Politics, Mature and taboo => Political Pundits => Topic started by: Beowulf on May 10, 2006, 04:44:06 PM

Title: Can organ transplants affect your personality?
Post by: Beowulf on May 10, 2006, 04:44:06 PM
(This isn't really a political story, but we don't have a general news section here.)

What do others think about this phenomenon? Maybe Praetor and Happeh have some ideas.



Some heart recipients report strange changes
Say they sense traits, tastes of organ donors
By Carla McClain
Arizona Daily Star
Tucson, Arizona | Published: 02.27.2005

For most of her life, the young woman hated sports.

And though she was born and raised in Tucson, she never liked Mexican food. She craved Italian and was a pasta junkie.

But three years ago, all that changed for Jaime Sherman, 28, when she underwent a heart transplant at University Medical Center, after battling a heart defect since birth.

"Now I love football, baseball, basketball. You name it, I follow it," said Sherman, a psychology student at Arizona State University. "And Mexican food is by far my favorite."

She'd heard similar stories - of people who get donor hearts, develop new and surprising tastes and traits, then trace them to the donor. It's an eerie phenomenon that has triggered controversy and skepticism.

Could it be happening to her?

No scientific evidence exists to explain how characteristics of an organ donor might live on in the person who gets their organ. But theories and speculation abound, from the transforming power of beating a death sentence to the notion that the body's cells store memory.

Some blame the toxic effects of potent transplant drugs and heavy anesthesia, while others cite the psychological trauma of knowing someone had to die to save a life.

But even the self-described skeptics admit there may be more to this than imagination, though they insist it happens to a minority of patients.

Title: Re: Can organ transplants affect your personality?
Post by: Lucifer on May 11, 2006, 12:33:06 AM
well, if it were to be a brain transplant, i dare say it might affect your personality.
Title: Re: Can organ transplants affect your personality?
Post by: McGiver on May 11, 2006, 02:51:14 AM
what about the penis organ.

if a man got a bigger one i bet you 10 to 1 that he would be more cocky.
Title: Re: Can organ transplants affect your personality?
Post by: purposefulinsanity on May 11, 2006, 03:58:41 AM
what about the penis organ.

if a man got a bigger one i bet you 10 to 1 that he would be more cocky.

groan  :P
Title: Re: Can organ transplants affect your personality?
Post by: McGiver on May 11, 2006, 05:16:30 AM
take a poll to see if you are in a minority.  i suspect that i am the wierd one.
Title: Re: Can organ transplants affect your personality?
Post by: Happeh on May 11, 2006, 10:49:52 AM
(This isn't really a political story, but we don't have a general news section here.)

What do others think about this phenomenon? Maybe Praetor and Happeh have some ideas.



Thanks! I collect those stories. It is people or doctors or the medical establishment refusing to accept reality because it does not fit their world view, or it scares them. I especially liked this part

"The heart is a pump and no more - it is not capable of emotional transfer," said Patti Cook, 68, who got her donor heart at UMC in 1989, and is president of the New Heart Society, a statewide support group. "I've seen this stuff on TV, but I think some people need their 15 minutes of fame. I don't think the idea holds credibility."

The woman has to say this. Otherwise she will go nuts. If she really believes that a piece of somebody else is inside of her body, she will go crazy. Did you ever see those movies like the Two Headed Man where they do a transplant and the implanted organs take over the body they are implanted in?

Organ transplant is wrong. Those people who donate kidneys? They are crippling themselves for life. Those doctors are lying to them or they do not know what they are talking about.

Title: Re: Can organ transplants affect your personality?
Post by: Peter on May 11, 2006, 11:24:38 AM
How about blood transfusions, Happeh?  Are they ok?
Title: Re: Can organ transplants affect your personality?
Post by: El on May 11, 2006, 05:55:54 PM
How about major surgery which is life-changing in some way but removes and does not add an organ?  I'd imagine that any major life event could trigger some cognitive restructuring from a nonbiological perspective.  Or perhaps the anasthesia somehow fucked up the brain chemistry of that woman.

You take any two people off the face of the earth and I'd be surprised if they didn't have odd things in common.  And example I can give here:

Show me any ten people in jail and I'll bet you at least eight, probably nine and possibly ten of them all had one thing in common as infants.

Ready for this?

It'll blow your fuckin' mind.

They all drank formula or milk.

I'm a fuckin' magician.

Title: Re: Can organ transplants affect your personality?
Post by: Happeh on May 12, 2006, 03:50:54 AM
How about blood transfusions, Happeh?? Are they ok?

I don't really know. I know that it personally gives me the willys. I don't know if I would have a blood transfusion or not.
Title: Re: Can organ transplants affect your personality?
Post by: Postperson on May 12, 2006, 04:40:33 AM
I thought there was such a thing as 'cell memory'. Am i wrong?
Title: Re: Can organ transplants affect your personality?
Post by: Peter on May 12, 2006, 04:58:32 AM
I thought there was such a thing as 'cell memory'. Am i wrong?

Depends what you mean by 'cell memory'; if you mean it in the mystical sense (, then no, there appears to be no compelling evidence for that, however cells do respond to stimuli, and the changes persist through time for some limited duration, so in that sense, cells could be said to have a memory, though not much more advanced than the memory a piece of iron has of being hit in the form of dents in the surface and shock-patterns in the crystals.
Title: Re: Can organ transplants affect your personality?
Post by: Postperson on May 12, 2006, 05:02:24 AM
mm I had to have ultrasound on my back a few years ago because of chronic pain from a lifetime of bad posture, and it was as though my back's (muscles I suppose) memory had been erased. I could stand up straight effortlessly which I couldn't have done before. It seemed to me that my bad posture was 'learned', which it is, sort of but to have it change that quickly from a quasi medical procedure was strange.
Title: Re: Can organ transplants affect your personality?
Post by: Peter on May 12, 2006, 06:38:00 AM
Maybe it was a psychosomatic problem, and the treatment made you sufficiently aware of the area concerned to stop your nerves from constantly tensing the muscles?  Kind of like how they treat people with spinal injuries; they stimulate the muscles they want to repair the nerve connections to so that the nervous system can relearn how to activate and control them.

What do you mean by an ultrasound 'treatment' though?  Isn't ultrasound a purely diagnostic scanning technology?
Title: Re: Can organ transplants affect your personality?
Post by: Lucifer on May 12, 2006, 10:03:53 AM
nope.  they use it to disintegrate gall stones and kidney stones, and that sort of thing.

there is one "interesting" (i'm being kind) theory, which suggests that joshua and his trumpets COULD have knocked down the walls of jericho, using sonic waves = ultrasound.

you live and learn, eh? 
Title: Re: Can organ transplants affect your personality?
Post by: Peter on May 12, 2006, 10:17:13 AM
I'd fogotten about the kidney stone thing.  Still would be interested in how it's used for back problems though.
Title: Re: Can organ transplants affect your personality?
Post by: Happeh on May 12, 2006, 11:30:30 AM
I'd fogotten about the kidney stone thing.? Still would be interested in how it's used for back problems though.

Makes you wonder doesn't it? If something cannot bend, that is because it is tight, or something is holding it back. Like there was a string preventing him from standing up straight.

Maybe the ultrasound pulverized that "string" that was holding him down?
Title: Re: Can organ transplants affect your personality?
Post by: CuriousPrimate on May 12, 2006, 11:31:03 AM
I've met a few people who have had a penis grafted to their head.

Or did it just seem like that?
Title: Re: Can organ transplants affect your personality?
Post by: Lucifer on May 12, 2006, 12:01:42 PM
/dies laughing...   :D
Title: Re: Can organ transplants affect your personality?
Post by: Peter on May 12, 2006, 12:13:16 PM
I'd fogotten about the kidney stone thing.  Still would be interested in how it's used for back problems though.

Makes you wonder doesn't it? If something cannot bend, that is because it is tight, or something is holding it back. Like there was a string preventing him from standing up straight.

Maybe the ultrasound pulverized that "string" that was holding him down?

Wow, it's great that they were able to sort out her masturbation damage!  Do you think this would help other masturbation victims?
Title: Re: Can organ transplants affect your personality?
Post by: Happeh on May 13, 2006, 08:45:41 AM
I've met a few people who have had a penis grafted to their head.

Or did it just seem like that?

Did you know that people are reflections of each other?

You were seeing yourself when you looked at those people with a penis on their head.

After all, what kind of rude person would say "Hey! There is a penis on your head"?

That is like telling a cripple "Hey! Your legs are messed up".
Title: Re: Can organ transplants affect your personality?
Post by: CuriousPrimate on May 13, 2006, 09:15:58 AM
The term is Dick-head, Happeh.
Title: Re: Can organ transplants affect your personality?
Post by: Happeh on May 14, 2006, 09:03:36 AM
The term is Dick-head, Happeh.

This is why you don't want blood transfusions. Everyone already knows you can get AIDS from blood transfusion. The French government knowingingly gave people AIDS with bad blood. What did they say? "Ooops! Sorry!"

I think you can also get hepatitis from blood transfusion. Now they are saying you can get Mad Cow disease from a blood transfusion.

"Reported in 2004, elderly patients were the second probable case of blood-borne vCJD transmitted between humans. The first was identified months earlier, in December 2003, in a 62-year-old man who died of vCJD six years after a blood transfusion. This man's blood donor had been an apparently healthy young man who died of vCJD three years after the donation."

This story also illustrates another of my themes. How the government lies to you all the time. This story is about Britain. But it is in an Australian newspaper. Your government would let you get Mad Cow just so the beef guys can keep making money. Just look at how the French let those people get AIDS so whoever it was could keep making money.
Title: Re: Can organ transplants affect your personality?
Post by: ozymandias on May 14, 2006, 03:06:41 PM
Well as a registered nurse, any kind of MAJOR surgery can affect a person's personality, IMHO.  Not unlike any other major life affecting/altering moment.  I have seen this happen on the job and in my medical journals as well.  But, like anything else the degree of change/affect depends on the crisis and the individual.

Title: Re: Can organ transplants affect your personality?
Post by: Happeh on May 14, 2006, 11:27:39 PM
Well as a registered nurse, any kind of MAJOR surgery can affect a person's personality, IMHO.? Not unlike any other major life affecting/altering moment.? I have seen this happen on the job and in my medical journals as well.? But, like anything else the degree of change/affect depends on the crisis and the individual.


Thanks for your insight. You sound like you are in a position to see real evidence.
Title: Re: Can organ transplants affect your personality?
Post by: Squidusa on September 14, 2011, 03:31:22 PM
I wouldn't have thought it would change your personality , just maybe give you a change of heart, the question does make my brain spin however.  :zoinks:

(Just postwhoring again)
Title: Re: Can organ transplants affect your personality?
Post by: The_Chosen_One on September 14, 2011, 08:03:12 PM
You little necrobumper, you.  :eyebrows:
Title: Re: Can organ transplants affect your personality?
Post by: Phallacy on September 14, 2011, 08:13:06 PM
Well, it makes a lot of sense, really. Talk about a "change of heart"! :orly:
Title: Re: Can organ transplants affect your personality?
Post by: 'Butterflies' on September 14, 2011, 08:14:47 PM
If you subconsciously believe something could possibly change your personality, then there's a chance that it might.