is stalking. Especially when you get nasty just because you didn't get your way and they were being informal with you. Then you play the victim saying they are being mean to you.

Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on May 07, 2010, 05:39:39 AM
Now why the fuck would I want to stalk anyone from there?

No-one of value or interest that's exclusive there to stalk really.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: RageBeoulve on May 07, 2010, 05:49:58 AM
There are SO many sexy people on these forums!

I'd stalk shima, Nomaken, Serissa, Mrs. Satan, and McKenzie first. Then anyone else who catches my fancy.? ;D
Wow, was that irony, or prophecy?
Oh lawd... :LOL:
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: El on June 21, 2010, 05:12:09 PM
Oh lawd... :LOL:
"Oh lawd" is probably the best category for it, actually.   :laugh:
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Alex179 on June 24, 2010, 06:48:23 PM
There are SO many sexy people on these forums!

I'd stalk shima, Nomaken, Serissa, Mrs. Satan, and McKenzie first. Then anyone else who catches my fancy.? ;D
Wow, was that irony, or prophecy?
Prophecy imo.   He is probably working at a fevered pace right now on his plan to successfully stalk you.   He will begin once he finishes trolling people on the internets and playing videogames for the day.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: El on June 25, 2010, 04:37:14 AM
There are SO many sexy people on these forums!

I'd stalk shima, Nomaken, Serissa, Mrs. Satan, and McKenzie first. Then anyone else who catches my fancy.? ;D
Wow, was that irony, or prophecy?
Prophecy imo.   He is probably working at a fevered pace right now on his plan to successfully stalk you.   He will begin once he finishes trolling people on the internets and playing videogames for the day.
I hope for his sake he wouldn't be dumb enough to stalk me again; as I recall I was about this far:  |  | from taking legal action when he made the Lurker account.  I assume he's prolly obsessing over/stalking some poor other woman; he has a long-standing pattern of doing so.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Alex179 on June 25, 2010, 03:21:27 PM
There are SO many sexy people on these forums!

I'd stalk shima, Nomaken, Serissa, Mrs. Satan, and McKenzie first. Then anyone else who catches my fancy.? ;D
Wow, was that irony, or prophecy?
Prophecy imo.   He is probably working at a fevered pace right now on his plan to successfully stalk you.   He will begin once he finishes trolling people on the internets and playing videogames for the day.
I hope for his sake he wouldn't be dumb enough to stalk me again; as I recall I was about this far:  |  | from taking legal action when he made the Lurker account.  I assume he's prolly obsessing over/stalking some poor other woman; he has a long-standing pattern of doing so.
P made the Lurker account just to fuck with you?   That would mean he pretended to be your ex in order to screw with you.    That is some shit right there lol.   I wouldn't classify that as stalking though.   Sounds like a really mean prank to me.   If he was trying to get info and find where you live irl and kept harassing you for info and shit, then that is stalking.   It isn't like P was showing up at your work or school with a strap-on for you to buttfuck him with or anything.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: El on July 02, 2010, 04:39:31 AM
P made the Lurker account just to fuck with you?   That would mean he pretended to be your ex in order to screw with you.    That is some shit right there lol.   I wouldn't classify that as stalking though.   Sounds like a really mean prank to me.   If he was trying to get info and find where you live irl and kept harassing you for info and shit, then that is stalking.   It isn't like P was showing up at your work or school with a strap-on for you to buttfuck him with or anything.
Umm, who the hell mentioned P?  Ice cream headache was one of my ex's sock puppet accounts, and he (my ex) definitely made the Lurker account to monitor me without me knowing it was him after I broke up with him.
Title: Re: Which male or female on WP would you stalk?
Post by: Squidusa on December 15, 2010, 07:50:41 PM
Definately QM he's one sexy motherfucker  :indeed: